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THE DAY: A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series)

Page 22

by John Price

  When I came to the prayer I thought, briefly, ‘hum, my wife’s going to win our argument,’ but I went ahead anyway, bowed my head on the airplane, and prayed a prayer like this: "Jesus, I don’t really know you. But I want to, so I’m asking you to come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Help me in the days ahead to understand what this is all about and what you want me to learn from the Bible. Amen." I didn’t see any fireworks, but within a relatively short time I knew things had changed. I had changed. Over time, I lost interest in things I used to pursue, and I developed an interest in things I didn’t previously care about. I soon developed a peace about why I was on the earth and what God expected me to do while I was here. And, by the way, losing that debate to my wife was the best thing I ever did.

  If you are pondering the content of this admittedly frightening book, you may wonder if you are a Christian or not. If you can’t say that a point in your life came, in which you placed your faith and trust in Jesus and came to know that He is the Lord of your life, you may wish to pray a similar prayer. If you seek Him, you will find Him. Once that issue is settled, you can move on to other warnings God has given to His people in His Word.


  The thought of leaving America to live in a foreign land, at first, naturally, seems unthinkable. But, it should be seen in an historical context, a Christian and a Biblical historical context. The history of Christians and Jews fleeing from persecution is well documented. The Bible contains many instances of God taking an action in the Old Testament that He mirrors in the New Testament. For example, the sacrifice of a spotless innocent lamb was a picture or foreshadow of the physical sacrificial death of Christ. Similarly, we find in this section of Jeremiah God’s warnings to His people at the time of Jeremiah to leave their home city of Jerusalem in the nation of Judah. When they obeyed His warnings to leave, given through Jeremiah, they lived, they "escape(d) with (their) life, (they) will live" (Jeremiah 42). The warnings also given to Jeremiah (chapters 50 and 51) and to the Apostle John (Revelation 18) to flee from the Daughter of Babylon have the same result–if we flee-we live, if we don’t-we die. It’s a simple concept. It’s doing it that’s tough.

  The Lord warned the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem and the cities of Judah well before Nebuchadnezzar’s invasion that they should flee from Jerusalem and not try to remain as residents. Jeremiah warned Jewish residents that the Lord had told him Jerusalem and the cities of Judah would become a "desolation without an inhabitant." (Jeremiah 34:22) Those who heeded His words were safely secured in Babylonian captivity for seventy years. "This is what the LORD says: ‘Whoever stays in this city will die by the sword, famine or plague, but whoever goes over to the Babylonians will live. He will escape with his life; he will live.’" (Jeremiah 38:2) "Do not be afraid of the king of Babylon, whom you now fear. Do not be afraid of him, declares the Lord, for I am with you and will save you and deliver you from his hands. I will show you compassion so that he will have compassion on you and restore you to your land." (Jeremiah 42:11-12)

  Our nation was settled and populated by Christians who could not abide persecution. Shipload after shipload of our Christian ancestors, for decade after decade, chose to move from their homeland in Europe immigrating to a land known for its religious freedom. Their decision to leave their own nation, leaving most of their family members and lifelong friends, in almost all cases to never see them in this world again, had to be gut-wrenching and tearful. They left their nation because the level of religious persecution they were experiencing was not tolerable.

  In the last century, in the 1930’s and 1940’s, Jewish residents of central and eastern Europe were increasingly alarmed that they were being targeted for extinction by the growing Fascist movement. Russia’s Czar instituted pogroms to exterminate Jews in Russia. As a consequence, many Russian Jews moved to Germany, only to be confronted not long after with Adolph Hitler’s "Final Solution." Those who moved to Poland and Austria had similar problems, as Hitler expanded the reach of the Third Reich.

  As more Jews were taken into captivity and their assets seized, increasing numbers began to realize that fleeing Europe was a rational, life-saving option. France rounded up and deported 76,000 Jews (including 11,000 children) to concentration camps. Only 3,000 returned alive. Prior to deportation, across Europe, tens of thousands fled to freedom, most with only the clothes on their back and a suitcase. Millions who chose not to flee were killed in Hitler’s Holocaust, "Hitler’s Final Solution." Nazi Germany purposefully and deliberately slaughtered millions of men, women, and children, with bullets and nerve gas, solely because they were of Jewish descent. (A&E series – The World at War). By the time they had been rounded up and detained, it was too late to flee. 25% died within ten days of being taken captive. Six million who didn’t flee eventually died. Confirming God’s demand for an accounting of shed blood, Germany, which led the slaughter throughout conquered Europe, suffered over seven million deaths. One million Jewish residents of the Soviet Union died, but over time one million Jewish residents of Russia immigrated to Israel. Those who saw the danger and fled from it lived; with many still alive even today. It is estimated that about 500,000 Jewish émigrés left Germany fleeing to freedom, before Hitler closed the borders to Jewish emigration. Most left with nothing. No future job. Little assets. But they lived.

  A common denominator of the Christians and Jews fleeing for their lives over the last two hundred years was that they trusted God to provide for their needs as He promised and as He did. We find no reports of emigrants who fled to America dying from lack of food. "Where He guides, He provides." But what of those Christians and Jews who didn’t flee Europe when life was threatened? Jeremiah told his fellow countrymen: "Whoever stays in this city will die by the sword, famine or plague." (Jeremiah 38:2[a]).

  In the same sections of scripture which contain the prophecies warning of what will happen to the Daughter of Babylon, it is also stated that in the Daughter of Babylon will be found "the blood of the…saints." Once Americans who are active in church, Bible studies and various ministries are arrested, hauled away, sent to prison or worse, God’s warnings to flee will become a lot more urgent. As unlikely as this may seem, any review of the news over the last few years confirms that there is a growing anti-Christian, anti-religion sentiment in America.


  God has warned the residents of the Daughter of Babylon to flee their native land before its destruction, but where should we go? Jeremiah suggests that the residents of the Daughter of Babylon may want to go to their own land (50:16). That observation fits a ‘melting pot’ nation of mixed peoples described in Jeremiah 50:37. For many people that will mean moving to countries in which they have relatives. For those who don’t have any known relatives in foreign nations, they may be surprised how many people they know who do have family in other nations. For others it may mean immigrating to other parts of the world in which they may have some connection. Fortunately, God’s people who have been engaged in missionary activities, even short term, will have contacts in other nations who will facilitate immigrating. For many, however, it will mean locating in a new land, with little or no prior connections.

  No one, least of all our Lord, would suggest that leaving the land of one’s birth is an easy task. When Jeremiah warned the residents of Jerusalem to leave Judah going into captivity in Babylon their first reaction was to accuse Jeremiah of treason: "But when he reached the Benjamin Gate, the captain of the guard…arrested him and said, "You are deserting to the Babylonians!" (Jeremiah 37:13). The leaders of Judah then had Jeremiah flogged and thrown into a prison dungeon, where he "remained there many days" (Jeremiah 37:16). Shortly after, "Then the officials said to the king, ‘This man should be put to death. He is discouraging the soldiers who are left in this city, as well as all the people, by the things he is saying to them. This man is not seeking the good of these people but their ruin" (Jeremiah 38:4).

  What happe
ned to the warned residents of Jerusalem? Many listened to God’s warnings, given through Jeremiah, then they fled Jerusalem and lived relatively comfortably in ancient Babylon. They wept for home "by the rivers of Babylon" (Psalm 137:1), but they were alive to weep. After their time in Babylon, along with their families who grew during their time in relative safety, they returned to Jerusalem, following the prophesied period of seventy years. Those who refused to heed God’s warnings were either slain in Jerusalem, or died after fleeing to Egypt, a nation that God specifically warned them against. (Jeremiah 42:13-22)

  There is a distinguishing characteristic between Jeremiah’s warnings to the residents of Jerusalem of his time to flee and his warnings to the future residents of the Daughter of Babylon to flee. God told the residents of Jerusalem at the time of Jeremiah that they would come back home after seventy years (Jeremiah 25:11; 29:10). The promise was fulfilled. Jeremiah’s warnings to God’s people who would someday live in the nation called the Daughter of Babylon never, not once, tell them that they will return home after the destruction of their home nation. On the contrary, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Psalm 137, and John all specifically, and unequivocally, say that the Daughter of Babylon will be destroyed and desecrated. "The land trembles and writhes, for the Lord’s purposes against Babylon stand—to lay waste the land of Babylon so that no one will live there" (Jeremiah 51:29). Thus, there will be no return of those who flee to go back to the Daughter of Babylon, unlike the residents of Jerusalem at the time of Jeremiah who did return home after seventy years, as He said they would.

  As God’s people examine the difficult decision as to where they should emigrate, it will be evident that European nations will not offer an acceptable relocation venue. The nations of the European Union, after the fall of the world’s only superpower, could be re-named the European Islamic Union, or a similar name will be chosen conveying the new Muslim identity of the continent. Muslims have tried over the centuries, unsuccessfully, to conquer Europe. Therefore, moving to a European nation before the Daughter of Babylon falls could result in living in the "belly of the beast" and would be highly dangerous for a Christian or a Jewish immigrant. Recall that Daniel warned that the Antichrist will be "a king of fierce countenance" (Daniel 8:11) and "He will cause astounding devastation…He will destroy …the holy people" (Daniel 8:24). The prophesied Antichrist will rule the conquered nations of the world with an iron fist. Fleeing to Europe would be an unwise move.

  Likewise, most of the Middle Eastern, many African nations and many Asian nations, would be poor relocation choices due to current significant Muslim domination of the government and population of those nations. They also have high levels of abortion, inviting God’s justice. Islands of the world aren’t ideal as potential places to move, due to the potential of being ‘trapped’ on an island, with no escape, if things go bad politically or in any other way. Riots over food prices and against "elites" broke out on two Caribbean islands in February, 2009, with tens of thousands in the streets.

  So where does one move? This clearly is a matter for much prayer and seeking God’s face. In doing so, two factors should be taken into account: a.) does the potential location for immigration allow abortion; and b.) what is the level of Muslim population? The remaining nations of the world that today prohibit or severely restrict abortion and that have low levels of Muslim population are mostly in Central and South American, nations that, therefore, may offer an appropriate refuge. So what would be a good move? Pick a nation with: a.) no or extremely limited abortion, and also b.) a nation with no or extremely low numbers of resident Muslims. (For more detail on nation choices, see pages 240-246 of THE END OF AMERICA.)


  Living in Central and South American countries is generally cheaper than a comparable lifestyle in America. Food, housing, entertainment, medical care, utilities and taxes are generally lower, but of course, vary nation by nation, and region-by- region, within the nation. Some Americans living abroad write that two people can live comfortably on $1,000 to $1,500 per month, though expenses related to automobile transportation tend to raise that level of spending. This fact of economic life has attracted many American "expats," purely on financial grounds.

  Good resources for more research include International Living, (, which publishes guidebooks on individual countries and sends daily e-mail newsletters detailing how to live abroad. Other resources:

  Some claim that over 300,000 Americans emigrate from America every year. That’s a sizeable number, which goes against the conventional wisdom that the entire world wants to immigrate to the U.S. Apparently, for many reasons, large numbers of Americans have decided to live in a nation other than their native land.

  The internet provides millions of pages of information about the nations of the world and allows one to engage in e-chats about specific overseas locations. Let what you learn help guide your decision, after much prayer and fasting. [Set forth below are seven practical suggestions for those who preparing to flee from the Daughter of Babylon/America.]


  In planning to emigrate, God’s people should remember the importance of assembling together with other believers. "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is."(Hebrews 10:25). We are commanded to associate with, pray and worship with fellow believers, plus it’s medically indicated. Neuroscientist John Cacioppo concluded that people who don’t associate regularly with other people are more prone to illness, obesity and feelings of helplessness. (Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection).

  Those who decide to emigrate will find that the many tasks involved in doing so are best accomplished when shared with others, such as those in one’s small group, Sunday school, Bible study or church. The Pilgrims who immigrated to America didn’t arrange their moving plans separately, but as a group of believers, committed to a common goal. Think of it as an adventure, a Godly venture into the next chapter of our walk with Him, as He leads us to step out in faith, in obedience to His Word. (The ministry events described in THE DAY occurring in Uruguay are based on true stories, though they happened in a different nation.).

  As a future safety consideration, arranging housing in locations not clustered together could be advisable. Networking in common church activities could still be easily arranged, just without the obvious "American Christian Compound" potential as a target. That’s how we live today, scattered in various neighborhoods and gathering to meet, worship and fellowship as the body of Christ. Most believers will seek new opportunities for ministry in their new homes overseas. Following the lead of Biblical Christians, we will naturally desire to spread the Gospel to those whom the Lord brings into our lives in our new homes. It is exciting to see the Lord at work in our lives, as we make a difference for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Being used by God to help change eternity, in an offshore adventure, is no small job assignment.

  (THE END OF AMERICA, Christian House Publishing, Inc. 2013, © John Price)



  1. PRAY – I know, that sounds elementary. But, no major move should ever be attempted without a solid, prolonged foundation of prayer, seeking God’s will through His wisdom. It’s not wise to just read a book, even THE END OF AMERICA, and then start packing. Be sure that you believe that God has called you to emigrate out of the US before actually moving. Yes, He tells us ten times in His Word to flee (seven times to Christians, three to Jewish residents) the Daughter of Babylon/Babylon the Great. So, it would seem almost automatic to do so, in obedience. I’m only suggesting that you lay a basis in prayer before doing anything else preparatory to emigrating.

  2. RESEARCH – Google, Google, Google. At your fingertips are literally millions of pages of material on all the nations on the globe. Try to narrow you
r search to just a few nations, maybe three or four. Look not only for socioeconomic facts, climate, currency, government stability, etc., but also for churches, ministries and Americans in the area. Search for reader forums where you can dig deeper and ask questions of people who are already there. You can, of course, also search for rentals and real estate for purchase (more on this below). Try to select the top two countries that appeal to you based on your research. Don’t forget to ask family and friends if they know anyone in the countries you have preliminarily chosen. We visited several countries before moving to Central America. Good candidates are New Zealand, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Chile, Belize and Panama. You may find others that appeal to you.

  3. RECONNAISANCE VISIT – Once your search is narrowed, buy a ticket for a 2-3 week visit. Stay in hotels/B&B, etc. while you are looking. We learned a lot from the B&B owners we stayed with while in New Zealand Ask about local evangelical churches, if there are any in the area, people there will know about them. Talk to American Christian and Jewish residents, anyone who can tell you anything about what it’s like to live in the nation you are visiting. Try and visit the two or three most popular/most visited communities in the nation you are visiting. Hook up with a local English-speaking Realtor, who can show you what rentals in your price range look like. Unless you are mega-wealthy (or maybe even if you are), don’t look for real estate to buy. Maybe later, but not at this stage, nor the next. The main purpose of this trip is the same as the Israeli spy party, as God told Israel to go in and spy out the land (Numbers 13:17-20):


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