Manifest Your Desires
Page 9
listening to music that makes your
heart sing, jogging in a beautiful place,
petting your cat, walking your dog, and so
on. Often you are in your highest state of connection
to Source Energy while you are driving
your vehicle. Your goal is to release any thought
that causes resistance so that you are then in a
place of pure, positive thought. Just find any
thought that feels good when you think
it, and practice it until you begin to set
that tone within you—and then,
other good-feeling thoughts
will follow.
If we were in your physical
shoes, we would sit quietly, by ourselves,
in some pleasant place where
we would not be interrupted—maybe under
a tree, maybe in our vehicle, maybe in
the bathroom or garden—and we would
utilize 10 or 15 minutes, and not much
more time than that, to quiet our
mind in meditation.
For 10 or 15 minutes
every day, we would
quiet our mind in meditation;
we would close our eyes; we would be
aware of breathing air into our lungs; and
our intention would be nothing more than
being in this moment and being consciously
aware of our breathing … nothing to do other
than breathe—not fixing breakfast, not combing
hair, not wondering how someone is
doing, not thinking about yesterday, not
worrying about tomorrow, not focusing
on anything in this moment
except air in and air out.
Meditation is a
state of allowing where, for
just a few moments, you stop trying
to make anything happen. It is a
time when you are saying to your Source
Energy, to your Inner Being, to your God (or
whatever you want to call it): Here I am, in
a state of allowing Source Energy to flow purely
through me. Fifteen minutes of effort will
change your life. It will allow the Energy
that is natural to you to flow; you will
feel better in the moment, and you
will feel more energized when
you come out of it.
A big benefit from meditation
that you will notice right
away is that things you have been
wanting will begin showing up. Now, why
is this? Why does 15 minutes of just being,
set those kinds of things in motion? Because
you have already been asking, and now, during
your time of meditation, you have stopped
the resistance that has been holding it at
bay. Because of your practiced meditation,
you are now allowing your
desires to flow into your
You cannot be part
of this physical environment
without endless desires
being born within you. And as these
desires are being born within you, the
Universe is answering them. And now,
because of 15 minutes of allowing, whether
you were petting the cat, practicing your
breathing in meditation, listening to a
waterfall or soothing music, or were on
a Rampage of Appreciation … during
that time of allowing you established
a vibration that no longer caused
resistance to the things
that you have been
asking for.
“Well, what if
I’ve really developed major
habits of negativity? Is 15 minutes
going to change that?” Probably
not right away. But the next time you go
to one of those negative thoughts, you are
going to be more aware of it. Your Guidance
System is going to be stimulated so that
you will be aware—probably for the
first time in your life—of what you
are doing with your Non-Physical
Everything that
happens to you and everything
that happens to everyone
you know occurs because of the
Energy that you are summoning and
allowing or not allowing. Everything is
about that relationship with Energy. Everyone
you know who is having every experience
that you know, is having it because
of the focused desire that their life has
brought to them and the state of
allowing or resistance that they’re
in at any moment.
Do you know that
you could have every deadly
disease known to man (and some
they have not even figured out yet) in
your body right now, and tomorrow they
could all be gone if—from one day to the
next—you learned how to allow the Energy to
flow? We are really not encouraging those kinds
of quantum leaps; they’re a little uncomfortable.
What we are really encouraging is that,
every day, you be selfish enough to say,
“Nothing is more important than that
I feel good. And I’m going to find
ways to do so today.”
“I’m going to
begin my day by meditating
and bringing myself into
alignment with my Source Energy.
And as I move through the day, I’m
going to look for opportunities to appreciate,
so that all day long I’ll bring myself
back into Source Energy. If there’s an
opportunity to praise, I’m going to praise;
if there’s an opportunity to criticize, I’m
going to keep my mouth shut and try
to meditate. If I feel like criticizing,
I’ll say, ‘Here kitty, kitty,’ and I’ll
pet my cat till that feeling
goes away.”
With just 30 days of mild
effort, you can go from being one of
the most resistant people on the planet
to one of the least resistant people on the
planet—and then, those who are watching
you will be amazed by the number of
manifestations that begin to occur in
your physical experience.
We sort of see
you from an aerial view,
and it is like you are standing on
one side of a closed door, and on the
other side are all the things you have
been wanting, just leaning up against the
door, waiting for you to open it. They have
been there from the first moment you
asked for them: your lovers, your perfect
bodies, your ideal jobs, all the money
that you could ever imagine—
all the things that you
have ever wanted!
Things little and
things big, things that you
would call extraordinary and
significant, and things that you would
call not very significant—everything that
you have ever identified that you have ever
wanted will be lined up right outside your door
r /> … and, in the moment that you open the
door, all things wanted will flow to you.
And then we will hold a seminar on
“How to Deal with Manifestations
of All This Stuff That
Is Flowing In.”
What you think about and what
manifests in your life experience is
always a vibrational match; and in the
same way, what you think about and what
manifests in your dream state is always
a vibrational match.
When you
dream about something, it
is always a match to the thoughts
that you have been thinking, and so—
since each of your dreams is, in fact, your
creation—it is not possible for you to dream
about anything that you have not created
through your thoughts. The fact that it
has now manifested in your dream
state means that you have given it
a significant amount
of thought.
The essence of the way
you feel about the things you
think about most will eventually
manifest in your real-life experience—
but it takes even less time and attention
for it to manifest in your dream state.
And for that reason, your dreams can be
of immense value in helping you understand
what you are in the process of
creating in your awake state.
If you are in the process of creating
something that you do not want,
it would be easier to change the direction
of your thoughts before it manifests
than waiting to change your
thoughts until after it manifests.
The process for
evaluating dreams is
as follows: As you go to bed,
consciously acknowledge that
your dreams accurately reflect your
thoughts. Say to yourself, It is my intention
to rest well and to awaken refreshed.
And if there is anything important for me to
recall from my dream state, I will recall it
when I awaken. As you awaken,
before you get up, lie there for a few
minutes and ask yourself, Do I
remember anything from my
dream state?
Although you
may be able to recall different
aspects of your dream state
throughout the day, usually the best
chance of recalling your dreams is when
you first awaken. And as you begin to
recall one of your dreams, relax and try to
remember how you felt during the dream
sequence, for recalling your emotions
will give you even more important
information than recalling the
details of your dream.
You must give
significant attention to
any subject for it to become
powerful enough to manifest in your
experience, and quite a bit of attention
must also be given to a subject before
it will begin to show up in your dream
state. For that reason, your more meaningful
dreams are always accompanied by
strong emotion; the emotion may feel
good or bad—but it will always be
strong enough so that you will
recognize the feeling.
“How did I feel
as that was happening?”
If you have awakened from a
very good-feeling dream, you can be
confident that your dominant thoughts
surrounding that subject are pointed toward
manifestations that you do want. When you
awaken from a bad-feeling dream, know that
your dominant thoughts are in the process of
attracting something that you do not want;
however—no matter where you stand, in terms
of what is manifesting in your experience,
you can always make a new decision
and change the manifestation to
something that is even more
You do not create while
you are dreaming. Your dream
is a manifestation of what you have
been thinking during your awake state.
However, once you are awake and you are
now thinking about, or discussing, your
dream—those thoughts do affect
your future creations.
Dreams can give
you a wonderful insight
into your current vibrational
state of being. Your recall of a dream
is your physical translation of blocks
of Non-Physical thought that you have
interacted with in your dream state. When
you sleep, you reemerge into the Energy of
the Non-Physical, and you have conversations
(not conversations in words, but
vibrational ones). Then, as you are
awakening, you translate that block
of thought back into its
physical equivalent.
Sometimes when you have
wanted something for a long while
but you do not see any way for it to
really happen, you will experience a
dream where it does happen. And then, in
the pleasant recollection of the dream,
you soften your vibration of
resistance—and then your
desire can be fulfilled.
Your dreams are
manifestations of your
vibrational point of attraction,
so you can evaluate your dreams to
determine what you are really doing
with your vibration. Your dreams are,
sort of, a sneak preview of the essence of
that which is to come—so if you evaluate
the content of your dream, you can often
determine what your point of attraction
is—and then if you do not wish to
live out the dream you have been
dreaming, you can do something
about changing it.
As a result of
the influence surrounding
you, you may be flowing Energy
toward financial disaster, or toward a
body that will not function well. As such,
your Inner Being, which is aware of what you
are projecting into your future, may offer you
a dream showing you where you are going.
And so, you awaken and you think, Ah, I don’t
want that! And then you say, What is it I do
want? And why do I want it? And then you
start flowing your Energy productively
toward what you do want, and
thereby changing your future
To begin the
process of the Book of
Positive Aspects: Purchase a
notebook that feels good when
you hold it in your hands. Because of
the action that will be involved in this
process, not only is an improved degree
of focus certain, but with the focus will
come an increase in both your clarity
and in your feeling of being alive.
on the cover of your notebook
write: My Book of
Positive Aspects.
At the top of
the first page of your
Positive Aspects notebook, write
the name, or a brief description, of
someone or something that you always
feel good about. It could be the name of
your lovable cat, your best friend, or the
person you are in love with. It could be the
name of your favorite city or restaurant.
And as you focus upon the name or title
that you have written, ask yourself
these questions: What do I like
about you? Why do I love you so
much? What are your
positive aspects?
Gently and easily,
begin writing down
the thoughts that come to you in
response to your Positive Aspects Questions.
Do not try to force these ideas,
but let them flow easily through you onto
your paper. Write as long as the good-feeling
thoughts flow, and then read what you have
written, enjoying your own words. Now,
turn to the next page and write another
name or title of someone or something
that you feel good about, and then
repeat the process until about
20 minutes have passed.
The more positive
aspects you search for,
the more you are going to find;
and the more positive aspects you find,
the more you will search for more. In
the Book of Positive Aspects Process, you will
activate within yourself a high vibration of
Well-Being (which matches who-you-really-are).
And you will feel wonderful. And even
better, this vibration will become so practiced
that it will become your dominant
vibration—and all aspects of your
experience will now begin to