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THE DAY: A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series)

Page 21

by John Price

  "That’s good, Death. Another camp….kinda true I guess….an underground camp. Get it? An underground camp…."

  "Yeah, Snake. I get it. Six foot underground….‘cept, we don’t bury anybody anymore. Too much trouble," said Death, leering at his choices from the assembled women. "Two Teeth and the boys know what to do with the old women and the kids, once we be outta here, right?"

  "Covered, Death. They’ll herd ‘em all back into the basement of building six. Shove them in the room with the hole in the ceiling. Nail the doors shut. Empty the gas container through the hole from above. Whoosh. No more useless eaters."

  Death smiled. Then Death laughed.


  BBC Studios – Broadcasting House

  Central London, England

  Following the evening presentation of WORLD IN REVIEW, the BBC studio director pointed to the BBC employee who was tasked with switching from a live studio feed to a pre-recorded segment. Under applicable Sharia Law requirements instituted of late, the pre-recorded segment was required to be aired nightly, in prime time. The mandatory segment began with an Islamic call to prayer, the Adhan. While the call was being recited the screen carried these words:

  "Islam is not a normal religion like the other religions in the world, and Muslim nations are not like normal nations. Muslim nations are very special because they have a command from Allah to rule the entire world and to be over every nation in the world….Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man….The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy." (Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi - Founder of Pakistan’s fundamentalist Muslim movement)

  The screen then cut to a color picture of the Kaaba in Mecca, Islam’s holiest site. Superimposed on the still picture on the screen were these words:




  (Approved for Broadcast by Imam Mahdula Bazardi)

  RUSSELL: "Is he….is he….on the line? You said that he would be…."

  MAHDI: "Prime Minister Russell? Are you there?"

  RUSSELL: "Why, yes it is I. May I know your name, I’ve only been told your title….that is…..if you don’t mind."


  RUSSELL: "Hello? Are you there?….Would someone please see if I’ve been dis-conn…."

  MAHDI: "Mister Russell, I am here. My name is not relevant to this conversation. You say you know my title….that is….more than sufficient for your purposes….I am calling you as the Mahdi. The Guided One. The successor to the Prophet Mohammad, blessed be he. I have come to rule before the Day of Judgment and to rid the world of evil."

  RUSSELL: "Alright….well….so….you have called me….what can I do for you?"

  MAHDI: "We have graced you with this call in order to inform you that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will be honored to be the first nation in the newly created European Islamic Union. Your country will…."

  RUSSELL: "Wait….Wait….The European Islamic what? What do…."

  MAHDI: "Listen carefully, Mister Russell. We will…."

  RUSSELL: "If you don’t mind, my title is Prime Minister, and I deserve to be addressed as…."

  MAHDI: "Mister Russell, you’re not listening. Now listen to my words. I won’t repeat them. We will allow you to formally change the name of your country to the United Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Within thirty-six hours. No extensions. Then you will…."

  RUSSELL: "Impossible. Who do you think you are? We have been a united kingdom since 1707. We are a sovereign nation of over sixty million citizens, only a few of whom are Muslim. We won’t…."

  MAHDI: "I promised I would not repeat myself. After you change the nation’s name, formally, by act of Parliament, then you will join me at Number Ten Downing on Wednesday to sign over to me your title and duties, also as approved formally by Parliament and your Queen. I will expect you and your family to be gone from Number Ten Downing by Wednesday, no later than five PM."



  RUSSELL: "Well, do you have any other demands? I can safely say that this bizarre conversation is over, so if you don’t…."

  MAHDI: "Anything else, you ask? Yes, Mister Russell. There is one other thing. We have two nuclear weapons in Central London, one from our friends in Iran, the other from Pakistan. Ten megatons each. That is the only thing I will repeat. Two nukes in London. Not far from you, actually."

  RUSSELL: "You wouldn’t….you…."

  MAHDI: "Really? You doubt our ability? You question our resolve? Did you not see what we did to the Great Satan, to America? A much more important country than your little island? Test me, Mister Russell. Try us. If our demands are not met in the times that I just outlined, then London will be no more, Great Britain will be no more. You, sir, will definitely be no more.


  MAHDI: "I will be at Number Ten Downing at noon on Wednesday. If our demands are not met, in detail, by and at that time, then London will be history by close of business, Wednesday evening. Allahu Akbar."

  The BBC broadcast segment ended with these words on screen:








  Author’s Note to Reader

  I wrote the Second Term Trilogy (SECOND TERM, THE WARNING and THE DAY) for a singular purpose – not to entertain, but instead to share with readers the truth of Biblical prophecies describing the future fate of America. The three novels are based on the 223 verses written by OT and NT prophets describing what will ultimately happen to a rich, powerful and influential nation in the last days. The books, though fiction, have as their foundation the truths contained in the Bible as analyzed in the non-fiction book, THE END OF AMERICA.

  Of the three novels, this book proved to the most difficult to write. It’s one thing to write about events happening in the future of a nation, but quite another to write about the termination, the destruction, the annihilation of that nation. THE DAY is replete with tears, from those who face death and who die during the Ezekiel 38/39 invasion of Israel, from those who don’t flee from America before it’s destruction (and who knew better) and from those men, women and children whose lives end with the fall of a nation which not only turned its back on Israel, but also on God Almighty. Also included are tears from Christians who moved offshore and who watched God working in miraculous ways through them in their new ministries. I wept more than once during the writing of THE DAY at the enormity of what is soon to happen, in Israel, in America and the world.

  Post-apocalyptic literature varies greatly as to what authors speculate will happen. One such book popular in the 1960’s was based on a family after a nuclear attack living comfortably on a river, raising fruits and harvesting pecan trees. Needless to say, as long as there are large numbers of hungry people, those with food will not be living comfortably. In THE DAY I attempted to describe what life will really be like once Russia and Iran (Gog and the Medes) are allowed by God to attack America, after it betrays Israel. It’s not a pretty picture. A Congressional study cited in the book postulated that 90% of Americans would die within one year of a major nuclear/EMP attack. That figure long-term might actually be too low when one considers the impact of the meltdown of the nation’s many nuclear power plants, once they have neither electricity, nor diesel fuel for generators, to cool reactor rods. The scenario discussed on the fictional BBC newscast
is all too real in light of the deficiencies in planning for long-term electric grid outages and petroleum product unavailability.

  I know and respect many who are "preppers". Though they have seen the danger and are trying to prepare for it, I fear they’ve missed part of the following verse regarding what to do, i.e., seek a safe place. "Wise people see danger and go to a safe place. But childish people keep on going and suffer for it." (Proverbs 27:12, NIRV).America will not be a safe place. THE DAY describes what life would be like in a nation in which food is not available. Once any other person knows that a prepper has food, the prepper and his/her family will be in grave danger. No one can lay aside enough prepper food to last forever, nor enough ammunition to defend it indefinitely.

  Let’s face it, when God warned ten times that Christians and Jewish residents of the Daughter of Babylon should "flee", He had good reasons. He didn’t say "hide in Babylon" or "lay up stores of food and ammo in Babylon". "Flee" can only have one meaning. Flee. He said to flee Babylon "so that you will not share in her sins" (Revelation 18:14). He also said to flee so you will "not be destroyed". (Jeremiah 51:6). Jeremiah warns (51:29) "no one will live there" (in destroyed Babylon). If you are a prepper, pray and ask God for wisdom in regard to this critical decision.

  Readers who are interested in a non-fiction study of Biblical prophecies regarding the Daughter of Babylon/ Babylon the Great may be interested in reading THE END OF AMERICA. The book is available on Amazon and also on Kindle (for 99 cents so that all may have access). A Study Guide is also available. Only America fulfills the thirty clues written by Old and New Testament Prophets as to the identity of "Mystery Babylon". Study the thirty Biblical clues for yourself and decide which nation is Mystery Babylon. If you conclude that Mystery Babylon is America, then pray about heeding God’s warnings to flee. The author prays that readers of THE END OF AMERICA will study, research, pray and obey the Bible’s warnings to flee from The Daughter of Babylon. The ten warnings to Christians and Jewish residents of the Daughter of Babylon to flee are set forth below in an edited version of Chapter Thirteen from THE END OF AMERICA. Articles on the subject may be found at Communication with the author is available through the website.

  God bless,

  John Price

  April 1, 2014

  Central America

  Excerpt-The End of America

  Chapter Thirteen



  If God states once in his Word to take an action the command obviously has great importance. How much more so if He says two or three times to do the same thing? Because God loves His people He has graciously provided through several different writers of the Bible the same identical message, stating it ten times.


  The prophet Jeremiah, along with Zechariah, Isaiah, and the apostle John gave these ten specific warnings to God’s people to flee the Daughter of Babylon. The first seven of the ten warnings are:

  "Flee out of Babylon; leave the land of the Babylonians, and be like the goats that lead the flock." (Jeremiah 50:8)

  "Let everyone flee to his own land." (Jeremiah 50: 16)

  "Flee from Babylon! Run for your lives! Do not be destroyed because of her sins. It is time for the Lord’s vengeance; he will pay her what she deserves." (Jeremiah 51:6)

  "We would have healed Babylon, but she cannot be healed; let us leave her and each go to his own land, for her judgment reaches to the skies, it rises as high as the clouds." (Jeremiah 51:9)

  "Come out of her, my people! Run for your lives! Run from the fierce anger of the Lord." (Jeremiah 51:45)

  "You who have escaped the sword, leave and do not linger! Remember the Lord in a distant land, and think on Jerusalem." (Jeremiah 51:50)

  "Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so you will not receive any of her plagues." (Revelation 18:14)

  These seven specific warnings all appear to be addressed to God’s people - the Church, made up of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. God also warns His Jewish people through these three prophets:

  "Oh Zion! Escape, you who live in the Daughter of Babylon." (Zechariah 2:7)

  "Leave Babylon, flee from the Babylonians! Announce this with shouts of joy and proclaim it. Send it out to the ends of the earth; say, ‘The Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob.’" (Isaiah 48:20)

  "They will ask the way to Jerusalem and will start back home again. They will bind themselves to the LORD with an eternal covenant that will never be forgotten." (Jeremiah 50:5)

  Most Jewish people know they are Jewish, some are Orthodox and some adhere to more liberal branches of Judaism. But they know who they are. In these verses they are warned not to continue residing in the Daughter of Babylon. Moving to Israel is, of course, an option, but one to be seriously studied before such a move, in light of the coming Russian-Muslim invasion, and accompanying blood to be shed in Israel.

  Thus, the Lord warns believers in the Lord Jesus Christ seven times, and three times He warns Jewish residents of the Daughter of Babylon, to FLEE from this great end times nation. No other warning in scripture is recorded ten separate times. These multiple warnings to Christians and to Jewish residents of the Daughter of Babylon dramatically confirm that He has emphatically warned His people to flee the coming disaster that He knew from the beginning of time would occur.

  God doesn’t waste His words. We’ve just read that Christians are warned seven times to flee. God evidently wants to be sure that His people get the message, which leads to an obvious question: Are you one of God’s people? How can you know, for sure? For the first few years of my life I thought I was a Christian. I was active in our church’s youth group–I bought the cider and donuts every other Saturday night. If someone had asked me in high school if I was a Christian (which no one ever did) I would have said, ‘sure, I’m not a Buddhist or a Hindu.’ Then in college, I married a girl, my dear wife now of 53 years, who knew exactly what she believed – she was an avowed agnostic. We had some interesting discussions in those early married years. I remember driving back to college late one evening. I was listening to Billy Graham on the car radio. My wife soon tired of the message and told me to "turn that stuff off." I said, "Hey, do you want lightning to strike this car?" So you can see we had an elevated theological tone to our discussions.

  After law school, we moved to a traditional suburb of Indianapolis to raise our children. After we were in our neighborhood for a short time I came home one night and my wife asked me "guess what I did today?" I didn’t have a clue, but she soon told me that she had been invited to attend a neighborhood women’s Bible study. I admitted that I was surprised, but after I thought about it I thought it was a good idea, so she could "meet our neighbors." I didn’t hear any more about the Bible Study for a few weeks, then one night she asked the same question again, "guess what I did today?" Before I could guess, she told me that she heard a speaker at the Bible Study that she had been attending every week (I didn’t know she had become a regular). She said the speaker, the wife of a dentist, "told us that to know God personally we need to accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as our own personal Lord and Savior. So, I did it."

  My reply? "You did what?" She said, "I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior." My response? Not so good – particularly since before this time I was the ‘religious one’ in the family. I said, "that sounds like something you hear on your car radio driving through the Bible Belt."

  Needless to say, that comment, and my increasing resistance to my wife’s continued use of her growing knowledge of scripture, led to a running, and not always harmonious debate. Even though I had been on my college debate team, I was soon losing the debate, because my wife was acquiring her debate points from scripture and the Christian books that soon began to fill our house. After several months of ongoing debate, I was leaving for a business trip to California. On the way out the
door, not having a book to read on the long flights, I picked up a book my wife had (conveniently) left lying around for me to notice. It was Hal Lindsey’s "The Late Great Planet Earth", which eventually became the 1970’s biggest seller.

  On the red eye coming back from California I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to see what my wife had been reading. Lindsey focused on Israel, in which I had some interest as a political science major. Lindsey wrote that God had written in the Bible, through the prophets, that the people of Israel would go into dispersion around the world, for centuries, but would in some future day be re-gathered back in the nation of Israel, in the same location of its original home. I knew that no nation in the history of the world had gone out of existence, been scattered widely into other nations and then 2,000 or so years later, been re-gathered into the same location. I can take a Jewish person to lunch, but I can’t take a Chaldean or an Assyrian to lunch, as they’ve been dispersed and disappeared over time.

  Lindsey then said that the Bible contains hundreds of prophecies about a coming Messiah, all of which were fulfilled in the life of one man, Jesus of Nazareth. He said that the mathematical chances of that just happening were so high that it would be the equivalent of tossing a marked silver dollar into the State of Texas, filled with four feet of silver dollars, stirring them up, and then finding the marked silver dollar on the first try. I was convinced. Lindsey also said what my wife’s Bible Study speaker had said – that I needed to know Jesus personally as my own Lord and Savior. Because Jesus was resurrected after His death on the cross, if I know Him, I could be sure of life after the death of my earthly body. He gave a simple prayer to start the process of knowing Jesus.


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