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Four Horsemen Cometh, And Hell Followed

Page 4

by William Swafford

  Chapter Four


  Trevor was sitting in a strange room. There was an altar in front of him with the old men sitting around it. The altar had four beasts sitting around it, one like a lion, calf, one with a face of a man, and the last as a flying eagle. The floor was a glass so smooth it was like crystal. The men all got up and walked up to Trevor and tried to be friendly to him.

  A dead lamb stood up and got down from the altar that it was slain on. It had seven horns and seven eyes, and it went for the book with seven seals. The men started singing and went over to the lamb.

  Trevor was scared and he felt his body tremble. He wanted to scream but nothing would come out of his mouth.

  The slain lamb put the book down on the altar. It looked back at Trevor with its seven eyes. Then the lamb turned back to the book and opened the first seal.

  There was a loud thunder that filled the room. The lamb turned back to Trevor and seemed to have been smiling. “Come here and see.”

  Trevor didn’t know why, but he did what the lamb had said. He walked over to the book and looked down. The seal seemed to have no end and thought that he saw the world go round.

  Suddenly, a white horse appeared with the biggest man that Trevor had ever seen sitting upon it. The big man wore a crown and the gold crown was covered with diamonds. He had a bow and arrow in his hands. The horseman had the bow pulled back with all of his might.

  Trevor turned his head and then he felt the lamb’s foot on his shoulder. Trevor’s body went numb before he fell to the floor.

  Trevor jumped as he woke up from his dream. He sat there just staring into the darkness, eyes wide open.


  On the Sunday morning the weather had calmed down and the sun came out. The flooding waters didn’t stop the Anderson Southern Baptist Church congregation from attending their Sunday morning’s services.

  “The final days are upon us,” said Pastor Charlie Rodgers.

  Pastor Rodger was putting on weight and had done lost most of his white hair. He had been pastor at the Anderson Southern Baptist Church for forty years. His wife says now that his just turn seventy-five. It was time for him to retire. His wife didn’t understand that he would always lead people to God.

  “The signs of the end are here.” Pastor Rodgers raised his Bible for all his small congregation could see. “Are you, my brother’s and sister’s, ready for the revelation that is upon us?”

  Patty Olsen said a loud amen as she grabbed her granddaughter’s hand. Terry just smiled and patted her grandma’s hand.

  “I’m ready,” Pastor Rodgers continued. “And I want all my brothers and sisters to be ready with me. We must believe in the mighty word of God!”

  He stepped down from the pulpit and down into the congregation as they gave him a loud amen. He felt the power of God inside of him.

  “This is not the time to stray from the path of righteousness.” He was getting into his own words. “The devil and his demons will soon walk this earth. They will lead us all into damned nation if we fall to temptation. They will not win though, because we are bonded by God. Can I get another amen?”

  The small congregation put their hands up to the heavens and said amen. They all started singing as the pastor kept shouting amen.


  The priest at the Anderson Catholic Church was going through his normal Sunday mass routine. Darren Jawarski is the thirty-five-year old priest of the small town of Anderson. He was assigned to the church in Anderson when his old perish had asked him to leave.

  The town of Anderson didn’t know that Darren had developed a serious problem in his adult life. Darren had a thing for young boys and had been asked to leave the perish for being accused of doing inappropriate things to the altar boys.

  He had been able to keep his urges under control since he had moved to Anderson. When Mrs. White moved into town with her twelve-year old son, Larry, his urges had become too strong to control. Thy skinny and shy blond hair boy had no father. Darren wanted to get close to the boy, real close.

  Darren’s dark hair, which is showing signs of balding, was a mess. He had bags underneath his eyes. He couldn’t sleep anymore the night before any day that he knew he would be seeing his Little Larry.

  Little Larry was his pet nickname for the boy. He kept the pet name to himself till he could get it out safely and without sounding weird to the young boy. It only took once for Darren to say it and then it became all he calls him by, even in front of Larry’s mom.

  He was trying to give mass. All he wanted to do was look at his Little Larry. He would catch himself looking over at the altar boys and then snapped his head back to the people below.

  Darren was always scared that someone would figure out his past. He would be run out of Anderson if anyone caught wind of what he was. He wanted to end mass and go home.

  He had a bottle of whiskey and a pack of smokes waiting for him. He wanted to sit and drink to think about his Little Larry. He had to figure out had to get his Little Larry alone.

  Darren looked over at his Little Larry on more time before he started to end the Sunday mass. He wanted to end things before he lost control and shouted out that he loved his Little Larry.


  It was a normal afternoon around the White House. Everyone was running around doing their normal activities. No one seemed to notice that the sun was growing brighter outside and the sky started to look as though it was on fire.

  The day’s activities were focused on getting the troops home. A war that took over a decade to end was finally over. Power surges that happened worldwide had stopped the day’s activities.

  The president was looking out the window when his staff came into his office. The Chief of State was trying to get the president’s attention, but it wasn’t working. The president just stood quietly. The three staff members walked over and looked out the window. They didn’t see what the president was seeing.

  The president stood quietly looking down t the ground below him. He couldn’t understand why the people on the ground didn’t see what he was seeing. Why can’t they see the guy on the horse?

  The horseman seemed to have had taken control over the president as it walked up to the White House. If he had noticed his staff standing around him and was able to turn around, he would ask them why anyone wasn’t doing anything about the strange man on the horse. The horseman appeared to be trotting right into the White House.

  The president watched the horseman till he couldn’t see the strange sight anymore. That’s when he looked at his staff that appeared to be looking up at the sky. The people on the ground below were doing the same.

  “Go about your business,” the president said. He didn’t know why he wanted to be alone. There was defiantly something wrong. “Be ready when I call for you.”

  “But?” The chief of State started.

  “I need to be alone,” the president said. He looked at all of them. “Go check on things, please.”

  The staff members looked at each other confused and then headed for the door. They were almost out of the office before the president said one more thing.

  “Don’t come back in till I call for you.” Those were his orders.

  The president sat down at his desk. What was about to happen?

  He looked at the picture of his wife and kids. His wife of twenty years never thought that he would become president. He had showed them all what he was capable of. But, was he capable of dealing with what lay ahead of him?

  There wasn’t time for anything else. His office door swung open. It wasn’t one of his staff members. It was the horseman. No one seemed to notice the huge horse with the giant on top of it trot into the office.

  The light shined off the diamonds of the horseman’s crown. The bow was pulled back tight with the arrow aimed at the president.


  Terry and her grandma had gone outside and starting worki
ng out in the yard after they had gotten out of church. Terry couldn’t believe how hot the day was getting. She wanted to go inside and sit under a fan, but the yard work needed to be done.

  They had picked up all the tree limbs and trash that the storms had blown into the yard. The Olsen yard had never looked so bad.

  “You should go ahead and go inside,” Terry called out to her grandma. “I can finish up out here.”

  Patty Olsen has had heart problems for several years. The heat and humidity could sometimes be too much for her.

  Terry turned to see why her grandma didn’t answer. She just had seen her grandma staring up at the sky. Then her grandma spoke and what she said scared Terry.

  “Hell will be with us soon.”


  Trevor woke up with sunlight coming in through the window. The sun seemed unusually brighter than normal, because the light was coming through the window on the west side of the house, just like it would when the sun goes down. He didn’t know that it was twelve in the afternoon.

  He tried to turn on the television. It only made a strange noise before smoke came from the back of it. He got up to unplug it wondering what just happened.

  He got to sleep in because he didn’t have his daughter. He would probably get her later in the day if the weather lightens up. He didn’t get his hopes up.

  He was still in his boxer shorts when he went to the window to look outside. He was hoping to see a nice day out, but what he had seen surprised him.

  He went to the door and went outside. He didn’t even bother covering up his boxers as he walked out onto the front porch.

  It seemed that the entire neighborhood had come out of their houses too. They were all looking up at the sky. The whole town was looking up at the sky.

  Trevor stood on the sidewalk in his boxers. “I won’t be getting Ashley today.”


  Robert stood in front of the bathroom mirror trying to nurse his cuts and bruises. He had seen that the sun was finally out. He hadn’t really cared about the weather outside. He wasn’t going to leave the house till he healed. That way people couldn't possible recognize him.

  He has been avoiding everyone’s phone calls. He didn’t want to see or talk to anyone. He had seen that Trevor had tried to call him a couple of times. He didn’t even feel like talking to him.

  Trevor had been his best friend for years. There was something that seemed to be pushing them apart. It had to be something wrong with him, because Trevor hadn’t done anything wrong.

  Robert’s eye was black and blue. His nose had been broken and mouth had been busted open. He had never taken a beating like that.

  Robert couldn’t stand looking at his face. He didn’t want his friends to see him. He looked weak. He hated looking weak.

  A good buzz would help him feel better. He would get a buzz on and then go back to sleep, but then he would have to go outside.

  He decided to go to the store. He needed beer and cigarettes. The thought of going outside made him sick.

  The light hurt his eyes when he opened the door. He kept his eyes down and didn’t notice anything wrong with the sky. He walked straight to his car.

  When he got to his car, there was a reflection in the driver’s door window. That’s when Robert looked up at the sky. The sky looked like it was on fire.

  “What the hell?”


  The President seemed to be incoherent as the strange horsemen stood in front of him. He wasn’t entirely incoherent, because he had just made over a dozen phone calls.

  He had called the Pentagon and some military bases worldwide. He didn’t have the power to be doing what he was doing, but no people objected his orders. His orders were that the soldiers that were schedule to return home were to stay where they were at. There was also an order that more U.S. troops get ready to be deployed.

  The president was the only one who knew his motives. Once all the troops were in place, then they would take over the capitals and parliaments of every country. He was going to order world domination against his will.

  The horseman didn’t talk, but the president could feel what it wanted. It had to have been sent from the devil. Words kept repeating in his mind.

  It’s time to conquer.

  The president seemed to nod his understanding or at least knew what was going to happen. He was getting mental flashes of the things to come. There was so much to take in.

  He saw soldiers killing anything that got in their way. Bodies littered the streets that were on fire. U.S. flags hung in countries where they never had before.

  The president couldn’t believe what he had seen. He didn’t know how to feel suddenly. He had always secretively thought that it would be great to run the world. Sadness did feel his heart, because it wouldn’t be thousands, but millions of people that would die worldwide.

  The president remained seated at his desk. The arrow of the horseman still pointed at his head.

  He didn’t think that the horseman was from this world. It had to be an alien the president was certain. The horseman’s face didn’t show expression.

  Suddenly, the president’s head snapped back. His body became stiff as a board. Tears ran down his face as the horseman showed him the truth.

  Aliens hadn’t invaded the earth. The earth was getting ready to become the final battle ground between God and Satan. It will be the end of the human race.


  The soldiers were getting prepared to start moving out onto the air field. They were all ready to finally go home. No one could believe that the day had come that the war was finally over.

  Privates Johnson and Red were the last two in the single fill line. They were both from the same small town in Ohio and had served two tours together.

  Everything had been loaded onto the aircraft. The soldiers just had to board and get seated. The single fill line of quiet soldiers had started moving.

  The last few were getting ready to board when another soldier came running out onto the runway. He went straight up to the general who was in charge. A piece of paper was giving to the general.

  The general didn’t look happy as he read the paper. He even looked as though he was asking the soldier if the paper was a joke. Then he turned to the aircraft. He tried not to show disappointment on his face as he looked at the soldiers.

  “Stop!” the general shouted. The soldiers who hadn’t boarded looked confused. “We have new orders that come straight from the president.”

  “But, we’re going…” a soldier started.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” the general snapped. “Be ready to unload this aircraft when ordered.”

  “Yes sir!” they all responded.

  The general boarded the aircraft. The soldiers that were still on the runaway just stood looking confused and disappointed. They could hear the general giving orders for everyone to exit the aircraft.

  The soldiers weren’t going home anytime soon. They had to get ready to start another war. They would start a war that would lead to the final war that the world would ever see.


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