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Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders)

Page 9

by Rebecca Lorino Pond

  “Open your legs for me, Maggie,” he whispered in her ear as he nuzzled the skin on her neck.

  His fingers slid down between the folds and found gold. She was totally wet and ready for him.

  “You are so wet, little one.”

  His fingers teased and toyed with her pussy lips and clit until he had to feel the inside of her. Gently he slipped one finger into her pussy. Her muscles automatically grabbed onto him and tried to pull him farther in. She felt wonderfully hot and wet as he pumped his finger in and out of her slowly.

  “Gods, you are so tight. I want to be inside you,” he spoke to her softly as he brought her to her peak. He knew she was about to cum when he felt her muscles clench around his finger. He pumped faster and harder until her orgasm over took her. He covered her mouth with his just in time to capture her scream of pleasure. He stayed with her as her body shook and convulsed around him. As she slowly came down he moved between her thighs and spread them far enough apart to accommodate his large size.

  “I want you so bad, Maggie, but I can’t take you unless you say it’s alright.” Gods his cock was so hard it hurt. As he waited for her to answer, he rubbed the tip along her seam, coating it with her honey.

  “Yes! Please!” she begged.

  “Say Maggie. I need to hear you say it,” he urged her.

  “Take me! Now, please!”

  Every instinct in him had him wanting to plunge right into her until he was fully buried in her tight pussy. He needed to restrain himself since this was their first time together and he didn’t want to her hurt. She was a small female and he was a very large male. From what Jonik had learned about humans, his cock was a lot thicker and longer than a human’s. There was no doubt in Jonik’s mind that a Qeteran and a human could mate, but the medic had warned him that the first time they came together care needed to be taken.

  He lifted his upper body up off her and positioned the tip of his cock at her entrance. “Look at, Maggie.” As soon as she opened her blue eyes, he started to slide into her one inch at a time. Her eyes widened when she felt how big he was. She bit down on her bottom lip as he stretched her to the point of it almost being painful. Inch by inch he pushed until he was fully seated in her tight pussy.

  The entire time her eyes stayed focused on him. “It’s better than I ever imagined it would be.” When he touched her womb he stopped moving to give her the chance to adjust to his size. “Gods, baby, you feel incredible!” he kissed her lips softly as he began to move within her. He pulled out slowly until just the tip remained in her. This time though he plunged back in with one swift thrust of his hips. It took her breath away as he began a steady rhythm. The tension built up quickly as he pounded into her. He felt when her muscles clamped down on his cock and she screamed out her second release. Her orgasm triggered his own as he thrust into her one last time. He spilled his seed into her until there was nothing left. His arms shook as the last of the tremors from his orgasm left him.

  He leaned his head down to touch hers as he waited for his breathing to slow. When he recovered enough he rolled to the side bringing her with him until her head rested on his chest.

  “That was amazing,” Maggie said.

  “Now that I’ve had a taste of you, it will never be enough.” He kissed the top of her head as he ran his hand up and down her spine. “You are mine now in every way, little one.”

  She raised her head up to smile at him. “You promise?”

  “With every breath that I take. I would do anything for you and our children. I can’t wait watch you swell with my baby in your belly.”


  “Yes, several babies!” He laughed at the look on her face.

  “How about we take it one at a time?” She traced his lips with her index finger.

  He nipped playfully at the finger on his lips. “Oh, definitely one at a time. It will be so much more enjoyable to make them one at a time!”


  Captain Zol’tsa guided his small private ship to the outskirts of Qetera. He was personally going to fulfill Ruehar’s mission of finding out what happened to the Earth females, especially since he would have the pick of the litter.

  His plan was to infiltrate Qetera as a citizen because he was half Qeteran and half Lephus. The Qetera side from his mother was dominant over his father’s genes so it wouldn’t be too much of a problem passing as a normal Qeteran. He had inherited his mother’s olive complexion and violet eyes while the physical features of his face was all his father’s. His parents had met when they were traveling to a planet known for its wild ways. His father had been younger and right out of flight school and his mother had run away from home because of a disagreement she had with her parents. They eventually married and moved to another galaxy where they were left alone to live their lives as they chose to. It wasn’t until he was grown that he became curious about the Lephus side of his heritage.

  He became hooked on the Lephus way of life and hadn’t been content ever since. Over the years he worked his way through the ranks to become one of Ruehar’s most trusted captains. This was the reason why he chose to personally take on the mission Ruehar had given him.

  As his ship approached Qetera he was radioed from the surface to state his purpose for coming to Qetera.

  “I need supplies and a part for my ship,” he radioed back and held his breath.

  “A vision scan is needed to gain access. Please go that now.”

  He pressed his eye to the viewer and waited. Thank the gods he had his mother’s eyes!

  “Proceed to landing zone 1,” came the reply.

  He grinned as he set a course for the main city of Qetera. It had been easier than he thought it would be to gain access to the enemy’s planet. The ship landed on the pad provided and shut down. Excitement coursed through him as he exited his ship and headed for the supply terminal for the part he supposedly needed. He needed to keep up his rouse so that he wouldn’t draw any unwanted attention his way.

  Ruehar had given he enough money to be able to stay on the planet for several weeks if need be, but he hoped he would have the inform Ruehar wanted within a few days. After the supply terminal he headed out to find a place to stay. He didn’t know much on Qetera so he had to ask for directions from several people before he found out where everything was.

  The best plan he had was to visit every bar he came across. A bar was always the best place to find out inform about the ruling family of a planet. Maybe by some chance he would run across some of the guards or soldiers that were employed by the leader, Etor Bragnar.

  The ruling family, Bragnar, was the reason why his mother had run off. She was reluctant to talk much about her past but he was able to find out she was somewhere related to them. He might be able to use that tidbit of inform to his advantage if need be. For now he would head out and see what he could find.

  The streets of the main city were crowed as he walked to the first bar on his list. It was a little hole in the wall place that didn’t look like it would offer him much help. Inside he ordered a drink and nursed it for about a half hour before deciding to leave. The bartender wasn’t very forthcoming and there was only one other patron in the gloomy place.

  Farther down the street was a much more crowded bar. He walked in and repeated the process of ordering a drink and nursing it. There was a group of rowdy men at one end of the bar who were playing some sort of game.

  “So, where are you from,” the bartender asked him.


  “What brings you to Qetera?”

  “I need a damn part for my ship and supplies. This was the nearest planet when my ship decided to act up. Took me a day and forever to figure out what the hell was wrong. Come to find out it’s the fuel valve in the thrusters.”

  “Did the supply terminal have the part?” The bartender topped off his glass.

  “No, got to order it. Says it’s going to take a few days to come in.” He took a big swallow of the fiery liquid. He
had to grit his teeth as the burn travelled down to the pit of his stomach.


  He nodded, “Hit me.” He waited for the bartender to pour the liquid before he attempted to broaden the conversation. “This is my first time to Qetera. Where can I find a place to hang out and maybe meet a nice woman?”

  “The bars are pretty much all you’re going to find here. Qetera is more family oriented.” The bartender dried a glass he was holding.

  “Got’cha. Know any females who might want to go out on at date or have dinner? It’s going to kill me just sitting around waiting for that damned part,” he needed to make it sound good enough for the bartender to disclose some information.

  “You can take a tour of the city. Commander Etor encourages new people to see the city and maybe relocate here.”

  “He must be a good king then,” he said.

  “Oh Commander Etor isn’t a king per say. He is the main ruler of Qetera but its split into three cities that are run by him and his two brothers. Really nice family. Qetera has flourished under their rule.”

  “New family ruling?” he asked.

  “Oh no! No! They’ve been ruling for a longtime now. The pervious Commander was their father and he stepped down to turn over the rule to them because he was sick for a while. Worked out for the best though. Things are running smoother than ever. Of course, Nallume is in the middle of a big clean up because a recent storm hit it. Commander Etor just returned too from an extra-long mission." The bartender chatted away as he cleaned up behind his work station.

  Zol’tsa’s interest shot up a notch at that news. He smiled inwardly and prayed the old man would keep spilling out his guts. “Why was he gone so long then?” He crossed his fingers.

  “Those damned Lephusans are stirring up trouble again from what I heard. It never ends in a good way when those bastards start up. The last time they started their crap we lost several of our best men. I’m sure you had to have heard of the last war?” The old man looked at him suspiciously.

  “I heard about it but stayed away. I didn’t want to get involved. My ship isn’t equipped with guns. I just transport medical supplies around to different galaxies.” Damn, the old man was getting suspicious with him.

  “Oh, one of those, are you? My son went into that field of work. Made a nice sum of money. Can’t say I blame you. It’s better than being stuck in the same old place day after day. I bet you’ve seen a lot of different worlds.” The man had a dreamy look in his eyes as he asked about the worlds he travelled to.

  He waved his hand over the top of his glass to indicate he didn’t want any more to drink. “Oh sure! Let’s see I’ve been to Qetera, of course, umm… Toeloomus, Vorus, Napra, umm… Jacarro, Ratania, Asmion….”

  “I been to Napra. Beautiful place with beautiful women!” The old man winked at him then laughed.

  He joined the old man then dropped the bomb he hoped would gain him the information he needed. “Oh and Earth. Only been there once but…”

  “Earth! No kidding! Earth! What’s it like there? I haven’t met anyone before now who has been there, but I did get a glimpse of the Earth females the Commander rescued.”

  BINGO! He could hardly contain himself. Sticking with the old bartender paid out finally! “Not too bad of a place. A lot of their citizens are relocating though. Not sure why. The women I did see were above average in looks. I wouldn’t mind getting it on with one or two of them.”

  The old man roared with laughter. His wrinkled face scrunched up and turned beat red as he laughed. “You’re a man after my own heart! If you ever go back give me a call and I might take a ride with you.”

  “Sure thing, Buddy.” He faked looking at his time piece. “Damn it’s gotten late.” He tossed some bills on the bar in front of the man. “Thanks for the drinks. I might drop by tomorrow. You be here?”

  “I’m always here,” the bartender said with a parting wave.

  He left the bar and headed back to his ship. There wasn’t any time to waste in getting back to Lephus to deliver his news. The excitement he felt with the thought of getting one of the Earth females almost had him running to the landing pad. He would have to get clearance once again in order to leave the planet but he already had his story in place.

  “Requesting immediate departure clearance,” he spoke to the tower.

  “Leaving so soon? I thought you needed a part for your ship,” the voice on the other end was the same voice he had spoken to when he first asked for landing clearance.

  “I got an emergency call. My father has taken ill and is not expected to survive much longer.”

  “Dang man. Sorry to hear it. You want us to ship that part to you?”

  “No, I’ll come back for it in a few days.”

  “Sure thing. You’re clear for departure.”

  The radio went silent. He flicked the switch that turned the radio off. “Back in a few days my ass!” He laughed at his own joke then lifted his ship up off the surface of Qetera. He was going to push his ship to the limits to get back to Lephus. Ruehar better keep his promise.

  Chapter 12

  “Any word from Vulmar?” Kharis asked Etor.

  Etor was strapping on a new harness he had made for Rhaegos. It would allow him to take Maggie for rides on the big dragon. Now that she could hear Rhaegos because of their bonding, she had been begging him to take her up in the air.

  “I spoke with him last night and he hasn’t found out anything yet. He says the officials are keeping their mouths closed about the missing transport. Apparently, no one there even knows what happened. Vulmar is searching for the supposed captain who went into hiding.”

  Kharis tossed pebbles into the narrow stream that ran through the open field behind the house. “I want to get my hands on whoever is responsible.”

  Etor watched his brother. He suspected his middle brother was going through the Rage because of Kelly. More than once he had witnessed the pair at each other’s throat. Both of them were trying so hard to deny their feelings. He knew though they wouldn’t be able to resist much longer. Kharis couldn’t even tolerate Kelly talking to another male much less see one touch her. Kelly had even gone as far as demand Kharis stay totally away from her at all times.

  “Hopefully, he will have some news soon. Right now we have to worry about Ruehar.”

  A sound behind them had them turning to see Maggie and Kelly heading their way. Kharis stiffened at the sight of Kelly and he had to laugh. Kelly obviously had noticed Kharis or she wouldn’t still be walking their way. Maggie waved at them as the females walked to them, but the smile on Kelly’s face faded when she saw Kharis standing near the stream.

  “Hello, my love. Ready to go for that ride?” He pulled her into his arms and planted a kiss on her soft lips.

  Aww give me a break you two, Rhaegos puffed out a large spray of smoke.

  Maggie giggled when she heard Rhaegos. “I still can’t believe that I can hear him too!” She reached out to rub her hand over the light purple scales on Rhaegos’ belly.

  “What?” Kelly shouted. “You can hear him?” Kelly looked from Maggie to Rhaegos in amazement.

  “Sure can and it’s great! Kind of weird hearing someone talk in your head but cool at the same time.”

  “You really are going to ride him, aren’t you?” Kelly asked. She was afraid of the huge creature and preferred to stay several feet away from him when he was near. “I am so glad there is only one of them around.”

  “Oh, there’s more than one around,” Kharis stated.

  Kelly turned to face him. “What do you mean? If there are more where are they?”

  “Mine is back in my city and Vulmar’s is with him on a mission.” Kharis smiled smugly at her. He knew she was scared of the dragon, so he thought he would let her know he had one too.

  “You have a dragon too?” Her eyes and mouth widened in surprise.

  “Of course. There are many more on Qetera matter of fact. Would you like to go for a ride a
nd see them?” Kharis knew what the answer would be, but he thought he would give it a try.

  “Hell NO! I am not about to get on one of those things! I prefer to keep my feet on the ground.”

  “Chicken,” Kharis said. He had heard Maggie call her that a couple of times but wasn’t quite sure what a chicken was.

  He got the rise out of her he wanted. She stormed over to him and jabbed him in the chest with her tiny finger. He looked down at the beautiful creature and had to force himself from wrapping his arms around her.

  “I am not a chicken! Got it?”

  He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. Her fury deepened as he laughed at her. Behind her Etor and Maggie chimed in with their laughter. It only served to piss her off even more.

  “I’m got out of here. Y’all think it’s so funny but I don’t!” Kelly left them in a hurry.

  “Oh man, I’m afraid we hurt her feelings by laughing at her,” Maggie said.

  Kharis didn’t take his eyes off the retreating female who stirred his blood. “But, what is she so scared of? It’s just a dragon.”

  “First, Earth doesn’t have dragons, at least not real ones. Second, when we were younger we used to climb trees a lot. We loved to climb the big oak tree in her backyard. One summer we were trying to build a treehouse in the tree when the branch Kelly was standing broke, sending her plummeting to the ground.” Maggie thought back to the incident that put her friend in the hospital for the rest of that summer.

  Kharis paled at her words like he was reliving the experience with Kelly. “What happened?”

  “When she hit the ground she broke both of her legs. One of her bones was completely broken in half and protruding out of skin. She was in the hospital all summer and had never gotten over the fear of high places after that.”

  “By the Gods! My poor mate!” Kharis whispered as he looked back to Kelly. “I should have never teased her like that. I need to apologize!” He left them without another word and ran after Kelly.

  “Did he just say what I think he said,” Maggie asked.


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