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Lost Among the Stars (Sky Riders)

Page 10

by Rebecca Lorino Pond

Etor picked her up by the waist and placed her into the harness then swung his large frame up behind her. “I believe so, little one. Ready Rhaegos!”

  The dragon shot up into the air. Maggie held on for dear life and screamed until he leveled out. They could both hear the sneaky dragon laughing as they flew through the cool evening air.

  It was amazing how Rhaegos could glide through the air with a simple wave of his wings. Seeing his outstretched wing up close, she could tell how intricate and delicate the thin skin was. Rows upon rows of tiny, thin bones lined the span of each wing and one very sharp claw was at the end. As Rhaegos moved she could feel the movement of his mighty muscles working beneath her legs as she squeezed them to the harness.

  Go to the mountains, Rhaegos, Etor directed him.

  My pleasure, came the reply.

  Maggie took in everything around her. It was a glorious evening with the two suns of Qetera still high in the sky but slowly sinking as night approached. Lavender clouds surrounded them as they flew through a cloud bank as they neared the mountains. It was amazing to see Qetera like this! The colors of everything were vibrant, bright and she saw animals she never thought could exist.

  Etor kept his arms wrapped around her slim body as she leaned back some into him. He could smell her hair and the scent of their recent love making still lingered on her skin. The bond between them was strong and growing stronger by the day. The only thing that would be able to break that bond now was death.

  The past few days had been pure heaven for him. After the night of making love to his mate, he couldn’t bear to leave her. They stayed hidden away in their private rooms for three days making love until they were both exhausted. He had taken her so many times he had lost count, not that he was counting anyway. He never imagined he could feel the way he did about this little Earth female. The gods and goddesses sent her to him for a purpose and to keep her safe and he planned on doing just that.

  She still hadn’t confided in him her story of why she truly left Earth and it irritated him. He wasn’t going to force her to say what it was, but when he would ask her about it she would clam up and change the subject. One day soon he planned on getting her to tell him what happened.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  The sound of her surprised voice dragged him out of his daze. Her head was turned to the side of the mountain Rhaegos had just flown over. There grazing lazily was a large herd of dragons. It was the same herd that had presented his father and mother with the eggs that were to be their children’s dragons.

  “There’s so many of them!”

  Fly closer, Rhaegos.

  Rhaegos took a small dive then evened out again. He flew close to a particularly large dragon whose scales were a mixture of gold and red tones. Running around on the valley floor was a small herd of four baby dragons, all frolicking in the river. As they flew over, several of the larger dragons raised their heads to sniff the air.

  “They are scenting us. Rhaegos is from this herd. The big one over there,” Etor pointed in the direction of a large dragon who was a deep royal purple with a bright white head, “is Rhaegos’ father. His mother is the smaller pink one standing next to him.”

  Rhaegos took that moment to fly low and hover in front of the pair as they looked on. He bowed his head to the two dragons staring at him and the riders on his back. When they recognized who it was the pair returned the bow then let out a deafening roar.

  Maggie put her hands over her ears to block out the offensive noise. It lasted for several seconds before it stopped but her ears still rang after she uncovered them. She could barely make out the sound of Etor laughing as Rhaegos took off again.

  They rode through the air until they reached a large empty area next to a small stream with green sparkling water. Rhaegos gently landed on the soft ground then lowered his body enough to allow Etor to jump off then reach for Maggie.

  “Where are we,” she asked.

  He took her hand and led her over to the stream.

  “This was my favorite spot to come to when I was a boy. My brothers and I spent countless hours here playing with our dragons.” He sat on the ground and pulled her onto his lap.

  “But, why is the water green? Shouldn’t it be blue like the stream in the garden?”

  “This is the land of the dragons. It’s a whole different world within the confines of the mountains. The dragons were here long before we ever came to Qetera. The very first dragon, Livjatan the Life Giver, settled here after his world was destroyed. They thrived here and grew to great numbers. The first of my people came here in search of a safe place to bring their families who were exiled from their home. The dragons were very leery of them at first but soon realized that my people meant them no harm and could live alongside the dragons in peace. Over the years as my people grew to great numbers, Livjatan made a pack with the ruler. Livjatan promised from that point on, in order to keep their world peaceful, he would give a dragon’s egg to a select few males who bore the mark of the dragon.”

  “And you have this mark?” she asked.

  “Yes, it’s on my lower left shoulder blade. It’s where every mark of the dragon is found. Only those with the mark of the dragon could rule over Qetera. The pack was sealed and it has been the same way ever since. Usually only the first born son to the current ruler would bear the mark. For whatever reason, the gods and goddesses saw fit to give the mark to me and my two brothers. That’s why my brothers each rule over a city, but I am the ultimate or supreme ruler of Qetera because I am the first born son.” He nibbled her neck for a moment.

  “But that doesn’t tell me why the water is green” she twisted her body until she could grasp his face in both of her faces to bring his attention back to the story.

  “Ok, I’ll finish with the story then I have something else I plan on doing to you,” he wiggled his eyebrows at her causing her to laugh. “This area in the valley is the most fertile land on all Qetera. Without this land the dragons would not thrive. The green water comes from high up in the mountains where we believe the gods and goddesses reside. This is the only water source on Qetera that is green, but it travels for many, many miles within the valley before it joins with the great sea on the other side of those mountains over there.” He pointed in the direction he wanted her to look. “Kharis’ city, Ashme, lies on the other side of those mountains. While Vumar’s city, Nallume, is closer to the sea.”

  “What are the names of their dragons?”

  “Beroan, is Vulmar’s and Serelath is Kharis’.” His hand moved upwards to caress the underside of her breast. “I am hoping that all of our sons will bear the mark of the dragon also,” he whispered in her ear.

  She leaned her neck to the side to allow him more room to nibble the sensitive spot behind her ear. “That feels nice.”

  “Come, I want to show you something.”

  They stood up and he took her by the hand again. He headed to the grove of trees near a bend in the stream where there was a small waterfall. He heard her suck in her breath when she caught sight of its beauty as they neared it.

  “Wow! This is incredible.” Her head turned in every direction to take in the scene surrounding her. Trees of brown and orange stretched high up into the lavender clouds above the falls. The green water of the stream cascaded over the sharp drop of the shelf above to land in a large, round pool below. Small ripples fanned out to the water’s edges to gently sway the purple reeds that protruded out of the water with large red flowers crowning their tops. The rays of Qetera’s largest sun found their way through the clouds to shine down on the sparkling water to make it look almost transparent. A well-worn trail ran alongside the stream as it meandered its way downstream.

  Etor led her along the trail then up alongside the waterfall. It was too loud to try to talk, so they walked in silence as he led her to a spot that allowed them to go behind the falls. It was cool and damp behind the cascading water but a bit quieter.

  Without waiting, Etor spun her around until she was
firmly in his arms. He kissed her hungrily as he lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. The back of the waterfall’s hidden room had a flat, smooth wall that he pressed her against as he tasted her like he never had before. He felt her rubbing herself along his hard cock that was straining to be released from the confining clothes he wore. He growled into her mouth when he felt her hand cover his cock through his pants. Gods, if she didn’t stop touching him, he would cum in his pants like a school boy.

  He broke their kiss only to have her raise her arms above her head so that he could remove the shirt she wore.

  “Gods, your breasts are perfect!” He held one in each hand, molding and pushing them together. One by one he lifted a breast to his mouth to flick the puckered nipple that begged for his attention. Maggie’s breath increased as he suckled her nipples. He had to have more!

  “I have to be inside you,” he said as he set her back on the ground and swiftly removed his clothing, lying it carefully on the hard ground so that he could lay Maggie on top. Down on his knees now he pulled her him then gently lowered her to the ground. “I want to see all of you. I want to see you lying there naked in the place I used to come to so often.” She lifted her hips when he moved to the waist band of the pants she wore. Underneath she was as bare as a new born babe.

  “You are mine! Always mine! Say it!” he demanded as he spread her thighs with his hands.

  “I am yours forever,” she said in a husky breath.

  Yes, his forever. He quickly lowered his head between her legs and ran his tongue up along her slit until he came to her clit. She tried to close her thighs as he flicked and sucked on her clit but he held them open. He repeated the process of licking her, but this time when he reach the top he used his thumbs to pull back the slick folds until he could see her inner pussy lips glistening with her honey. He dove back in and licked her several times before he plunged his tongue into her opening causing her to moan out loud. He tongue-fucked her as her hands reached for his head. He continued his assault even as he felt the first tremors of her release.

  “Etor! I…I…” she couldn’t finish her sentence. Her orgasm overtook her with such force it left her screaming out his name over and over.

  Before her orgasm ended he moved up, positioned his cock at her entrance then plunged in until he was buried balls deep in her pussy. Her pussy was drenched with her honey as he moved in and out of her. This wasn’t to be one of their long, gentle love making sessions. He wanted to take her hard and fast until they were both screaming out their releases together. A few quick, hard strokes had him ready to pour his seed into her.

  “Say it again,” he demanded. “Say it!”

  “I’m yours!”

  Her words sent him over the edge. Her pussy clamped down on his cock and milked him for his seed. The sound of their passionate screams echoed in the small enclosure as the final tremors of their release left them. He fell forward but was careful not to press her too hard into the unrelenting ground.

  Breathlessly he spoke in her ear, “I will never get enough of you. You are my true life mate, my heart.” He kissed her tenderly on the lips before he rose up off her.

  “Can we come here again?” she asked as she sat up.

  “Of course. This will be our place. For now though, we need to be getting back. Vulmar is supposed to report to me in a short while.” He stood up and pulled her to her feet.

  After they both dressed and left the waterfall, they went in search of Rhaegos who was curled up sleeping in the open field. He heard their approach and readied himself for their weight, stretching his long neck up into the sky.

  The flight back to the palace was serene. The evening sky had turned pink and lavender as the two suns dipped behind the horizon. The air had grown cooler too causing Maggie to shiver somewhat. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her warm while they rode through the evening air.

  As Rhaegos drew nearer to the palace, Etor could see a bunch of people running in their direction.

  “Something is wrong,” he said as they landed and he jumped off.

  Thallan, his troop commander, rushed to his side. “Commander.”

  “What is it? What’s happened?” he asked as he pulled Maggie off Rhaegos.

  “Vulmar has reported back and said he found the captain of the Earth females’ transport.” Thallan walked alongside the couple as they made their way into the main room where Kharis was waiting for them.

  “Brother, Vulmar found him finally! He’s bringing him back to Qetera.” Kharis slapped his brother on the back in excitement.

  “Did you hear that, Mags? They found the son of a bitch who tried to sell us to those creeps!” She ran to her friend and engulfed her in a huge hug.

  “What…what are you going to do with him once he gets here?” Maggie asked.

  “He will stand trial for his crime of selling females for profit,” Etor said to her. “He will be sorry that he ever heard of the Lephusans and even sorrier he sold his own people to them.” Etor felt the Rage trying to surface. Even Kharis looked to be struggling with his anger.

  Chapter 13

  Ruehar had enough of the captain’ foolishness. He wanted the man dead and he wanted it to be done by his own hands. The fool had double crossed him and made him look like an idiot in front of his people. He paced back and forth on top of the castle wall debating on what to do. First, he needed to send someone to Earth to retrieve the scum and bring him to Lephus, which would cost him more money!

  “Sir! Sir!” a voice called out for him from far below him.

  He tried to ignore the man calling for him. He didn’t want to be bothered. That’s why he came up here, to be alone!

  “Sir!” the voice called from directly behind him now.

  He swung around and shouted into the man’s face before he realized who it was. “What do you want, soldier?” he blinked several time until he knew remembered it was Captain Zol’tsa.

  “Sir? Are you alright?” the captain asked.

  “Fine, fine. What news have you brought me?” It had better be good if the good captain planned on getting down off the wall alive.

  “I found them, Sir!”

  An evil smile spread across his face. “Where?”

  “On Qetera like you suspected. Etor found the transport with the females. They are currently in the main city and in Etor’s home.

  “Ahh…you have done an excellent job! How accessible are they?” A plan was forming in his head.

  “That I’m not sure, but it wasn’t too hard to get on Qetera.”

  He was getting more excited by the minute. The females he had bought and paid for were on his worst enemy’s planet. This would not only allow him to attack the planet for revenge but also steal back his shipment! The time has finally come around where he could seek out the retribution he felt he was due. He had lost too much because of the Qeterans and he wanted it all back!

  “How can you get back on the planet without causing suspicion?” Ruehar asked.

  “They are expecting me to return to pick up a part I ordered. I said I was having a problem with a part on my ship to gain access and with me being half Qeteran it wasn’t much of an issue to get the clearance to land.”

  Ruehar smiled then laughed. “Things couldn’t get much better than that! You have proved yourself to be a very valuable asset to me. As I promised, when the females are brought to me, you will have the first pick of whichever one you wish.”

  Captain Zol’tsa bowed in respect to his leader. “Thank-you, Sir.”

  “I want all the captains and top soldiers gathered within the hour. I want to organize the best invasion plan possible. The Qeterans will pay for everything they have done to me!


  Vulmar seized the wanted captain as he came out of a whore house. The man was totally surprised by the huge men that jumped him, threw him to the ground then cuffed his hands behind his back.

  The captain insisted they had the wrong man, but Vulmar had m
ade absolutely certain he was their man. They had been on Earth for over two weeks now and had been losing hope they would ever find the man. For days he had staked out the convention center where the transports took off at regular intervals. Countless hours he spent watching the Earthlings load males and females onto the ships to be relocated on other planets.

  He had been curious to know why so many residents of Earth were choosing to leave. The planet didn’t look as if it was experiencing any shortages with food or resources, so why the mass exodus?

  It was an unusual thing for residents of a healthy planet to pick up and leave, so he decided to do some digging while he waited for the captain to show his face. He and his lieutenant approached the officials who ran the convention center and acted like they were willing to take some of the Earthlings back to Qetera. There was no way he could have hidden his stature since he towered above all the people on the planet. At six foot eleven he was noticeable everywhere he went on Earth. The women stared at him as if he were a god, making him uncomfortable. His men laughed and teased him as the women threw themselves at him or begged to be taken back their world.

  “Why do your people want to leave so badly?” he asked one of the security personal standing guard outside the building.

  “It’s our government’s way of trying to control the over-population problem. Over the past century we’ve had a huge explosion of births. Some experts are saying that in another fifty years the Earth will be depleted of its resources, which I for one don’t believe,” the guard said.

  “And why is that? The Earth didn’t look so bad on the way in,” Vulmar commented.

  “Well, the war forty years ago made a lot of the ground unfit for growing food. It’s taken some time but we are on the right track of bring her back. The scientists have come up with a type of new fertilizer that is treating the soil. Seems to working so far. Not to mention the air quality was pretty poor.”

  “How many people have left so far?” his lieutenant asked.

  “Oh probably around three or four hundred thousand. The transports come and go none stop. Only had one problem so far out of all the ones that have already left.”


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