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The Diary of a Side Chick 2 (Side Chick Diaries)

Page 6

by Tamicka Higgins

  With that, he took the keys and walked out the door. When he climbed into the driver’s seat of Tyrese’s SUV, he adjusted the seat then pulled his phone out of his pocket. Usually, he was a little excited and whatnot about going to see Desirae. However, today, with what he discovered last night, he was not the least bit anxious about seeing her. He called her as he pulled out of the parking spot.

  “Hello?” Desirae said.

  “Desirae?” Tron said. “I’m free to come see you so we can talk about what you was saying last night.”

  Desirae was clearly hesitating on responding, and Tron could pick up on it. “Desirae?” he said. “Is it cool if I stop by and shit now? I mean… I don’t know if it’s gon be snowing and shit later on.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Desirae said, clearly sounding a little off guard by all of this. “Of course,” she said. “How soon you think you gon be here and shit?”

  “I don’t know,” Tron answered. “Maybe like thirty minutes or a little more.”

  “Okay,” Desirae said. “I’ll be here.”

  Tron hung up, shaking his head. As he drove away from his townhouse, he felt deep down in his soul that this chick – Desirae – was just playing games to try to keep him around or something. No matter how he looked at it, it was just an ugly situation. He knew that if Desirae was indeed pregnant with his baby, then there would be no way in hell that Shawna would ever consider for one second the idea of the two of them getting back together. Tron knew that a woman could forgive and move on past cheating. However, a baby? A baby with another chick, and that chick was one that he had been messing around with for a hot minute behind Shawna’s back, would be something that Shawna would never let him live down even if they were to get back together.

  Tron just turned on the radio and took his time as he headed through downtown and down Madison Avenue, heading toward the south side.


  “Reese, girl,” Desirae said, jumping up. “He on his way now. Shit, shit, girl. That nigga on his way now.”

  Reese stood up. The two of them had woke up that morning, after falling asleep on the couch, and were just chilling when Tron called.

  “So how is he sounding and stuff?” Reese asked, thinking about how she had watched Desirae call him last night and tell him that she was pregnant with his child.

  “Girl, I don’t know,” Desirae answered. “I mean, he don’t sound like he mad or nothing. But you know how niggas be. They act all cool and shit about stuff until they really deep in it then you really see what they think.”

  “You right about that,” Reese said.

  Just then, there was a long moment of silence that was several seconds too long. Reese could feel Desirae’s eyes barreling down on her.

  “So, what you try’na say, girl?” Reese asked. “You sayin’ I need to get up and leave and shit?”

  “Well, what?” Desirae said. “You was try’na be here and shit and hear us talkin or something?”

  “Well, no,” Reese said. “But I ain’t think I was just gon have to jump up like this and run out like that.”

  “I’m sorry, girl,” Desirae said, really feeling bad that this was the second time she was putting her girl Reese out because Tron was on his way. “But you know this is a big deal and stuff. I mean, I’m scared as fuck and I don’t know how this is gonna go. I just don’t.”

  Reese smiled and hugged Desirae quickly, telling her to calm down. “Girl, calm down,” she said. “Everything is gonna be okay, okay? I understand. I’mma just head home and know that I’m here for you if you need anything.”

  As Reese got her shoes on and got herself together, sliding into her coat in the dining room, she could tell by the way that Desirae was practically pacing around the apartment that she was nervous. Ever since she had known Desirae, she had always been one of the strongest chicks she’d known. Reese was genuinely surprised at how worked up Desirae was getting over all of this. At the same time, Reese knew too that telling a man that you are going to have his baby would never be an easy thing to do.

  Reese and Desirae hugged one another, saying bye, then Reese headed downstairs to the parking lot.

  “Text me when you get home,” Desirae told her as she was closing the door. “That way I know that you made it okay.”

  “Girl, I’ll be okay,” Reese said, waving goodbye to Desirae as she stepped out into the parking lot.

  Desirae closed the door then pressed her back against it for a second, looking up at the ceiling. She could not believe this was happening. Every so many seconds, she would glance down at her stomach and really think of how her life was changing. The thirty or so minutes that she was waiting for Tron to come knocking started off as being the longest thirty minutes ever. Desirae went ahead and sat on the couch, thinking of what she would say and how she was going to say it.

  To Desirae’s surprise, there was a knock at her door in about ten minutes. Instantly, her heart started beating out of her chest. Out of reflex, Desirae picked up her phone.

  “Ain’t no fuckin’ way it done been thirty minutes already,” she said to herself. “Okay, Desirae. Just be calm and be real about this. Just tell him what it is and whatever he say, it still ain’t really gon change shit.”

  Desirae closed her eyes for a moment. The knock at the door was louder, telling her that Tron was angry or something. Whatever it was, she would just have to deal with it. She headed over to the door and pulled it open. To her surprise, the person knocking on the door was Reese. She came stomping back in.

  “Girl, I’m stuck,” Reese said.

  “What?” Desirae said.

  “Girl, like I said,” Reese said. “I’m stuck. I can’t get my car out of that parking spot for nothing.”

  Desirae closed the door, going into some sort of a panic mode. Last thing she would ever want was for Reese to be around to hear her and Tron talking.

  “Girl, are you serious?” Desirae said. “Is there really that much snow and shit?”

  Reese nodded, taking her coat off. “Girl, yes,” she answered. “I tried and even tried going slow at it and I just couldn’t get my car out. If you wanna put on some clothes and come out and help me push it, then we can try to hurry up. You know my car is small, girl.”

  “Girl, I don’t feel like doin’ all that,” Desirae told her. “Not with the mood and shit that I am in. I just don’t feel like pushin’ no damn car right now. Plus, he gon be here in like ten minutes or fifteen minutes.”

  “Girl, I am so sorry,” Reese said. She then turned around and started to head out of the door again. “I’ll just wait in my car and stuff and come back in.”

  Desirae knew that she couldn’t let her girl do that. “Girl, don’t be silly,” Desirae said. “You gon’ burn up all your gas and shit running the heat and stuff. Look, when he show up in a second, just go back in the back room or something. And no matter what you do, don’t you say shit. I don’t know what the fuck he would do if he knew that I had a friend over hearing everything that me and him would be saying. I mean, he probably already gon be in a mood about his pregnancy. Girl, just don’t say shit.”

  Reese raised her head. “Desirae, girl,” she said. “I won’t say a damn word, I promise. I will even put this cell phone on silent. Girl, I don’t wanna make this any more stressful for you than it gotta be.”

  “Girl, thank you,” Desirae said. “I’m starting to get a little headache.”

  Desirae and Reese sat back down on the couch and chitchatted until they heard the thump of feet coming up the steps.

  “Girl, he’s here,” Desirae said.

  Without a second thought, Reese stood up and headed toward the back room.

  “Girl, please, please, please be quiet,” Desirae said.

  “I got you, girl,” Reese whispered, as she disappeared.

  At that moment, all Desirae could think about was how she hoped that stuff did not jump off between her and Tron with Reese standing in the other room. She was already starting to feel embarrasse
d enough from being a side chick and getting pregnant by the guy. Last thing she needed was for all of her business to be spilled with Reese knowing. At this point, though, she knew that all she could do was assume the worst and hope for the best.

  Within seconds, there was a knock at her door. Desirae went over to the door and pulled it open. Instantly, her eyes met with Tron’s eyes as he stepped inside. It was the longest and quietest couple of seconds ever to Desirae as Tron slid out of his coat and set it on the back of a chair in the dining room. He turned around and looked at Desirae. Usually, his eyes would be drawn to her killer body and all the things he liked doing with it. Now? Now, everything had changed. The idea that she could have his baby inside of her made him look at her in a totally different way.

  Desirae could pick up on Tron’s apprehension. In so many ways, he was coming across to her as being cold. It made her nervous. At the same time, though, she knew that no matter what kind of mood he was in, she was doing the right thing by telling him that she was carrying his child.

  “So…” Tron said. “You pregnant?”

  Desirae sat on her couch and nodded her head. “Yeah,” she said. “I took the test and everything and…well…yeah…I’m pregnant.” She forced a smile.

  Hearing it while sitting face to face with Desirae was something totally different. It was one thing to hear it over the phone. Now, however, to hear it in person was just something that he hadn’t planned on ever doing.

  “How the fuck is you pregnant?” Tron asked. “Huh, Desirae? How the fuck is you pregnant? I know we stopped using condoms and shit, but you told me that you was keeping up on your birth control. How?”

  Desirae could hear the anger in Tron’s voice. To say the least, it was very obvious that he was confused about it all. Deep down, she was full of fear about how he was going to react to what she was about to say.

  “Well, baby,” Desirae started.

  “I ain’t your baby,” Tron snapped.

  Desirae rolled her eyes, not liking how just last week she had been his baby and now she was on her way to being the mother of his child.

  “Well, Tron,” she corrected herself. “I slipped up and stopped taking my birth control.”

  Those words were exactly what Tron was hoping that he would not hear. Just like he and Tyrese had been talking about over at the townhouse, Tron’s feelings were really starting to settle in. Rather than go off, like he wanted to at that very moment, he stood up. Right there, in the middle of the living room floor in Desirae’s apartment, Tron paced around a small space. He was trying to figure out what he was going to say.

  “How the fuck you just slip up and stop taking your birth control, Desirae?” Tron asked, talking rather loudly. “Huh? How the fuck you just slip the fuck up and stop taking your fuckin’ birth control?”

  “Okay, Tron,” Desirae said, standing up. “Calm down, Tron. You ain’t gotta go yelling.”

  “Don’t you go tellin’ me what the fuck I gotta do,” Tron told her. “Answer that shit. Huh? How the fuck you just forget to take your fuckin birth control, Desirae?”

  Desirae really didn’t have an answer other than the fact that she’d gotten so caught up in her feelings for Tron. On top of that, she really didn’t think that she was going to get pregnant. For whatever reason, that is really what she thought.

  “You did this shit on purpose, Desirae,” Tron said, angrily. “Bitch, you did this shit on purpose.”

  No matter who may have been in the other room and listening or not, Desirae could not allow some man to disrespect her to her face like that by calling her a bitch.

  “Look here, nigga,” Desirae said. “You may have had a chick just thrown out into the snow at the club that night and shit, but you in my house right now. You hear me? You not gon’ come up in here and be calling me a bitch like I ain’t shit.”

  “Like you ain’t shit?” Tron said. “You gotta be kidding me, Desirae. You was just a fuck, like I told you. I was just smashing and shit. Letting you suck on this dick. Now I look up and you callin’ me talkin’ bout you pregnant and shit. For all I know, it could be some other nigga’s baby or some shit.”

  Desirae really had to use all of her control to keep from reaching out and slapping Tron clear across his face.

  “Nigga, I ain’t no hoe,” Desirae let him know. “I ain’t no fuckin’ hoe.”

  Tron chuckled. “You not no hoe, huh?” Tron said. “That’s all you ever was, Desirae. All you fuckin’ wanna do is fuck and suck dick and shit. Sure could have fooled me.”

  “So, this is how you gon’ treat me?” Desirae asked. “Huh, Tron? You just gon look at me and treat me like I ain’t worth shit to you?”

  “Girl, there was never a us or anything,” Tron said. “I done lost my relationship and shit because of you and the games you play and shit. And now you done did some foul shit, just try’na trap a nigga.”

  “Try’na trap you?” Desirae asked, feeling so insulted that any man would think she would even consider going so far as getting pregnant to try to keep him around. “Nigga, I know you not that damn stupid. Trap you? Really? Is that how you feel? Why would I do some shit like that?”

  “Desirae,” Tron said. “You know ever since I been breaking you off with some of this dick, you been trying your hardest to get me to break up with my chick…. Telling me shit like I can come stay with you and you would treat me so much better than she do.”

  “That was the truth,” Desirae said. “But I swear I ain’t get pregnant by you on purpose, Tron. I swear. And you was the one talking about how she make you so unhappy and shit, always up and down with y’all relationship and stuff.”

  “Man, this is some bullshit,” Tron said. “I know you did this shit on purpose. You thirsty and one of them hoes that will do anything to keep a nigga around just so you can have a man. I knew I shouldn’t have been fuckin’ around with your ass.”

  “So, what then, Tron?” Desirae said, not taking well to how Tron was talking to her. “You just gon be up outta here, acting like you don’t know me, and not gon help me take care of this baby?”

  “Baby?” Tron said, shaking his head. “I mean…I mean I don’t even know if that baby is mine.”

  “Nigga, stop shaking shit like that,” Desirae said. “You the only nigga I been fuckin’ and you know that. You know that you the only dick I done had up in me in the last couple of months.”

  “I don’t live with you,” Tron said, shaking his head. “I don’t know anything other than what you tellin’ me. I don’t even know that you pregnant.”

  “What the fuck you mean you don’t even know if I’m really pregnant or not, Tron?” Desirae said, now yelling. “What kinda fuckin’ shit is that? Why the fuck would I lie about some shit like being pregnant?”

  Tron started to say something, but caught himself. Deep down, at that very moment, he really wished he had never messed around with Desirae. He even started to blame himself for ever taking the condom off to smash some chick that would suck dick at the drop of a dime.

  “This shit,” Tron said.

  “Nigga, I can fuckin’ show you since I’m just the biggest liar in the fuckin’ world and shit,” Desirae said. “I can fuckin’ show you that I’m pregnant.”

  Just then, Desirae rushed by Tron and into her bathroom. She shuffled around in her trash can until she found her pregnancy test. Desirae marched back out into the living room and tossed the test at Tron.

  “Look at that shit and tell me I’m lying, Tron,” she said. “Look at that shit.”

  “What the fuck is that?” Tron asked, seeing something white flash before his eyes.

  “What the fuck you think it is?” Desirae said. “Pick it up and see for your damn self since I’m just the biggest lying, dick-sucking hoe in Indianapolis. Look at that shit for yourself.”

  Cursing under his breath, Tron picked it up. It was indeed a pregnancy test. He looked at it for a moment, trying to figure out how to read it. Once he did, he could see that Desir
ae was indeed telling the truth – the truth at least partially. She was indeed pregnant. Tron, frustrated and angry about the entire situation, tossed the test down.

  “Tron, why don’t you take this as a sign?” Desirae asked, wanting Tron to face the fact and be open to them moving on. She moved closer to him, rubbing his toned chest through his shirt.

  “A sign of what?” Tron said, now looking into Desirae’s eyes.

  “Look, we both know how unhappy you was with her,” Desirae said. “I could see that shit all over your face when you came over here and shit. I don’t even know why you try to deny it. She wasn’t right for you… not like me.”

  “Desirae,” Tron said, in a very serious tone. “I wasn’t ready for no baby.”

  “So, what then, Tron?” Desirae said. “What you sayin? You sayin’ you want me to get an abortion or something?”

  Tron remained silent, not opening his mouth for one second to answer the question. He just shook his head, truly feeling like he had gotten himself into a situation where he let this chick trap him. A huge wave of disappointment came over him, making him angry about it all. If this baby was indeed his baby, he knew it would definitely be impossible to even think about getting back with Shawna.

  Chapter 5

  It felt so weird for Shawna to have to stay at her younger sister Morgan’s place. It wasn’t that Shawna was uncomfortable or anything like that in that part of the city. Rather, she always felt like since she was the older sister, she should be helping Morgan rather than Morgan helping her. Once she got past those feelings, somewhat, she was able to look at the difference in her environment. Staying with Morgan since Saturday night – since she went through the apartment and let out her rage on Tron’s things – started to make Shawna think about everything she had with Tron. She looked around at the things, like furniture and clothes, that Morgan had and it was nothing compared to what she was used to with Tron.

  “So, yeah,” Shawna said, having just finished telling her story about what Ms. Susan had told her at the shop last night. When Shawna got home last night, she had just gone to sleep. There was so much on her mind that staying up and talking with Morgan was something that she was just not feeling. “That’s the wisdom Miss Susan dropped on me.”


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