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Coveting Love (Jessica Crawford)

Page 36

by Schwimley, Victoria

  His face brightened. “Then you should allow me to show you what you’re missing. I could be your guide. Think of the fun we could have traveling the continents together.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I’m really a homebody at heart. I enjoy my work, and I love to travel, but I’m always happy to come home.”

  As she sipped her tea, Jeffrey sat and stared at her. He had a triumphant look in his eyes. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

  “What are you cooking up now?” she asked, just as her head began to spin.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, feigning concern.

  She tried to answer but her tongue felt heavy. She began to sweat. Jeffrey came to her side, soothing her hair.

  “Don’t worry, love.” His voice sounded far away. “I just gave you a little something to help you relax. Don’t fight it, just sit back and let it take hold. You’ll feel much better in a little while.”

  Within minutes, she couldn’t even move. Her limbs seemed so heavy. Any attempt to raise them was pointless. She wondered what he had given her, but she was unable to ask. She wavered in and out of consciousness. He was sitting right next to her, yet he seemed so distant.

  He opened her blouse and unhooked her bra. He began to roam his hands over her breast. His lips came down on hers, traveling down her throat, placing kisses all the way down to her breast. She couldn’t pull back. She felt him lift her from the sofa and carry her to the bedroom. She wanted to scream, “No,” but her lips wouldn’t move—wanted to fight, but couldn’t.

  As he lay her down on the bed, she was vaguely aware of him undressing. He stripped off her clothes, gazed down admiringly at her, his lust apparent. She wanted to cry out for him to stop, but her tongue was heavy with the drug. She felt him spread her legs, felt his weight come down on top of her, felt the hard thrust of anger as he entered her, and then she blacked out. Her last thoughts were of Brandon as she succumbed to the darkness that her drugged stupor took her.

  She woke the next morning feeling hung over and humiliated. Jeffrey was gone, leaving no evidence he had ever been there, except the vile betrayal he had left between her legs. She rolled over, moaned and dragged herself to the shower. She stood in the shower on wobbly legs, the water streaming down upon her. When she thought she was clean, she dried off. In a state of shock, she collapsed on the bed, her body racking with hysterical sobs.

  She had been such a fool. She had trusted him, despite Brandon’s warnings, despite her own inner voice that nagged at her. He had flattered her, entertained her with his tales, and used her in a sick game against his brother. Now he had won. She wouldn’t give him what he wanted, so he just took it. She felt disgraced, used, and hurt.

  She ran to the bathroom, vomited, and stumbled into the shower again. She couldn’t seem to get clean. After scrubbing her body until it was raw, she turned off the shower, wrapped a towel around herself and lay back down on the bed. She needed to call someone. She rolled over and picked up the phone.

  She let it ring eight times and was just about to hang up when Amy, breathless, picked-up the other end.



  “Jess! It’s great to hear from you. We were just on our way back from the beach when I heard the phone ringing. I ran all the way to catch...” she rattled on and then suddenly stopped as she heard her friend cry. “Jess, are you all right?”

  Jessica sobbed into the phone. “Oh, Amy, I’ve been raped.”

  “Oh my God! Have you called the police?”

  “I can’t.”

  “You have to.”

  “I can’t. It was Jeffrey, and Brandon can never know.”



  It was a beautiful day for a wedding, but Jessica’s spirits were low as she looked down from the window onto the growing crowd in the church courtyard. She didn’t know most of the guests who had been invited to the wedding, and that made her mood all the darker. She searched the crowd in vain, looking for a familiar face.

  She had waited a long time for this day to arrive. Now that it was here, all she wanted to do was go home, crawl into her bed, and pull the blankets over her head.

  She heard the door open and turned to face Amy.

  “How are you doing?” Amy asked, smiling sympathetically.

  She sighed and smiled back at her friend. “I’m hanging in there. Boy, it sure doesn’t feel like my wedding day. It feels more like I’m going to a funeral.”

  Amy reached up and tucked in a stray hair that had fallen loose from Jessica’s veil. “Any sign of the idiot?”

  Jessica laughed despite her despair. “I don’t think he’d dare darken the door today. I hope I never see him again.”

  “How are you going to handle it if you do.”

  “I don’t know, but I honestly doubt I will have to. He accomplished what he set out to do,” she cried with vehemence.

  “Don’t be so sure. Brandon doesn’t know about it. What good does it do if Brandon doesn’t know?”

  Jessica paled. “I didn’t think of that. How am I ever going to get through this?”

  “One day at a time. You really should tell Brandon.”

  “I can’t. I feel like such a fool. He warned me so many times. I just didn’t want to listen.”

  They heard footsteps on the landing outside. Within seconds, someone rapped on the door. “Jess, are you almost ready.”

  “Just give me ten more minutes, Mom. Can you do that?”

  “Okay, I’ll stall.”

  “You have to face them sooner or later.”

  “I know.”

  Amy smiled encouragingly at her. “You really do look the picture of radiance.”

  “Thanks. By the way, where’s my niece?”

  “Randy has control of her today. Did I tell you she’s crawling all over the place?”

  “No, you didn’t tell me. Are we growing apart, Amy?”

  “Absolutely not—we’re just growing up.”

  They sat in silence for a moment. “Gee, she’s growing so fast,” Amy said. It seems I just buy her new clothes, and she’s already outgrown them before I can even get them home from the store.”

  “Wow,” Jessica said. “Really growing, huh.”

  “Yep, really growing.” She gave her a nudge with her shoulder. “Now, quit stalling and let’s go.”

  They heard the music begin to play. “I guess they’re ready for us. Are you ready for them?” Amy asked.

  Jessica smiled nervously, nodding her head. A knock sounded upon the door. Amy went to answer it. She turned to Jessica. “I think its official; your escort is here.”

  Grant stepped into the room and offered his arm to Jessica. “You are so beautiful,” he said.

  She laced her arm through his as they walked to the top of the stairs. She looked down. She couldn’t see her guests, but she knew they were there, every one of them. All her family and friends—and countless, nameless faces—come to see her on the happiest day of her life, only she wasn’t happy.

  They began to descend. When they reached the bottom, Amy went in ahead of them, linking arms with her escort and taking her turn in the processional, smiling as she preceded the bride down the aisle.

  While she waited, Jessica stood on tiptoe and kissed Grant on the cheek. “Thanks for being here for me,” she said.

  “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

  They stood in the doorway and waited for the wedding march to play. As soon as it started, she began her march down the aisle. She glanced from side to side, finally recognizing some familiar faces, stopping when she arrived at the first pew to kiss Brandon’s mother lightly on the cheek. The older woman smiled as Jessica took her place beside Brandon. He smiled down at her, and if only for a moment, all her worries seemed to disappear. He seemed to have that effect on her. She felt foolish for having doubted him.

  The minister began the vows and an uneasy feeling edged its way in. She glanced sideways, catching a
glimpse of a shadowy figure standing in the doorway. She couldn’t see who it was, but she knew it was Jeffrey. She was angry. How dare he show up at her wedding after what he had done! Her knees began to tremble and her whole body shook.

  “What’s wrong?” Brandon asked, concerned.

  “Nothing,” she said in a barely audible whisper. She tried smiling but her lips wouldn’t work. She flashed back to the night of the rape. She had been paralyzed then, as well. She snapped back to the present, willing with all her might for the memory to leave her mind.

  The minister was talking, but Jessica only half heard what he said. Then Brandon said, “I do,” and then the minister was asking her to say it as well. As if from some distant star, she heard herself mumble the words, and then Brandon was pushing a ring on her finger. She felt Amy nudge her. She looked down at the ring bearer, who was handing her Brandon’s wedding band. She took the ring, smiled weakly at Brandon, and pushed it on his finger.

  They turned toward each other as the minister pronounced them husband and wife and instructed Brandon to kiss the bride. He did so enthusiastically, and the crowd cheered. Jessica looked over his shoulder, but could find no trace of Jeffrey. Brandon grabbed her hand, pulling her down the aisle.

  She felt so relieved that she began to laugh. Brandon pulled her into his arms and swung her around. They burst from the church. Jessica took a deep breath of the cool, spring air, gasping in huge gulps that threatened to burst her lungs.

  Her suspicions were confirmed as she saw Jeffrey cross the street and get into a waiting car some distance down the street. She glanced quickly at Brandon, who had not seemed to notice. Relief flooded over her.

  The guests began to spill from the church, so she and Brandon quickly formed a reception line. The guests moved down the line, shaking hands and hugging. These people were to be her new neighbors and friends. She was determined to make them like her.

  She had already moved all her things out of her apartment and into storage. She had found a lovely couple to sublet her apartment, but they had wanted to move in immediately. She had felt a huge tug on her heart as she watched the last of her things removed from the apartment and loaded on the truck. Karen had hugged her and cried, and made her promise to keep in touch.

  “There you are,” Brandon said as he came up behind her, placing a protective arm around her waist. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  She had taken a few moments to steal away for some fresh air. “I’m sorry. I only wanted to breathe freely.”

  “I just wanted to make sure you got a chance to greet everyone. Mother says if we’re done with the pictures, she wants to get home; she’s tired.”

  Jessica nodded. “I think we’re done. I’ll come and say goodbye.”

  She started to rise, but he pulled her back down on the bench. “Are you all right?”

  She cast her eyes downward, wavering on telling him. Then she decided. She might someday, but not today—not on their wedding day.

  “I’m fine,” she said, forcing a radiant smile. She touched his arm. “I really am. I wasn’t feeling well this morning; you know wedding jitters and all, but I’m feeling much better now. Come on. Let’s go tend to our guests. I don’t want anyone going away disliking me.”

  “I don’t think there’s a chance of that happening,” he reassured her, as he led her away. “Come, there’s someone I want you to meet.”

  Brandon led her to where two smartly dressed women were talking. “Jessica, this is Mrs. Harriet Cummerson. Mrs. Cummerson, I’d like you to meet my bride. This is Jessica.”

  They shook hands quickly. Jessica got the feeling she had seen this woman before.

  “Mrs. Cummerson owns a fashion outlet back in California, near the summer house. She and her husband have been family friends for years.”

  “Yes, I remember now. I saw you at the house last year, when we were doing the fashion layout. I’m sorry; it slipped my mind for a moment. And I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk to you then.”

  “That’s okay, dear; you were intent on your project. I could tell that about you. I admire your talent. I felt bad about interrupting your work. I so seldom get to see Brandon, though. In fact, I wanted to talk with about your work. I have a proposition for you.”

  “Oh? I’m listening.”

  “Twice a year I hold a fashion show to benefit the children’s orphanage. I happen to have one coming up. I’d be honored if you would consent to being my photographer this year. I am most unhappy with my current one. Are you interested?”

  “I’m interested. Thank you. Thank you very much.” They shook hands and Mrs. Cummerson turned and left. When she had gone, Jessica turned on Brandon.

  “How dare you make my plans for me? I’m perfectly capable of networking my own business. Besides, I thought you wanted me to go into retirement.”

  Brandon was shocked. “I was only trying to help. I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t do it on purpose. She approached me on the subject. I didn’t ask her, honestly. And you’re right; I do want you to retire. I want you to concentrate on starting our family. But I didn’t think you wanted to give it up all together.” He put his arms around her. “I truly am sorry. I promise I won’t interfere again.”

  She slumped against him. “It is I who should be sorry, I have no idea what just came over me. I’m feeling too sensitive today. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s supposed to be the happiest day of my life, and I’m ruining it.”

  “You’re not ruining it. You have a lot on your mind and some big changes are in store for us, but mostly for you. You’re the one who’s had to give up your whole life to become my wife. Do you want me to tell Mrs. Cummerson you’re not interested in the job?”

  “No. The job is perfect. The timing is what stinks. Perhaps it would have been better to tell Mrs. Cummerson to call me—instead of discussing business at my wedding.”

  “You’re right. I promise from now on I won’t interfere with your business. If I’m approached again, I will simply tell them they will have to discuss it with you, okay?” He looked sheepish, trying to coax a smile out of her. “Am I allowed to carry business cards and pass them out to total strangers I meet on the street?”

  She relented, smiling “Okay, it’s a deal, but only cute strangers.”

  He bent and kissed her hard on the mouth. “Now then, how about that family,” he playfully teased, running his hands down her backside.

  “Mm…” she moaned, nuzzling his neck. “I can’t wait to get started. Do we have to wait for the honeymoon?”

  “I suppose we could find some intimate place to sneak away to,” he teased, laying kisses along her mouth and neck.”

  They were just about to steal away when Amy caught them. She blushed and covered her eyes at their display of intimacy. “Oh, sorry, guys. Ah, Jess, your mom sent me to get you. She said it’s time to cut the cake.”

  Jessica sighed. “Sorry handsome husband, but duty calls.” She giggled and squirmed out of his grasp. She started to run to the reception hall and turned back. “Are you coming? I want to smash cake in your face.”

  He laughed and stopped long enough to count his blessings. He truly was a lucky man, for this beautiful woman finally was all his.



  Jessica gazed in awe as their taxi drove through the streets of Paris. “It is true,” she said excitedly. “Paris really is captivating in the spring.”

  The taxi came to a stop in front of the Hotel De la Tulipe. Jessica was instantly taken with its charm. The atmosphere was warm and friendly, as was the hotel staff. They were greeted with smiles and well wishes on their new life together. A bellhop carried their luggage to their room, where they were overjoyed to find a bottle of champagne, fresh cut flowers, and a welcome basket of fruit awaiting them. A card read:

  Congratulations on your marriage, and best wishes for a long and happy life together,


  The hotel staff

>   Jessica attacked the basket with voracity, blushing when Brandon commented on it. “What, I’m starving. You haven’t fed me all day.”

  He came and wrapped his arms around her. “Am I neglecting you already?” he teased.

  She looked around the room and kissed him appreciatively on the mouth. “Thank you, Brandon.”

  “For what?”

  “For picking a hotel with so much charm, and not all glitz and glamour.”

  “Did you know this used to be a convent?” he asked.

  “Really. I just love the courtyard.”

  “I’m pretty sure we can get something to drink and snack on down there. Why don’t you freshen up a bit, and then we’ll have a snack and take a stroll before dinner.”

  “I would love to freshen up.”

  She turned to leave and felt a momentary sense of dizziness wash over her. She reached out to steady herself. Brandon rushed to her side.

  “Are you all right?”

  She laughed nervously. “I think so. I think I’ve had just a little too much activity the past couple days, probably just a touch of jet lag. I’ll be fine in a minute.”

  She rushed into the bathroom, closed the door and vomited. When she had finished, she felt better. She stood in front of the bathroom and examined her face in the mirror, a little pale, she thought, but otherwise fine.

  She finished freshening up. When she rejoined Brandon, he was standing in front of the window looking out over the courtyard. He turned when she came back into the room.

  “Better?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Just let me get out of these clothes. I’ve been in them far too long.”

  She began to peel off her clothes, but Brandon pushed aside her hands and began to undress her. He laid kisses over her body. She moaned in response.

  “I thought we were going for a snack.”

  “This is my snack.”

  They never made it to the courtyard that day, or the next. They did not even emerge from their hotel room for two days. Room service delivered breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The hotel staff snickered and fought over who would get to deliver the meals to the honeymoon couple.


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