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Four Horsemen Cometh, And Hell Followed

Page 3

by William Swafford

  Chapter Three


  Saturday things only seemed to get worst. The whole world was still experiencing bad weather that it has never seen before.

  There were power outages across the globe and forty percent of the people lost their cable television programs. New reports says that power companies has been out none stop trying to restore power to the biggest power outage in history.

  Trevor was lucky not to lose anything, but his and his uncle’s yards were getting flooded. Their yards usually flooded when they had a good storm, but there had never been anything like this before.

  The small town doesn’t get any kind of extreme weather that has been one thing that Trevor has always liked about it. Bad thunderstorms, hailstorms, and the occasional two-feet of snow, and that is all you have to worry about.

  A tornado just missed the north end of town by two miles. That is the closet reported tornado to come close to the town. The town still felt a majority of the winds for the twister and there are a lot trees down.

  His town was just like any other town on the news. The town’s Police, EMS, and Fire departments haven’t had any rest. There have been fires and accidents all over the county. County workers have several trees to clean up that had fallen in the middle of some streets.

  Trevor planned to call and check on most of his family, since the all lived in the same town. He was surprised that the power cable was still on. He wasn’t going to complain though. The town had been through four days without power due to an ice storm the previous year.


  The three tweekers sat anxiously for their product to be done. The three skinny nervous boys loved their meth. They were trying to cook up a big batch to sell and for personal use. They already had plans for what to do with the money.

  “I’m going to buy a fat bag of weed,” Brad said.

  “You’re just wasting money on that,” Jeff said. “Weed doesn’t affect you that much when you’re on meth.”

  The three were in their twenties and didn’t have a job between them. Brad had worked construction with his brother, but got fired when his brother found out about his drug problem. He was stocky and in great shape. The meth had destroyed his body like everyone else.

  Josh, who was coming up on his twenty-fifth birthday, had plenty of jobs since he was sixteen. The problem was that he couldn’t keep a job for more than three days even when he wasn’t doing meth. He had lived with his mom when he was younger, but now lives with his dad.

  Then there was Jeff the cook. He had talked the other two into getting him what he needed to cook up the meth. He had promised them some of the money and some of it for personal use for them.

  Brad and Josh were both scared of getting blown up or going to jail. Jeff didn’t have anything to lose so he wasn’t concern with what might happen. He was more concerned with how much money could be made then the actual buzz.

  The cooked meth would feed Brad and Josh’s habits and fill Jeff’s pockets. He would even give them some money for getting the pills. He kept thinking about how he could cook more and faster.

  “How much longer?” Josh asked. He couldn’t get his hand to stop shaking. “I’m ready to get high.”

  The wind picked up and beat against the small garage. The weather had gotten worse since they had settled in the garage.

  They had driven around for days to find the things that they needed. Then they had to find a place where they wouldn’t be noticed. The garage was in the back of an old abandon house.

  “It won’t be much longer,” Jeff said. He didn’t want to admit that he didn’t know what he was doing. “Just be quiet or something.”

  They were all getting a little buzzed off the fumes. They didn’t know whether or not it would make them sick.

  Jeff had gotten tired of buying his supply off someone else. He had only cooked one other time before now. He had their lives in his hands.

  Jeff knew the risk he was taking, but he couldn’t wait. There wasn’t nothing to it he thought. He could handle the dangerous chemicals.

  Brad and Josh were off in their own little worlds. Jeff decided to do what he could do cook more and a little faster. He picked up the Mason jar that had some of the uncooked product in it. The secret was to slowly take off the lid.

  When Jeff had started taking off the lid, Brad decided to suddenly try and stand up. Brad stumbled and grabbed a hold of Jeff’s leg not knowing about the jar. Jeff lost his grip on the jar and the jar dropped to the floor. They didn’t even have time to realize what had happened when the jar shattered on the floor.

  The explosion rocked the small garage. The force had sent Josh through the thin wood paneled wall. Brad and Jeff didn’t make it out. Their screams only lasted a few seconds as they burned to death.


  It was a hot night in Nevada after the hurricane like storms had finally settled a little. The Busty Brothel was about to open for the night. Owner and Operator Bella were hoping for a good night with a lot of customers.

  Bella had just turned sixty-years old and was hoping to be able to finally hand the business over to someone else. She was ready for her problems to be someone else’s problems. She knew that all the stress was what was causing her nervous breakdown.

  She put on her blonde curly wig. Her old face starred back at her in the mirror. She sure was glad that she had enough girls to handle all the customers. Her body was to broken down to be worth anything to any man.

  She was starting to lose her mind. She kept thinking of the name Robert. The she felt like she should take a trip to Anderson, Ohio. She had never of Anderson. What would she want to go there?

  Bella had to finish getting ready to meet the customers. She still had to pick out a nice dress. The girls and refreshments needed checked on.

  Somehow, she knew that she would be leaving in the morning. The bad weather wasn’t going to change that. She would have to pick someone to leave in charge while she was gone.

  The light went off as she walked out of her room. Her smile always hid what was really inside. Nobody could know how she really felt.


  The burning sensation overflowed Josh’s body. The feeling in his body came back before he could even open his eyes. There was barely any memory of the explosion.

  Sharp pains came every time he took in a breath. He was lying on his back looking up at the stars. He felt like he was dying and on his way to hell. He didn’t realize that he was still on fire.

  Josh tried to move but couldn’t move an inch. There was no way he was going to get help. He knew that he was going to lay there and die.

  It wasn’t long before he felt his lungs slowly down. His body couldn’t take the pain anymore. Then there was a flash of light that completely blinded him. Even with his eyes closed, it was still too bright for his eyes. Then a sweet voice came from the sky.

  “Stand up,” the voice said.

  Josh just lay on the ground confused. He couldn’t even move let. How was he supposed to stand up? He couldn’t even speak.

  “Stand up!” the voice demanded.

  Josh didn’t know how, but his legs started moving. The bright light had dimmed away and he could see again. He was on his feet before he knew it. There was a woman standing in front of him.

  She had on a white dressed. Her hair looked like fine gold. Her smile lit up the night’s sky.

  “You’re beautiful,” Josh said.

  “The end is near,” she said. “There is only one more chance.”

  “What?” Josh was confused. “Who are you?”

  “Only one more chance,” she repeated. “You must clean your body out. Then you will be forgiven and accepted with open arms.”

  “Whatever,” Josh said. He looked around and didn’t see anyone else. “Did you call for help?”

  “I am your help,” she said.

  Josh looked at the burning barn and then back over
at the woman, but she was gone. “What the hell?”

  What did she mean that the end was near? He couldn’t clean out his body.

  Josh didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t stick around and wait for the cops. He took off running.

  Part Two

  The Horsemen Cometh

  And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and

  Hell followed with him.

  Revelation 6:8


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