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BDSM for the First Time (1st time Punishment + Victorian Humiliation, Submissive Fertile Female, Object Insertion, Voyeur) Volume 4 - 3 Short Stories Book Boxed Set Anthology + BONUS STORY

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by Nicola Diaz

  "Very good," he released her nipple from the vice like fingers. He shoved his fingers between her legs, roughly stuffing two fingers into her pussy. "You're wet, slut! But you're just going to have to do without today." He removed his fingers from her pussy and shoved them in her mouth, "Clean me off." He untied her arms and led her to the cell, "Tomorrow, you'll behave properly."

  She spent half the night seething and plotting revenge, and the remainder trying to think how she could avoid further problems and gain his trust. The next day, they sailed with the morning tide, and she obeyed every command he gave without question, only responding with a quick "yes captain!" as she began to move. That night after dinner he offered her a reward.

  "You've suffered for me," he said, "now you can experience pleasure for me." He laid her out across the table in his cabin and spread her legs wide. His fingers tickled her thighs as he stroked her. She wondered if he was going to fuck her, and she got excited thinking about his huge cock filling her. But he didn't undo his breeches. Instead, he came to the table with a small bag in his hand and sat between her legs.

  "You're already wet," he remarked, sliding something cold and hard into her pussy. She gasped and tried to look down at it. He laughed and held her down while he pumped the thing in and out of her pussy. Soon she was grinding down onto it, wanting more and more in her. "Not enough for you? Hungry slut!" He pulled the thing out and held up a sheathed dagger with a long, stone hilt. He held the hilt to her mouth for her to lick it clean, then rummaged in his bag for something else.

  "Ah, this should do," he smiled as he held up a large wooden belaying pin. He slid the rounded end of the pin between her pussy lips to get it wet before sliding it into her dripping cunt. "You like big things, I see." He pumped her pussy with the pin until she cried out, screaming in orgasm and squirted all over the table. When she stopped trembling, he slid the pin down between her ass cheeks and slowly began to work it into her asshole.

  Lizzy had never taken anything in her ass before and the belaying pin was a thick piece of wood meant to hold ropes on the ship. He worked slowly, easing the pin in a little farther on each thrust, then backing off. Tears sprung to her eyes when he finally pushed the pin past the tight opening of her ass. Lizzy looked up at him and for the first time didn't feel fear. She saw pride in his eyes, and pleasure. And she liked being the reason for it.

  "Captain, please!" She begged, "more!"

  His fingers found her clit while he pumped the pin in and out of her ass. Soon she was trembling and crying out in pleasure again as another orgasm ripped through her.

  "There is water here. Clean yourself up, put on these clothes, then go find Mr. Biggs and Jimmy and instruct them to come to my cabin. You are my slave, you are acting on my authority when you do this. No one will molest you, or they will answer to me." He unbuckled her shackle and turned to his logs and maps, dismissing her to her tasks.

  When she was dressed, she left the cabin for the first time since coming aboard. She quickly tracked down both the steward and the first mate and told them to come to the captain's quarters. Both responded with a prompt "yes, ma'am". The captain was right, no one on the ship molested her in any way. They treated her kindly, with a sense of respect. She returned to the captain's quarters without even thinking to look around for escape routes.

  "Did you inspect the long boats for possible ways to escape?" He asked as she entered the room.

  "No, captain," Lizzy was actually surprised at that herself. But there it was. He had captured her, held her as a slave and now, something had changed.

  "I'm pleased to hear that." He crossed to her and whispered in her ear, "tonight you will sleep in a more comfortable bed. You've done well."

  Moments later, Jimmy and Mr. Biggs knocked. The captain talked with them about the current voyage and informed them both that Lizzy was to have the run of the run of the ship from now on. "Mr. Biggs, one purpose of our journey is to deliver you to your new command. Her majesty's navy has seen fit to promote you sir. I congratulate you. During the voyage, you will train young Mr. Cog here in the duties of first mate. Lizzy will take over as my steward, Jimmy." After a toast of rum, he sent both men away and turned to Lizzy. "Are you surprised?"

  "Yes, captain," Lizzy replied, "I am. May I ask what changed?"

  He chuckled, "You did Lizzy. Last night I believe you were still thinking of ways to get back at me. Today you clearly made a choice. I could ask you the same thing. What changed?"

  Lizzy gave it some thought before replying. "I gave you my word, captain. I promised you a year of unquestioning obedience. Not grudging respect. Not quiet seething. Simple, unquestioning obedience. So today, that was what I gave. And I discovered that I enjoyed serving you. It felt right."

  He nodded, "which is why you now find yourself here instead of your cell. There is a narrow bunk that pulls out from under my bed. Go make that up for yourself tonight.'

  "Yes, captain," Lizzy went toward the bunk to obey.

  "Lizzy, I rise with the sun, see that I have hot coffee and food in the cabin before I get out of bed."

  "Of course, captain."

  Lizzy was up before dawn the next morning, down in the galley, getting the captain's breakfast and coffee from cook. She brought it to the cabin and set everything out on the table with proper linens and everything. When he woke, she poured his coffee and stood beside his chair in case he needed anything. She knew what was expected of a man's personal servant. She'd grown up seeing the help in her own household, she hadn't been born a pirate.

  As he finished his meal, she fetched his clothes and helped him dress. "Lizzy, see that this cabin is cleaned today. And check with Ji...Mr. Cog about his former duties. He should instruct you in everything you need to know. I believe he has some sort of book with everything written down, though he'd like me to believe he simply remembers it all."

  "Yes, captain," she replied quickly, stacking the dishes and preparing to take them back to the galley.

  "That trunk is for you as well. There are some changes of clothes. I quite like your look of breeches and a bodice, you may keep it. But from time to time I may want you in other things. Now, bend over, place your hands on the table."

  Lizzy complied instantly, spreading her legs wide. His hands caressed her ass slowly, then quickly delivered half a dozen light swats, enough to get her cheeks flushing pink under her breeches. "I find I'm quite liking you as my steward. Much more entertaining than Jimmy. I have one other task for you today. Find something you want inside you. If you choose well, I'll fuck you with it tonight. If you do not choose well, I will whip your nipples until they bleed. Now go on."

  Lizzy picked up the dishes and headed back to the galley. She checked in with Jimmy and he happily handed her a small red leather book. In it he had noted all of the captain's preferences, from how he took his eggs and coffee, to how to fold and stow his clothing and boots. She wanted to sit and read it cover to cover, but she had other tasks to tend first.

  She decided to explore the ship first, looking for a suitable object to be fucked with. He still had not touched her with anything but fingers. He threatened, but his cock had not come near her. She looked at the capstan, maybe the poles the crew used? But no, they were far too large and thick. She considered the handle of the cat o' nine tails that she knew hung near the brig, then her eye fell on a young sailor working on a mess of tangled rope. The marlinspike in his hand was too pointed, but the big wooden hand fid would work, if turned around with the pointy end out. She picked one up and went to clean the captain's cabin.

  At dinner, the captain asked her to show him what she had chosen to be fucked with that night. She pulled out the hand fid and laid it on the table. His eyebrows rose a fraction, but he smiled. "That will do nicely, thank you. Now, here is the rest of the test, Lizzy. I want to hear how you went from a woman of society to a pirate. No lies, no omissions."

  Lizzy hesitated. It wasn't a story she liked to tell. Most assumed she'd been born in a bro
thel or aboard a ship. But he was right, at one time, she had been part of normal society. She watched the impatience growing on his face and she realized she didn't want to disappoint him, nor did she want to suffer his wrath.

  "My husband was an ambassador. After our marriage, we were aboard a ship bound for Italy. We were overtaken by pirates. They killed the men and took the women captive. I convinced the captain to choose me for himself rather than give me to the crew as he did the other women. It was not difficult. There were only a few women aboard, and the rest were older and less attractive. Each night, I begged the captain to keep me for himself, and I worked to please him. When they sold the other women to a slaver, the captain kept me. In Sicily, I escaped and bartered my way onto a vessel bound for the Caribbean. I sold my body like a common whore, but I sold it at a very high price and only to those who could help me. In Tortuga, I was sold to a brothel. I refused to work under those conditions. I took some of the women from the brothel and hunted down the captain who sold me. You can imagine how easy it was to get a captain and his men drunk and interested in free whores. When they woke, their ship was gone. The crew they'd left aboard to guard it were tied to the pier. Alive and well, but very ashamed of being beaten by women. We lost our first battle, barely got out of it alive. Without a ship, with nothing to lose, we tried the ruse again in a different town and captured the Sea Witch. That was just over five years ago."

  The captain nodded, "I'd heard the stories. You're Elizabeth Turner Castalan. What a pleasure to meet you m'lady!" He laughed. "Tell me, Lady Lizzy, you and your pirate lasses. Did you take pleasure in men? Or did you pleasure each other?"

  Lizzy blushed, "Oh, we took men here and there. I took more than a few men to my bed, captain. I am no more an innocent maid. I know the ways to pleasure a man, taught to me by some of the best courtesans around. And yes, I know how to pleasure a woman as well. Man, woman, it makes no difference to me. I've learned that my sex can be a source of power, or weakness. It can be torment, or it can be pleasure. And I've learned that I like being in control of my own body."

  He grinned, "Until now, Lady Lizzy. I own you, completely."

  "Yes, captain," she replied, "for the next year, you do."

  That night, he tied her face down on the table with her legs tied wide. He used the back end of the wooden hand fid to fuck her pussy until she screamed again and again in pleasure. Then he reached for a candle. "Lizzy, this is not punishment. I know you will suffer, I want you to do it for me, because it pleases me."

  He dripped wax over the globes of her ass and she whimpered softly. He continued to let the wax dribble, covering each cheek with drops and lines of cooling wax. Then he spread her cheeks and let the wax drizzle into her ass crack, Lizzy screamed when the hot wax hit her asshole. She heard him chuckle.

  "You didn't say don't cry out, captain!" she gasped, hoping he was not angry. He just chuckled again and kept dribbling wax into her ass crack.

  "No, I did not. You may cry out as much as you'd like tonight. I find it's rather exciting me this evening."

  She heard the hiss of the cat o' nine seconds before it hit and she wailed despite her best efforts to keep quiet. He plied the whip expertly, flicking off every bit of wax from her ass cheeks and leaving behind bright red stripes. Lizzy was in tears by the time he was done with the cat. When all that was left was the wax in her ass crack, he reached for his dagger and began meticulously scraping the wax from her body.

  "Lizzy, you did exceptionally well tonight. I'm very pleased. It's time for bed. Clean yourself up and prepare for tomorrow. I'll give you instruction at breakfast."

  When Lizzy finally fell into her bunk that night, she slept better than she had in years. She felt content and happy. In the night, he dropped a hand down to her breast and tweaked a nipple. She sighed in pleasure.


  "Stow those lines, men!" Lizzy shouted orders to the crew as they pulled into port. "Yes, ma'am!" came the prompt reply. She'd taken over as first mate after Jimmy had fallen head over heels in love and given up maritime life to marry the girl. She guided them expertly into port and leapt onto the pier before the lines were even secure. The receiving officer wasn't used to dealing with women, that much was clear, but he wasn't about to argue with anyone carrying the cargo they had in their hold. She quickly made the necessary arrangements, then went to fetch the captain.

  "Today is a rather important day, Lady Lizzy." He held out her contract. It had been signed one year ago on this very day. "Your service to me is completed. You have fulfilled your contract admirably and given me one year of absolute unquestioning obedience. I'm very pleased. I promised to take you anywhere you wanted."

  Lizzy had honestly forgotten that the contract was due. She had grown to truly love and respect the captain, she couldn't think of anyplace she'd rather be.

  "Have you decided where you want to go Lizzy?" His voice was uncharacteristically thick. She stole a glance at him and saw a look she was not familiar with. He looked sad.

  "Captain, I..." she couldn't finish. Lizzy merely sank to her knees in front of him and bowed her head to rest on his thigh. "I can't think of anyplace I'd rather be than here, sir."

  "Well, now Lizzy, what shall we do about that?"

  "You could write another contract, captain..." she offered tentatively.

  "Come, sit," he led her to the table. Once there, he handed her a rolled up parchment. She thought it was her old contract and tears began to fall. "Captain, I do not wish to be dismissed..."

  "Hush, Lizzy. Read, I know you are literate."

  Lizzy unrolled the parchment and read.

  "It's a new contract!" She exclaimed, excited.

  The terms of this contract were even more explicit than the last and included an outline of her duties aboard ship as well as in the bedroom.

  "There is no term on this contract, captain." She observed.

  "I promised you freedom at the end of one year Lizzy, you have that. You are free to chose. You may take your things, and a rather considerable sum of money and set yourself up anywhere you wish. You have no fear of being hunted, no need to whore yourself out, no need to return to piracy. Or...there's no out this time, Lizzy. Your freedom or this," he nodded at the contract.

  "I'd have your name, sir, before I decide on this and all." Lizzy let some of her usual sass creep in. Her contract was over, and she hadn't agreed to the new one yet.

  He roared in laughter. "I'm James Windsor, Lizzy, and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Now, are you going to continue with this impertinence or are you going to make your choice?"

  "Have you a quill and ink, my captain?"



  Break Me!

  (The Gang's F**K Toy, Voyeur,Object Insertion, Submissive Female)

  A Menage Dark Fantasy

  Chapter 1

  I breathe, deeply, watching my top being ripped off my chest. My breasts hang high on my chest, and I wonder if it was deliberate that I did not put on a bra. I look around me, the dirtiness of the location obvious even in the darkness. Relax Felicity, just breathe, I tell myself, as my skirt and then my panties are cut off me. I stand naked between the members of the Spanish gang, not understanding what they are saying, but sure that whatever is lost in translation has something to do with the rat who sold out the biggest drug cartel in Mexico.

  There are easily a dozen men around me, and I try to make sense of where I am. It is dark, it is dingy, and it is fucking cold. The cold makes its way to my breasts immediately and my nipples harden. I’m still trying to get my bearings when one of the men comes up to me and squeezes my tit hard. It is fucking sore and I squirm. He squeezes harder and I scream. He spouts something in Spanish and the other men laugh as he takes my nipple and then my whole breast into his mouth.

  He sucks my tits hard, both of them getting equal attention. His beard grazes over the surface of the soft flesh and I start to go red. The dim light hanging from the ceiling is
pulled and pointed in my eyes. Then the light is shone directly on my chest as my breasts are assaulted further by this bully with the beard and the sharp teeth. I know they are sharp because occasionally he bites into my tits, pulling more screams from me but no blood.

  I look around at the men in the room, all extremely filthy, extremely sweaty, and very, very hot. My pussy warms at the thought of being fucked by just one of them. All of them might be too much for me to handle, so I resolve to tell them what they want to know as soon as I am satisfied by one, maybe two of these gangsters. The man with his mouth on my tits seems to really be enjoying the taste of me, because he is soon sucking harder and harder. My cunt wants some attention too now, but I cannot think of the Spanish phrase for fuck me!

  Suddenly I feel the tip of a finger pushing hard against my clit, and I am not sure if I am relieved or nervous. I don’t know who the finger belongs too, but no sooner has it pressed hard on my clit as it is making its way inside me. My cunt is warm, it is fucking hot, but it is not wet yet, and so the finger entering it is abrasive. Roaring laughter breaks out in the room again and I look up at the men whose teeth are glistening in the dim light like wolves.


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