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Overwhelm Me (Callahan)

Page 5

by Marchman, AC

  Donovan lifts his head up to look at me, his blue eyes hooded. I pant while I stare at him, the evidence of my arousal on his lips. He moves up my body till he’s face to face with me.

  “My God, that was amazing,” I breathe as he continues to stare at me with those blue eyes smoldering.

  “I’m still not done,” he slips his boxer briefs off and stands to get something out of his pants.

  “Are you on any birth control?”

  I blush. “Yes,” I mutter, embarrassed by the question. I take it to regulate my periods, but I’m not bringing that up right now.

  “Good, but I am still going to use this,” he tells me as he pulls a silver wrapper from his jeans.

  Damn, does he always carry those on him? I frown at the thought.

  He rolls the condom down his shaft and turns back to me. I stare, wide-eyed, at the considerable size of his erection. I’m still not sure this is going to fit in me.

  Donovan lays back on top of me and kisses me deeply. I taste myself in that kiss. That’s so….weirdly hot. As his tongue commands my mouth, he takes one hand, wraps it around his length and uses the tip to tease my swollen clit. That alone could get me off if he did it long enough. He rubs it around, teasing me until I can’t take it anymore. “Please, Donovan.” I beg him, digging my fingers into the flesh of his back.

  My plea works, and he slowly thrusts the length of his shaft all the way in me. I grimace, the feeling is painful at first, since I haven’t had sex in years. He looks down at me, concerned.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just not used to this.” I grab his shoulders and throw my head back, completely turned on now at the feeling of his fullness. He doesn’t move for a minute, letting me get used to how big he is. Then he slowly pulls out. “Again?” he growls in my ear, a deep sexy sound from the back of his throat. I nod, unable to think about anything else except that I want more of him. He thrusts again, a little harder this time. I whimper. The feeling is wonderful now the pain is gone. Then Donovan sets into a rhythm, getting faster and harder with each time.

  I wrap my legs around his waist and meet his thrusts with my hips. That feeling of combustion has returned, and I welcome it, knowing what pleasure will come of it.

  “Oh, fuck,” Donovan moans. I grab his tight ass and make him go deeper. I feel the flex of his muscles, and it turns me on more. I want this; I need this. I scratch my nails down his back, and he pants as I keep up with his pounding. Finally, when my body can tolerate no more, I explode around him, loudly swearing as I find my sweet relief. My body is spent, and it feels great. This is what sex is supposed to feel like? Wow.

  Donovan thrusts one more time and holds onto my hips. I feel him throbbing and pulsating, and I realize he also finds his release. He collapses on top of me. “Holy shit,” is all he can say as we both come down from our high. Our heartbeats slow together, and I hug him tightly. He pushes my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. We are both damp with sweat and the smell of sex fills the room. He plants a swift, sweet kiss on my lips and pulls out of me, I cringe at the feeling. He heads to the bathroom still gloriously naked, and I hear a flush a minute later. I giggle, realizing I wouldn’t want Livey finding a used condom in our trash can. I take the blanket off the back of the couch and lay it on top of me. Donovan walks back and pulls on his boxers. I lay on my side, admiring the man that just thoroughly fucked my brains out. He sees me staring at him and grins. He sits on the couch in front of me.

  “Wow, that was really amazing,” Donovan says as he grazes my cheek with the back of his hand. His bright eyes are glowing, and it makes me smile.

  “Right back at ya, Dr. Callahan,” I relish the sweet touch of his hand on my face. I reach up to grab his fingers and kiss the pads on each of his fingertips.

  The heart warming moment is interrupted by the doorbell. I’m still naked, so I jump up with my blanket wrapped around me and race to my room. I hear Donovan yell, “Just a minute!” as he is pulling up his jeans. I throw on my flannel pajama pants and another black tank top. I look in the mirror, and the “just fucked look” doesn’t suit me. I brush my hair out and tie it into a ponytail. I step out of the room just as Donovan shuts the front door. “Pizza’s here!”

  I realize my appetite has returned with a vengeance, and I’m starving. It must be the workout I just had. I walk to the kitchen and grab two plates and two cans of soda. “Do you like Coke?” I ask Donovan. With that question, I realize I know almost nothing about the man I just let make love to me. I vow to myself to learn more about him tonight.

  “Yeah, Coke is fine with me,” Donovan says as he opens the pizza box on the dining room table. I walk in to see his back towards me as he has yet to put on his shirt. I stand there for a minute, studying the toned muscles in his back. He is so fit, he has to work out almost every day. Donovan must feel my eyes on him, because he turns around.

  “You like?” he asks me with his hands on his hips, his voice taking on that deep huskiness that sends shivers down my spine.

  “I like it even more now that I’ve gotten to see all of you,” I flirt back. I put the plates and Coke on the table. I walk up to him and put my arms around his waist. He returns my hug, his hands sliding down my back. I hadn’t pictured us standing here, locked in an embrace, when I knocked him down this morning. I turn my head up to look at him. God, he’s beautiful.

  Donovan lets out a sigh. “I really like being with you. Tonight has been eye opening.”

  I’m puzzled. What does “eye opening” mean? What an odd thing to say. I furrow my brow and he seems to know what I’m silently asking.

  “When I say eye opening, I mean I didn’t have to try to be someone I’m not. I can be myself with you, and unfortunately, that’s a hard thing for me to do. I know it should come easily, but when you come from wealth, you have to act the part.” I stare at him, not quite understanding. He shrugs his shoulders. “You know, like you’re better than everyone else, and you should look down your nose at the people who don’t have as much as you do. I hated growing up like that, but when your father is a millionaire, it comes with the territory.”

  I gaze at him with curious green eyes. So, Donovan comes from wealth? Not that it makes any difference to me. Money has never been something that I felt like I had to have. It helps, of course, but my family always got by. We had what we needed, and we were happy for awhile, until my dad passed away. What little money I have left from my paycheck at the golf club I send to my mom to help with whatever she needs, like groceries or bills. It’s not much, but she is always grateful.

  Donovan continues, “My dad owns Callahan Vineyard and Winery. It’s been in the family for four generations, so I come from old money. I had no interest in taking over the business, so my younger sister is learning the ropes. I never wanted to be anything but a doctor” He shakes his head. “ Don’t get me wrong, my dad is ecstatic about me pursuing that dream, but he really wanted his only son to inherit the business.” He shrugs his shoulders and looks a little sad.

  I’ve heard of Callahan Vineyard and Winery. It’s in Savannah, and going on the pictures I have seen, it’s absolutely gorgeous. The Callahan home is large and stately. It’s a massive white mansion with two story tall columns, black trim, and shutters around the many windows. The porch wraps around the whole front of the house. The lawn is professionally landscaped and has scores of roses, tulips, and lilies in the flower beds. Directly down the middle of the lawn is a stone driveway that loops. Gone with the Wind comes to mind.

  “You have a sister? What’s her name? What are your parents names?” I have so many questions for him, so I figure we can start with something simple like family.

  “My sister is Megan. My parents’ names are Evelyn and Robert. I’m actually driving up there next weekend to see them, would you like to come?” Donovan asks. The question is so casual, but it shocks me. Meet his family already? The butterflies start to whirl around in my stomach.
  “Uh, sure, why not?” I beam at him. “I have to make sure I’m off work,” I secretly hope I’m working, I’m not sure if I’m ready to meet his parents yet. The more I think about it, the more nervous I become.

  “I’ll leave on Friday and come back Sunday, just a weekend trip. By the way, where do you work?” Donovan must have realized I never told him I had a job.

  “Bayside Golf Club. I rent the golf clubs out to the members.”

  “I’ve been there before. I stink at golf, but I think it’s some unwritten law that if you’re a doctor, you have to play,” He takes a bite out of his pizza. I grab my slice and tear into it.

  “So, why did you want to become a doctor?”

  “Well, I guess I wanted to help people, just like most doctors do. I’m not doing it for the money, that’s for sure. We residents make around minimum wage, and it’s tough, having to work eighty hours a week and being awake for thirty hours on end.” He rolls his eyes, then smiles. “But at the end of the day, if I’ve helped save even one life, it makes all of it worth it. My job isn‘t so bad now though. I work in a clinic with business hours for the most part. I do have to take home call after hours when a patient needs advice or is concerned with something. I still do rotations at the hospital, but it’s not as bad as it used to be.”

  That statement warms my heart. That’s the exact reason I want to become a P.A. If I can save someone from an early death, then it’s worth the rest. I just wish someone could have saved my father. He left us far too soon.

  “So why family practice? Any reason?” I question as I lift my soda to my lips and take a sip.

  “Well, I see all sorts of patients, from the pregnant moms and newborns to the elderly. I feel that I will learn more and understand a wide range of patients and their medical problems this way.”

  My heart swells. This man has to be perfect, there’s no way he’s not. Then the thought occurs to me, if he’s so perfect, then why isn’t he taken? I frown and swallow as I ask this next question.

  “You don’t have a girlfriend, do you?” I say shyly. I’m scared of what the answer might be. I don’t want to think of Donovan in another woman’s arms. The thought sickens me.

  Donovan’s mouth drops open, and he whips his head around to glare at me. Oh shit, did I cross the line? Does he have a girlfriend? I hate myself for asking, but I need to know before I open myself up for another heartache.

  “What the hell kind of question is that to ask?” Donovan’s voice is low and angry, his hands clenched and face red. Wow, he really is mad. I don’t like mad Donovan. “You think I would fuck you the way I just did if I was in a relationship?”

  “That’s not what I meant…” I start. His icy stare stops me cold.

  “If you think for one minute I’m seeing someone, you are mistaken. I’ve had one night stands before, but I was never seeing anyone else at the time.”

  His words sting. One night stand? That’s what he thinks this is? Tears start to fill my eyes, and I stare at him. “So, is that what I am? A one time fuck? For a good time, call Allie? Like a damn notch in your belt?” My voice starts to crack. “Well, you are the one mistaken. I’m nobody’s slut,” and the tears start flowing unwelcome down my cheeks. I begin to feel used for my body, and I never wanted that, ever. I especially don’t want to feel like that with Donovan. I turn away from him, not wanting to look at his face.

  “Oh, God. I’m sorry. Don’t cry. That’s not what I meant,” Donovan steps toward me. I don’t move, but I don’t look at him either. He gently turns me around to face him and takes my face into his hands. “It’s just that…I don’t like not being trusted. I’m an honest person. Yes, I’ve done bad things I’m not proud of, and it’s fucked me up.” He lets out a sigh. He strokes the back of his hand down my cheek. “I am a one woman man, and I always will be. But you have no way of knowing that, and I shouldn’t have gotten so upset. I‘m so sorry.” His words sound honest, but I can’t be sure.

  I finally look up at Donovan, his eyes filled with raw emotion, and I know he is telling the truth.

  He does want to give this a try and not throw me to the curb like I’m garbage. He wipes away my tears for the second time tonight. Why the hell am I such a crier? I blink a few times so I can see clearly. I stand on my tip toes and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him hard, forcing my tongue into his mouth. Maybe we will do some things backwards, like have sex first, then go on a date, but that’s alright. I feel as though he is someone my dad would be proud of; a man that I feel such a strong connection with. The intensity between us is phenomenal. It’s like fate put us together by that chance meeting this morning. And to know that Donovan feels the exact same way about me makes me melt. He makes me feel alive and so happy. Not to mention, he makes me so crazy with desire that I may very well lose my mind.

  Donovan kisses me back with such passion it makes my insides deliciously clench tight. We start pulling the clothes off each other as we make our way down the hall to my room, leaving a trail behind us.

  Donovan lays me down on the bed and stands in front of me, gloriously naked. I push my weight on my elbows so I can get a better view. His tousled hair is so sexy, his blue eyes burning with lust, his body in such great shape. What’s not to love about this man? I lick my top lip, ready for round two.

  Donovan’s lips curl up into a half smile as he takes in my body. I smirk back at him. “You like what you see, doc?”

  “Oh, baby doll, the things I have planned for us,” he breathes as he lowers himself onto me.

  The feeling of his skin against mine is purely erotic and sensual. He wraps his arms around me, pinning my arms down. He stares into my eyes, then kisses my nose gently. Donovan closes his eyes as he leans down to kiss me again. There’s a sweetness to his kiss this time; it’s slow and soft, not hard and passionate like before but just as good. His tongue caresses mine softly.

  I run my fingers along his jawline, enjoying the feeling of his stubble, and find it so arousing. Of course, everything about this man arouses me.

  He starts nibbling on my earlobe and works his way down my jaw. The kisses sear my skin and make me feel ablaze. I squirm underneath him. All of a sudden, Donovan rolls me over so that I’m laying on top of him. I look at him, surprised. “It’s your turn, baby. You take the wheel.”

  Oh, wow. Free rein to do whatever I want to the sexiest man alive? I’m game. I sit up so I’m straddling him and gaze down, absolutely amazed by him. I lean forward and run the tips of my fingers down his chest, admiring the feel of his muscles and how hard they are. Donovan closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. I enjoy seeing him like this, under me and relinquishing control over to me. I lean down so I’m laying on top of him. I start kissing his neck while sliding one hand down his pecks and back up again. Donovan must like that because he grabs my hips and digs his fingers in my flesh. My lips find his, and I bite his bottom lip slightly. I hear a low growl from his throat. I slide down beside him. I work my way down his body, kissing from his chest down to his naval. I feel Donovan shudder, and I see his erection grow even larger.

  Hmmm. I’ve never gone down on a guy.

  I grab onto his hard shaft and work my hand back and forth. “Oh, fuck!” Donovan lifts his head to watch me. I lick my top lip and eye him. He is panting and can’t take his eyes off me. I lower my head and swirl the tip with my tongue, and I feel him slam his head back. He claws at the sheets. Wow, this is turning us both on, big time. I put my teeth behind my lips and take all of him into my mouth. I hold it there for a second and come back up. I taste the saltiness of his pre-cum, so I repeat it, licking and sucking him. Donovan grabs my hair and moans my name loudly. I suck him harder and faster until he can’t take anymore. He pulls my head up and rolls me over onto my back.

  “Damn, baby. If I didn’t stop you, I was going to cum,” Donovan growls. He possesses my mouth with his tongue. As he kisses me, he slides his hand down my curves. He reaches in between my legs and plunges one finger
in me. I cry out with pleasure. He then pushes another finger inside and pulls in and out, over and over again. I close my legs together to try to absorb the pressure of his hand, becoming increasingly turned on.

  Donovan stops and brings his fingers to his mouth. “Do you know how good you taste?” He sticks his fingers in his mouth and licks off my arousal. I gasp, shocked, yet it’s so hot I can’t help but groan. He reaches over to his jeans that lay on my floor and pulls out another condom.

  He wastes no time in rolling it on himself. The moment it’s on, he slides in between my legs so they push apart. He rams inside me, making me scream and dig my nails into his back.

  “God, you are so tight,” Donovan breathes as he pumps harder and faster with each thrust. I wrap my legs around his waist and push him farther in. I feel the muscles in my belly clench, and I start to build up again.

  “Oh, fuck!” I moan as I explode around him. It is a mind blowing orgasm the kind where you feel nothing else but intense pleasure as your body releases the buildup of tension. Unable to hold it any longer, Donovan comes with me. I can feel him throb with each burst. When he releases all he has to give, he looks into my eyes and kisses me swiftly.

  “You are so amazing. You seem to blow my mind at every turn.” Donovan wipes the beads of sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.

  “I’m no expert. I’ve only been with one guy.” I cringe at the memory, it disgusts me.

  Donovan raises his eyebrows at me. “Only one? Good, I like it that way.“ We both smell of sweat and sex, but the scent is erotic. I grab a tissue from the box on my dresser and wipe my face. “Come on, baby doll. It’s getting really late, and we both need to wash up.” Donovan holds his hand out for me, and we walk to the bathroom.

  I turn the shower on and let the warm water run. Donovan and I both slip into the shower, and I let him stand under the water first. He holds his head back and rinses his hair. I admire his body as the water runs down it. He is so defined and beautiful. His abs are a perfect six pack, and he has the inverted triangle on his hips. Wow, he is quite impressive. I hand him the shampoo, and he washes his hair. I just stare at him, watching him lather his hair, while I’m still trying to process the events this evening. We went from strangers to lovers in the matter of less than twenty-four hours. It takes everything in me not to jump up and down like a giddy schoolgirl.


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