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Divinity: Immolation: Book Three (The Divinity Saga)

Page 26

by Susan Reid

  “Man, you almost fucked up there. Too much information may backfire.” Mac spoke first.

  “Don’t give too much, Cam. Not yet anyway. I don’t trust that seraphim, Spencer.” Ry warned.

  “I don’t either but I know what I’m doing. This is pointless if we’re not helping to elevate their skills and knowledge of the fallen. I’m keeping tabs on every aspect about him, don’t worry.”

  “I hope you didn’t just murder all of us.” Nay commented next.

  I glanced at each one of them wryly, and then we all too a moment to observe each of the different types of weapons that we were going to be working with. As I went down the line, I pointed to the blonde girl first.

  “Yours may be a problem but we can try and work around it. Durien, I’m not sure about yours. First, let me ask this. Have any of you ever tried to throw your weapons?”

  “What do you mean?” Durien asked.

  “Does the word throw have more than one meaning?”

  Durien looked at me wryly.

  “Has anyone ever thrown their weapons by letting them go?” I humored him with a smirk.

  “We can’t. It’s attached and a part of us.” Jamie replied.

  I furrowed my brow. “That’s not what I asked. I’m taking your answers to be no, none of you have even tried. Starling, yours will be perfect to demonstrate. Throw one of your blades over there.” I pointed to the same copse of tropical trees in the far distance.

  She looked at me unsurely as she stepped forward and raised her arm to throw it.

  “Just let it go as you would a baseball.” I encouraged her.

  “Okay.” She said, and with a slight grunt, she sent her blade sailing swiftly end over end towards the trees where we all clearly heard it embed itself in a trunk with a thump.

  A few gasps of surprise immediately sounded from behind her, even she was stunned.

  “Very nice.” I complimented her aim, and it was more than just being partial.

  “This is lesson number one. You want to know how to avoid most magic attacks, this will be the way to do it. Always keep your arms and your hand over your face protectively because that’s where we tend to throw it first. A curse and magick spell are two different things and neither one can be cast simultaneously. Your biggest advantage, is to never remain in groups because even we can’t get everyone at once. Fallen are more vulnerable while casting magic but you’d better move superfast because timing is everything. Now, pull your blades in.” I then told her.

  Her looked at me inquisitively and then she glanced over at her friends.


  “Just trust me.” I winked.

  “This is another advantage if you happen to be hit by any magick. Magick, is meant to restrain both you and the use of your weapon. Throwing it away from you, keeps that weapon from being affected and…”

  Starling’s blade returned to her smoothly, like a well-directed boomerang, tethered to her palm by an invisible string. It was a blur as it whipped past us all but she caught it by the hilt expertly with a surprised look on her face.

  Her skill was impressive. I can only imagine how lethal she’ll become after training and practice.

  “It will always return to you. When thrown, it temporarily becomes separate from you, which means that it will not be subject to whatever spell your body has been afflicted by. So when you pull them back in, they become projectiles bearing your light, which will destroy or break any dark magick spell. Consider that technique to be a highly effective alternate line of defense.”

  Each one of them were very pleasantly surprised but the seraphim still remained somewhat cynical.

  “How did you know that we could do that?” He then asked.

  “Yeah, we were never told that was an option.” Lorelei added. Several others agreed with nods.

  I sighed, popping my neck with slow annoyance at his game.

  “We have brandings in common…” I began, wielding my short, diamond edged blade and flinging it at him, all in one obscuring motion.

  It whistled as it sailed through the air at high speed but he managed to dodge it just in time, crouching low and nearly falling back on his ass with a stunned expression that quickly turned into a scowl. He twirled his iridescently glowing, lightning-shaped bo and held it out defensively in front of him.

  Clumsy but nice dodge.

  My blade swiftly returned to me and I clasped the thick hilt with ease.

  “Whoa, wicked sweet!” Gabe exclaimed enthusiastically. The rest of them all made similar comments in awe. Devlin’s face remained passive but intrigued by me, my words, and my demonstration.

  “Our weapons were both cleaved and forged in the same manner. That’s why. Any more questions?” I regarded the seraphim with a raised a brow.

  XXXII: Starling

  I had to admit, I was highly impressed with myself and even more confident in all of my abilities after beating Nay. After that, the first few days of training with the fallen were extremely hard. No one escaped without some sort of injury or injuries, either physical or by magic. It was all very difficult but in the end, it was all very valuable and highly necessary.

  It was suggested by Cam, that working in and as a group could overpower any fallen or a few at one time. We also learned, that fallen could only do one thing at a time, either fight in combat or throw magic—even in flight, but not both. We should always be ready to react and take advantage of the few precious seconds that we would have to attack or even escape.

  Since a few of my natural talents included super running speed, flexibility, and acrobatics, Cam used me for most of the demonstrations. However, when it came time to pair up to practice, none of the other fallen wanted to be my partner, even though I had proven and shown them all that I had complete control over my fire now. Cam was stuck with me — and I may have accidentally burned him one or twice but they were very minor.

  I had to continually check on the dates after several more training sessions because Cam said that for every one day cycle here, it was two in the human realm. That meant that it was getting close to Christmas time in the human realm and I told China that I would be back by then.

  She had fainted on the phone when I told her that I was pregnant, so I just hung up. When she came to, she called right back and immediately wanted to know everything. I told her I’d save that for when I returned and she was giddy that she was going to be an aunt. It gave both of us something to look forward too on my return. I hoped.

  As for Joel, I was still indifferent about him but given the fact that she said he was acting different because of this new girl he was dating, I wasn’t sure what to think. I believed her though, about the darkness that she felt was trying to mess with her now. I somehow felt responsible for that, so I had to go back, soon.

  On our final day of training, we decided to not just celebrate a newly found alliance with fallen, but becoming closer as a group of warriors and friends as well. It was one last major dinner together before finally returning to the human realm where we would all room together for safety purposes.

  Cam had been a superior teacher and trainer. He even went the extra mile in scouting out a place big enough for all of us in an inconspicuous part of town where I went to school.

  I didn’t want everyone to feel as if they had to stay wherever I went; they had their own lives to lead even as warriors but they agreed that we should all stick together. The beginning of the horrors to come haven’t even begun, so if we don’t maintain solidarity now, then we weren’t going to survive.

  No one wanted to return to lives that they didn’t even remember for the most part anyway.

  We all wanted to show appreciation to the fallen, so the majority of us, well the girls anyway, helped Rahab to cook up a huge gourmet dinner for everyone.

  Spencer declined to join us, heading back to Durien’s by himself, which I found rude and ungrateful. He got the training and now he wanted nothing to do with the fallen. Jerk.

lin began to open up just a bit but she spoke very few words. Of course, Cam offered to host the dinner at his place—and the size four jeans that I was used to wearing…were starting to feel a little snug.

  “Any word on who would be able to reach Devlin’s fallen friend?” I asked Cam once we all sat at the table.

  She hadn’t said anymore about it but I hadn’t forgotten.

  “I’ll have to wait until I see Aliks. He’s supposed to be getting back to me soon anyway about something else. Have I told you yet, what an ass-kicking, deadly on so many levels, including by virtue of your beauty, of a warrior you are?” Cam replied, pulling out my chair for me as I sat.

  I giggled out loud. “You haven’t really told me that verbally but you’ve certainly shown me just about each and every night after training.”

  He groaned with desire, low enough so that only I could hear, and then kissed me on the side of my neck in front of everyone.

  It was all good because after each training session, and even through all of the injuries, I always found myself incredibly turned on just like that first day on the training field at the hall.

  “Well, even though I’m afraid of you it won’t stop me from showing you again tonight too. I live dangerously.”

  I smiled, blushing. “I know.”

  There were other fallen here too, the ones that had started out simply watching the training, and then ended up helping out and becoming more acquainted with us. Cam left the doorway to his home open and they all sat out on the stone balcony, drinking and laughing while engaged in conversations with Jamie, Gabe, Anthony, and Durien until it was time to eat.

  I admit, it couldn’t get any better than this. Everyone was getting along and there was delicious food to go along with the hip hop music playing in the background.

  Lira loved to dance. She was showing off some of her hip-hop dance moves and entertaining the female fallen who watched her with fascination.

  “The food is ready but I would like to propose a toast first before we all sit down to eat.” Rahab suddenly announced while tapping a spoon to his wineglass.

  It was kind of comical seeing his massive taloned fingers curled around the delicate stem. Though he was scary looking, he was actually one of my favorites. He was well-spoken, polite, and considerate — kind of like a giant teddy bear. Ry on the other hand, well, I’ve never seen his eyes but he was cool and funny. Atiro didn’t speak much so I wasn’t sure what to make of him. Mac and Nay were smart alecks but really nice once you stripped all the sarcasm away. Of course, Nay was still determined and ready to chase me again anytime, anywhere. Edanai, I wasn’t sure what to make of her just yet either but Cam told me that her specialties and gifts lie in healing, nurturing, and masking.

  Everyone stopped their conversations, and the fallen who had been outside came filtering in to crowd around the table with their drinks already in hand.

  Rahab waited patiently for everyone to raise their glasses before speaking again.

  “Just for show, you shouldn’t drink.” Edanai whispered to me as she handed me a red wine-filled glass.

  “To new alliances and hopefully long-lasting friendships.” He began.

  “And to probably the only warriors who stood fast against hard-assed training and did very well.” Mac tilted his glass.

  “To exciting and new arrivals both big and small.” Edanai smiled with a tip of her wineglass.

  I narrowed my eyes at her and I could see Cam cut his eyes at her immediately too. Then, his head snapped to Ry a curious and agitated glare.

  Ry immediately jumped up from the table.

  “It’s Draea, don’t attack them! She’s my woman!” He proclaimed as he swiftly made his way outside, “Hold your thoughts, I’ll be right back.” He quickly said over his shoulder.

  “What the hell are they doing here?” Cam looked pissed as he stood up and followed him.

  Okay, what was going on?

  “Who the hell is Draea?” Edanai inquired, getting up from the table too.

  I couldn’t help but be nosy, so I hurried out after all three of them. Peering out of the door, I eased out from behind Edanai to get a better view only because I was amazed at what I saw. It was something straight out of a fairy tale book…or a nightmare tale more like it.

  There were two incredibly sexy, barely clothed, centerfold girls, sitting astride a really long, scaly, sharp-fanged thing that resembled a snake with a lion’s head…and wings.

  One of them hopped off and ran into Ry’s arms and they kissed like two long lost lovers in a romance movie. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Cam`ael, we come in peace and alone, I promise. I wanted to make sure that you were alright. May I approach?” The girl still sitting on the strange beast called out. There were two weird looking, ugly, hulks of something mounted on two more creatures on either side of her in the distance, watching,

  I glanced up at Cam with a hand on my hip. He looked at down at me out of the corner of his eye, surprised to see me standing here and I could tell that he was really annoyed.

  “Go back inside now.” He hissed at me, quickly moving in front of me and somehow keeping me from moving around him to see anything else.

  “Why? What’s going on? Who is that she-thing?”

  “What are you both doing here? How did you even know where…” Cam began to ask her until Ry and that freaky girl stopped sucking face.

  The girl looked at Cam. “I brought her here. I don’t know if you know but I was the one who brought Berith here that day. We’re old friends and I owed her a favor. Grace was worried about you, so I showed her the way.” Draea explained.

  Grace? Jealousy began to rear its ugly head again.

  I tried to peer around Cam but he wouldn’t let me past him. He held his arms out behind him to keep me from moving, like guard rails. Though I should have been able to move, I couldn’t. I couldn’t even duck beneath him. He was holding me in place with magic. Tip-toeing to see above him was out of the question, he towered over me by almost two feet at least.

  “I don’t want either of them to see you, now go back inside.”

  “Why not?” My thoughts instantly went to the worst, like when Edanai gave me the run-down of his past.

  “They work for Morning Star.”

  “So what?”

  He wasn’t budging.

  “Fine. I’m going but don’t close the door.” I pouted with attitude but it didn’t faze him.

  I tried to force myself to move and take a step, only to end up tripping and stumbling sideways, once his magic hold on me had dissipated. Cam’s hand shot out in a stealth blur, catching me before I hit the ground and intent on keeping me hidden, but he failed. At that point, I was able to get another look at this girl and she could fully see me now.

  “Shit.” Cam groaned.

  The creature thing floated closer and I could see her a little better. Her crazy, neon green eyes immediately zoned in me with curiosity at first, and then she simply stared at me in astonishment. Her eyes then returned to Cam, and then back to me once again.

  “You should really go inside now, Starling.” Edanai urged quietly.

  Cam was really annoyed and ticked. It was evident on his beautiful face. His jaw tensed, really working.

  I already knew what she was thinking. What I wanted to know was, who the hell she was to him?

  “What’s this? You bought a pet from Morning Star? No…wait…”

  “Oh wow!” She then grinned, displaying eye-shocking, gleaming metallic teeth. “A divine warrior?! For breeding purposes too? How did you manage to snag one of her caliber, and for how much? Her aura is spell-bindingly bright.” She was ecstatic now.

  When Cam ignored her questions, the girl continued on, “Before you blow me out of the sky, I’m here because you left my room so fast and without a word, I wasn’t sure what to think. I assume all is alright since it looks like you’re having a party. I’m hurt that I didn’t get an invite. We didn’t finish our conversati
on either.” Grace then smiled flirtatiously.

  “What?” I snapped with an attitude over all of her comments and assumptions—but more so, her last few sentences in particular.

  “Wait inside, Starling. Please.” Cam patiently told me again. He let me go and I took my time backing away from him towards the doorway. I knew he could use magic to hurry me along if he wanted to but he didn’t, probably because there was no longer any point. He was obviously taken aback by my aggressive insistence.

  “Who is she…or what is she?” I demanded to know first.

  “You let your pet talk to you that way and roam around freely?”

  “She’s not my pet! You didn’t have to come out here.” He stated firmly to her.

  “Not your pet? And not for breeding purposes, eh? Then what is she to you? And why is she with child?” The girl persisted with a surreptitious grin slowly spreading across her face.

  She knows? How can she tell that I’m pregnant? My hand automatically went to my belly.

  All of Cam’s friends, including the ones from inside who had just joined us, slowly turned to look at me as if I were some bizarre thing. You could have heard a bubble pop in that precise moment.

  “Okay, I’m going inside now...and feel free to close the door too.” I finally gave in to Cam.

  I could be stubborn, I know.

  XXXIII: Ca`mael

  I didn’t think it was possible for me to be as pissed, annoyed, and any more near ballistic than I already was right now. First, at Draea for having the gall to bring both herself and Grace here; at Ry for acting like it was no big deal, knowing how I am about my space; at Edanai for telling Starling all of my past business; and then at Starling, for being so damned stubborn. Now, she’s been seen by Grace and even worse…Grace knows that she’s pregnant. That meant that Morning Star would soon know too. I could only portend doom and very bad things from this point on.


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