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Defiant Ecstasy

Page 7

by Janelle Taylor

  She gazed up at him, studying his proud features. He felt her eyes on him and looked down at her with a relaxed expression on his face. She timidly met his gaze and smiled up at him. For a brief moment, his eyes softened as did his features. But as quickly and unexpectedly as it came, it vanished. He closed his emotions to her, not wanting her to see or know too much too soon.

  She had seen it and let her eyes linger on him for a time. He hides his feelings well, she thought, but I will try to melt that heart of ice. Once more she smiled sweetly at him, then snuggled back into his arms and embrace.

  Do you mock me, Cinstinna? In time, we shall see ... We shall see. They rode on toward the village, both with little rays of hope and lighter spirits, each secretly sure of a truce to come between them, each planning how to force love from the other.

  The day had been long and hard, and the double-back riding slow. Dusk was approaching and they still had a long way to go. They neared a narrow stream and halted to rest and water Chula and themselves. Gray Eagle lifted Alisha’s arms over his head and let her feet slide to the ground. He threw his leg over Chula’s back and jumped down, agile as a cat. He walked Chula over to the stream to allow him to drink. He dropped the reins to the ground and let him graze about in the lush, green grass which grew at the water’s edge. He stretched and flexed his muscles.

  He turned to find Alisha standing motionless and silent not far away, silhouetted by the setting sun. The far horizon was ablaze with colors of rose, gold, blue and violet. It looked like a giant fire in the sky. The silvery edges of the nearby clouds spoke a message of peace and beauty without a word.

  The pinkish-red ball looked close enough to reach out and touch, sending fire throughout the body. Alisha stared beyond the open plains to the mountains and plateaus which loomed dark and forbidding on the distant skyline. Sparse bushes, yuccas, and cacti dotted the semi-barren landscape. There was such a feeling of oneness with this land, with the universe itself. In this vast openness, she felt like a speck on the face of the earth. A breeze ruffled her hair and filled her nostrils with sweet, fragrant odors from the wildflowers and grasslands.

  Gray Eagle observed the scene before him with love and pride. He walked up beside her and gazed down into the peaceful face which reflected the colors of the sunset. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it, Wanmdi Hota?” She spoke soft and low, ignoring the language barrier, saying his name sweet and loving.

  He pulled lightly on her elbow and called, “Ku-wa ...” The mood-bubble burst and faded, as did the dusky light.

  They walked over to the stream where he cut the bonds on her hands, and they knelt to drink. She cupped water in her hands and splashed it on her warm face. She observed her image in the clear stream. She softly laughed at the girl in the water wondering what Gray Eagle would say if he knew he had not captured her today, but in truth rescued her. “I am going home so it doesn’t matter now.”

  She did not see Wanmdi Hota’s start at the use of the word “home.” He stood up and lazily stretched. He realized it was very late. They would camp here. She looked very tired and had been through a lot this day. He decided he would give her this time for peace and rest before they got back to his village to face her new life there.

  He casually strolled over to the trees growing at the water’s edge and began to pick up small branches and pieces of wood. She looked up and saw what he was doing. She blinked in astonishment. He, a warrior, was gathering wood for a fire! She quickly arose and went to help him. He saw the look on her face and grinned at her expression. She took the wood from him and soon a warm, cheery fire was going. Its flames reflected a relaxing glow over her weary body.

  He called to her, “Ku-wa, iyotanka.” She came and sat down where he indicated. She stretched her open palms to the fire, seeing him pick up his bow and quiver of arrows. He headed off into the dim light of early evening.

  As the fire began to burn brighter and better, she slowly added more wood. She watched the flames lick at the new wood and give it life. A rainbow of colors flickered from the flames.

  Wanmdi Hota shortly returned with a plump rabbit, cleaned and gutted. He skewered it and hung it over the fire on a spit. He sat down beside her. They sat silently watching the fire as it cooked the rabbit. The aroma of the roasting meat began to fill the air.

  Alisha rose to her feet, timidly avoiding his gaze. “Wonahbe ...” She walked toward a small clump of bushes and disappeared behind them.

  He smiled to himself, amused at her shyness. Afterwards, she knelt by the stream to wash her hands and face. The water was cool and refreshing. How she longed for a leisurely bath!

  He met her gaze as she sat down. She could read nothing in his impassive expression. She returned her attention to the fire, but felt his eyes linger on her for a long time.

  When the rabbit was crisp and brown, he cut small chunks off and put them on a long stick with a sharpened point. He handed the stick to her and confused her once more with his kind help. The woman always did the work of this nature, but tonight, he did it for her. Did he sense her fatigue or did he seek to prove some point to her? She thanked him as she took the skewer from his grasp.

  She ate the succulent, tender meat with relish. In the past few days, she had eaten hardly anything. The taste of the meat was tempting to her hungry stomach. They ate together, which was unheard of in Indian customs. Her enjoyment of the food and his help pleased her. She seemed totally at ease and relaxed, even happy, in his company tonight. It was as though they had always been together like this.

  When they finished eating, they went to the water to wash up and drink. She washed her hands and dried them on the bottom of her dress. She stood up, stretched, and yawned languidly. She filled her lungs with fresh, clean air. She felt like a dove just released from its cage, enjoying freedom and flight.

  Gray Eagle yearned to go to her and enfold her in his arms and comfort her, but did not just then. He preferred to watch her possessively at the stream. She must make the first move tonight as she did this afternoon, he decided. He wondered if she would after the way he had pushed her away. Had she not seemed to understand by her later actions that he had not done it coldly?

  She lifted her head back and gazed up into the heavens, touched by a feeling of tranquility. She watched the moon shine from behind a small cloud in the star-filled sky. She listened to the music of the many night creatures and insects which she had never noticed before. They sounded all around her as if they joined together in a serenade to them. She hugged her arms around herself as the night breeze settled in on the land. She turned to head back to the campfire for warmth.

  The combination of hot food and the long, hot day of riding was quickly taking command over Alisha. She returned to the fire and sat down on the blanket Gray Eagle had spread there. She extended her hands and feet to the heat and rubbed her warmed hands up and down her chilled arms. She stared sleepily into the flames. She let it slowly spread its warmth throughout her body and relaxation creep in. She began to nod her head in fatigue, and to feel her eyelids droop heavily.

  Alisha searched around, but did not see Gray Eagle anywhere. She lay down upon the blanket. She curled toward the fire on her left side and recalled the first time she had lain beside a fire in the open night air when she was a frightened, innocent prisoner. That seemed eons ago. She closed her eyes and relaxed her entire body and mind.

  Gray Eagle had been watching his recaptured Alisha from the darkness not faraway, knowing how tired she was. He was giving her the time to relax and settle down before he came to her. After a time, he came over to the blanket and lay down behind her. He molded his body to hers. He had felt her stiffen slightly at his first. contact, but then relax against him. He lay his head on the palm of his left hand and pulled her head to lay close upon his folded arm as he nestled in her hair. Gray Eagle placed his right arm around Alisha’s slender waist and tucked his fingers under her, pulling her as close to his body as possible. His warmth spread to her and soon she forg
ot the cool night air. A coyote howl did not even disturb her for her protector was near.

  The brave felt the gentleness of her breathing and her soft lips lightly touching his arm. They remained this way for a short time, each becoming more and more cognizant of the other’s nearness. He caressed her skin at her side, then slid his hand up to her breast and gently cupped it. He began to tenderly caress and fondle it through her dress. He shifted his left arm so his hand could touch and stroke her hair.

  Alisha waited with baited breath, eager to discover his intentions, knowing this was what she had yearned for all day. His touch kindled flames within her body, intoxicating her senses. Gray Eagle leaned forward and nibbled at her ear, sending tingles of delight over her. Then his lips traveled down her throat and up her cheek. She waited tensely for him to continue. All her nerves and senses were awakened and feverish. And he did continue ...

  Alisha relaxed and let her emotions run free, not wanting to restrain herself one bit. Her mind reeled and she felt a tightening in the pit of her stomach. Her body was now radiating more heat than the flames before her. She craved his touch, his kiss and his love. It was too late to stop the tides of unsated love and desire, even if she had wanted to—and of course, she did not.

  Her mind ordered her to lie passively in his embrace, but her body would not be stayed. She pressed closer to him and felt the hard stirrings of his manhood against her buttocks. He put his hand to her shoulder and rolled her to her back. Their eyes met and instantly locked in mutual desire and longing before his lips claimed hers in a passionate, hungry kiss. They kissed and kissed, each kiss becoming hungrier. They touched and caressed with ever-growing, ever—mounting desire.

  Soon, Gray Eagle had them both undressed and locked in a fierce embrace. He spread fiery kisses and caresses over her face, neck and breasts. She tossed from side to side in unfulfilled yearning. Alisha moaned in need of him, craving more and more of him. He teased and tantalized her until she felt she would surely go mad with hunger. She was clinging to him breathlessly, begging for him to come to her and possess her.

  Gray Eagle entered Alisha and she thrust upward to meet his ardor halfway. Her arms encircled his neck. Her hands moved up and down his sinewy back and shoulders as she pulled him closer to her. She returned each caress, kiss and thrust he gave. She was oblivious to her surroundings. Forgotten were the weeks of pain and hurt, of rejection and betrayal.

  His love filled all the recesses of her mind and body. Nothing existed but Gray Eagle and her love for him. She gave herself to him with total abandonment, completely without shame. She surrendered all to him and his touch, withholding no part of herself mentally or physically. All reason had fled. With a great releasing burst, she clung to him, calling his name over and over as she dissolved into the ecstasy of the culmination of love.

  For a long time afterwards, they lay quietly entwined until their passion cooled and their ragged breathing slowed to normal. For once, Alisha did not try to defend her response to him. She knew she had given of herself willingly, and completely because she loved and wanted him.

  Later, Gray Eagle raised his head and met her steady, softened gaze. She stared into the depths of his ebony eyes and whispered, “I know you cannot understand these words or the reasons behind them, Wanmdi Hota, but I love you. I’m not sure how it happened or why. All I know is I do love you with all my heart and soul. I have loved you since the first day I saw you so long ago. I pray you will someday realize it does not matter to me that we are different. I hope in time you will come to see me as Alisha, not your white slave. We could find happiness and love together, if you would only allow it.”

  This was the warrior’s greatest test of stoical facial expression. He struggled hard to keep his face blank and vacant, to resist letting her know he understood every word she had just said. Something warned him not to speak of his love yet. He wondered, could she be speaking from her passion or loneliness? I dare not give myself away until I am sure of her and her love. How can she love me after what I have done to her?

  They replaced their garments and resumed their first position and slept. Alisha did not move all night, except to snuggle closer to him for warmth. Gray Eagle slept better than he had in many weeks, knowing both his emptiness and her terrible ordeal were ended.

  Gray Eagle awoke with the first light of dawn. He was lying on his back with Alisha sleeping securely in his protective embrace. Her head rested on his shoulder with her long hair spilling over to the ground. She was sleeping so peacefully he made no moves that might awaken her. She needed this rest to restore her fatigued spirits and body.

  Chula’s neighing reached her ears and roused her. Alisha’s eyelids fluttered and opened dreamily. They made instant contact with Gray Eagle’s. He was propped up on one elbow, staring down at her as he waited and watched for her first look. Would she resist him and his touch as she realized she was again a captive? His taut muscles relaxed and his mind rejoiced as she smiled up into his gaze. Her heart and mind were both glad last night was a reality and not a dream.

  Gray Eagle got to his feet and flexed his tall, lithe frame. Alisha devoured his lean body with her eyes, blushing at the way her body responded to the sight of him. She lowered her lids and began to comb her tangled hair with her fingers. She managed to loosely braid it and secured the ends with the ikans Gray Eagle handed her. Then she walked over to the stream and splashed cool water on her face.

  Alisha saw a girl in the water and studied her mirrored image. She marveled at the changes she read there. Her eyes and face reflected all that had happened last night and her new happiness. There was a sparkle which had not been there yesterday, and she knew why. Even if she had behaved wantonly, she did not care, knowing she could not help the events which had taken place. When he holds me and kisses me like that, he commands my will and body, she thought. I will always respond to him and his, touch. But I must learn to curb these emotions when the time and place are not right to show them. And, until he also feels that way...

  The face of Gray Eagle appeared in the water beside hers. His reflection was as clear as his reality. His eyes met hers and held hers captive. She glowed with the intensity of desire which she read there. Her breathing quickened and her eyes darkened, answering his with a will of their own.

  Gray Eagle leaned over and pulled Alisha to her feet to face him. She met his smoldering, black eyes. She raised her hand to lovingly touch his cheek and to run her finger over his sensuous mouth. Her hand slid around his neck of its own will and pulled his head down to hers. Her lips sealed his in a hungry kiss as she pressed her slender body to his. He willingly came to her and returned the fiery kiss with a heat of his own. Both her arms then encircled his strong back and she clung to him. Gray Eagle cupped her face and he spread hot kisses over her face. His strong arms slid down her back to her tiny waist and pulled her up to his tall frame. His kiss deepened and his ardor blazed. He held her so tightly she could hardly move or breathe.

  All thoughts of leaving were quickly forgotten as they sank to the cool grass. He took her with a passion which rivaled the gods’, and she returned it with just as much feeling. He fanned the flames of love until they burned out of control ...

  When the fires had been appeased and began to die down, Alisha relaxed in his embrace. Never had she thought love and passion could be like this. They lay there for a time, savoring their love.

  He lifted his head and stared curiously into her face, and she into his. His demure Lese had initiated this time of lovemaking! He grinned as he realized she had taken him for a change, for he had been under her spell. She would have ravished him if he had not responded. Never had a woman done this to him, nor made him feel this way. She had wanted him and she had taken him!

  Alisha wondered what her brave thought about what she had done. She even asked herself how she could have actually seduced him like that. She thought, I have just as much right to take him when I need him as he has to do the same to me! She saw his knowi
ng grin and guessed its meaning. She, too, grinned back at him.

  She laughingly stated, “You are just as much mine now as I am yours. I will fight in any way I can to win not only your passion, but your love as well. I shall melt your heart of snow with the heat of my love and our passion.” Alisha would never have dared to say such things if she had known he understood her, even if they were true.

  Gray Eagle stood up and pulled his green-eyed beauty to her feet. They were both naked and glistening with the dew of love. He took her small hand in his large one and led her to the water. They bathed and dressed, using his blanket to dry. They walked to his waiting horse. He agilely mounted Chula’s tall back easily, then leaned over and lifted Alisha before him. He brushed a light kiss upon her lips. He took her hands and entwined them in Chula’s mane, indicating to her to hold on. She grasped the silky mane and they rode off with her leaning back against his broad, smooth chest.

  She watched the beautiful scenery slip by as she reminisced on the wonderful change in her life since yesterday. The wind from the west blew blissfully into her face and through her hair, pulling strands from its bindings.

  The warm sunlight caressed the lovers from behind. The steady gait of their proud horse gently rocked her into an exhilarating feeling of freedom and happiness. The wind whipped at the bottom of her dress and tore it free from where she had tucked it between her legs. The handsome brave reined in Chula and, lifting Alisha like a feather, pulled her dress under her and retucked it.

  She laughed gaily and commented, “I seem to be a constant problem for you, don’t I?” Luckily, she did not see Gray Eagle’s grin and unconscious nod of agreement.

  Her bare feet dangled at Chula’s sides. She had discarded the ill-fitting shoes from the fort by the stream. As Chula lengthened his stride, she felt the strength in his sinewy forelegs. The horse matched his master well.


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