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Torn Apart (Fatally Flawed #2)

Page 10

by Dusty Lassetter

  “We’ve talked about this Candice. Until K.J. can eliminate the threat you are to stay with your bodyguards unless I’m with you.” He says, grabbing me and pulling me in for a quick kiss.

  “We didn’t discuss anything. You told me what was going to happen and you expect me to just comply.” I declare, growing a little frustrated.

  “Don’t get mad.” He says, grabbing me on my chin and tilting my face towards his. “I only do it because I can’t live without you.” With another kiss to my lips, he effectively wins this argument, and the cocky smirk he gives me tells me he knows.

  Taking my small hand into his larger one, he pulls me out of the door and down the hallway, leading to our exit. “I’m ready to go back to the hotel and have dinner, then I’ll be having you for dessert.” He says, winking over his shoulder at me. I pick up my pace, eager to get back as well. He laughs out loud before throwing his arm around me, holding me tightly to his side, and just like that I feel myself melt into his touch.

  Chapter 22


  I am waiting for the cameraman in front of me to start filming, so the crowd can watch my entrance to the arena on the giant screen above the octagon. I personally took Candice to her seat earlier and told Mike and Mark not to let her out of their sight. Bethany and Izzy are also with her and assured me they would keep an eye out as well. Dalton, K.J., and Roy are walking out with me and will sit in my corner as my team. Shortly after Lucky’s music cuts off, the cameraman points at me, indicating we are live. I keep my head held high and start making my way toward the octagon.

  The crowd starts screaming louder, smirking into the camera is my way of letting them know I hear their cheers. When I reach the long walkway, that runs between the fans, the only light I can see is the spot light they have shining down on me. The fans are up on their feet reaching their hands out for me to slap them. It should come as no shock when I make no attempt to touch anyone. I never do. Finally standing in front of the cage, a guy working for the sport strides over to put the Vaseline on my face. Once he is done and I have been cleared to get in the octagon, I walk up the three steps, take a deep breath, then enter my home once again.

  I’m staring into Lucky’s eyes the entire time the announcer is talking. I want him to know there is no distraction on my part. When the ref offers us the decision to touch gloves he sticks his middle finger up in my face and smiles. No love lost there, I didn’t want to touch his cheap ass nasty glove anyway. It’s his chin I’m after.

  The bell rings and I charge forward landing a spinning kick to the center of his diaphragm. He recovers nicely, dodging my combination, coming back with a right jab. He is heavy on that right hand and over extends it more times than not. Redirecting his attention by doing a kick to his front thigh. I hit him with a left hand to the face before he is able to move away. I’ve been training to be faster for this fight, so there is no way he is going to be able to keep pace with me. I throw a couple more combinations, landing ninety percent of my shots, but he’s doing a good job of rolling with them. Allowing him to take more than I thought he could. His face is busted up and I can see that his right eye is cut. He tries for a takedown but I move to the fence and we spend the next minute in a clench. When the bell rings indicating the end of round one, we let go of one another then walk to our separate corners.

  “You’re doing great. Just remember the upper cut is there.” Roy says, rubbing bags of ice on my chest and back. “Take a deep breath.” He orders, before giving me a drink of water. I spit the first drink out on the canvas but swallow the second. It’s time I put this asshole away, and show him why I’m the Champ. I stand up and wait for the bell to ring again. As soon as it does he tries to take me down but I throw my weight on his back effectively stopping him. He falls onto his knees, so I back off, allowing him to get back on his feet.

  “I thought you would have tapped by now.” Lucky says, trying to piss me off.

  I answer with another kick to the body. I am damaging him one area at a time. “The only thing tapping will be your head when it bounces off the mat, asshole.” I state before he goes for another take down. This time he’s successful and I’m lying on my back with him on top of me. He slams a few elbows down but they slide right off, not really doing any damage.

  “You’re in the same position I’ll have that pretty little red head of yours in later.” He declares before strategically placing his hand over my face and digging his finger in my right eye. I grind my teeth together and shove him off of me with all the strength I possess, managing to get back on my feet. The bright lights are making it hard to keep my right eye open now that this asshole das tried to claw it out. I could probably show the ref but he would most likely stop the fight. Charging forward and picking Lucky up I flip him over my shoulder like you would see in a fake wrestling match. Quickly turning around, I see him looking up at me from the canvas and sneer at him. I start walking backwards, wanting him to get up and charge at me, over extending that right hand. When he does exactly that, I side step him and aim my left fist for his exposed chin. He falls to the canvas asleep before he even hits it and I manage to get three good hammer fists to his face, before the ref pushes me back.

  The crowd is in an uproar chanting out my name and waving the American flag around. I jump up on the cage and swing myself over, headed toward the only person I want to celebrate with. Candice leaps into my arms as soon as I am within reach, “You did it baby.” I squeeze her to me tighter, thankful she is still here. The organizers walk over to me and inform me I’m needed in the octagon for the official ruling. I release Candice’s hand long enough to move people out of my way, and grab her hand again, making sure she follows me. I can tell she is really uncomfortable but there is no one else I want up here with me. She needs to get used to this because I have no plans on retiring anytime soon.

  I stand on one side of the referee and Lucky on the other. His head is down and there is blood coming from several cuts on his face. “The referee put a stop to this fight in the second round due to a knock out. The winner and still middle weight world champion, ladies and gentlemen, Jasper The Finisher Johnathan.” The announcer roars into the microphone just as the ref raises my hand in victory.

  With my eye stinging and Candice still looking uncomfortable I make my post-fight speech short, “I am thankful for all my fans. Anyone else that thinks they have a shot at beating me can call my manager.” With that I walk out of the octagon, Candice tucked firmly into my side.

  Chapter 23


  Jasper had a post-fight press conference he had to attend, so me and the rest of his team hung out backstage listening in on it. There were a lot of questions about Lucky being thrown at Trent because Lucky was taken to the hospital with a broken nose, and couldn’t come to the conference. Anyone paying attention to the way Trent spoke about the fight could tell he was unhappy with the result. I, on the other hand, couldn’t be more thrilled for Jasper. He trained hard and managed to overcome a lot of personal issues, including his mother’s death.

  Currently we are all taking a limo ride to the club that hired Jasper to host a post-fight party tonight. He says this is the last time he will have to do this because within a month Dalton will have his club up and running. We will hold our own post-fight events and some of the other fighters will make appearances for the champ. Jasper has spoken to the media about the grand opening of Club Finisher that is set for July thirtieth, only twenty-eight days away.

  The limo comes to a stop in front of a red carpet that has been rolled out for tonight. Jasper and I agreed not to get dressed to the nines. We went with basic jeans and t-shirts. However, mine is quite special it has “The Finisher’s Woman” across the back. Jasper had it made for me just before we left for Vegas. I thought about making him one to mark my territory as well but decided against it.

  “Congratulations Mr. Johnathan.” The gentleman opening our door states. Jasper nods his head in appreciation then hands the man
a hundred. I guess when you win your fifth title match you can afford to tip that high. I haven’t thought much about Jasper’s new found wealth since we’ve been back together. I guess I still see him as that harsh and demanding caveman from high school.

  There are paparazzi everywhere, snapping a dozen photos at once. I try to hide my face behind my hair while holding onto Jasper, letting him guide me through the chaos. When we finally enter the club, the security guard takes us to our section that has been decked out with champagne and whiskey. Since Jasper recently stopped drinking, I’m a little worried he is going to throw caution to the wind and have a few that will most likely turn into too many. He must sense my nerves, because he leans down, kissing me on the check whispering in my ear, “Don’t worry Gorgeous, I’m only having water.”

  Dalton walks over to the security guard and quietly tells him something that I can’t quite hear. Not long after the big man speaks into his microphone, a bunch of waitresses arrive at our section and start carrying away the alcohol.

  “We don’t need liquor to have fun. Besides that shit starts tasting bad after a while anyway.” Dalton announces to everyone. We all nod our head in agreement and pick up our champagne glasses full of sparkling water.

  “I would like to make a toast.” I state loud enough for everyone to hear me over the music. They all turn their gazes to me, waiting for my speech that I didn’t really prepare.

  “I just want to thank each and every one of you that have accepted me back with open arms, and to the ones that needed a little more convincing. I never had a family growing up but I’m somewhat thankful for that. I don’t think I would have met all of you otherwise and to me the wait was worth the reward.” I finish my toast raising my glass up to everyone with a smile on my face.

  Dalton comes up and grabs me in a big bear hug, “You’re like the annoying little sister I never knew I wanted.”

  “Thanks…. I think.” Is my reply, before Izzy starts prying me out of his arms. “That was so freaking sweet. I totally see you as family too. You’re like the sister I have but I actually love you.” I look at Izzy’s smiling face and realize she is being completely truthful. “I plead the fifth until I actually meet her.” I say.

  “She will be in Tampa on Tuesday and my mom insist I hang out with her.” Izzy replies, her smile now turning to a frown.

  “We can have a girl’s night at my aunt’s house. How would you like that?” I ask, not entirely sure Stacy will be home, but I would say anything to make Izzy happy again.

  “Thank goodness you offered. I was just going to show up with her.” That comment doesn’t surprise me coming from Izzy and I tell her this right before Bethany takes me into her arms for a hug.

  “I’m so happy for you and Jasper. I can’t wait for you two to make a little friend for this one.” She states rubbing small circles on her stomach that is still flat as a board. If I hadn’t seen the sonogram I would think she was lying about her pregnancy. “Let’s just say that is not in my foreseeable future.” I say.

  Jasper pulls me from the girls and mumbles his apologies before turning me toward him, “I’m tired of sharing you. How about we go dance?”

  “Well since you asked so nicely.” I shout as he leads me onto the dance floor.

  I don’t recognize the song playing but the beat is slow, so Jasper is able to hold me close and use those talented hips for something more than Jiu Jitsu. I still have the rhythm of a broom so he guides me along the way using every opportunity to roam his hands all over my body. Before long his curious hands and the little kisses he keeps placing on my neck have me aching in all the right places.

  “You trust me?” He whispers in my ear. I instantly shake my head yes, knowing without a doubt I trust him completely. He doesn’t say anything else, just walks over to the same security guy as before. speaking into his ear. The guy nods his head at whatever Jasper asked then leads us toward the back of the club, away from everyone else.

  “Thanks man.” Jasper says, shaking his hand. We enter a room that has a desk and two chairs. This must be someone’s office. Jasper turns around and picks me up, and starts frantically kissing me. No longer caring where we are or what is going on, I kiss him back with all the built up desire I have from our dancing. He breaks the kiss long enough to set me down and pull my pants completely off. Lifting me again he starts nibbling on my neck, causing me to whimper out. My back collides with the wall and I can feel that he’s undoing his pants as well.

  “Do you want me Candice?” He asks in a husky voice, pulling my thong to the side and playing with my entrance using just the tip of his hardness. My reply is to slam down, taking him in all the way. He groans out loud before taking me against the wall. There is no sweet words or soft kisses. This is raw and dirty. I start meeting his every thrust, needing him to go faster.

  “I’m about to cum Jasper,” I cry out while grabbing him by his hair, forcing him to look me in the eyes. He pounds in me harder, then groans out when he feels my walls tighten up around him from my orgasm. Not long after I close my eyes, riding out the rest of my orgasm, I hear Jasper growl with his release. We stay just as we are, sweaty and breathing hard.

  “I love you.” He says before giving me a kiss on the tip of my nose. Just that little bit of tenderness is enough to melt my heart and make me smile.

  “Do you think anyone knows what we were doing in here?” I ask him as he puts me down so we can both get our pants back on.

  “Who cares what they think, as long as they keep their thoughts to themselves.” He states zipping up his pants.

  “What if they don’t keep their thoughts to themselves?”

  “I am the middle weight champion. They will keep their mouths shut or I’ll break their jaws.” He whispers on my lips before kissing me. It’s moments like this I realize I have fallen in love with the ultimate brute, but there is nothing I would do to change him.


  Chapter 24

  Candice and I get back to the group who seem none the wiser, but if they were they wouldn’t dare say it out loud. Roy is sitting in the corner talking to Dalton and K.J, so I leave Candice with Bethany and Izzy before walking over to the guys.

  “What did I miss?” I ask the group.

  “Nothing much. Just discussing who we all think your next opponent is going to be.” Roy answers for everyone.

  “I placed my money on the Brazilian ranked number six in your division.” Dalton states.

  “As long as the bastard doesn’t try to take out my eye like Lucky we’ll be good.” I declare before taking a seat next to K.J.

  “How is that eye?” Roy questions before leaning further back into his chair.

  “It’s nothing I can’t handle. I think Trent asked him to make sure I lose no matter what. If I ever find proof of that, I will have to rectify the situation.” I grunt out, before I hear Candice hollering for me.

  Me and all the guys jump up and instantly take off toward the end of the section our group has been hanging out in. As soon I reach Candice I see her clenching a photo in her left hand, while Izzy is holding onto a white rose. I pry the photo from Candice and see it’s Izzy walking to her car. It’s hard to establish where she is because the photographer is focusing only on her making the rest of the background blurred. I tilt Candice’s face up with the tips of my fingers on her chin, “Who gave her this?”

  “I..I..I don’t know. Some guy brought it up to us. He said he was told to give this to Izzy.” She finally manages to get out. Before I can take her into my arms I see K.J. shoving his way through the crowds. I look to Dalton and Roy asking them to keep watch over the girls before going after K.J.

  I’m taller than most the people here, but I still manage to lose sight of K.J. Forcing everyone around me to part I finally catch a glimpse of K.J., and see he is standing over a guy lying on the floor looking scared for his life. I walk up beside K.J. “What in the hell is going on here?” I question.

  He doesn’t bother answering
me, just picks the guy up by his shirt to toss him another five feet away. This pathetic loser isn’t fighting back and I start to get a little concerned that K.J has completely lost his mind. He reaches in to his boot, taking out a knife out, before standing over the guy again with the sharp blade held against his throat.

  “Who sent you?” K.J. roars out, sliding the knife across the man’s throat enough to give him a shallow cut.

  “I don’t know him. He came up to me and offered five hundred bucks to drop it off. I swear dude, I don’t know him.” The man starts pleading for K.J. to believe him.

  “What did he look like?” is K.J.’s next question.

  “He was tall and skinny with brown hair. You have to believe me. Please don’t kill me.”

  K.J. removes the knife then kicks the guy in the stomach, “You’re a fucking pussy.” He states before walking away. I follow him back to our roped off area and see him walk up to Izzy before taking her visibly shaken body into his arms. She seems to relax some in his. I wrap my arms around Candice trying to give her some comfort as well.

  “Shouldn’t we be leaving? The police will be here any minute.” Candice says. I guess they watched the entire thing unfold. The area we are in is elevated, so your able to see the entire bar and dance floor.

  “They’re going to find him one way or another. Might as well get it done and over with.” I state tightening my arms around her. It takes only a few minutes for two police officers to show up and start questioning everyone. K.J. whispers something to Izzy before walking toward the older officer, “It’s me you’re looking for. You can leave my friends the fuck alone.” His voice laced with disdain. The heavier one of the two, not being happy with his tone tries to scold K.J. “There is no need for that language. I don’t know if you are aware but we have several witnesses stating you assaulted a man with a deadly weapon. We could charge you with attempted murder.”


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