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Torn Apart (Fatally Flawed #2)

Page 11

by Dusty Lassetter

  K.J. says nothing back just gives the cop his signature “Fuck you” look. Izzy hearing this rushes toward the police offers. “He was just trying to protect me, that guy brought….” Before she can finish her statement K.J. cuts her off, “It’s alright Izzy. I’m just going to go down to the station and answer some questions. You stay with Jasper and Candice until I get back.” She nods her yes, and starts to turn around when the asshole cop reaches out and grabs her shoulder. “If you have information on this case, you need to come with us too.”

  Quicker than any normal person should move, K.J. grabs the officer by the wrist and twists it behind his back. He slams the officer onto the wall behind him, “Don’t fucking touch her.” The other cop takes out his gun and aims it at K.J. “Release officer Moore and turn around slowly with your hands in the air.”

  K.J.’s hold doesn’t budge until Izzy screams his name. Her fear-laced voice seems to get through to him because he does exactly as the officer says. Once he is turned completely around the asshole officer hits him in the back with his night stick. Anyone else would have gone down with a hit that hard, but K.J. just laughs, “Now I’ll have to kill you, asshole.” He states before the younger officer walks over and cuffs K.J.’s hands behind his back.

  Izzy starts crying, asking the officers if she can just give him a hug goodbye. There is no way he’s getting out of this anytime soon. He not only assaulted an officer. He also threatened to kill him. I’m pretty sure that qualifies as hard time. Candice and Bethany are trying to calm Izzy down as they lead K.J. out of the club in hand cuffs. We follow him out to the police car across the street, “Don’t worry K.J. I will call my lawyer.” I promise him.

  “No need, I already called mine.” He states. Izzy finally gives up on pleading with the officers and lets her true attitude come out, “I’m going to call every news station and let them know how you like to treat innocent people you, fat bastard. I can’t wait for them to fire you. Maybe then you can serve donuts for a living.” The officer turns around to say something but is cut off by K.J.

  “Elizabeth.” He states loudly enough for everyone to hear him. Izzy immediately shuts up and turns her attention to him. “Stay with Candice and Jasper, and for your sake you better stay out of trouble.” When she doesn’t reply he says her name again, “I will.” She mumbles just loud enough for him to hear.

  They put K.J. in the back of the car and drive off leaving us standing in the middle of the road looking at the tail lights disappear. I take Candice by the hand and she wraps her free arm through Izzy’s. “Let’s get back to the hotel room and figure out a way to help K.J. get released before we head back to Tampa on Sunday.” I suggest to everyone. I really have no idea how we’re going to help him, but if there is a way, I won’t rest until we figure it out.

  Chapter 25


  I’ve been in this shit hole cell for a week now. I’m sure my friends are back in Florida by now, I just hope Jasper is keeping Izzy and everyone else safe until I can get out of here. All my charges have been dropped except the assault to an officer. I called Lorenzo right after I threatened that pussy at the bar. I knew I would need his help getting out, and seeing as he needs me on the outside not locked up, he started making calls instantly. I knew his reach went a long way but apparently it isn’t very powerful in Nevada. I would have been out within an hour if this shit would have just gone down closer to home. I can hear footsteps approaching, but I stay in my seat not willing to play their tug of war game for power. The early morning security guard named Rick opens my cell door, “All charges have been dropped, you’re a free man.” He states before stepping to the side. Finally, Lorenzo came through, now I can go home and find out who the hell is after my family.

  Lorenzo is waiting for me in a black Rolls-Royce phantom he likes to be charted around in, just outside the jail house. I walk over to the open door, his personal body guard, Henry, is holding open. Once I’m inside he shuts the door.

  “I had to travel a long way from home to get you out of trouble. There are many enemies in these lands that would love to have my head if they knew I were in their territory.” Lorenzo states before taking a puff of his stinking ass cigar.

  “There are many people I have murdered for you without so much as a thought. You owe me.” I reply, getting real sick and tired of playing these word games with him all the time.

  “I owe you now. I thought it was you who owed me. I seem to remember taking pity on you and allowing you to live.” He says calmly. Anyone else would believe he is calm, but I know my words have pissed him off by the twitch of his left eye. Everyone has a tell and I’ve known his since I turned twelve. I used to fear this man but I soon realized they have no idea they produced a monster when they created me.

  “There was no pity on your part. I earned my right to walk this earth. I am called to do a job for you. Cut the bullshit and tell me what you want.”

  “Be careful who your talking to Kade, I’m still the one with all the power.” Just the use of my first name has my anger simmering below my skin. It wasn’t until recently Lorenzo decided to share that information with me. He didn’t do it out of the kindness of his heart, it was a manipulation tactic. It turns out I’m not the only bastard my dad had, I have a half-brother that I would do anything to protect. “I need you to find someone for me. As you know I control all of the gulf. My drug business makes me a very rich man. Someone has been interfering with my shipments. I want him taken care of.”

  “I have a personal matter to attend to when I get home. Have your guys send me any information I need to know and I’ll start first thing tomorrow.” The rest of the ride to his private jet is in silence. I am not a very talkative person, in fact I prefer not to talk at all, only when the situation calls for it.

  Once on the jet I take my seat and wait for takeoff. There will be no relaxing on the flight for me, I always keep my guard up, especially around Lorenzo. He is just as likely to slit my throat as to shake my hand. Staying alert I can make sure to send him to hell right before his men send me behind him.

  After we landed in Tampa I went straight to my apartment, had a shower, then started the process of finding who is targeting our group. I have no intention on calling anyone and letting them know I have been released. Whoever has been watching us will immediately know and they’ll all but vanish. I haven’t come across anyone that can out maneuver me. I sure don’t plan on this asshole getting the best of me again. I was unfocused. He took advantage of it. Since Candice and Izzy both received flowers with a photo of them being watched. Logical thinking leaves me to believe Bethany is next.

  It’s Friday morning and Bethany should be at work, where she is a secretary for Dalton’s business, so that is where I start. I set myself up on the roof top of a building across the street from Dalton’s main office. With my binoculars I can see the receptionist through the front glass door. It only takes a few minutes before Bethany appears confirming she is where she should be. The problem with normal society and their forty-hour work week is they are in a routine. Anyone with a routine is an easy target for people like me.

  Three hours later I spot something catching the light of the sun from behind a tree about a hundred yards away. Taking a look through my binoculars in that direction I see a tall skinny guy with a camera, obviously waiting on Bethany to exit. I quickly, but discreetly make my way down. I end up a hundred yards from the tree he is posted at. Now that I have the asshole in my sights I will stay on his tail waiting for him to go back to whomever he is working for.

  Chapter 26


  We’ve been back from Vegas for two weeks and there has still been no sign of K.J. We know he was released because Jasper sent his lawyer up there to see if he could post his bail. There must be a reason why he hasn’t tried to get a hold of Izzy. The moment Jasper broke the news to her, she went from being worried sick, to hating him almost instantly. She hasn’t so much as mentioned his name since then.

>   Tonight us girls are hanging out and getting to meet Izzy’s sister for the first time. I’m a little nervous about it strictly because Izzy always talks about how her and her sister don’t get along. My aunt will at least be here to mediate if needed, she stayed home while my uncle flew out to Tennessee to see his sister for the weekend.

  “Thanks for making all these snacks for us tonight, I really appreciate it.” I say to my Aunt Stacy while she finishes putting the cookies in a container. She also bought enough Tequila to have margaritas until I’m thirty. She said it was on sale and anyone that knows my aunt, knows she doesn’t pass up a sale.

  “You’re welcome honey. What movie did you end up buying for tonight?”

  “The Ugly Truth.” I state. I have seen that movie several times, but I still laugh at the funny parts like it’s my first time watching it.

  “I love that movie.” She says seconds before the doorbell rings. I walk out of the kitchen making my way to the front door. Bethany is the first one to enter followed by Izzy. The woman that walks in behind her has blonde hair straight as a board with big sunglasses on her slim face. She is a little over dressed for a movie night at home. The heels and tight dress just scream high maintenance. Looking at her you would never think she has the same parents as Izzy. I’ve met both her mom and dad, trust me when I say she looks like neither one.

  “Candice this is my sister Kiersten. Kiersten this is Candice.” Izzy’s voice is missing its normal upbeat charm. Kiersten makes no move to shake my hand so I wait for her to move out of the way so I can shut the door.

  “This is a cute house.” She declares, sticking her nose in the air that is still holding up those shades. I’m not usually a catty girl but I’m starting to believe there was no exaggeration on Izzy’s part. Stacy comes out of the kitchen carrying a tray with five margaritas. She passes them out, handing Bethany one. She laughs at the face we all make, “It’s a virgin.”

  “That’s not the only virgin in the room.” Kiersten mutters before taking a drink. Izzy looks down at the ground, not coming back with one of her witty responses. Bethany and I look at each other and come to an agreement. We hate Kiersten.

  “Why don’t we go have a seat in the living room.” Aunt Stacy suggest. She wraps her arm around Izzy and leads her into the living room. She is always so protective over me and my friends now. I couldn’t have asked for a better aunt than her.

  Izzy makes sure to sit away from her sister leaving Bethany and I having to share a couch with her. “When Elizabeth told me we were coming over here to drink and watch movies I was shocked. This is so high school. I guess I’m not special enough to be taken out to the clubs in Tampa.”

  “With everything that has taken place lately, we preferred to stay at home. Sorry if it offends you.” Bethany surprises everyone with her unkind tone.

  “You mean that silly little flower and photo Elizabeth got. That is ridiculous to think she would have an admirer, even one that means to harm her. She is far too unattractive.” Kiersten laughs it off as if she is merely joking, but I can see the hurt in Izzy’s eyes.

  “I think Izzy is gorgeous.” I state. “There is also a certain someone we won’t name who would agree with us. Right Izzy?” Bethany asks.

  “I don’t want to talk about that allusive prick right now.” Izzy mumbles. I look over at Stacy and see in her eyes she is trying to figure out who we are talking about so I give her a hint, “It’s not really a name so much as two letters.”

  “Oh my goodness, it’s K.J. isn’t it?” My aunt asks.

  “Yes,” Bethany and I announce at the same time, giggling at the look on Izzy’s face. She tries to hide it but her eyes light up at the mention of his name.

  “When do I get to meet this K.J.?” Kiersten asks, sitting her now empty glass down. Izzy downs her drink not answering, obviously unhappy with the idea at all.

  “No one really meets K.J. he is a private person.” I say. “Oh I see.” Kiersten states, picking her glass up again, “Who wants to get me another drink?”

  I get up and take her glass before walking to the kitchen to refill it. While I’m there I make enough mix for everyone to refill their cups. We just might end up drinking all of Aunt Stacy’s new stash. Walking back into the living room I plaster on a fake smile, reminding myself it would be rude to set her hair on fire.

  “Here we go ladies. How about I start the movie?” No one answers me because they are currently downing the margaritas I made. Popping the DVD into the player I grab the remote then plop down next to Kiersten, “Enough chatter for now girls, lets watch Gerard Butler.”

  Chapter 27


  Candice and I are lying in my bed after just showering from our satisfying session of animal fucking we did on every surface in this room. She’s draped across my chest, while I rub small circles on her bare back. “Move in with me.” I say to her. It’s not a question, more of a command. She leans up on one elbow looking down at me, with her beautiful long hair fanning out around her face, “Are you serious?”

  “Would I say it if I weren’t.”

  “You mean live together. As in you and I share the same house?” She asks. She may not be smiling but the gleam in her eye tells me everything I need to know. She is as excited about the thought as I am. I roll her over on her back, resting myself between her thighs. “Yes, we would share the same house.” I place a soft kiss on her lips. “The same room,” I mumble while kissing my way down her neck, “The same bed.” She starts squirming under me making my dick even harder than it already is. “I’ll get to wake up to your naked body every morning,” I whisper across her skin making my way down her stomach. Her breathing has picked up and she spreads her legs wider, offering more of herself to me. “Would you like that Candice?” I ask her, now kissing down her thighs. Her only reply is to moan before shoving my head where she wants it. With one long stroke of my tongue I have her hips bucking off the bed and her moaning out loud. I place my arm around her hips to keep her from moving, while making small circles around her clit with my tongue. She is still sensitive from earlier, so with my other hand I take two fingers and start rubbing the top inner wall of her pussy. She instantly tightens around me and using the right amount of pressure on her clit she orgasms easily. Kissing my way back up her body, I look into her blue eyes, “Did I convince you?” I ask.

  “I didn’t need any convincing but I enjoyed your methods none the less.” She says.

  “Good, because I told Ken to have your stuff sent over. He should be here in the morning.” I say before getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom. “You did what?” she asks, while following behind me with our black wrinkled sheet wrapped around her. “I’m sorry, was I speaking too fast for you.” I playfully ask, while laughing.

  “No, I’m just sure I misheard you. There is no way you would have someone going through my personal belongings.” I can see that this is really bothering her so I stop laughing immediately reassuring her. “Candice I would never do that. Your aunt has been packing your stuff all week while you’ve been here.” She gets a look of relief on her beautiful face before stating, “You were that confident huh?”

  “Have you ever known me as anything but.” I question giving her my best smirk.

  “No I haven’t.” She says walking back towards the bedroom, apparently finished with this conversation. I thought I would have to convince her to move in with me, but she surprised me just now by not putting up a fight. Will there ever be a day that goes by where she doesn’t amaze me?

  “How many boxes of journals do you have?” I ask Candice while picking up the third box labeled “Journals” in big red lettering. We are taking all these boxes to one of the spare rooms to be safely stored away.

  “What did you think I was doing with all my spare time in Tennessee?” She looks over at me after picking up the last box.

  “As long as it wasn’t what I was doing.” I state. She has already told me there was no dating or fooling around wi
th any guys. To be honest if she had left me and ended up seeing someone else we probably would never have gotten back together. It may seem hypocritical but it is what it is.

  “You already know I wasn’t. Instead of sleeping around with countless men, I was writing about one nameless jerk.” She shouts this out from behind her as she walks up the stairs. I take a few seconds to admire her perfect ass in those tiny shorts before following behind her.

  “Well maybe this nameless jerk would like to read what you wrote.” She stays quiet all the way to the spare bedroom. Where she places the box on the floor next to the others before turning around to face me, “That would be a no.” She says.

  “Why not? If they are about yours truly, I have the right to read them.”

  “Awww, you thought I was talking about you.” She states, before a big smile crosses her mischievous face. “Those are about another jerk I know.”

  I know she’s lying by the look on that beautiful face. She is trying to rile me up so I give her exactly what she asks for. Picking her up, I toss her in the air. She yelps from the surprise attack before landing in the middle of the bed that is placed to the right of the room. I throw myself onto her tiny body, being careful not to crush it with all my weight. Straddling her hips, I grab Candice’s hands and pin them above her head.

  “What are you doing you big Ogre? Get off me!” It’s hard to understand her with all the laughter in her voice. I say nothing just stare into those amazing blue eyes, realizing there is no trace of fear or anxiety. She is at my complete mercy, yet she is smiling.

  “I love you Gorgeous.” I state, not being able to stop the words even if I wanted to.


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