Divine's Justice

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Divine's Justice Page 10

by Shameeka Williams

  Quan had no idea that Jb had called Divine and told him what he had done. Divine was bugging by the phone call he just got from Jb. He kept trying to call Jb back but he got the box. He was pulling up to Ace’s crib when Jb called him after the phone call dropped he decided to make a U-turn and go to the crib and get some more bullets. While driving, Quan called up one of his jump-offs for a favor. Quan told her he would break her off if she did exactly what he asked her to do. He asked to meet him in 45 minutes and she agreed. Quan picked her up as planned and gave her strict instructions on what he needed her to do. His plan was to get her to drop a few dimes on Divine. As they got closer to the precinct, he gave her the run down. “I want you to go down to the precinct and tell them that you use to fuck with my nigga Divine. Tell them that he’s abusive, a drug dealer and that you overheard him one night bragging how he killed a woman want to know and then give them the address to the crib.” The female wasn’t too happy with what Quan was asking her to do, she didn’t even want to know why he was asking her to set his boy up and since but he promised to pay her lovely she agreed to do what he had asked. Quan pulled up to the precinct and told her to make sure she stuck to the script. He told her he would drive around the block until he saw her come back out. Quan drove up a few blocks, called Raymond and told him to pack a few bags and meet him in a few hours down the block from his crib. Raymond knew by Quan’s tone that some shit had gone down; he didn’t bother to asks for details he hung up the phone and started packing. Quan waited a few minutes and then texted his Jump off and told her something came up and he had to go. He told her to take a cab and meet him at his crib when she was finished.

  Quan headed to the crib to grab the majority of his things from the crib, he took all his clothes and anything else that could fit into bags, including the money from the safe. An hour had passed and Raymond called him and told him that he would be arriving shortly. Meanwhile Divine drove to a few hospitals to see if Jb was in the E.R. every hospital he checked he was told Jb wasn’t there. Divine drove around hoping that Jb would get in touch with him. Quan was finished removing his things from the apartment. The jump off called him and told him she was finished and on her way to meet him. Quan called Raymond and told him to stay in the car when he got there. A few minutes passed by and the jump off was knocking on the door, Quan let her in and rolled a blunt for them to smoke. She told him the police told her they would be making a trip soon to check out the information she had giving them. Quan took a few pulls of the blunt to get his mind right. He walked over to the stereo and turned the volume up and walked into his room and got a pillow, when he walked back into the living room and charged at the jump off and shot her three times. He picked the slugs up from the floor, put the pillow in a garbage bag, ripped open a few bags of coke and sprinkled them around the room. He wiped everything he touched in the crib and headed out the door. Raymond was waiting down stairs, Quan walked to the car and put his bags in and told Raymond to follow him. Quan drove across town to a chop shop to get rid of his car. When he was finished he got into Raymond’s car and told him that he had took care of Jb and Divine. Raymond knew this day was coming and he mentally prepared himself. Quan told him to stop at a gas station to fill up the tank because they were taking a trip down south.

  Divine was getting tired of driving around and decided to head back to the crib. As he walked in, he noticed a woman slouched on the couch, before he could walk over to check on her, he heard a banging on the door. Assuming it was Jb he hurried and open the door, to his surprise it was the police “Damn” Divine thought to himself as the cops walked in, one of the officers noticed the body slouched on the couch was the female who had just been in the precinct filing a report against Divine. The officer rushed over to the couch to check on the female, her body was cold. “Divine Williams you are under arrest! The officer said as he wrestled Divine to the floor. “Hold the fuck up! Divine yelled as the officers placed the cuffs on him. He knew he was fucked, he was caught in an apartment with a dead body, and the fucking cops weren’t trying to hear shit he had to say. As the officers escorted Divine out of the apartment, everybody on the blocked stared at Divine, trying to figure what he had done. The officers placed Divine in the car and took him down to the precinct. Six hours had gone by in the interrogation room and Divine was getting tired of answering the same questions. When he refused to answer any more of the officer’s questions, he was processed and placed in a cell. Divine knew that Quan had a whole lot to do with him being in there, but he still didn’t know where Jb was. He sat in the cell hoping that Jb was safe.


  Quan and Raymond were still on the road heading down south. Quan knew before the night was over Divine would be in jail. Quan had done what he set out to do, Jb was dead and Divine was out of the way.

  The next day Divine’s face was all over the news and in the papers. Ace had heard from one of his girl’s, that Divine was in jail. Ace knew that Divine was innocent. Ace wanted to speak to Divine directly but he wasn’t too excited with the thought of speaking with him at the jail. He had one of his girls call the jail and get the address and visiting information. Champagne was down for anything when it came to Ace. Out of all of the girls, she was the only one that he didn’t sleep with. Ace treated her different she was more like his pet instead of hoe. He never made her do anything she didn’t want to do. Ace had met Champagne a year earlier, when they met; she was just “Keisha” a naive girl who fell for the wrong guy. Keisha had come to New York with a guy she had met back home in Texas. He promised her the world and gassed her up to go back to New York with him. Keisha had never been outside of Texas, so the thought of going somewhere else especially New York enticed her. Once she got to New York with him, he got what he wanted from her and kicked her to the curb. Homeless and clueless she found herself on the streets of New York begging for change to get by. She walked in a diner one morning to get something to eat and that’s when she met Infinity. Infinity was Ace’s bottom Bitch; she had been with him since the age of 16. Her mother introduced her to the game early on. She was a cold-hearted female who didn’t give a fuck about anything but money. She would go out, find girls, and talk them into coming home with her. Infinity walked in the diner and noticed Keisha sitting at a table. She was eating as if she hadn’t had a meal in a very long time. “Damn” Infinity thought to herself as she looked on in disgust. Infinity ordered some food and sat down. She kept staring at Keisha as she watched her

  demolish her food. She could tell by the condition of Keisha’s clothing that she was in a fucked up situation. Infinity walked over to the table where Keisha was sitting at and placed a five-dollar bill on the table. Keisha quickly grabbed the money from the table and told Infinity thank you. Infinity could tell by Keisha’s accent that she wasn’t from out of town. Infinity set her sights on getting another moneymaker for Ace. Infinity’s food was ready; she grabbed it and walked back over to Keisha’s table. “Where you from? She asked as she sat down. Keisha looked up at her and replied; “Texas” Infinity laughed at the way Keisha pronounced Texas. “Damn you talk funny, what the fuck you doing all the way up here? Infinity asked as she looked down at Keisha’s shoes. Keisha said, “It’s a long story but I’m trying to get home, but I don’t have the money for a ticket” Infinity knew it would be easy to Keisha to leave with her after hearing that. She told Keisha that she knew where she could get some quick money to get back home; little did Keisha know it required having sex for money. Not having a place to stay or any money, Keisha agreed to go with Infinity. They left the diner and headed straight to Ace’s crib; before they got there, Infinity called Ace and told him she had a present for him. He knew exactly what that meant, “another money maker.” When Keisha walked in with Infinity as soon as Keisha walked in with Infinity, Ace looked at her in a way he had never looked at any of the other girls. He could tell she didn’t have a clue what she was getting herself into. Infinity
took her in the back to get cleaned up and gave her a few outfits to try on. Keisha was getting the Infinity makeover. When Infinity was done she walked Keisha back out into the living room and Ace was impressed by what Infinity had done.

  Keisha looked beautiful, the dress she had on went well with her honey brown complexion and hazel eyes. Ace gave her the name “Champagne” because he thought the name suited her well. He pulled Infinity to the side and told her to teach Keisha well. Infinity knew what she had to do but she also knew she had to stay on top of her game because she sure as hell wasn’t going to let some lil bitch from Texas steal her shine away from her. Infinity worked hard teaching Keisha the code of the streets, how to walk what and what not to wear, who and who not to talk too. Keisha didn’t ask questions she was happy she had a pace to stay and got to wear nice things. A few weeks went by and it was time for Keisha to hit the track. The first night Keisha was nervous but Infinity told her she didn’t have anything to worry about she would be right there with her. The tricks were pulling up back to back, each one interested in the new girl. After her first sexual encounter, Keisha was starting to get into the swing of things and since the men were paying her, the street life didn’t bother her. She was no longer Keisha that girl was dead and gone; Champagne was getting money, and loving it.

  ****************************************************************** Champagne called the jail and got all of Divine’s info, she wrote him a letter letting him know she needed to see him. When Divine read the letter he knew exactly who she was and that she was most likely coming with a message from Ace. On visiting day, Divine waited for Champagne to arrive. Once she got there, she told Divine that Ace believed he was innocent and he had his back. Champagne told Divine to use the post office address she had wrote him from and send a letter to Ace telling him what he needed done. Divine wanted to speak to Ace directly but he

  decided he wait until he was transferred to ask Ace to visit him. Weeks had past and the streets were still talking about Divine being arrested. Charlene was buried and there still was no word on Jb. Divine didn’t have a bond and did not want a court appointed attorney, he knew he needed a paid lawyer if he stood a chance to beat the charges. Sitting in his cell, he remembered Jeremiah, and that he was in law school. Divine didn’t have a number for him so he called Champagne and asked her to look him up. After a few days of searching for Jeremiah’s information Champagne found it, she wrote his information down and mailed it to Divine. Divine wasn’t sure if Jeremiah would be able to represent him and if he could, would he be willing to. Divine wrote a letter to Jeremiah requesting his legal services. It took two weeks before he received a response, not only was Jeremiah a defense attorney but he agreed to represent him. A few days later Jeremiah made a visit to the jail to speak to Divine about his case. “Good afternoon, Mr. Williams I am Jeremiah Richards and I’ll be your attorney” my name is Jeremiah Richards and I’ll be your attorney.” Divine wasn’t sure if Jeremiah recognized him, in the letter he had written he didn’t mention anything about their past. He decided to keep his cool and wait until Jeremiah said something first. Jeremiah knew who Divine was as soon as he received his letter he had only met one Divine in his lifetime, he wasn’t sure if Divine was guilty or innocent but either way Divine was his friend. Jeremiah kept it professional during the visit speaking only about the case. Based on the charges, Divine would be facing some years if found guilty. Divine was being charge with Charlene’s murder along with the murder of the female in his apartment. The drug charge didn’t stick, since it wasn’t any drugs

  found in the apartment other than what Quan had sprinkled around. Jeremiah sat in the visiting reviewing the case files, something just wasn’t adding up. Jeremiah slipped him a note; “I reviewed everything in this case and something just doesn’t add up. I know we haven’t kicked in years but I am going to help you beat this.” Divine looked up at Jeremiah after reading the note and he knew he had done the right thing by asking Jeremiah to represent him. Divine gave Jeremiah the note and thanked him. The visit was over and Divine returned to his cell. He needed to get a letter out to Ace to let him know what was going on. In the letter, he wrote Ace, he asked Ace to put his ears to the streets and get any information he could on Jb and on Quan. He also told Ace that he knew that Quan set him up. Divine sent the letter out and waited to hear from Ace, he knew Ace would most likely send Champagne up to the jail to give him information. Ace got the letter and immediately put the word out. The streets weren’t talking that much no one had seen Jb and Quan whereabouts weren’t known. Jeremiah came to visit Divine a few days later and had some good news. Based on the evidence the homicide team pulled from the Charlene Jenkins case Divine’s dna did not match. He was still being charged with the murder of the female who was found in his apartment. Jeremiah told Divine that if could give the cops another suspect, he could walk out of there a free man. Divine wasn’t with the snitch movement and he wasn’t falling for the get out jail free bullshit. He would deal with Quan himself and without the cops involved. Jeremiah asked Divine where Jb was at and Divine told him what had happen the night he was locked up, and how he was worried that Quan may have killed Jb as well.

  Jeremiah couldn’t believe what he was hearing but for the most part he couldn’t believe that once associated with a murderer. Jeremiah told Divine to make sure he was completely honest with him and didn’t leave anything out. Because once he went to trial, he didn’t want to look like a asshole if the prosecutor pulled up information that Jeremiah wasn’t aware of. Divine wanted to be sure he heard Jeremiah correctly “did you just say father in law? Jeremiah nodded his head letting Divine know he had heard him correctly, he was engaged to the judge’s daughter. Divine couldn’t believe what Jeremiah had just told him. He wasn’t sure if that was going to work for him or against him. He sat in his cell thinking about his case, his mother and the streets, he knew Jb was a lost cause he couldn’t be alive or he would have sent word to him all he remembered was Jb calling him saying Quan shot him. A few weeks went by and Divine transferred to another facility. Ace decided it was time for him to visit him. Divine was a little more comfortable at the new facility, he was able to receive contact visits instead of talking to his visitors through a glass. on visitation day Divine waited for Ace to arrive; once Ace arrived he told Divine that he heard the female found in the apartment had been to the precinct earlier that night dropping a dime on Divine. Right then Divine had confirmation that Quan had really went out of his way to set him up. Divine asked Ace to send someone to check on his mother, he wanted to make sure she was holding up ok. He knew that most likely she was stressing over him being in jail. Ace told Divine not to worry he would send one of his girl’s over there to check on her. Divine told Ace to make sure whomever he sent over there looked right he didn’t want them to give his mother the wrong idea. Ace agreed and told Divine

  Not to worry whomever he decided to send would play the role of his girlfriend. Before the visit was over Ace remembered that he never got to tell Divine what he need to tell him the night everything happened.

  “Man you ain’t going to believe this shit but I use to deal with Charlene a long time ago.” Divine looked at Ace surprised by what he had just said. “What nigga, how long ago” Divine was trying to match Ace’s information with Jb’s age. “It was a long time she was young and her mother did couldn’t stand me of course I was much older than her but I really loved that girl!” Ace said as a tear rolled down his face. Divine could tell that Ace was serious; he asked Ace was he Jb’s father. Ace told him that he didn’t think it was possible because when him and Charlene were together she never mentioned anything about being pregnant. They messed around for a year and next thing he knew she had moved. The visit was over and Ace promised Divine that he would be back soon. Divine walked back to his cell, he couldn’t believe that Ace knew Charlene and that they once were a couple. He wondered if there was a chance that Ace was Jb’s father. Divine didn’t dwell on it too much he ne
eded to focus on his case.

  ****************************************************************** Denise hadn’t heard from her son at all. She couldn’t believe that he was being charged with murder. She wanted to see Divine but she couldn’t pull herself to visit her son in jail. It was bad enough everyone that knew her were already passing judgment. However, Denise still held her head high she knew she didn’t raise a murderer. She sat in room looking through old photo albums at Divine’s pictures when he was younger. Divine was a happy child, well behaved in school and very smart.

  Denise always kept her son Dressed well, she worked hard to give him everything he needed. She couldn’t see where she went wrong, was it the influence of growing up without a father. She questioned many things but she didn’t question the way she raised her son. It had been a week since Divine had any visits; Champagne sent him a letter to let him know that his mother was okay. Once Divine knew that, he was able to focus on getting out jail. Champagne began to write Divine more and more as time went by most of the times the letters had nothing to do with Ace at all. Champagne started to grow feelings for Divine. She wasn’t sure if his feelings were mutual, she was afraid that he wouldn’t want to deal with because of who she was. She knew that Ace would not allow it because his number one rule was if it wasn’t a money move it wasn’t a move at all. Divine started spending a lot of time out of his cell and in the recreation room. After a few conversations he met some dudes from Philly, who just happened to know Raymond and weren’t too fond of him. They were two of Raymond’s boys who went on robbery sprees with him and didn’t get the cut they were owed. They heard about Divine’s charges and they heard he was down with G.M.C the name of his crew got one of the dudes attention. He had heard that name before one night out with Raymond. One of them walked over to where Divine was sitting. “you down with that GMC click? Divine stood up and said, “It depends, who wants to know.” The dude didn’t have a problem with Divine, he replied “ain’t no beef nigga the name was floating around in Philly” Divine figured that either knew Quan or Raymond so he asked the dude if he knew Raymond. The dude knew exactly who Divine was talking about. Raymond was the reason they were in there.


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