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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

Page 25

by Susan Reid

  I was already on cloud nine with our little soul binding commitment, which I agreed to make with Cam before we arrived. It was scary but not for the reasons that were obvious. I have no idea what the future holds, but either way—it will involve becoming parents soon. That alone was enough to get me to accept.

  I was happy to see everyone out here already, including Aon. There were an even number of Cam’s friends, one for each one of us, and a few others that I assumed wanted to sit and watch or something.

  Everyone was here; Devlin, Durien, Spencer, even Lira. She was sitting with Aon underneath a small gazebo that had been set up, complete with snacks, water and other items like…bandages and first aid salves? I wondered exactly what they were for considering that we heal quickly.

  Okay, now I was getting both nervous and antsy.

  Lorelei ran over to meet up with me just as we landed.

  “I’m going to do a quick head count and figure out a game plan before we get started.” Cam whispered to me and then he was off across the field.

  “Hey, kick ass outfit, I love that. Damn, having a supernatural boyfriend has many advantages. How does it feel to be twenty now?” She joked with a grin.

  “Ask me when I should be sixty or even a hundred and we’ll see.”

  We both laughed.

  “That was a hell of a party last night. I never thought I’d ever say this, but I really enjoyed partying with them. It never once dawned on me that they were actually fallen— except for the magic.” Lorelei giggled, “Oh and I figured out where my place was after all with the help of Jerilah, so us girls are rooming there. Jerilah and this other fallen named Vinnah stayed with us last night for protection, which was really cool of them to do. Wish you had come with us at least just to hang out. Are you going to be staying with Cam?” Lorelei then asked.

  “For a while, yeah.” I nodded.

  It was quiet for a moment then Lorelei spoke low, “I wonder what’s happening at the hall right now. I’m sure Sean and Diana have already gotten word. If anything, I hope they understand.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that but guilt made my face burn.

  “Me too.” I said softly.

  “Is he the same one that everyone knew you were with before you died? I mean, how did you two get together so fast that you would trust him like this? Did you remember him?”

  I hesitated answering her question but then I thought about it. I looked her directly in the eyes, “He remembered me, actually. Some things were meant to be I guess.”

  She nodded. Jamie, Crystal, Scarlet and Lira were heading towards us.

  I frowned when I glanced across the field to see Spencer, sitting off to the left of everyone else, alone.

  “I guess Spencer doesn’t share the same sentiment.”

  Jamie followed my gaze and glanced over at him with her brows knitted together. “He’s still in hardcore divine warrior creed mode. But I’m sure that he’ll come around after a while when he sees how much of a necessity this is. He’s here and he defected with the rest of us, so that counts for something.”

  “How is Devlin?” I then asked her.


  “She’s still not speaking?”

  She shook her head no. “She’s still bruised, I think. If you guys know what I mean.”

  Lorelei nodded sympathetically.

  I sighed. “Maybe I should talk to her.”

  “I don’t know…but there is one thing that she did want to know, if you could ask him. Cam, I mean.”

  That got my attention. I looked at her carefully. Even Lorelei leaned in closer.

  “Ask him what?”

  Jamie inhaled and turned to glance back at Devlin, who was watching all of us expectantly.

  “She wanted to know…if he could somehow, find him. The one I told you about that night? And if he could bring him back…for her.”

  I had no idea how to respond or what to even say to that.

  XXXI: Cam`ael

  Quite frankly, I would have loved nothing more than to take this opportunity to pound the seraphim into the ground. Why was he even here? That attitude was going to get him hurt, badly. He was already irritating to me just looking at him, sitting there melancholy and pensive. No one asked him to come and no one was certainly making him stay. I didn’t have time for him.

  I had many other things on my mind, one of which was the anticipation of what Aliks would tell me about the text. If it weren’t for Starling pledging to become soul bound to me, I wouldn’t be in such a productive, positive, and patient mood right now.

  “I’ve secured and shielded the island all around and I will do it each time that you all come to train. Take as much time as you all will need without being seen or possibly distracted.” Aon’s voice filtered into my head.

  “I was just about to ask being that this was the only logical area that offered some seclusion and space. I don’t know how to go about this with Starling.”

  Aon chuckled, “Do not underestimate her ability even in her current condition. Starling will be absolutely fine. In fact, her spirit and compassion, her essence, her weapons, and her will, all make her one of the most fierce and aggressive warriors that I’ve seen in a very long time. Never underestimate the power, strength, and courage of a mother protecting her young. Ever seen a mother bear, wolverine, lioness, or even a mother impling go head to head with any beast twice her size who are threatening her babies?”

  I’ve actually seen all four before, I mused.

  “Good point.”

  I looked over at Starling briefly thereafter, trying to picture that level of ferocity in her. Strangely, I actually could.

  Those of my friends who volunteered, aside from my closer friends who I knew wouldn’t let me down, all showed up on time. I’m sure a part of that anticipation was the chance to both attack and fight against the warriors, even if it were just on a training level basis. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to go about this, so I wanted to meet with my friends first to get it all figured out.

  Everyone began to crowd in around me…very enthused to get started. I even noted a few who were here for more spectatorship than anything else, which was fine with me.

  “How shall we proceed, oh fearless leader?” Ry quipped with a grin.

  “First and foremost, I don’t want this to be some sort of a class or military style drilling. The best way to learn is by doing but there are a few things that I want to ask of them and to make sure that they understand first.”

  “No special treatment for your woman though, right?” Mac commented.

  Edanai stood in the background, arms folded across her chest as if trying to read me. She knew that I was still angry with her though, so she remained silent for now.

  “No, of course not.”

  “Yeah, well I hope she has control of that fire of hers, otherwise…I’m out.” Nay said, holding his hands up to clarify.

  Nay’s tattoos were superb and original but they were really distracting.

  “Correction, if she doesn’t then we may all be out and I don’t mean ghosting out either.” Ry joked and a few others laughed, though uneasily.

  “She’s already learned to master control over it. I was told by Aon, so no need to worry about that either but that does give me an idea. I think this may flow better if we find out what each one can do first, meaning their essences, strengths, and weaknesses. Then we can go from there but we should pair up. One of us with each one of them so that each demonstration can be practiced afterwards. How does that sound?” I looked at everyone for confirmation.



  “Cool. In that case, I think you should be the one to pair up with your woman.” Nay grinned.

  I shot him a disparaging glance.

  “Sounds good to me too, as long as they know that we aren’t going to hold back. Are we?” Rahab asked unsurely.

  “No. Hold nothing back but be very careful. We’re helping not fighting them and we don
’t want any permanent or long lasting injuries, which goes for magick attacks as well.”

  “Agreed.” Mac replied. Osiel, Sinma, and Jerilah all nodded affirmation.

  I turned around to face the warriors who were scattered about, some conversing and others warming up.

  “I need you all to gather over here with us so that we can go over a few guidelines before we start.” I called out and beckoned all of them over. The others began to spread out and form a line-up behind me, standing with their wings out but folded behind them.

  The warriors gathered around, forming a semi-circle in front of us with me in the middle. I didn’t even look at the seraphim.

  “I have something to ask you when we’re done. It’s about Devlin, the one Jamie was telling me about that night, who also befriended a fallen.” Starling’s voice entered my train of thought.

  I glanced at her. “I can already guess what that something is. The problem is that even if I knew his true given name, I don’t have the power to un-banish him.”


  “But…I know who does, so I’ll look into it for you.”

  She smiled.

  Now that I had their attentions, it was time to get down to business.

  “First of all, I want to say that the timeframe we may have… and quite frankly, the time and patience of some others,” I glanced over my shoulder at Ry and Nay, “Is not a guarantee. But I did say that we would help to prepare you guys and that’s exactly what we intend to do on our end. You either want to learn or you don’t, none of us will force or wait on anyone to make up their minds.” I pierced the seraphim with a hard glare. He remained stoic.

  Then, I paused and chuckled a bit, my friends sharing the same sentiment of humor because they knew it was going to come up eventually. I began to pace up and down the line of warriors to make eye contact as I spoke, feeling like a general talking to his army before battle.

  “I have to address this first, only because I’ve seen you guys try time and time again but to no avail and certainly not in vain, so don’t take this the wrong way,” I looked each and every one of them directly in the eyes before I stated concisely that, “You will never outrun a fallen. Ever. The only choice and option that you have is to make yourself as difficult as possible to be caught— but let me warn you all that we are just as adamant about capturing you as you are about getting away. Ultimately, if we want you…we will catch you, and of course you all already know that females are at much more of a higher risk, so we’re really going to be working with you seven in that area.” I gave a nod to Starling and the eight females, including the female seraphim, Kaia.

  I was already making some shift uncomfortably but it had to be said in order to give them something to think about.

  It was truth.

  “And why is that?” the seraphim was skeptical of my words.

  I looked over at him and grinned.

  “We don’t just cloak, we teleport through portal pockets of both space and air. Why do you think we appear to be moving so fast and stealthily? I guess that’s something you must have forgotten along with everything else. Damned shame.”

  His face reddened.

  “Allow me to demonstrate.” Mac flexed the muscles in his biceps and rolled his head as if stretching in preparation, just for show sake. He took flight in less than a split second thereafter.

  Mac was nothing more than a dark streak, moving unbelievable fast, literally as if he were blinking in and out of sight. One minute he had been standing behind me with everyone else, and the next literal second…Lira squealed.

  She was airborne with him as he glided upwards, making a wide arc and then slowly swooping low as to not freak her out or anything.

  “Damn!” Anthony remarked.

  “I didn’t think ya’ll were that freaking fast!” Durien exclaimed, shaking his head incredulously as Mac set a giggling but wide-eyed Lira, gently back down on her feet.

  “Well, you obviously haven’t seen Starling outrun one of you guys then.” Jamie quipped with a confident grin but I could tell that it was more to get me off of the seraphim’s back.

  I glanced at Starling with a twinkle in my eye.

  “I’ve heard. Care to demonstrate? Any volunteers?” I asked any of the others behind me.

  “Uh, yeah. That machine was nowhere near that fast. I really don’t think I could…”

  “I know you can.” The seraphim said assuredly to Starling and she was surprised.

  “So do I.” Kaia, piped in with an encouraging smile and a glimmer in her eyes.

  I had to admit, I believed that she probably could too, but I was even more impressed with the support from all of her friends and from both seraphim.

  “I’ll volunteer for this one.” Nay said cockily and stepped forward.

  Everyone else began to cheer Starling on. She seemed uneasy until I nodded and winked my own encouragement at her.

  I looked around for a possible course, then pointed towards a distant stand of foliage and trees, “Run to those two trees there, then back around and past the gazebo, ending up right back here. This isn’t really a race. I want to know exactly what your speed is. If Nay manages to catch you, it will prove my point. This will be something that you will all end up being put to the challenge of by using the techniques that we’ll show you.”

  Starling readied herself. Ry and the others were hyped and ready to see this, as was I. They were more set to mock Nay if Starling did indeed outrun him. If he didn’t catch her, he’d never hear the end of it, I mused to myself.

  “Ready?” I began.

  She nodded, getting into position. The adrenaline building in her body was incredibly strong, I could literally feel it thrumming simply standing next to her.

  She was focused and determined and she may just prove us all wrong.

  “Come on, Starling, you can do it!” Durien clapped and the other rallied around his words.

  “Ten second head start?” Nay asked her.

  Starling shook her head and smiled confidently, “If you think you need it.”

  “Ohhh! Damn! Ouch!” Ry exclaimed as he and the rest of us, along with Starling’s friends, all broke out in instigating laughter.

  Nay pursed his lips and nodded with a grin, appreciating her humor, “Alright. No mercy, girl. Don’t say I didn’t offer.” He began to ascend slowly, wings beating and ready.

  “Go!” I shouted.

  To my utter surprise, Starling was off like a literal shot, leaving nothing but the trailing blur of her light brown and ash blonde, curly pony tail whipping and flying wildly behind her.

  Nay left a hard rush of wind behind in his wake that kicked up a whirlwind of dust and grass.

  I could not believe my own eyes—and that was saying a lot. I didn’t think that she could impress me any more than she has already. When Starling came flying back towards the group, though Nay was right on her heels, cheers and shouts of joy erupted all around us once Starling stopped. She was barely breathless.

  “Holy shit, no way!” Ry exclaimed, incredulous as he gaped at Starling through his shades.

  “I’m speechless. That’s unheard of. If I didn’t just see it, I wouldn’t believe it.” Jerilah said.

  “I want a rematch.” Nay said, slamming into the ground and already enduring the ridicule by everyone, especially those who came to just watch it all.

  It was apparent that they were all intrigued with a newfound respect for Starling.

  She had beaten him. She actually outran one of us. I saw her in a whole new light. She was not only going to be deadly, she was going to be damned near invincible.

  “Very well done. You never cease to shock the hell out of me.” I told her.

  She smiled, pushing a curl from her face.

  “Let me give it a run.” Mac stepped forward and said.

  “Later, we’ll all get a chance,” I grinned at Starling and she looked at me wryly.

  “That was a very impressive demonstration. You guys we
re right but I never had a doubt that Starling was fast. Now that we know what we’re working with, I have one last thing to address before we get started,” My eyes went to the petite girl, Lira. She blushed.

  “Why the hell do they not teach your scouts to fight with weapons?”

  No one really had an answer, glancing at each other, especially the seraphim.

  “Honestly, do they actually expect them to stay forever behind the walls of the hall? Scouts are the most favored of all the fallen because of what they can do. They go for high prices and since they’re rare, she’s going to be in the worst kind of danger…always.”

  “I can make her a weapon.” Durien offered, looking at the tiny girl who stared back at me, incredulous that I was even saying it.

  She pointed to herself. “Me? Fight? And I get my own weapon too? Awesome!” She bounced with a big smile, thrilled at prospect.

  “One of you might want to teach her how to fight in hand to hand combat as well. That’s always good to know.”

  “Fighting you guys would be impossible.” Starling mentioned.

  “After seeing what you just did, nothing is impossible,” I told her.

  “But I will offer you all this one guarded secret, even though I know that some of us won’t be happy about it,” I was already getting warning looks from the others, and throat clearing with covert grunts of protest from the rest.

  I didn’t want to reveal anything sacred either but this was a very crucial part of giving these warriors full advantage over all of the other warriors, so I continued on anyway, “Fallen, cannot fly, create portals, or cloak if their wing or wings have been badly injured. If you ever end up coming against one of us, that had better be the first thing that you try to take out or maim. We’re the most vulnerable after taking wing damage and waiting to heal.”

  More disbelieving groans of disapproval came from behind me.

  The warriors were both intrigued and appreciative of that top secret tip, remaining very attentive. At the same time, it was evident that another layer of trust had just been added to our collaboration. That had been part of my intent.

  “Be assured that it won’t be easy though. We know better than any other being, exactly what makes us vulnerable. That being said, you will all still more than likely get your asses handed back to you, of course, but at least it gives you more of a fighting chance when it comes to hand to hand combat. So now, would you all wield your weapons for us to see?” I then asked next.


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