Divine's Justice

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Divine's Justice Page 11

by Shameeka Williams

  Divine listened closely as the dude begins to explain his situation with Raymond. “That nigga shorted us on some bread from a few robberies we did with him. Then he sent us to hit a crib without him, promises us a bigger cut we hit the crib, come outside the car is gone and the cops are pulling up. Shit was a little strange, that nigga ain’t been to visit, send no money to a nigga nothing. The fucked up shit is that his sister is my baby mama.” Divine listened on, figuring that if he could get to Raymond most likely, he could get to Quan. Then he asked the dude if he had an address for Raymond. The dude from Philly told Divine Raymond wasn’t in Philly anymore. Because the last time he talked to his baby mama she told him that Raymond and her cousin went out of town and she didn’t think they were coming back. Divine knew the cousin had to be Quan. His plan now was to get dude to get his baby mama to find out Quan’s whereabouts. “I need to come to rec more often” Divine gave the dudes a pound and headed back to his cell to soak up the info he just stumbled upon. Divine hoped he would find out Quan’s location soon so that he could have him dealt with., he knew Quan wasn’t in New York knowing Quan he went somewhere Divine least expect.

  ****************************************************************** Quan and Raymond were laying low down south. Quan was enjoying everything from the money to the females. His intentions were to creep back up to New York without being seen. Raymond always had Quan’s back with any and everything but he didn’t agree with Quan wanted return back to New York. He felt it was too soon and it would be a bad move. Quan felt differently, he felt as if he couldn’t be touched. “By now shit should have died down and that nigga should have his time.”

  Quan said as he tried to convince Raymond that Divine wouldn’t be a problem. “I know that nigga D, is locked, but what if this nigga put a word out about you nigga,” Raymond asked, hoping that Quan would re-think things. Quan wasn’t worried about the cops because he knew Divine wasn’t a snitch and he was prepared for nigga that felt like they wanted to bring it to him. Raymond finally agreed to go with Quan and asked, “so when you trying to make that trip? Quan laughed, he knew that Raymond was going to give in and agree with him. “I’ll let you know when we’re ready for all of that, but right now it’s too much money down here and way too much pussy.” Quan said as he glanced at some females walking by. That was Quan’s weakness; money and bitches. Meanwhile back in New York Divine had let Ace know what he found out about Raymond and Quan. He wasn’t ready to set a plan in order. He was still waiting on an exact location for Quan. Divine tried to stay focused on his case, his trial date had not been set yet. Jeremiah was working hard on Divine’s case and every time he reviewed the evidence; nothing was adding up. Divine wasn’t giving up any names. The cops believed that their case against him was strong enough for a conviction. Jeremiah set his mind on winning this case. Not only for Divine, but also to stick it to his soon to be father in law. The Judge wasn’t too fond of Jeremiah or pleased that he was engaged to his daughter. The Judge had heard many negative things about Jeremiah. After law school Jeremiah was engaged to be married to another female and didn’t show up at his own wedding. Jeremiah wasn’t ready for marriage but his father insisted that he go through with it. His former fiancée was a fellow law student her name was Stephanie Washington.

  Stephanie didn’t take being stood up at the alter too well. The embarrassment caused her to become very bitter. She was a prosecuting attorney and that worked well since Jeremiah was on the opposite side. She would make sure she was always across the table on any case and her plan was always to win. She even kept score and so far, it was 4 to 2, four wins and two losses. Jeremiah disliked working in the courtroom with her. The remarks she would make after each case pissed him off. The Judge had heard about the two of them but as long as they remained professional in the courtroom, he didn’t say anything. However, he warned his daughter Amanda not to make any permanent plans with Jeremiah because he didn’t want the same thing to happen to her. Judge Palmer Dobbs would always keep his conversations to a minimum with Jeremiah in the courtroom. Outside the courthouse it was a different story, he would invite Jeremiah to accompany him on the golf course after a few rounds of scotch with his fellow colleagues he would insult Jeremiah continuously. Jeremiah would keep his cool until he got home, then he would vent to Amanda about her father’s behavior.

  ****************************************************************** “I don’t know how much longer I can put up with your father Amanda,” Jeremiah said as he walked in pissed off once again by the Judge. “Jeremiah you know that my father has his ways, he’s only kidding with you.” Amanda tried to lighten the situation. “You call what he’s doing kidding? Jeremiah asked as walked over to the refrigerator to grab a beer. “I’ll try to talk to him about it.” Amanda kissed Jeremiah, she knew her father could say cruel things at times, but that is how he has been since she was younger.

  Jeremiah sat down on the couch and opened his briefcase to go over Divine’s case. Amanda walked over and asked him about it. “What case are you working on? Jeremiah didn’t normally discuss his cases with her but since she seemed interested he told her. “The Divine Williams case” Amanda wanted to know what his client was being charged with. “What did he do? She asked. “Well he’s charged with murder” Jeremiah replied. Amanda got up and walked away. She didn’t want to hear anything else, she couldn’t understand why Jeremiah would want to defend a murderer. Jeremiah couldn’t understand why Amanda just walked away. “Where are you going? Did I say something wrong? “You’re defending a murderer that’s what’s wrong! “I am a fucking defense attorney. This is what I do! Jeremiah slammed his briefcase down. He couldn’t believe how Amanda was acting. “Please tell me he isn’t black” She asked, “what does that have to do with anything? If you must know, he is black! Jeremiah said as he looked at Amanda, waiting for her to say something to push him over the edge. “Oh that explains a lot,” Amanda, said with a smirk, “what the hell are you trying to say? Jeremiah didn’t like where the conversation was going. Sitting there listening to Amanda, he started to wonder if his soon to be wife was racist. As long as he knew her, he never saw her with any black people but he didn’t think she was racist. “I’m just saying this might not look good on us. Jeremiah couldn’t believe what she just said. “That’s all that you’re worried about your snobby ass friends. Fuck the fact that a person, may be sitting in jail for some shit he didn’t do.” “Why are you raising your voice and talking like a” Amanda paused “like a what? I know you weren’t going to say nigger! Jeremiah shook his head, stormed out and decided he would go for a drive to calm down.

  Starting to heat up chapter 7

  Divine finally received word from Jeremiah that his trial would start in three months. Divine wasn’t happy about it but he had no other choice but to wait it out. He was starting to get tired of being behind bars. Besides the once in a blue visits from Ace, all he had to keep him going was his plot for revenge and Champagne’s letters. Divine figured out that she was starting to have feelings for him, shit her freaky letters made it obvious enough. Divine wasn’t really feeling her, she was fine and all, but he knew how she got down and he wasn’t trying to go there with her. Champagne made a surprise visit to see Divine and see what was up with him. “What’s up Champagne” Divine made Champagne blush by the way he would say her name. She still answered to champagne but wanted Divine to look at her and see Keisha and not Champagne. “Hey Divine. I told you to call me Keisha,” Champagne said as she giggled. “Well excuse me Keisha, so what did Ace send you to tell me this time? Divine thought she was coming with some hood news or something else from Ace. “Actually I came to see you on my own” Divine sat back in the chair and replied “word and why is that? Because I like talking to you, I enjoy these visits and I don’t see what everybody else sees, I see someone who just hasn’t met the right woman yet” Champagne knew Divine wasn’t seeing anyone and if he was they weren’t coming to see him. She wanted to prove her feelin
gs to Divine, she looked around slowly to make sure no guards were clocking her as she moved her hand inside of Divine’s jump suit and begin playing with his penis. Jerking it up and down. Divine didn’t bother to stop her, he enjoyed every minute of it.

  Divine whispered as he tried to keep a straight face. “Damn girl, you going to fuck around and get me in trouble.” Champagne licked her lips and said, “I know you ain’t scared? Divine bit down on his bottom lip to keep from moaning as he busted all over his boxers. He waited a few minutes then walked to the bathroom to wipe off. Champagne sat at the table waiting for him to come back; she wanted to make sure he knew how much she cared for him. As soon as Divine sat down at the table, she decided to get it out the way. “Divine, I know you have a lot on your mind but I really want to know how you feel about me. Divine knew that was coming but he didn’t think she would come at him on the spot like that. “Damn you going to lay it on me like that, give a nigga a good nut than hit me with the questions? well you cool people, you fine as hell but right now I’m not trying to be tied down to anyone. I’m cool as hell with Ace and I’m not sure how he would feel about the situation.” Champagne hoped that Divine would respond differently towards her but he didn’t “well I’m not going to be doing this shit for long I got goals, I’m going to do something more than sell my ass” looking at Champagne’s face Divine knew she was serious. He knew she didn’t tell Ace because he would have been up there to speak to Divine himself. The visit was over Champagne gave Divine a hug and told him that she would give it all up for him. Divine headed back to his cell. Champagne walked away, he knew she was feeling him but he still wasn’t trying to go there with her. He never let any female get too close to him that’s why he didn’t have most of the problems a lot of niggas had, the baby mama bullshit and the drama. He had problems but they weren’t behind no bitch. Champagne headed back to the city she knew she would have

  some explaining to do, about her visit to Divine. Once back at the house the other girls made it very clear that Ace was upset with Champagne. Infinity made it her business to say something to Champagne. “Damn you riding Divine dick” Champagne could tell Infinity was feeling some kind of way. “What makes you think that? Champagne asked. “Cause every time I turn around you always up there visiting his ass and half of the time you going up there on some square shit.” Champagne rolled her eyes as she began to walk down the hall. “Look Infinity I don’t have time for this shit where is Ace” “oh now his name is Ace, yeah you really trippin bitch let me find out Divine is your new daddy.” Infinity was putting hands all in Champagne’s face trying to provoke her. “Whatever! Champagne was trying to keep her cool as she listened to Infinity run her mouth. Ace walked in the room to speak with Champagne. “The rest of you ladies can find something to do, Champagne we need to talk.” Everyone walked out of the room, Champagne didn’t know what was going to happen, Ace didn’t look like he was angry with her so she wasn’t worried that he would hit her, he had never put his hands on her before. He never had a reason too. “What’s going on with my man Divine? Ace asked as he poured himself a drink. “He’s alright” Champagne answered as she smiled. “So what’s going on with you? I see you are spending a lot of personal time on these visits with him and I’m trying to figure out why that is? Ace looked at Champagne waiting to hear her response. “I’m sorry I didn’t think it would be a problem because you were cool with him and I like talking to him.” Champagne thought Ace would agree but he didn’t. “I have known D for a long time since he was a kid and I got a lot of love for him. Therefore, I am telling you right now you need to

  erase any little feelings you have for him and do your fucking job, be a hoe that’s what you came here to do. so do it and do it right, I didn’t force you into this you chose to be here but if you want out say the word and you can go! Champagne could not believe Ace was standing there yelling at her like that. “Well I guess the best time to speak would be now. I’ve been thinking about everything and I don’t want to do this anymore, I never wanted to do this but I got caught up, and before you ask yes I am in love with Divine and if he will accept my past I’ll be with him, so I guess that means I’m leaving! Ace could tell she was sincere about her feelings for Divine and wanting to change. “Wait, Champagne! I never did this before. But I’m going to start with you” Ace went into his safe and pulled out some money and gave it to Champagne the other girls listened angrily from the next room. “I’m going to give you this, because you are a good girl and you have been good to me, this should help you get on your feet a little. Now as far as Divine is concerned you, yourself have to work on that.” Champagne hugged Ace than proceeded to get her things but Infinity wasn’t going to let her leave that easily in her mind she felt once a hoe always a hoe and a hoe is never allowed to walk away from the game. “Where the fuck do you think you going hoe? “I’m done with this life so I’m leaving” Champagne turn away to walk out of the room. “Oh you, leaving bitch I don’t think so” Infinity blocked Champagne from leaving. “Move Infinity” Champagne tried to walk past but Infinity was not budging. “Make me move hoe” before Champagne could do anything Infinity pushed her down and started kicking her. “You thought you was going to walk out of here without getting your ass kicked” Champagne got up and started fighting back,

  then Ace ran in the room yelling. “Infinity back the fuck off, let her go” Infinity could not believe Ace was defending Champagne after what she had done. “How you just letting her walk out of here like that? Ace grabbed Infinity by her arm, “I said let her go” Champagne walked out of the house as the other girls stared and shook their head. Once she was gone, Ace told everyone to listen up and listen closely. “I let her go for my own reasons and last time I checked I didn’t have to explain myself to anyone, if any hoe in here has a problem with that speak the hell up if not keep it moving, Infinity do that shit again and I’m going to beat your ass.” No one said a word, not even Infinity. Everyone in that house was there because they wanted to be and no one wanted to go through the process of finding another pimp so everyone did as Ace said and kept it moving. The next day Ace went to see Divine so that he could speak to him. “What’s up d? Ace sat down at the table, Divine wasn’t expecting to see Ace but it felt good to see him. “What’s up Ace” Ace peeped the look on Divine’s face as he sat down. “You act like you’re shocked to see me.” “No I just thought it would be Champagne that’s all, what’s up with her? Champagne hadn’t wrote him or been up to see him in a few days. “Well I came to speak to you about that, she left, she didn’t want to be a part of the game anymore” Divine looked at Ace like he was crazy. “You joking right? Ace wasn’t smiling at all. “I’m serious man, that girl is in love with you.” “Damn” Divine thought to himself as Ace continued. “Man this game isn’t for everybody; it can make a hoe or break a hoe. I knew from day one, that she had no business on those streets. She was better than that shit but I let her taste that life, I can’t complain she always brought more money than problems to daddy.

  Well enough of that shit, what’s up with this lawyer you got, I hope he’s doing his job right” Ace wasn’t let Champagne’s leaving bother him, he was more worried about Divine beating his case. “He will, I have trust in him” Divine knew he had to think positive. “Any info, on our lil friend Quan? Ace wanted Quan dealt with as much as Divine did. “I found out a few things from some clown ass niggas in here and I’m just waiting on some more info” the visit was almost over and Ace stood up to get ready to go. “Well look man I’m going to get on back to the real world you just maintain and focus on getting out of here.” Divine headed back to his cell, he couldn’t believe that Champagne left the hoe shit alone, to be with him and that Ace was cool with it. The weeks went by fast. Jeremiah was working overtime on the case. He wanted Divine to walk away with a clean slate and not have to serve any real time. He knew Divine was innocent he just had to prove it. Jeremiah knew Stephanie would be worse than a pit bull in the courtroom. He knew he had
to walk in there with his head high and a lot of luck. Jeremiah was on his way out of the courtroom and bumped into Judge Dobbs, who decided to invite him to lunch. Jeremiah knew that it wasn’t a friendly invite he most likely was going to get an earful about his choice in defending the case. . “Jeremiah, I hear you are representing a case that will be heard in my court room” Judge Dobbs didn’t sound too pleased. “Yes I am sir” Jeremiah knew the conversation was about to get worst. “Well I don’t know why you would involve yourself in something like that anyway” Jeremiah looked at Judge Dobbs with a confident grin “I believe that all clients are innocent until proven guilty.” Judge Dobbs believed strongly Divine was guilty “you can’t possibly think that clown is innocent!


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