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My Granddaughter was Stolen!

Page 4

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  In the meantime, Brad had asked for Ray Small to meet him at the White House. It was just breaking daylight when they arrived at the White House. Ray Small and his captain were waiting in a small office in the West Wing. When Brad walked in with Steve and Rocky Ray Small looked on with wonderment in his face. His captain had more background than Ray, but not much.

  Brad shook Ray's hand and then shook the pudgy hand of the captain. They were sitting at a small table. Brad sat down and Steve remained standing. He said, "Ray Small, twenty five year veteran with a clean record. I congratulate you. Now, to not keep you any longer than necessary, let me fill you in. I'm Brad Pratt and I work directly for the President. My team and I do various jobs that are mostly covert in nature. Sensitive issues if you want to think of it that way. Now then, last night was an unfortunate accident in the respect the good Father Wilmar happened in the side door of the church at the wrong time. Subsequently he was killed just after a secret meeting with Sister Goodly. Are you with me so far Mr. Small?"

  Ray shook his head in the affirmative and said, "Continue please."

  "Now I must swear you to secrecy for at least a few days. Do you agree both you and Captain Stillwater?" Again a nod indicating yes was seen. "The President's daughter and granddaughter were both abducted and are being held at some undisclosed location." He let that sink in seeing a slightly shocked expression on both faces. "The meeting at the church was the second in negotiations for their release. Now can you see the dilemma were in?"

  "I didn't know he had a daughter, let alone a granddaughter," said Ray.

  "Few people do Ray. It was never publicized so as to protect their privacy. However, some people or group has taken the secret, so to speak, and are trying to capitalize by political blackmail. It should be evident with the resignation of the Chief of Staff."

  "Okay, Mr. Pratt. I'm smart enough to realize that either I play ball with you or I take early retirement. I'm not ready to retire so tell me what you would like me to do," said Ray.

  "First of all Ray, if I might call you by your first name, and please call me Brad, is to be very careful. As you sniff around looking for the killer, you're going to be turning over some really lethal rocks. Now having said that, please continue your investigation as you normally would. The woman last night, Nancy Longstreet is your contact person. She is ex FBI and very good at what she does. Also part of my team is in our office over across the street from the West Wing. I'd appreciate it if you would go over there and make yourself known to the other members of my team. I'll be busy here for awhile so go about your business. I'll be in touch and thank you both."

  A guard led the two men out and over to their office in the Executive Building. Brad and Steve sat waiting for the Samuel Bates to call saying he was ready.

  That call wasn't long in coming. Brad glanced at his watch seeing it was just eight o'clock. Rocky was probably getting hungry, but would never say anything. The President greeted Brad warmly under the circumstances. Brad could see he hadn't been sleeping well. Few would not feel sorry for him. The few that did not were on Brad's list of bad guys. And on Brad's list of bad guys, even fewer survived. He was really a guy not to make angry and this morning, in the Oval Office, seeing his friend suffer, he was angry.

  Rocky ran up to him and waited for an ear scratch. Sam had grown to like Rocky very much; and Sandy too. They made he feel human and in touch with other's feelings. In fact, he thought, it made him a better leader. He moved around to sit with the two of them in arm chairs. Rocky flopped down at Sam's feet. Sam said, "This is quite a mess we're in; or I'm in. We can't keep this secret much longer due to last night's murder of a catholic priest in his own church. How best to handle this is unknown to me. I'm too close to the fact and can't think from a distance as I usually can." Just then they were interrupted as a knock on the door revealed Brad's father the Secretary of the Navy. Before becoming the Secretary of the Navy, he was a retired general in the Army.

  Brad stood in respect to his father and the Secretary of the Navy. Secretary Pratt said, "Sorry I'm late. If it's not too much trouble catch me up on the developments."

  Brad took the ball and ran with it. In a short time his father was up to speed. The President said, "Now what do I do gentlemen?"

  Secretary Pratt spoke first, "Go public and let the chips fall Mr. President. The public will back you and the political rivals will hate you even that much more."

  "Father, they have both his daughter and granddaughter. Can you imagine what they might do them both physically and mentally?"

  "Yes I do son. Statistics don't lie. Few kidnapped victims return unscathed and most return DOA. I realize this is blunt and hurtful, but it's the truth. Already we have lost a good man in Felix and now what is it they want?"

  Steve reached for his phone and walked to the window behind the president's desk. A couple minutes passed and he came back with a very grim look on his face. Nancy told me the message on the recorder form the man was for the president to replace Felix with Jason Broadleaf." The room went silent. Rocky perked his ears up wondering why it was so quiet.

  "Are you saying they're demanding I replace Felix with Jason Broadleaf the senator from Texas? Jesus H. Christ. No way; I'll resign first," Sam said.

  Brad said, "Sorry politics are not my game and I don't know this Jason Broadleaf."

  "He's a carbon copy of Junior Bush," said the president. "This has gotten out of hand my friends. What can I do? Talk about a rock and hard place."

  "We need to play along and buy some time Sir," said Brad. "If the news breaks, set up a press conference, but stall for time. If, in my opinion sir, if you resign, you've signed the girl's death warrant. No way would they leave them alive. I'm very sorry sir."

  The three of them left the president to begin his day's work. Nothing was said on the way over to the office.

  In the office the whole team sat around the conference table. Wade Jenkins, the newest team member, had just come in from abroad. He was another FBI man who jumped ship to be with the team. Actually, jumped ship is wrong in that all of the team members, except Billy retained their seniority with the FBI.

  Brad said, "Let's start with Nancy and what is happening with the voice recognition from the recorder."

  "I've got ten people systematically going through political figures by the alphabet. It's a painstaking job, but needs to happen. All of them are FBI and in headquarters."

  "Wendy what have you to report," asked Brad.

  "I just returned from organizing the agents on the voice recorder. We've been at it all night long. Another shift is coming in at around 11 am. I'll go back later after our meeting and a short nap."

  "Jones, how's church," asked Brad.

  "As of this early morning the church is locked up tight. I took Sister Goodly home late last night. She asked me to come to her place at 1 pm. I think she likes me," Jones said with a smile at his wife Wendy.

  "Billy, anything new on the e-mail front?"

  "My friends and I agree it came from CIA headquarters boss. There're firewalls I can't get by, but I'd bet my butt a computer was used inside their building."

  "Nancy what can you say about the voice on the recorder?"

  "Male, age between 35 ~ 45. He's in good shape as no breathing problems were heard. He's confident, arrogant, and probably rich and has people working for him. Married? Not sure, but most likely. Oh, and smart as hell with an Ivy League education. He's also got a slight east coast accent."

  "Thanks Nancy," said Brad. "Now Wendy, what is your take on this guy?"

  "I think Nancy said it all Brad. I'd like to add that with the murder of the priest, this guy cares little for life. I'd say he abuses his wife; if he's married."

  "Well team, we need a break and have some breakfast. Me and Rocky are hungry. There's too many of us to drive anywhere so let's hoof it over to the cafeteria at the White House."

  Brad and his father talked on the way to breakfast. They talked about where Brad thought they migh
t be hiding the two girls in Sunriver. "My problem is I can't be in two places at the same time," said Brad.

  "You're the best at organization Brad. You've a lot of assets at your disposal. With your new found ability of sensing that was learned from the Master, only you can use it. Let the team do its job here and you go to Bend. I'll hang around as the Navy is doing fine these days. Oh, by the way, your mother is on her way to your house. She wants to be around when our granddaughter is born."


  Similar to her daughter, Amy Hedgewire woke up with head pain and very groggy. Someone was holding her hand. She faintly heard, 'mommy, mommy, can you hear me' coming from somewhere in a far off place. She forced her eyes to open and nothing but blinding light hit her, making her head hurt even more. Flashes of memory flitted through her fuzzy brain. Scenes such as supermarket, blue van door sliding open, strong hands around her and a vile smelling rag over her face. The last she remembered was a prick in her arm; then darkness.

  With one arm over her eyes and someone holding onto the other hand, she fought to clear her head. The voice became stronger, 'Mommy, oh mommy wake up. I'm so scared.'

  Finally, Amy tried clearing her dry throat and licking her equally dry lips. She said, "Water, water Lisa please." Lisa reached down to the floor and with the same glass with a straw placed it gently into her mother's mouth. Amy drank with relish and blinked away the bright ceiling light. The keeper sat in his wooden chair with his arms crossed. He still wore the wool face mask with holes only for eyes and mouth. An outsider would think he had a lot of patience. Actually they were correct. The mask man was ex-military and was used to waiting. Another thing that made him patient was the enormous fee the man in black paid him to do this job. His only instructions were to not harm the captives just yet. However, that didn't mean he couldn't tease them a little.

  Amy finally said, "Lisa are you alright?"

  "I'm not hurt, but scared to death mommy."

  "Help me to sit up please," said Amy. Lisa pulled on her arms and soon Amy Hedgewire sat on the edge of the bed rubbing her aching head. She noticed she was dressed in green cotton pajama like clothes; top and bottom. The next thing she noticed was the masked man sitting next the door of a very stark room.

  He stood up and put one foot on the wooden chair and said, "Welcome to your new home Mrs. Hedgewire. We realized you wanted very badly to see your daughter. Well, here she is and if you'll notice she's neither hurt nor wanting for food or drink; for the time being, that is." He let that sink in and walked slowly forward towards the bed and two females.

  Amy said, "Whatever they're paying you mask man, I'll double it in 12 hours."

  "That's a nice offer Amy, but I've already signed the contract. I wouldn't live long if I broke it," he said while standing in front of her. Lisa was on her knees behind her mother who was sitting on the edge of the bed. Mask man was directly in front of Amy towering over her.

  Physically he wasn't much above average size, but standing there he seemed like a giant to Amy. "What other persuasion can I expect to have from you to entice me to provide some additional amenities?"

  The message was very clear to Amy, but to Lisa she knew not what he inferred. Amy needed to buy time to let Mr. Pratt do his job as she said, "Let me think about that masked man and I need to rest now." Amy hoped he would take the hint and go away, but she saw through the slit where his mouth was a grin appearing on his face.

  In a flash he had unzipped his pants and out flopped his hard member. Amy and Lisa both sucked in lung full of air. He said, "Little girl have you ever seen one of these before?" He stroked it a few times to bring it to full attention.

  Lisa started crying and said, "Mommy I'm scared. Make him go away."

  Amy looked him in the eyes and said, "Okay masked man you made your point. Now go away and leave us alone."

  Masked man leaned forward and rubbed the head of his penis on her closed lips. Then he pulled back, put his unit away and laughing like a mad man walked out the door. She heard him lock the door on the outside and the slight bang of the padlock hitting the door.

  Amy stood and took held of her daughter. Lisa bawled her eyes out. Amy said, "I'll not lie to you honey, but we're in a terrible mess. We must fight to stay alive no matter what physical harm he or others might do to us. Remember every night I told you to say your prayers. Now let's see who was listening.

  "Mommy that thing was so black and ugly. Are all boys things so scary looking?" Amy really didn't know how to answer that question so she said,

  "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

  Her mother could see that Lisa had quit crying and wiped her eyes on her green sleeve pajama top and said, "No mom; no idea what day or time it is."

  "Do you know where the heat comes from Lisa? I felt a cold blast when he opened and closed the door, but in here is warm."

  "There's a silver box thing on the ceiling next to the wall over there," she pointed. Amy squinted through the ceiling light and saw a square outlet for central heating. She wondered about that for an exit.


  Brad and Wade Jenkins were flying to Sunriver, Oregon. Sunriver Resort had its own airport. Brad would be the rich guy and Wade would be his secretary. The hotel car would pick them up and deliver to the 5 star hotel.

  Wade had booked two rooms joining sparing no expense. Rocky was, at first, a little problem, but a few crisp Ben Franklins took care of that minor problem. Wade had also ordered a SUV for winter driving.

  They wasted no time in driving around with a map that was more useless than helpful. Lord what a quagmire of roads that wound around making you dizzy. They were forced to have a salesperson go with them. Wade liked that as Penny Marshall was anything but pushy about property.

  Whenever they stopped Brad tried to focus on vibrations. Indeed he could feel the vibrations, but with the crazy street system it was difficult to get a fix or a straight direction. Just to a home not 100 yards away might take you half a mile driving around to get there. This was not going to be easy. Wade said, we need an aerial map sir."

  "I agree Wade. Get one soonest you can. At least I can say that I'm fairly sure they are here somewhere and still alive."

  When they picked up Penny, Wade was right on as she was very polite and professional. Once in the SUV she asked what they were looking for in the way of a residence. Brad told her he wanted to see the whole of Sunriver to make a decision. Price was not a factor he told her.

  Penny had her laptop and when she brought up Sunriver it had an aerial view of the resort. Wade grinned and Brad was quietly pleased. Penny took a real liking to Rocky and the reverse was true.

  By the time they got organized it was getting dark out. Brad was pretty well whipped. Wade was too wired to go to his room so he and Penny would continue going around and Wade would continue to learn all of the gossip of a resort.

  Across the Cascade Mountains and on to the west coast of Oregon, Mike Henderson was in the swing of things. Donald Hedgewire and he were swilling down the liquor like there was no tomorrow. It would be unbelievable to another person to view a husband and father who had just lost both of them to abductors within the last few days. He laughed, told jokes, and overall made an ass of himself, according to Mike when he told the story to Brad.

  Mike had asked if Donald was married and he said, "Yes, but my wife and daughter are visiting her mother in Portland. I'm a bachelor for a few days. How about you Mike?"

  "My ball and chain is home with the kids. Say Donald, after I buy my own place, is there some guys out there that need a team member with a ton of cash to invest?"

  Mike could see Donald's eyes light up and then turn grim. He walked over to the wet bar and made a new drink thinking hard all the time. Mike had cast the bait and now waited for a nibble or a big strike. It came in the form of half way in-between. It was enough of a hit to let a little line out while playing his fish. Donald said, "Give me a ball park number Mike."

  Mike followed to the bar
and he too refreshed his drink. He said, "I don't think it would stretch the rubber band too far to say a quarter billion is readily available for the right investment. Let me say this Don. With the president losing his Chief means some serious shit is happening politically speaking. If and I say if, we are looking at a new administration in the near future, some very lucrative opportunities are going to surface. Do you agree?"

  Mike could see Donald Hedgewire salivating. Not only was this guy a lush, but how he made his pile was beyond Mike. Be that as it may, he said, "Indeed Mike you're so right. We're having a meeting on the east coast in two days time. I'd like to introduce you to some of my friends."

  "I'll drink to that," Mike said.

  At six am the next morning Mike called Brad in Sunriver. In no time he brought Brad up to speed on the Donald Hedgewire story. Mike said, "I'm fairly sure Brad he is part of the abduction scene. It appears he sold his wife and daughter for money to maintain his life style. Another thing, and that is, if I don’t miss my guess, he's a liability with his drinking. I'm leaving today for DC. I told Donald I'd be staying at the Hilton. Have Billy do a deep check on Donald Hedgewire. Okay, all for now and good hunting Brad."

  Sunriver was a great place to go jogging. Brad and Rocky were gone an hour and by 8 am, after showering and such things were in the coffee shop having breakfast. Wade showed up soon thereafter with a big boy smile on. Brad suspected he did good with Penny last night. Wade said, "I've got a line on one house that a group of republicans own for a get-a-way weekend."

  "Nice work Wade. As there's no soliciting here, any suggestion as to how we find out if anyone is home?


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