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BDSM for the First Time (1st time Punishment + Victorian Humiliation, Submissive Fertile Female, Object Insertion, Voyeur) Volume 4 - 3 Short Stories Book Boxed Set Anthology + BONUS STORY

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by Nicola Diaz

  "I'd have yer name, sir," Lizzy struggled to keep her tone pleasant. She wanted to tell him to be a man already and throw her overboard or hang her. Anything but lock her up in a cell with no idea of her future. "And why didn't you drop me overboard like you told me crew?"

  "For now, you may simply call me Captain. I don't believe you've earned a name yet. And why? Well, Miss Turner, I would think that was obvious. You've used your charms to get your way before. That's very clear. While they didn't work on me in quite the way you planned, they did work. I'm charmed, quite charmed. I'm going to give you a simple choice. You can continue this unpleasant behavior and I will continue to treat you as my captive. You will be beaten, tortured, and oh yes, you will be fucked, probably by my entire crew. Make no mistake. Eventually, I may turn you in for the reward. Or I may kill you."

  He knelt next to her berth and brought his face close to hers. His hand closed over her throat again, tipping her head back to force her to look into his eyes. "Or, if you learn your manners and show proper respect, you will find how pleasant life can be. You can fight me, and lose. Or you can serve me, and eventually win your freedom." Lizzy gasped as his hand released her throat before he swept out of her cell and slammed the door.

  He left her alone for three days, at least she guessed it was three days, judging by the meals Jimmy brought her. Jimmy barely spoke and very carefully kept his eyes on her face, or the floor, or anywhere but her bare tits. On the third day, she asked if she might have some clothes. Her breeches were torn and filthy, and the captain had taken the rags of her shirt and bodice when he'd left.

  Jimmy came back later with a bucket of water and a plain white shift dress. "Cap'n says you're t'bathe and y'can put this on." He tossed the thin fabric on her berth and sat the bucket down just inside the door. "Cap'n said if you don't do as he requests, he'll send one o'the crew to take care of it. Call out when you're done."

  Lizzy debated dumping the water and waiting for someone to come "help". She could probably brain them with the bucket. But she was still chained, and she had no clue who even had the key. Besides, she wanted to get clean. She felt disgusting. Finally, she dipped the flannel cloth in the water and bathed herself, then put on the flimsy shift. When Jimmy came to take the bucket away, he removed her old clothes as well. Lizzy hadn't worn a dress in over five years, and it felt a little odd.

  It was another three days before anything changed. Lizzy heard sounds that indicated the ship was pulling into a port. She wondered if the captain would turn her over to the authorities. For hours, she strained to hear every sound above deck, waiting for the door to open. But nothing happened. She heard the sounds of the crew leaving, from the whoops and hollers, the captain must have granted shore leave to the majority of the crew. They were probably going off to find bars and brothels.

  Moments later, her cell door opened and the captain stood in the doorway. "Are you ready to talk terms? We are in port, I can easily turn you over to the magistrate here. They will hang you, make no mistake. Or, you can stay here where you might live, and actually enjoy yourself if you are smart."

  The man terrified Lizzy, but she didn't see much choice. It was take her chances with him, or go straight to the gallows. She nodded. "Good, then come along," He unlocked the shackle and led her out of the cell and into an even smaller room with a short ladder leading up. He looped a piece of rope around her neck on a slip knot, then shoved her up the ladder in front of him. At the top, she realized they were in his cabin. "Sit," he gestured at a table near the window. Once she was there, he quickly reattached the shackle to a long chain that stretched to the room's center post.

  "With this in place, you can move about this entire cabin, though you'll have to be careful to not get caught. I think your situation is very clear. There is a bounty on you, and you will hang if you are turned in. But I promised that you could win your freedom. First, if you choose to stay, you are my slave. I own you completely. Your body is mine to do with as I please. You will serve me by satisfying my needs and desires. Whatever they may be. Some things I like to do may be painful. Some things will be pleasurable. You will learn to enjoy them all."

  "If you continue to show loyalty and respect, you will earn additional freedoms and responsibilities. Fail to do so, and there will be punishment. Eventually, if you behave, I will set you free, anywhere you wish. If you please me, I will shower you with gifts and clothing, those are yours to keep. Defy me, and you will lose everything. Do you have any questions? And think before you speak. Backtalk now and I march you straight up onto the deck and to the authorities."

  Lizzy gave it careful consideration. It wasn't like she was a virgin. She'd taken men to her bed before. And she'd been in enough battles that a little pain didn't scare her. It was the control he seemed to have, the dead cold calculating look she saw in his eyes. But even a sim chance with him was better than the gallows.

  "Eventually, captain?" She asked in a careful tone. "Yer right, sir. I don't have too much of a choice. But such an open ended term leaves little room for hope and nothin' to really strive for. If it please you, could we put a date on it?"

  She watched the smile creep across his face, "Well done," he praised. "You can learn. That's good. Yes, we can put a date on it. Give me one year of complete, unquestioning service. One year, and on the very next day, I will give you your freedom."

  Lizzy nodded her agreement. "Any other questions?" When she shook her head, he continued. "There are just a few more things. I will require a contract in writing. Now don't look at me like that. I know you are literate. I have already drawn up the contract. Think of it as indentured servitude. And since I know you are literate, you will do well to revert to normal speech. The butchery you call language will not do, and you know better. For now, you will sleep in the cell, I will bring you out when I need you. It is my hope that you will soon be sleeping in far more comfortable quarters."

  He placed the paper in front of Lizzy. She read through the details in growing realization. He wasn't joking, and this wasn't going to be as easy as she'd hoped. Still, better than the alternatives. The contract already specified a one-year term and she chuckled, wondering if he would have said something had she not brought it up. She took up the quill and signed her name.

  "Good," he blew on the ink to dry it, then rolled the parchment and tucked it into a safe box. "Now, we begin. Stand up, turn around, face the table." Lizzy did as instructed, moving in a semi-daze. "Good, now bend over, place your hands on the table and spread your feet wider apart. Very good." She felt her skirt being lifted from behind, the thin fabric gliding up her legs.

  "What a nice ass you have," he chuckled. He pressed a hand into the middle of her back, "Down. Press your tits to the table, just like that. Very good, your ass is in the air, on display. Very nice."

  Lizzy blushed bright red. She was no maid, but the idea of being on display like this had her feeling ashamed. He pushed her feet father apart, then spread her ass cheeks with his hands. Then she fet the first stinging slap on her left cheek. "Lizzy, I am going to spank you. Not because you've been bad, but because it pleases me to do it. I'm going to spank your ass until your skin is glowing red and warm. Do not cry out. Do not pull away from me. Keep your hands and tits on the table, and your legs spread wide. This is a test."

  Lizzy gritted her teeth and braced herself for what came next. His hand caressed her ass, gently stroking and kneading, fingers grazing inside her ass crack and along her asshole. Then without warning came another sharp slap, this time on the right. She jumped, but held her place. He slapped her left cheek again, then the right. He built up a slow rhythm, back and forth, each time hitting the same spot. Each time, her body jumped a tiny bit and the force of the slap drove her forward to bump into the table.

  "I want you to count, Lizzy, out loud," he whispered in her ear and delivered another slap across her ass. "One," Lizzy whispered.

  "Oh, I believe you can do better than that," he chided. "Start over." The next sma
ck was even harder. "One, captain!" Lizzy gasped it out.

  "Much better!"

  He smacked her ass again, harder still. "Two, captain!" Lizzy managed to not cry out. He went slowly, each smack getting harder and harder. Finally, on the tenth, his hand connected in the soft spot where her thigh and butt cheek met. Lizzy cried out, then hastily added, "Ten, captain!"

  "No, that won't do," he whispered in her ear. "Begin again." The next smack hit on her other cheek, in that same soft spot. Lizzy clenched her teeth and hissed out, "One, captain!"

  This time, he moved more quickly, each smack coming just as she completed the count. He didn't pause, he didn't caress her ass between strokes, just mercilessly pounded out ten more smacks. The last one so hard it left a white imprint of his hand on her pink ass. "Ten, captain!" she breathed.

  He bent down, unlocked her shackle and stood her up. "Go to your cell, Lizzy." He didn't look at her, didn't speak otherwise. Lizzy was left wondering what she had done wrong. She went into her cell and the door closed before she could turn around to face him. Tears came unbidden. Her ass was sore, and she didn't know what had happened. She sat fuming, swearing she'd serve her year as his slave, then she'd find a way to get revenge. She curled on her bunk and slept.

  Jimmy woke her with breakfast and refused to talk to her at all. "Am I to stay in the cell, Jimmy?" She tried asking, he just nodded, then left in a hurry, but he left her an oil lamp so she wasn't completely in the dark. Later, she heard the sounds of the ship loading offloading her cargo and loading on new. She waited, expecting the captain to come for her, but her never did. She even tried pressing her ear to the boards above her head, hoping to hear him move about the cabin above, but no luck.

  They were still in port the next morning and still the captain didn't call for her. After the midday meal, Jimmy came led her up the ladder to the cabin. There was a metal tub waiting. "Cap'n's orders." He locked the shackle around her ankle and directed her into the tub, then left. She sank into the scalding water with something like joy. She was just looking for the soap when the captain walked in.

  "Good, you're in the tub." He turned and gave a crewman some orders, then shut his cabin door and crossed to her. He reached a hand into the water to tweak a nipple and Lizzy hissed air between her teeth. He just chuckled and crossed to his bureau. He returned with a straight razor, a cup and a brush. "Give me a leg," he commanded.

  Lizzy gave him a leg and leaned back in the tub. He carefully stropped the razor, then slathered her leg with foam. Cradling her foot in one hand, he deftly guided the razor up her leg. He didn't stop at the knee, but went all the way up her thigh, then demanded her other foot. When he had shaved both legs, he ordered her to stand with one foot on the tub edge. He lathered her furry mound and carefully removed every trace of hair. There was a knock on the door, "Enter," he yelled toward the door and continued scraping away with the razor, making sure every speck of her body was hair free. Jimmy delivered a bucket of steaming water and left quickly.

  The captain carefully ladled the fresh water over her body to rinse off the soap and bits of hair. He lifted her out of the tub and dried her off gently, then pointed at the center post of the room. "Go stand face against the post. It should be touching your nose, your tits, your belly, your thighs, and your toes."

  He waited while she obeyed. As she stood there, still naked, pressed against the post, Jimmy and another crewman came in to empty the bath. When he saw her watching, he walked over and wrapped a blindfold over her eyes. "Do not leave this spot," he ordered.

  Lizzy tried to focus on the sounds in the room. She heard the tub emptied, and refilled. She heard the crewmen leave. Then she heard soft rustling sounds and imagined the captain had undressed. He hissed as he stepped into the hot water, she could hear the little splashing sounds he made.

  "Do not remove the blindfold," he instructed. "Turn with your back to the post and come forward four paces, then kneel."

  "But, captain, I can't..." Lizzy began, but he cut her off.

  "Did I ask for your thoughts? Do as ordered. You will turn with your back to the post and come forward four paces, then kneel."

  She bit her lip and turned, then carefully slid a foot forward, feeling for anything in her path. After four paces, she knelt. His hand was instant in her hair, pulling her face close to his.

  "Do not question my orders," he growled into her ear. "Now, reach to your left, pick up the soap and wash me."

  Lizzy bit back a response and reached for the soap. She felt around a bit, wondering if she could get the razor and cut him. He laughed, "I already put that away. Wash me."

  She soaped a flannel and scrubbed his back and shoulders, then down his chest. He guided her hands to his feet and legs, then made it clear he meant for her to wash his entire body. "Don't even think about it, wench!" he whispered as her hands cupped his cock and balls.

  Lizzy was getting aroused in spite of herself. His body was like a rock, trim muscle tight under his skin. He had a few scars she could feel, one was clearly a bullet wound, another felt like a knife wound. When she circled his cock with her fingers, he twitched in her hand. He was huge, she could barely circle her fingers around his girth. When she had finished, he instructed her to remain kneeling beside the tub.

  She heard splashing sounds as he stood and rinsed. Then he handed her a towel, "Dry me." She used his body as a guide to stand, then slowly dried him off top to toe. He took her arm and led her back to the post, then called in the crew to remove the tub. When they were alone again, he quickly tied her hands together and pulled them above her head, tying them off to the post so she could still move and turn, but her hands were lashed over her head.

  "Tell me something Lizzy," he said calmly. She could hear him dressing. "Do you think you've been obedient?"

  "What? Yes! I..." she burst out without thinking, but stopped when he started laughing.

  "Really? I told you not to cry out. Yet you did. Now that one, I can almost forgive. You're still new to this. You've probably never been spanked properly before. And then you questioned an order I gave you today. How is that obedience? Think carefully."

  Lizzy started to tell him where he could stick it, but she thought better of it. She wanted to tell him how badly the spanking had hurt, and how she couldn't walk without being able to see. Only she realized the spanking had been meant to hurt, and she'd endured worse in silence. And she had been able to walk without seeing. She sighed, "you're right, it's not."

  "I'll give you half marks for trying. You can do better." His evil chuckle told her something was coming that she would not like.

  "You're right, captain. It was not obedience."

  "Better. You are in your punishment position. If I ever tell you to ready yourself for punishment, you are to disrobe entirely and come straight to this post, facing it as you are now. I do not care where on the ship you are, or who may be here. You will disrobe immediately and come straight here. Is that understood?"

  "Yes, captain," she whispered.

  "Good. You needn't put your hands up, just face the post. I'll decide from there. Now, you have one very minor infraction, and one very serious one. Turn around with your back to the post. You will receive five lashes for the minor infraction. The other is a different matter and I don't believe lashes will suffice. You will count each lash, and you may cry out this time. Lizzy, this is going to hurt."

  Without warning, he whipped a leather crop over her left nipple. She yelped and winced in pain, "One, captain!" As soon as the words were out, he hit the right nipple, "Two, captain!" He hit the left again and the right in such quick succession that she had barely taken a breath to count before the second strike. "Three, captain, and four, captain!"

  "Well done," he chuckled. The last strike went across both breasts and left a welt on her skin, "Five, captain!" She had managed to get through with nothing more than the first yelp. She took a deep breath and steadied herself, wondering what he had in mind next.

  His fingers
closed over her nipples, pinching like a vice. His voice whispered in her ear, "never question my orders. You agreed to unquestioning obedience, remember?" His fingers closed even more tightly on her nipples, until she felt they would tear off. But still she didn't cry out.

  When she felt the tip of his knife pressing against her left nipple, however, she couldn't help herself. She began to whimper. "Please, captain, please," she whispered.

  "Please what, slut?" he growled at her, digging the point in deeper. "You're not bleeding yet, and if I choose to cut off your nipple, well that's my choice isn't it? As it happens, I don't want to to remove it."

  The knife was quickly removed and replaced with his mouth. She sighed in relief and pleasure as his tongue caressed her nipple. Then squealed in pain as he bit down hard. His hand found her other breast and squeezed while he alternately sucked and bit on her nipple. He sank his teeth into the tender flesh, then pulled, stretching her nipple away from her body, making her squirm and cry out anew.

  Finally, he released her nipple, but her relief was short lived. The leather strap came down in a single, hard, stinging blow on the nippled he'd just been chewing on. "Thank me for your lessons, wench, lest you get more. Or perhaps you want more?"

  "Thank you, captain!" She gasped it out, "thank you for teaching me to obey!"


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