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Coveting Love (Jessica Crawford)

Page 6

by Schwimley, Victoria

  He smiled. He had such a radiant smile. He seemed to light up the table with it.

  “Actually, I was passing through on business. My family owns a ranch about three hundred miles south of here. I was on my way to New York to meet with some of our distributors when the water pump went out in my truck. So I’m stuck here overnight.”

  “So, you met Jason, then. He’s the best mechanic on the entire East Coast. I can assure you that you couldn’t have picked a nicer town in which to breakdown. The people here are incredibly nice, and quite hospitable.”

  “So I’m finding out.”

  She blushed as he stared hard at her. She didn’t know why she felt so pleased that he had asked to sit at her table, but she did. She picked up her wine glass. “Well, then let’s have a toast to strangers in broken pickup trucks.”

  They touched their glasses together and their eyes locked.

  “So, tell me, what kind of business are you in? Or do you mind me asking?”

  “Don’t be silly. There isn’t anything Jessie likes to talk about more than her work.”

  They were so involved in their conversation that they hadn’t noticed Amy and Randy approach the table. She looked up into Amy’s eyes, and blushed when she noticed the way she was smiling at her. She introduced her friends to Brandon.

  “As I was starting to say, I’m a fashion photographer. I work in New York at Modern Fashions Magazine.”

  “How fascinating; you must find that interesting work,” Brandon commented.

  “I love my work,” she said proudly. “I consider myself somewhat of an artist, in fact. Nothing gives me more pride than to sit back and gaze at a finished piece of work. I get a real sense of excitement just knowing my work will be displayed for the world to see.”

  “Well, you should. It takes a real colorful eye and a great imagination to make all those pictures turn into something productive.”

  “You sound as if you know something about photography.”

  “Not really, just what I learned in college. I never could maintain enough interest to do anything with what I learned. But I do admire those of you who can,” he added quickly.

  “Nice cover,” she teased. “It has always been a passion for me. Besides, I get a chance to travel, somewhat, and I find that quite stimulating.”

  She gestured toward Amy. It was the first acknowledgment that she was there since she had introduced her and Randy. “Amy and I are currently working on a summer layout for one of the biggest distributors in women’s clothing.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Do you mind if I ask whom you’re working for?”

  Her answer came easily but with somewhat of a frown. “Mr. Phillip Stewart.” She watched as his eyes turned dark with anger. A chill went down her spine. “Do you know Mr. Stewart?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve only heard of him. But I’ve heard he’s a scoundrel and not to be trusted. He’ll chew you up and spit you out when he’s through.”

  She laughed as she envisioned this violent act before her eyes. “Not to worry, Brandon. We will not be working directly with Mr. Stewart. We’ll be communicating through his staff.”

  “Nevertheless, it would be wise to stay out of his way. He is the craftiest weasel I have ever had the good fortune of not meeting.”

  She took his meaning well, remembering the vile feeling she was left with after their last meeting.

  “Well, anyway, thanks for the warning, Brandon. I have every intention of staying at least a dozen miles away from him.”

  She proceeded to tell him about the problem they were having with selecting the location for the layout. He listened intently as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

  “I would love to help you out, but my mind draws a complete blank. It sounds as if you’re looking for paradise on a deserted island, but with civilization nearby.”

  Jessie nearly popped out of her chair. “That’s it! That is exactly what we are trying to find.” Then her shoulders slumped back down. “But I’m afraid there is no such place.”

  “Of course, there is,” Brandon said. “You just haven’t found it, yet.”

  Amy yawned beside her, making her aware of the late hour. Her mother would most likely be worried about them. Not to mention the fact that Amy really needed to get some rest, considering they were up so late the previous night.

  “I’m really sorry, but I’m afraid we must be getting home now. It’s been wonderful talking with you.” They all stood to leave.

  “Will I have a chance to see you again?” he asked, hopeful.

  “Sure. If you’re ever in New York give me a ring.”

  She pulled a business card out of her wallet and scribbled her home number and address on the back of it. Then she handed it to Brandon. His hand lingered a little longer than was necessary. The touch made her heart flutter. She smiled demurely.

  “I really must be going,” she apologized. She saw that Amy and Randy were already making their way to the door. She thanked Brandon for the drink and turned to leave. He grabbed her hand as she did so. She turned to stare into his eyes and nearly threw herself into his arms. He bent toward her and kissed her gently on the lips.

  “I’ll call,” he whispered in her ear.

  The kiss had been quick, but Jessica’s pulse raced with excitement. She was not a stranger to relationships with the opposite sex; she had a few boyfriends in her past. But this kiss was somehow different, soft and gentle, with a promise of another.

  She tore herself away from him as she heard Amy calling to her. She left without speaking a word, but his kiss stayed with her.

  A fire was burning in the fireplace when they arrived. Sarah and Grant were laughing over some shared joke and eating pie when they entered the house. She felt a stab of jealousy that she hadn’t been missed while she was gone. It occurred to her she had been having these feelings of jealousy and loneliness too often lately. She wished she could have enjoyed Brandon’s company a little longer.

  She sat down beside Sarah.

  “Hi, sweetie, did you have a nice time?”

  “Hmm,” she moaned dreamily. “I really did, but I’m really tired. I’m going to call it a night.”

  She left the four of them and climbed wearily up the stairs to her room.

  As she was drifting off to sleep, she thought of Amy’s attraction to Randy. She made a mental note to speak with Amy first thing in the morning.

  It wasn’t long before she was asleep. She dreamt of Brandon kissing her. She wondered how it would feel to be held in his arms, go to sleep with him at night, and wake up with him in the morning.

  She slept soundly, most likely due to the comfort of being in her mother’s home. The sun streaming through the window awakened her. They were lucky to have the sunshine two days in a row. The storm that had been a threat yesterday did not exist today.

  She dressed quickly and went downstairs to find her mother sitting at the kitchen table. She was reading a magazine and drinking coffee.

  “Good morning, sleepy head,” she said, glancing at the clock.

  Jessica followed her gaze toward the clock, dismayed to discover it was already ten.

  “Did I really sleep that late?” she asked; as if the clock might actually have skipped ahead just to play a trick on her.

  “You sure did.”

  “I don’t do that often. No wonder I feel so refreshed.”

  She went to the cupboard, pulled down a cup, and poured herself some coffee. She took a seat at the table next to her mother, picking up the magazine she had been looking at. It was the latest issue of Modern Fashions.

  “You did a good job on that layout,” Sarah said. She pointed to a double page ad displayed in front of her.

  “I tried a different setting of lights. Do you see that shadow cast behind her? I brought one light from above and one light from below to cast just the right angle.”

  “Well, it worked.”

  “Thanks.” She shoved the magazine aside and picked up another magaz
ine that was lying beside it.

  “Cosmo, I swear, Mother, what has gotten into you lately? First you’re wearing seductive dresses, and now you’re reading Cosmo Magazine.”

  “Never mind my reading and dressing habits. I want to talk to you about Amy.”

  “Yeah, where is Amy? Is she still asleep?”

  Sarah rose to pour herself another cup of coffee as she prepared to answer her daughter’s question.

  “Amy has been up for hours. She got up early this morning and went to breakfast with Randy. She seems quite enthralled with that man.”

  Jessica could hear the disappointment in her mother’s voice.

  “I’m sorry. I know things didn’t work out as you had planned. I just don’t think things were meant to be for Randy and me. However, I do think you are right about Amy. She does seem to have taken an interest in him.”

  “I want to ask you something about Amy, and I’m going to ask you right out. I realize you two are friends, and friends don’t betray confidences. But I have to know, is Amy pregnant?”

  Jessica stared at her mother in wonder, mouth agape. She would never understand this woman’s ability to see through anything. She shook her head “Man, I sure hope I never have anything to hide from you. How did you know?”

  “A wise woman sees and pays attention to everything. I happened to notice how quiet and withdrawn she has been since she got here, my number one clue that there is a problem. I also noticed the way she kept falling behind us to look at baby clothes when we were shopping, which gave me a direction to look to discover what kind of problem she’s having. And then there’s the way you jumped to her rescue when I asked her to climb up and get the dishes down, which means you are concerned about her health. And do I have to mention how peaked and tired she looks. Basically, I just put two and two together.”

  Jessica frowned. “Were we really that obvious?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid you were. Is she going to keep the baby?”

  “She isn’t sure. I think she was planning to until your talk yesterday morning. You have unknowingly convinced her that her life will be miserable if she tries to raise a child on her own.”

  Sarah slumped in her chair. “Good heavens. If I had known about her baby, I would not have said all those things. I may have been alone all these years, but I would not trade you for anything.”

  Jessica smiled and squeezed Sarah’s arm. “I know that, but Amy just won’t listen to me. She has to make her own decision on this one. She promised me she will think it through before doing anything about it.”

  “What about the father?”

  Reluctantly, she told her about Bob.

  “I can’t believe anyone would do such a thing to a girl as sweet as Amy,” Sarah commented. She agreed with Jessica that Amy should tell him about the baby, but she understood why Amy didn’t want to. “I can see Amy’s point on this one. Marriage is hard enough when two people love each other. Forcing a man into marriage harbors a lot of resentment. She should at least tell him, though. He might surprise her. He can still be supportive without marrying her.”

  “What if she tells Bob and he decides to take the baby from her? Maybe his wife would forgive him for his infidelity and want to raise the baby with him.”

  “Have you voiced this opinion to her?”

  “No way, she has enough worries on her mind right now. I wouldn’t want to add to them.”

  “Good. I think you’re right. Besides, I don’t think it’s likely to happen that way.”

  Jessica sighed. She hugged her mother tightly. “I’m glad you know. It’s a load off my mind. Is that offer still open to attend Sunday services with you? I suddenly feel the need for a little lifting of the spirits. I can’t think of a better place from which to get it. It’s been ages since I went to church, and I would love to see everyone again.”

  Amy still had not come home when they returned from church. Sarah went into the kitchen to begin preparations for their Sunday meal, while Jessica waited impatiently for Amy to arrive. This wasn’t like Amy to take off without consulting her first.

  Amy finally arrived and could see that Jessica was angry.

  “Where have you been?” Jessica demanded. “I was worried about you.”

  “What are you so uptight about? This isn’t like you at all.” She glanced over at Randy and shook her head. “I assure you I was perfectly safe. Randy and I went for breakfast and then did a little shopping.”

  They looked at each other and giggled, as if they shared a major secret. Jessica felt her agitation grow.

  Sarah entered the room. “Oh, hi, Randy, I didn’t hear you two come in? Will you be staying for Sunday meal with us?”

  He glanced over at Jessica. “I don’t think so, Mrs. Crawford. Father will be expecting me home. I‘m sure he wasn’t expecting me to be gone so long. We have some work to do around the house this afternoon.”

  “Well, all right, then. Let me know if I can be of any help.”

  “Thank you, I will.” He placed his hands on Amy’s arms and kissed her gently on the cheek. “I’ll call you soon, okay?”

  She nodded. “I would like that.”

  He walked out the door, closing it softly behind him. Amy turned on Jessica.

  “How dare you embarrass me like that,” she accused. “I’m a big girl and can take care of myself. You are not my mother. Although, you would never know it by the way you’re acting lately; you’re bossy and rude.” She turned and ran from the room, crying.

  Jessica sighed. Once again, she had made a fool of herself this weekend. She turned to look at her mother, who gave her a sympathetic smile.

  “She’ll be all right. Come and help me in the kitchen. Let Amy be alone for a while. Then you can go and talk to her.”

  Jessica frowned. “Why do I always screw things up?”

  “You mean well. You just haven’t learned how to approach things. Come and let Amy be alone.”

  An hour later Jessica knocked softly on Amy’s door. Amy answered the door and peered out at her. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. She looked pale. She moved aside, allowing Jessica to enter. Once in the room, Jessica turned to her with compassion in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I’m worried about you. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “I know you are. But really, I am a big girl. Besides, you’re right. I just was caught up in the moment. Randy is such a wonderful man. I swooned at all the attention he paid me. I won’t see him anymore. At least until I feel I can go to him freely. Right now, I don’t even know where I stand with Bob. Until I do, I can’t allow myself to get involved with anyone.”

  “I’m so relieved to hear you say that. This was supposed to be how our talk earlier should have gone. I was so afraid you would fall hard for Randy, like you did for Bob, and end up getting hurt all over again.”

  Amy shook her head. “No chance of that. I’ve asked Randy for some time. I need to think about some things in my life.”

  Jessica’s eyes became wide with surprise. “Did you tell him you’re pregnant?”

  “No, but I did tell him I have some problems I’m working through. He said he understands and he’ll call me in a few weeks. San Francisco is such a long way away. I doubt he’ll even call.”

  Jessica hugged her. “You never know what might happen. I’m sorry we fought, but I’m glad we talked it out. Our friendship means everything to me.”

  “It means a lot to me, too.”

  “By the way, Mom knows.”

  “Jess, you promised.”

  “I didn’t tell. She guessed. We gave off too many clues.”

  “I suppose it’s just as well. Now I don’t have to be so brave. Let’s go eat. I’m starved.”



  Jessica dropped her bags down with a thud. They hadn’t seemed quite so heavy before. The hour was late, and she was weary from her drive home.

  She threw herself on the sofa
. Her thoughts went immediately to Brandon. He had been on her mind all day. Both she and Amy had been quiet on the drive home; each of them lost in her own thoughts. She was afraid she wouldn’t see Brandon again. Amy was concerned about her confrontation with Bob.

  Slowly, she rose from the sofa and dragged herself the short distance to her bed. She didn’t bother undressing; she just collapsed on top of the covers. Her dreams were filled with visions of Brandon. His touch seemed so real that she found it hard to believe it was only a dream.

  The alarm clock startled her awake. She hadn’t realized she had been sleeping so soundly. She looked down at her clothes. She hardly remembered coming home. She looked around a moment before she realized she was in her own apartment. With great effort, she managed to climb off the bed and make it to the shower.

  Life was in full swing again. She felt both dread of the stress the day would surely bring, and exhilaration at the prospect of the new project.

  She arrived at work early. She had a full agenda ahead of her and wanted to get started. Her work was well underway when Amy arrived and tapped lightly on the door to her office. She looked up from her desk and smiled, waving her inside.

  “Morning, Jess.” There was no sign of the disagreement they had had on the previous day.

  “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

  Amy nodded. “I’ve come to a decision about the baby.”

  “I thought you were going to think about it for a while. There are many possibilities to think through, and I know we can work this out, Amy. It’s too soon to do anything rash.”

  Amy held up her hands in front of her. “Wait. I’m going to keep the baby. No matter what happens with Bob.”

  Jessica ran around the desk and threw her arms around Amy. “Oh, Amy, I’m so glad. You’re doing the right thing. I’m so happy for you. And don’t worry; you have my support all the way. I’ll help in whatever way I can. I’ll be the best Aunt there ever was.”

  Amy laughed. “Thanks. I knew I could count on you. I’ve also decided to tell Bob. If he rejects me, then so be it. At least I will know I tried, and someday, I will be able to tell my baby I did everything possible to secure a father for him, or her. I also realize if Bob cheated so easily on his wife with me, then he probably wouldn’t hesitate to do it to me as well.”


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