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My Granddaughter was Stolen!

Page 3

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  He said, "The President's daughter and granddaughter both living in our small town. Hard to believe. What can I do to help?"

  "We must keep the publicity down for obvious reasons. You will have to file a report, but take your time doing it. For now, let's come up with a story that will satisfy the public. Let's say she was feeling feint and as she was getting out of her car, a friend came by asking her what's wrong and then her friend took her to Coos Bay for a checkup," said Brad.

  The Chief thought about it and then said, "Okay, sounds good to me. I'll drive the car to her home and have Milt pick me up. I really don't want to see Donald so I'll leave the keys in the car. If you can Brad, keep me informed if it directly affects the town."

  "Of course Alex. I'll do nothing to make you look bad. It's my guess not much more can happen at this point; but we never know."

  Brad went home deep in thought. And the more he thought about it the more he liked the Sunriver Resort area for a place to hide the two female kidnap victims. He could see no way around it knowing he would have to go to Bend and look around. He'd been to Sunriver before in the summer time. He and Sujin spent three days enjoying the Central Oregon weather. The, or one of the problems was Sunriver was spread out over a large area. To find two prisoners locked in a room in a house that was probably rented out by an absentee landowner would be very difficult. Or even worse would be a corporate home with security. The old needle in a haystack came to his mind as he drove into his driveway.

  When he came through the door, Sujin saw the look in his eye. She said, "Husband, sorry, the President wants you to call him soonest you can."

  "Okay and how's the baby this day so far?"

  "She's fine. Earie is coming later to help feed the team, or what's left of them. I'm going down to take a nap and Billy is watching Brian. Billy has some news for you. Bye honey and good luck." He watched her slowly go down the stairs with Sandy right behind her. Brad gave off a big sigh and he too went downstairs to see Billy.

  Brad grinned seeing Brian on Billy's knee pounding the key board. Billy kept a spare keyboard and mouse for the little guy to play with. Billy saw Brad and lifted the boy down so he could run to his father.

  Billy said, "I've traced the e-mail to the east coast and there I've lost it for the time being. I did narrow it down to Virginia. It's entirely possible it came from Langley boss."

  "That's what we don't need is the CIA involved in this mess. I shouldn't use the collective CIA, but someone inside the place is most likely involved. I've to call the President now. His daughter is missing and I presume abducted."

  Brad used the secure satellite phone that connected him direct with the President. The President answered, "Glad you called Brad. Forgive my language but the shit is hitting the fan in my life. What I understand now is my daughter has been abducted this day? Can you shed any light on the event?"

  "Mr. President, sadly yes, she appears to have been taken. I found her car and my sense she will soon join your granddaughter. I honestly never expected this to occur."

  "Brad, I fear this goes much deeper than first thought. I've already succumbed to their wishes by firing my Chief. God knows what is coming next. I'll tell you the truth Brad; I think my political career is coming to an end. I did hope for re election, but that appears out of the question at this time. However, I'm not one to give up and let's fight to the end. Tell me what you need and I'll move hill and mountain to provide it."

  "Sir, I've a slim lead and before I follow up on it would you please call my father and tell him to meet me in Washington tomorrow at 8 am in my office. After meeting him, I will want to see you if possible."

  "Consider it done Brad. I'll have him here tomorrow and will clear my calendar in the morning. Thanks for calling."

  "Sir, this is not over yet. My team is busy working and we will not give up. Hang in there sir."

  "Thanks Brad. As usual, America is depending on you to save the day."


  Nancy hung up the secure phone. Steve was sitting against the wall in a very comfortable armchair. Nancy said, "Wendy and Jones will be here soon and Brad is flying in late tonight. His father is coming to meet us here at the office in the morning. I think Brad has a suspicion or two. Billy will be with him as well. This new abduction is very curious. I'd have to think this has been in the planning stage for a long time. We are in for a bumpy ride Steve. How can we not feel sorry for Samuel Bates the human being that he is. Be that as it may, I've to see Sister Goodly before the second visit of the mysterious man. I'll call you afterwards Steve."

  The same schedule was on for 10 pm. Sister Goodly appeared prepared. She had watched the news and saw the resignation of the Chief of Staff. Sister Goodly could very easily put two and two together. It was clear someone held something over the head of the President of the United States. Blackmail, for her, was a nasty word. If she knew that both his daughter and granddaughter were kidnapped, she would have something to say to this vile man.

  As it was, she went along doing what the nice government lady wanted. By 9 pm Sister Goodly was in her office. The side door was unlocked. The lights were on and a light was casting a long yellow light onto the confessional booths. There were four booths.

  Nancy at 9 pm was in her car parked roughly a quarter mile away. It wasn't easy to find a parking place at night. As it was she parked at a Burger King. She went inside and ordered. Then she sat in her car waiting.

  At precisely 9:45 Sister Goodly took her place in the confessional booth. Indeed she felt guilty sitting where a priest should be, but under the circumstances, nothing she could do. She held on to her crucifix and said prayer after prayer.

  Sister Goodly heard the door open and a person sit down rather heavily. He said, "I presume you are there sister?"

  "I am stranger. I'm listening the same as last time. Before you ask, yes, I'm recording this conversation."

  "Fine with me. Now this is an easy one to remember. We want President Bates to appoint Jason Bloomfield as his new Chief of Staff."

  "Let me write that down please. Is there anything else," she asked.

  "No," he said quietly and the door opened and he left. Sister Goodly waited until she heard his distinct footsteps fade. Then she thought she was hearing things when a familiar voice said, rather loudly, "Ah, good evening Mr.--------------- and then Sister Goodly heard a whiffing sound and a loud groan. She also heard, she said later, a bumping sound and the door close hard.

  Immediately she recognized the voice of Father Wilmar. But what was he doing here at this time of night. She threw open the door and as quickly as her chubby legs would take her, down the short hallway and a sharp right hand turn to the side door, she went.

  A bare bulb in the ceiling revealed a body lying half curled up on its side. She saw it was Father Wilmar the parish priest. Her hands to her cheeks she looked upon his dead starring eyes. He never moved. She hurried to her office and called Nancy.

  Nancy was keeping warm with the engine running. She did feel a little guilty using government gas to keep warm. Her cell rang. She said, "I'll be there in five minutes; don't touch anything."

  Nancy arrived at the church and called Sister Goodly to come to the front door to let her in. Nancy was a little surprised that Sister Goodly was holding up very well. She led Nancy to the narrow hall where Father Wilmar lay lifeless. Nancy had her flash light and saw where a slight pool of blood had formed under his side. Sister told her she heard a whiffing sound. Nancy guessed he was shot in the chest and the shooter had a silencer on the gun.

  Nancy dug out her cell and called 911. She reported succinctly the event and identified herself as a government agent. She told them to send a homicide detective along with the coroner.

  Nancy took Sister Goodly by the arm and went to her office to wait for the police. Nancy said, while they sat down waiting, "Tell me what you heard or saw Sister."

  "After he left, I waited a few minutes for him to leave the church. Then when I heard his footste
ps fade, I opened the door. After I had taken a step or two, I heard Father Wilmar say 'Good evening--------' and the whiffing sound came. I heard a groan and then the door slam. I cautiously walked down the hall to the side door. I peeked around the corner and saw Father Wilmar on the floor with his eyes staring at nothing. That's when I came back here and called you."

  "The police will be here soon and you will be asked many times to repeat your story. Please give me the recorder. I'll first talk to the detective and then he or she will talk to you. You answer the police honestly."

  Nancy badly wanted to call Steve, but was afraid to leave the sister alone. If a homicide is reported the police are usually very quick responding. She'd no more than thought that when she heard a loud knocking at the front door.

  Nancy hurried to open the door. A uniform policeman was at the door. Nancy showed him her government ID and he relaxed. She told him don't go around the side of the church as that is where the door that led to the victim was. She went outside and then shinned her light down the side of the church. The small and narrow sidewalk led to the dim light above the side door. Nancy told him to place his crime scene tape across the complete side yard area.

  At first he was hesitant to follow her instructions, but standing next to him was a female police officer and she said, "Let's do what she says Johnny. I think she is the real deal." Nancy smiled and told her thank you. However, she called the station to give name and asked the captain to verify the ID.

  Nancy took the opportunity to call Steve before the homicide cops came. She quickly told him what happened and he said he would call the police commissioner and call her back.

  She saw an unmarked standard issue detective car arrive and park in front. The door opened and an overcoat clad man got out and put his hat on. From a distance he looked like a private detective out of a movie. He wore, a brown overcoat, hat with a brim, and was smoking a cigarette. He even walked like an actor she couldn't place. He flipped his cigarette into the street and strolled up to Nancy. He said, "I'm Detective Ray Small. Are you the one that called in the 911?"

  "Yes I did. I'm Nancy Longstreet and here is my ID."

  The light was not good as he squinted at her ID. I'm not sure what this is telling my Nancy. Help me out here?"

  "I work for the government that is directed by the White House. It's a little difficult to explain, but let's say we are both in the same business to put away the bad guys."

  It was then Ray's cell rang. He dug it out of his overcoat pocket, turned his back and listened to what was said from the other end. Maybe a minute went by and he put his phone away. He turned to Nancy with a scowl that would normally scare a person to death; but not her. He said, "That was my captain and he says I'm to take orders from you. Frankly speaking Nancy, I'm already not liking this situation. I'm also told to keep the press away. Who the hell are you anyway?"

  "I'm not here Ray to make your life miserable. Let's work together and I'll share with you what I can. Meanwhile, you've a murder to solve and let's both get to it."

  She took him through the front door, down the aisle, past the confessionals to the hall way. She stood back and pointing down said, "This is what I found and nothing has been touched including the door. I asked the police uniform to tape off the area. They did a good job. Also we have a witness that will help you somewhat. Sister Goodly is in her office waiting for you now."

  "Let's go see her before or while the pathologist does her job. I'll follow you."

  Sister Goodly was waiting patiently for Nancy to come back. She came in followed by a man in an overcoat. He took off his hat and told her his name. Nancy noticed he had a big bald spot on top, but the rest of his brown hair appeared clean. As for the rest of his clothes it appeared they could use a dry cleaner.

  He took a chair and said, "Sister tell us the story please. Take your time and leave nothing out."

  "Well, I was next to the confessionals when I heard a whiff sound. Then I heard a groan and the door slam shut. I did hear Father Wilmar say: 'Ah good evening Mr.----------' and then a groan and the door slammed shut."

  Nancy heard plainly the Mr. part whereas before she never said that. Never mind old people have a reputation of leaving out parts of a conversation. She would check the recorder later.

  "Sister Goodly, you said, Father Wilmar greeted the person as if he knew him personally?"

  "Yes, I expect so. Oh dear me. Do you perhaps think it could be a member of our church?"

  "I find it curious that anyone would be here so late Sister Goodly. Why were you here and it would seem you talked to this person?"

  Nancy thought it time to intervene. She said, "I'm sorry Ray, but the reason for this person being here and talking to Sister Goodly is confidential for the present time."

  Nancy could see his face turning red quickly. Actually she didn't blame him for reacting at the shutting down of the interview. There was a dead man lying not far away. For a priest to be murdered in his own church was very news worthy.

  "Could I speak to you outside for a minute Nancy," he asked with a snarly voice. Nancy rose and went out the door. He followed hot on her tail. He shut the door and said, "How am I to do my job if all the facts can't be revealed."

  "I wish I could tell you Ray. What I can tell you is this, the man who committed the murder is wanted at the highest levels of government there is. What I'm saying is the 'highest' level. Now my suggestion is do your job with the body and look for prints on the door. Also, look for prints on the confessional booth that Sister will show you. We are most interested in knowing who this perp is."

  "This is all bullshit Nancy or whatever your name is. I've heard some stories in my time, but this beats all. When you say it goes to the top, what the hell is that supposed to mean? Higher than God? This is my turf and I've a dead priest that appears to have been shot. It also appears that he was shot by someone he knew; like a church member. Now Sister Goodly knows what that perp was doing here and I want to know what she knows."

  Nancy felt backed into a corner. It was her job to pacify this detective and try to work with him. But, the bad three letter word: But. But, I'm a woman and he can't work with a woman who is taller than him and obviously a high government employee. Nancy was saved by the arrival of Steve and a dour looking man in a rumpled suit.

  When Ray Small saw the portly being of his captain, he walked boldly up to him. The captain never let Ray speak as he took him by the arm and moved off out of hearing. Steve, meanwhile, went to Nancy and said, "I hope the good captain can find some common ground for us to work with them. This case is progressively getting out of hand. We can't keep the cat in the bag for much longer. I hate to say it, but leave it to a priest to muck things up. We should be lucky that a choir boy was not here. Anyway, fill me in please."

  Nancy told him that it appears that Father Wilmar recognized the perp. "Naturally that leads us to think he's a member of the church, or some friend of his. I'm thinking church member and that was why they or he chose this church in the first place. Remember he chose the location and even the confessional booth. I'll get a member list for Sister Goodly and do a search on its higher VIP membership. The downside is this will take time to sort through and investigate, what is probably a long list of possible suspects."

  "Nothing we can do Nancy but put a team of agents on the job. We don't want so many we are tripping over each other, but I'll leave it up to you to form a team to search the member list. We'll need the FBI. I'll talk to both the President and Brad about that involvement."


  Brad had just taken off from North Bend airport when he heard his secure phone ring. It was Steve on the other end with bad news. He told Steve to please call the President and ask him what we should reveal. It would be very difficult to keep a lid on this event. The press always had a pipe line into every police station. Washington DC was no exception.

  It presented a very real dilemma for Samuel Bates as both President and father. Only the Lord knew what or h
ow this would turn out; but of course there was always collateral damage in a kidnapping such as this one.

  Brad sat thinking with Rocky next to him feeling his master's stress. Brad was waiting for the President's phone call. It came somewhere over Montana. The President said, "Brad, thank God you're coming. I'm up the proverbial creek without a paddle. As the English of old would say, 'I know naught what to do' and that's exactly where I'm at right now. Any suggestions?"

  Brad let a little silence go by and said, "Sir, hold tight until I get there. I know it will piss off, excuse my language, the DC police, but let them stew for the time being. I'll be there---oh,---say in about three hours."

  "I'll catch a few winks then," said Samuel.

  Brad laid his head back, but sleep never came. He was too wired for sleeping. It seemed that he was overwhelmed with things to do; not the least of which he worried about his wife having a baby any day now.


  As they approached the airport, Brad could see it was snowing heavily. However, he was blessed with the best pilots money could buy. He heard the pilot say, "Sir, we on final. The runway is clear and has been de-iced."

  Waiting at the hanger was Steve with a golf umbrella to ward off the snow. He looked a bit comical in his Burberry and big heavy galoshes. He reminded someone who just stepped out of the 1950s. Brad smiled as he and Rocky walked quickly to Steve.

  Steve Lewis should have retired by now. Unfortunately, his boss, Mr. X. who was the right arm of the President died of cancer less than a year ago. Steve had to step up and fill the difficult position that he really didn't want. It wasn't something he was fit for and until such time as something different came along, he was stuck with the job.

  Brad considered Steve Lewis like his second father. Even though his own father was very much in the picture, Steve and Brad were very close. They shook hands warmly and entered the Suburban, which was nice and warm with a driver. Steve gave him an overview as they drove to the White House. Nancy, Wendy and Agent Jones would wait for Brad at the Executive Office Building.


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