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Coveting Love (Jessica Crawford)

Page 34

by Schwimley, Victoria

  “Please don’t; I can do without those kinds of favors.”

  She cast her eyes away from him. “Matthew, I saw you and Brandon arguing in the hall. I haven’t seen him since. I’m worried about him.”

  He put his arm around her shoulder and led her toward the front door. Before she knew it, they were standing on the front porch. He turned toward her, looking seriously into her face.

  “Jess, Brandon is a wonderful man. He has the capacity to love to no end. He’s honest, hardworking, and dependable. But he has a problem with jealousy. If the two of you can work past that, then you will have a wonderful life together. Brandon and I were arguing over you. He wanted to make it clear that I was to stay away from you. It took awhile, but I managed to convince him I was not after you.”

  “Do you know where he went?”

  “He went to cool off. If I know Brandon, I would guess that he’s in the end stall in the far corner of the barn. He often goes there when he needs to be alone.” She started to run to the barn, but Matthew grabbed her arm. “He’s aware of his problem, and he’s trying desperately to deal with it. Be patient with him.”

  He let go of her arm and she took off. She found him there, right where Matthew said he would be. He sat in the corner of the stall picking at hay. His tuxedo was covered with dirt, and he had hay sticking in his hair. She walked over to him, knelt beside him, picked some of the hay from his hair. He looked up at her, smiling apologetically. She pulled his head to her chest and stroked his hair, like a mother giving comfort to a child with a skinned knee.

  They remained there for hours just talking and stroking, reassuring each other of their love. They had a long road to travel before they could be truly happy, and Jessica was determined to journey down it.

  As they heard the last of the guests leaving, they rose and walked back to the house. They stopped at Jessica’s door. She tried to pull him inside, but he shook his head and moved on to his own room. She stared after him for a while. She finally moved inside her room and undressed, numbed by the night’s adventure. She shivered under the covers. She rubbed her hands over her arms, trying to establish some warmth. It had been cold in the barn, but neither of them had noticed at the time.

  She lay awake for hours, thinking about her wedding, this house, her new role she would take; she felt overwhelmed.

  Surprisingly, she woke the following morning with a feeling of peacefulness, forgetting for a moment where she was. A quick look around the room reminded her. She smiled and snuggled farther down into the covers.

  Someone tapped so lightly on the door that she barely heard it. She called for whomever it was to enter. She was surprised to see Mandy standing in the doorway. She felt a blush come over her, remembering their conversation the last time they had met.

  She signaled for the girl to enter the room. She was dressed in the normal everyday attire of a sixteen-year-old girl, and carried a tray with a small teapot and a cup on it. She was apparently nervous, because the cup and saucer were clanging.

  “It’s okay, Mandy, you can come in.” As the girl approached, Jessica reached for her robe. She pulled it on as she rose from the bed. She smiled to put the girl at ease. “Thank you,” she said, taking the tray from her. “Don’t worry, I’m not angry with you.”

  “You’re really not mad at me?”

  “No. I might have been a little at first, but hey, no harm done, right?”

  “That’s the way I see it,” Mandy agreed, shrugging.

  “Do you have time to sit and talk?”

  “Oh sure. I don’t really work here, you know.”

  “Yes, I know. Brandon told me.”

  “I like to help out a little, though. Mom says it will be great practice for when I go to college. Brandon even said he would give me a good job recommendation. I can wait tables or something; you know, to have some spending money. My Mom and Dad already have my college fund saved, Brandon helps them out, but I want some of my own money. Don’t you think that’s a good idea? ”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. I worked when I was in college.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I worked at the newspaper doing odd jobs, mostly mailroom stuff. For a while, I thought I wanted to be a reporter. But I much prefer being behind the camera.”

  “Mom told me you take pictures. She even showed me some magazines with your work in them. You’re pretty good.”

  “Thank you. That’s nice of you to say. You know what, Mandy; I’m going to be living here soon, when Brandon and I get married. I hope we can be friends. It’s going to be lonely here, and I’ll need someone to talk with. Do you like to take pictures?”

  “I’m not sure. I never really tried, just a few times with those little disposable cameras, you know, like on school field trips. Father hired someone to take a family portrait of us once, but to be honest, I wasn’t very interested. I don’t think he did a very good job, either. I look kind of funny in the picture.”

  “Well, maybe I can take a new one for you.”

  She shrugged. “Sure, why not.”

  Jessica brightened. “Perhaps I can teach you a little about photography, just until you go off to school. I go all sorts of places taking pictures of different people.”

  Mandy’s eyes sparkled at this idea. “Do you go to exciting places, like Jeffrey does?”

  This comment took her by surprise. She raised her eyebrows in response. She wasn’t quite sure how to answer the question. She had never spoken to anyone about Jeffrey before, except Brandon. She was afraid if she were to speak of him now, she might reveal deep inner feelings, which she still didn’t know how to deal with. Still, the girl's question needed an answer.

  “I’m not sure,” she said. “I don’t really know Jeffrey that well. I’ve only met him a couple of times.” Never mind the fact you almost slept with him, she added to herself. “I don’t think we visit the same kinds of places. He travels to much more exotic places than I have. He’s even dined with kings and queens.”

  “I know,” she said dreamily. The girl’s infatuation with Jeffrey was apparent. “I want to be an actress. Someday I’m going to act on stage and travel all over performing.”

  “Yes, so Brandon has told me. Have you done any plays?”

  She nodded eagerly. “I played one of the mice in Cinderella, the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland, and I’m auditioning for the part of the scullery maid for this year's play.” She lowered her head for a moment. “That’s why I was practicing on you the other day.”

  “Ah, I see. Well, you did very well; I’m sure you’ll get the part.”

  She brightened. “Do you think so?”

  “I do,” Jessica said, and meant it. “You had me fooled.”

  “I did. Didn’t I?” She laughed and her eyes sparkled.

  She looked up then to see Brandon standing in the doorway. She hoped he hadn’t heard them talking about Jeffrey. Although, judging by the expression he wore, he had heard something he didn’t like.

  “Hello, Brandon.”

  “Good morning. I hope you slept well.”

  Mandy jumped up and headed for the door. She didn’t greet Brandon as she passed. Jessica noted her attitude of indifference toward him and wondered about it. But of course, her infatuation with Jeffrey would prevent her from wanting anything to do with the rival brother. Mandy closed the door behind herself, not bothering to say goodbye.

  “I can see she really has a thing for you,” Jessica teased.

  He shrugged. “Whatever. I don’t have time for the silly wills of a sixteen-year-old.”

  She withdrew from the sharpness. “Will you have time for a ride today, or will you be working with Matthew?”

  “That’s what I came to see you about. I was wondering if you would mind if I took you home today.”

  “Home? Whatever for? I’m enjoying my visit.”

  “I think Mother might be tiring from too much activity. She seems a bit peaked this morning.”

  “Oh, I s
ee.” But she didn’t really. His mother could rest regardless of whether she was there. She could see straight through his lie. But what could she say? Arguing wasn’t going to change his mind, and she was a guest in his home.

  “Okay. I understand. We can leave right after breakfast.”

  “No!” he shouted, “What I mean is,” he said, softening his tone, “I would like to stop for breakfast on the way. I’ve discovered one of those really good, greasy, go all out little diners, you know the kind your doctor warns you about. It’s right on the way home.

  “Okay, whatever you want. Just give me an hour to pack. That is, if you can spare me an hour,” she added sarcastically.

  He flinched. “Sure, take all the time you need.” He kissed her on the lips, long and lingering, and walked out the door.

  She crossed to the teapot, lifted the lid, tested the temperature, decided it was still warm enough to drink, and sat down to linger over a cup. Not even Brandon was going to rush her through this luxury.

  They rode back in peaceful accord. The change in Brandon was incredible. She was starting to wonder if he had a Jekyll and Hyde syndrome, or some other personality altering disorder—perhaps bipolar disease. Most of the time, he was pleasant, loving, attentive, and showered her with affection. Other times she was afraid he would tie her to a tree and administer ten lashes.

  They stopped at the diner, and to her surprise, she was delighted. The food was incredible. They ordered biscuits with county gravy, slices of thick bacon, and scrambled eggs cooked as she had never had them before. The atmosphere was quaint and made her feel as if she were sitting in her mother’s kitchen. She half expected her mother to walk through the double swinging doors that separated the dining area from the kitchen, and sit down at their table.

  Brandon had a familiar relationship with the owners, referring to them as Bob and Carolyn. Of course, this meant they treated them as if they were the king and queen come to visit—very VIP treatment. Before the meal was over Jessica had made new friends.

  Their lighthearted talk consisted mostly of their plans for the future. An outsider looking in on them would comment on how much they were in love.

  Now, as they whizzed through the countryside, Jessica pushed back against the seat and smelled the scent of the pines. They had been on the road for a while, and her limbs were getting stiff.

  “Are you tired?” Brandon asked.

  “Hmm, I think it’s the country air. It’s making me sleepy.”

  “There’s a nice place to stop up here, are you interested?”

  “That would be nice. Although I feel silly stopping; we’re almost home.”

  “Who’s in a rush?”

  She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “Not I.”

  Brandon eased the car off the road and down a path, between some tall maple trees. Some ways in, he brought the car to a dead stop.

  “This is it,” he said, lending his hand to help her out of the car.

  “Where are we?” she asked, looking around. She had to admit it was beautiful. There were trees all around them, and winter had just begun to cast its magic on them. She saw a squirrel scamper up a tree. Within a few weeks, he would be hiding from the cold.

  Brandon lifted her hand and pulled her gently to her feet. “Come with me. I want to show you something.”

  She followed easily as he led her through some brush and up some steep rocks. She gaped in amazement when they came to a thunderous waterfall. The water cascaded down and knocked roughly against the rocks below it, spraying up white and foamy, like lace blowing freely in the wind.

  “It’s absolutely beautiful,” she declared in wonder. “How did you ever find this place?”

  “My family and I used to come here on picnics. You wouldn’t know it now, but in the summertime these paths are filled with eager hikers and picnicking families.”

  “I can see why. You have to promise to bring me back when it’s warm, so I can let that spray splash all over my body.”

  “Why not now?” he teased, inching forward and boldly unbuttoning her blouse.

  “Oh no. You wouldn’t dare.”

  She turned to run from him and slipped on the rocks. Even though the snow had not come yet, they were still slippery from the ice. She laughed as Brandon grabbed wildly at her hand in a desperate attempt to keep her from falling into the icy water. In the end, they both ended up sprawled on top of a large boulder, just inches from the frothy water.

  Trying to control their laughter, they somehow managed to stand and make it back down off the rocks. They began to walk back to the car.

  Stopping midway, Brandon pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. She responded with like passion, and then smiled seductively at him.

  “Now that’s the Brandon I know and love,” she teased as he enclosed her lips again.

  “Oh yeah, and just where did you think I had gone?” he asked playfully.

  She cocked her head sideways, pretending to think. “I’m not sure, but it’s good to have you back.”

  He looked at her mischievously. Too late, she realized her folly. She had goaded and teased too much, and now she must run for her life. She began to run toward the car. He ran after her, catching up to her just as she reached the door. He tackled her against it, pressing his body against hers. She could feel the strength of his desire.

  She turned and eyed him carefully, her laughter dying. He was such a handsome man, but he puzzled her so—this man, who was so soft and gentle one minute, and so fierce the next.

  Against her will, she found herself comparing him to Jeffrey. Brandon was steady, sincere, dependable, loving, kind, attentive, and yes, dare she say it—the one flaw—Brandon was plagued with severe jealousy, which could be crippling to a relationship.

  Jeffrey, on the other hand, was wild, exciting, unpredictable, adventurous, and yes, his flaw—Jeffrey quite simply coveted anything his brother had. Both men were handsome, and both men were great kissers. Brandon was a wonderful lover and Jeffrey… well, she would never find out about Jeffrey’s lovemaking skills. Still, she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be here with Jeffrey right now.

  She pushed away the thought. She was here with Brandon, and he was kissing her, and she knew quite well what the intensity of the kiss meant. It had been quite some time since they had made love, and obviously, Brandon felt it was time to take care of that. She glanced around, noting their seclusion, shivering in the cold. She loved Brandon, but she certainly didn’t want to make love in these frigid temperatures. She thought for sure he would take her then-and-there, but instead, he opened the car door and urged her inside. Did he want to make love in the car? She had never done that before.

  He got in on his side and started the engine. He put the car in gear and drove silently down the road until they came to an inn. He got out of the car and secured a room for them. He then helped her out and pulled her to him.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  She glanced at the office.

  “Don’t worry; I registered as husband and wife.”

  She laughed. “As if I’m worried about that,” she said, and Brandon pulled her, giggling, into the room. She stopped and gazed around.

  “I’m impressed,” she said, “a little jewel hidden behind a Bates Motel facade.”

  She felt warmed by the soft greens and peaches. The oversized bed looked comfortable and incredibly inviting. Brandon suggested she might like to take a warm bath first. She agreed.

  “You don’t have to ask me twice,” she said. “I’m chilled to the bone.”

  As she lay in the steaming water, her thoughts wandered back to the time Jeffrey had escorted her to a hotel room. She had felt quite differently then, not cozy as she felt now, but mischievous and daring. She blushed with embarrassment as the sensation returned to her now. She tried to shake the image from her mind, but somehow it kept coming back.

  Was it wrong to marry Brandon when she had such strong desires for his b
rother? Giving up Brandon would be like giving up a dream she had clung to all her life. But would she be happy with Brandon, for eternity. She thought she would, but then one never knows. She knew life with Jeffrey would be exciting, if nothing else. However, Jeffrey had never mentioned marriage. If she gave up Brandon, she felt sure Jeffrey would run the other way, having succeeded in doing what he set out to accomplish.

  She was startled from her thoughts by a gentle kiss on her shoulder. “Oh, that’s nice,” she said.

  “Are you all right in here? I thought you might have fallen asleep,” he said, nuzzling her neck.

  “I’m fine, just enjoying the steam.”

  “Well, get out now and I’ll show you steam.”

  She smiled at the thought. “Okay. I’ll be right out.”

  “I’ll pour some champagne.”

  “Sounds good. What are we celebrating?”


  “I like that idea.”

  He left the room and she stood and dried off. She wrapped the towel tightly around her and entered the bedroom.

  Brandon handed her a glass of champagne, which she sipped eagerly. She felt the warmth seep down her body, leaving her cozy and content. She eyed Brandon with regard and felt reassured that she was doing the right thing by marrying him.

  All thoughts of Jeffrey were erased from her mind as he came to her and pulled the towel from her, exposing her body. He began to kiss her softly, working his way from her neck down to her breast. Carefully, he took her breast in each hand, gently nibbling on her nipples. He then took her glass, set it down, and carried her to the large bed. She had never known such excitement. She wondered how she ever could have doubted her love for him.

  As they made love, she looked deeply into his eyes. She saw sudden darkness, surrounded by passion. She was terrified of the look.

  Brandon gazed down at her. He saw a desire in her eyes that he had not seen there before. His imagination began to wander. He didn’t see Jessica lying there beneath him, giving her body and her soul to him. Instead, he envisioned his brother lying here with her, delving into her deep spirit. He imagined her responding to his brother’s kiss, whispering his name. He imagined them whispering about him, plotting against him, making a laughing stock of him, betraying him.


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