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Overwhelm Me (Callahan)

Page 4

by Marchman, AC

  But somehow, I knew you would…protect me. I am grateful that you were there. Thank you.” I keep my eyes locked on his baby blues as I knot my fingers in my lap. Donovan’s bright eyes are full of emotion. My heart skips a beat, maybe two. It’s like he puts me in a trance. He takes me to a place where I feel calm and safe, like nothing can touch me. And the feeling scares me to death. I feel like it’s too fast. I’ve only met him and already feel this connection with him. I can’t think straight with Donovan around me. At the same time, I already crave more of him.

  “Allie, I…” Before he can say another word, I grab his face and slam my mouth to his. I hear his gasp of surprise, and it turns me on more. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol making me braver, since I’ve never acted this way, or maybe it’s the fact that it’s Donovan. Either way, I don’t care right now. I grab his hair with my hands and kiss him fiercely, trying to convey all the attraction I feel towards him all in this one kiss. He moans into my mouth as my tongue slides around his. I inhale his wonderful scent of body wash and cologne. They should bottle this stuff, it’s absolutely intoxicating.

  Donovan puts his hands on the sides of my neck, holding on to me for dear life. He returns the forcefulness of my kiss, and I realize he feels this way, too. He takes his hands off my neck, then pulls me onto his lap so I am straddling him. I don’t care if we are in the middle of a parking lot, I want this sexy man right now. The magnetism between us is completely primal lust, and it excites me in ways I didn’t know were possible.

  As we sit here, entangled in each others arms, all touches and tongues, the desire builds up inside my belly. I’m on fire and the only thing that can put me out is Donovan.

  “Allie, please,” Donovan begs me. His voice is husky and deep. His skilled fingers run up and down my back, learning the curves of my body. “God, you are so sexy. You drive me crazy,” he says as our mouths pull apart. He starts to trail feather like kisses down my jaw and neck. His hands move down to my thighs and raise my dress slightly, showing the lace of my boy short panties. I roll my head back and close my eyes. My back arches so my breasts are pushed up towards Donovan. He takes advantage and cups my breasts with his palms. My nipples pucker from the touch. Donovan’s lips have moved to my collar bone, lightly nipping and sucking as he goes. I softly groan and shiver as his touch makes me wet. Donovan plants kisses on the tops of my breast that peek out from the neckline of my dress.

  “My God, I want to touch every part of you,” Donovan breathes as he pulls down the top of my dress, exposing my lacy bra. “Oh, this is nice,” he grins and proceeds to gently pull my bra under my breasts, pushing them higher. He rolls his tongue around one of my nipples, and my body reacts, quivering from this intimate pleasure. Donovan licks me and uses his teeth, lightly grazing. He takes great pleasure in turning me on. The proof is the rock hard erection I can feel through my underwear. I instinctively rock my hips back and forth, my body begging him to thrust inside me.

  He stops abruptly. We are both panting and fogging up the windows of his BMW. Donovan stares at me, his eyes wide. “Oh, shit. We are still in the parking lot. People might see us!”

  He lifts me off of him. I sit back in my seat and put myself back together. I’m stunned by the abruption because I wanted more, and I thought he did too.

  “But your windows are tinted.” I frown.

  Donovan smirks at me. “Well, baby doll, I don’t want to take that chance. I’m a doctor, and you want into the P.A. program, so I don’t think either one of us wants to be arrested for indecent exposure.” My cheeks redden at the thought. He’s right. I did get caught up in the heat of the moment.

  “You’re right. We should be more careful,” I mumble, still hot and bothered for this beautiful man. I notice his hair is tousled and sexy. Donovan’s cheeks are also a bit flushed. It’s nice to know he is just as affected by me as I am by him.

  Donovan puts the car in reverse, and we turn out of the Peachtree Tavern parking lot. I instruct him to turn left, then right. I sit and listen to the music coming from the stereo. It’s some top 40’s station, and it’s playing Adele. I let her sultry voice rush over me. I notice Donovan’s hand has stayed on my knee the entire time. The gesture is sweet and protective, not sexual, and I beam to myself. As we drive further down the road, I take a minute to study his features. His jaw is square and looks as if it was chiseled by a sculptor. His nose is straight, and his lips are full and a bit swollen from my earlier assault on them. Donovan suddenly cuts his eyes to me. I feel like I was caught with my hand in the cookie jar. He smiles a sideways grin at me and asks, “You like?” He then licks his bottom lip. God, I want those lips back on me.

  “I should ask you the same thing, doctor,” I bat my eyelashes at him.

  “Oh, you have no idea how much I like it,” Donovan slides his hand farther up my thigh. “Oh, by the way, those panties you have on? Very nice.” My mouth pops open. I can’t believe how much this man can turn me on with only a few words. I don’t understand how I can feel this much this fast. I think that I must be cautious about my feelings and try to hold back. I don’t want to get hurt again. I silently pray that this works out for us. Maybe we should slow things down a bit.

  The only problem is being around him makes the lust impossible to ignore. The looks Donovan gives, the way he kisses me, and those incredible bedroom eyes. Heaven help me!

  “Where do I turn?” Donovan asks as we pull into my apartment complex, snapping me out of my dirty thoughts.

  “Turn left. I live in A2,” I tell him. The apartments where Livey and I live are modest but have a whimsical Southern charm to them. White dogwood trees line the sidewalks. The trees have bloomed already, but they still remind me of my home in Virginia. The building itself is red brick with white trim around the windows. Vintage lamp posts are set up in the parking lot. The landscape is freshly manicured and up kept. Donovan pulls beside my Mustang and shuts off the engine. He sits for a minute before he looks at me. His blue eyes seem to expose my soul, and the feeling is overwhelming, but it excites me as well.

  “I’ll walk you to your door,” Donovan says as he takes my hand into his and kisses my knuckles.

  “Yes, please,” I whimper, dreading this night coming to an end. He winks at me as he opens his car door. He walks with a smooth grace to my side. He opens the door and offers his hand, which I gladly accept. I use my other hand to grab my purse. He bends his elbow so I can loop my arm through. We slowly walk down the sidewalk to my apartment.

  “You know, you can hang out here for a little while, if you want,” I say impassively, but inside I want to beg him to stay. I muster up the most alluring look I can and blink my eyes at him.

  Donovan grins. “Well, I have to work in the morning at the clinic.” My disappointment must be pronounced because he quickly adds, “But I can stay for a few minutes. I would like to see your apartment.” My mood instantly brightens. I turn to the door and unlock it. I am really glad Donovan is here with me as we walk in. I’m still frightened from the linebacker blitz on me. I shudder as the thought comes unwelcome in my mind. I quickly flip on the light.

  “Nice place you got here,” Donovan says politely.

  “Yes, it is cozy. Livey and I have lived here for almost four years. She has all the interior design skills, not me,” I smile.

  Donovan laughs, “I’m sure there are a few touches of yours around here.”

  I toss my purse and keys onto the table. “Make yourself at home. I’m going to go change.” I offer for Donovan to have a seat. “I won’t be long.” I head down the hallway to my room and shut the door.

  My heart is racing. Oh my, Donovan Callahan is in my living room! I beam at the very thought. I debate whether or not I should put on something sexy. I rummage through my dresser drawers and realize I don’t even own something sexy. I decide on cute instead and put on my gray shorts and black tank top. I throw my hair up in a bun and look in the mirror. “Good enough,” I say to myself. Now to wash this dam
n makeup off my face. I open my door and see Donovan looking at my family picture.

  “This your family?” he asks.

  “No, those are some random people I decided to take a picture of and hang in my home,” I tease him.

  “You’re a smartass!” he jokes back.

  I laugh. He is so cute right now. So far, I’ve known him one night, and I’ve seen sexy, angry, frustrated, and playful Donovan. I like the sexy and playful side of him.

  “Yes, that’s me, my parents, and my brother, Jon,” I look at the picture with him, “They live back in Lynchburg.”

  “Lynchburg? Tennessee?” Donovan questions, eyebrows raised.

  “No, Virginia. It’s a small college town with nothing to do, but I call it home.”

  “Well, I have to say, you look adorable in your flowered dress, and your mom is kind of hot.”

  Donovan wisely ducks as I swat at him. “Hey, come on. You two look alot alike. I was paying you a compliment, too.” I swat at him again and catch his arm. “Ow, that hurt, you brute,” he says. He rubs his arm like he’s in pain. I kiss his arm, just like my mom used to do when I skinned my knees. “Thank you, much better,” he winks at me.

  Donovan turns back to the picture. “So, do you have any other siblings?”

  “No, it’s just Jon and me. But my brother does have twin boys who light up my world. Their names are Jamie and Henry.” I beam at the sound of their names. God, I love those boys.

  “Bet their auntie Allie spoils them rotten.”

  “They have me wrapped around their fingers, for sure,” I smile warmly. I really need to get a picture of those two on my wall.

  “So, are your parents still together?” Donovan asks casually as he glances at the other pictures in the hallway.

  I let out a sigh and say, “Sort of.”

  Donovan turns his head and cocks an eyebrow at me. “Well, that’s an odd answer. What does that mean? Are they separated, but not divorced?”

  “No, my dad died of heart disease two years ago. He was only fifty. He missed his fifty-first birthday by three weeks. My mom vowed to never get married again after he passed, and she still wears her wedding ring,” I choke up on the last two words, and I feel the burn of the unshed tears in my eyes. “He died while I was here in Atlanta. I didn’t get the chance to say good-bye.

  The heart attack was so sudden, and it killed him almost instantly.” My tears are unleashed, and they start to trickle down my face. “I miss him dearly. He is the whole reason I want to get into healthcare. I want to help other people manage their diseases and not die so young,”

  Donovan is standing in front of me. He wipes my tears away with his thumbs as he cups my face. “Please don’t cry, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure he’s very proud of you and who you are.” I wrap my arms around his neck.

  “Please don’t leave me here alone with my thoughts. I just…just need you here with me,” I sob into his neck, tears coming unchecked. Donovan strokes my hair, and I find it very soothing.

  “Okay, okay, I’ll stay. I keep an extra pair of scrubs in my locker at the clinic.” He keeps running his fingers through my hair.

  I instantly start to feel better just knowing he is staying. I wipe the rest of my tears with the back of my hand. “Thank you so much. That means a lot,” I whisper as he gently rocks me back and forth. It feels so good to be held like this.

  I sniffle, then ask Donovan if he wants anything to eat. “Actually, yes. I’m pretty hungry. We didn’t get to finish our nachos. Want to get a pizza? I think everything else is closed right now.”

  “Sure, works for me. I like sausage on mine,” I tell him as I go to get my wallet. I pull out some money and turn to give it to Donovan, who is already on the phone with Papa John’s. He shakes his head and mouths “No.”

  “I don’t mind paying. You bought me drinks tonight,” I try to hand him the money again, and he refuses it. He hangs up the phone.

  “Oh, no you don’t. I was raised to not let a girl pay for dinner. My father might backhand me if I let you pay.”

  I’m defeated, so I reluctantly put the money back in my wallet. Donovan seems too good to be true. He’s all I ever wanted in a guy. He’s sweet, polite, willing to defend me, and sexy as hell.

  I wonder what he sees in me. “It’s probably your body,” comes into my mind. I shake my head and push the thought back down.

  Donovan plops on the couch. “What time do you think Livey will be home? I don’t want her to freak out when she sees me here. I may want to hide in your closet,” he chuckles

  “Oh, shit! Livey! I better text her!” I snatch my cell out of my purse and write:

  *At home, when r u coming?*

  Thirty seconds later a reply:

  *At Wendy’s. DC there?*

  I type:

  *Yes, he’s staying over tonight*

  Her response is:

  *Don’t do anything dumb. I’ll sleep at Cindy’s. Love you*

  I have a smile from ear to ear, knowing my best friend worries about me and loves me. She is also doing me a huge favor by staying at Cindy’s. “Livey is staying at our friend Cindy’s house.”

  I sit down beside him on the couch.

  Donovan’s lips curl into a wicked smile, showing those perfectly straight white teeth. “Isn’t she a good friend?”

  I swallow. That look brings out the sexy Donovan. A look like this could set off all the fire alarms in this building.

  Donovan lunges at me before I can jump on him myself. He must be a mind reader. The electricity between us is amazing. I feel such a pull towards him and I can’t stop it.

  He lays on top of me, hands placed on both sides of my head with his arms stretched up so he can look down on me. “You really are beautiful, you know that?” Donovan lowers onto his elbows, bringing his face to mine. His blue eyes are scorching with pure desire for me. Shit, that’s so hot. He kisses me first with a closed mouth then gently tugs on my bottom lip. I moan, unable to control it.

  “Now, where did we leave off? Oh, yes, I remember,” Donovan whispers in my ear, his voice deep and husky. He plunges his tongue into my mouth, kissing me with such intensity and passion. I run my fingers through his brown hair and tug, urging him to kiss me deeper. He obliges and runs his tongue over and under mine. He shifts his weight to one arm and uses his other hand to palm one of my breasts. He pulls my tank top down so my chest lifts up. His lips leave mine and take one my protruding nipples into his mouth slowly.

  “Damn, you have the most amazing body,” Donovan growls as he swirls his tongue around my left breast. I whimper in response. He flicks his magic tongue and gently tugs. Fuck me, this is so sexy. He switches breasts and starts the sensual torture again. I tilt my pelvis up, unable to ignore the wetness between my legs.

  “Let’s lose this shirt, shall we?” Donovan pulls my tank top off over my head. I’m not wearing a bra, so I’m naked from the waist up. “This is like unwrapping a birthday present,” he says as he throws my shirt on the floor. He licks me in my cleavage, and my backs bows off the couch. I bite my lip, trying to stifle my moans. “No, baby, let me hear you,” Donovan releases my lip.

  “Please, Donovan,” I can’t control this feeling building up inside me, waiting to combust.

  “Patience, baby. We are still waiting on the pizza guy to get here.”

  Crap, I forgot. I’m not hungry, at least not for food. Donovan says, “Don’t worry, it’ll still be another forty-five minutes.”

  “Or, what? It’s free?”

  Donovan cocks his eyebrow at me and laughs. He looks breathtaking this way, on top of me, hair hanging down off his forehead. He doesn’t say another word. He just starts his sweet punishment again, this time kissing me on my navel, running his tongue down my belly. “I think you should lose these shorts, too.” He slowly pulls the shorts down and slides them off. Now I’m in nothing but my panties, completely exposed to him.

  “It’s not exactly fair that I’m almost naked and you
’re not.” I grab the hem of his shirt and pull it up. Donovan sits up and slides it over his head. His chest is so toned and smooth. He has six pack abs and muscular biceps. I want to touch every part of him. I go for the zipper on his pants next and pull it down. “Now these too. It’s only fair,” I smirk at him as I put my hands just below his waist line. I feel the trail of hair that leads to where I want to go. Donovan’s breath hitches as I slip off his jeans down to his knees. He struggles out of them and kicks them on the floor. He’s wearing navy blue boxer briefs, and his erection is poking through. Oh, my, how the hell is that going to fit in me?

  “Don’t worry, it’ll fit,” Donovan must see the terrified expression on my face. “But I’m not ready for that just yet. I still want to have some fun with you.” With that being said, he returns to my stomach, leaving light kisses all over. He slides his fingers beneath the top of my panties and I squirm beneath him. He surprises me by yanking them down and leaving me naked, Donovan kisses me on my inner thigh and I grab his hair. I know where he’s going with this, and I can’t wait for it. I try pushing his head, urging him to go down on me. I feel the smile against my leg, Oh, this is torture.

  Donovan finally gives in to my selfish desires and kisses me on the apex of my thighs. I jump at the alien feeling of a man being so close to my private area. Its embarrassing in a way but sexy as hell, too. He uses his hands to spread my legs further. He licks from top to bottom and back again. I feel the stubble that has appeared on his jaw line. I clench his hair and arch my back. He repeats this motion over and over again, each time pushing me closer and closer to my orgasm. I thrash my head and loudly moan his name.

  “Come for me, baby. Let it go,” and with those words, I find my release. My first climax ever and it has to be the best orgasm known to woman. It feels like I had an out of body experience.

  It rocks me to my core and makes my head swim. My heart is beating out of my chest, and the blood is pounding in my ears. Holy shit, that was almost too much.


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