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Her Grizzly Outlaw

Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  He speared his hand in her hair, gripped the strands in a hard hold, and pulled her forward. Lucas had his mouth on hers seconds later, stroked her lips with his tongue, and grunted in response.

  He continued to kiss her, licked at her lips, sucked on her tongue, and had her becoming so damn wet that her panties were soaked clean through. She gripped his broad shoulders, curled her nails into his flesh, and pulled him closer. A moan left her, just spilled past her lips as he took control of the kiss. She knew that she might regret this in the morning, or hell, even right afterwards, but she didn’t care right now.

  Her nipples were hard, stabbed through the layers of her clothing, and rubbed painfully against the material. He groaned against her mouth, and cupped both sides of her face, tilting her head to the side to deepen the kiss and own her completely. That was how Tarren felt: completely owned by Lucas. They breathed the same air, moaned at the same time, and then she found herself on his lap, straddling his hips, and grinding herself on his erection. God, he was huge, but then again he was a grizzly bear shifter, and the son of one of the biggest males she knew.

  “I should stop this, but right now I want you too fucking badly, Tarren,” he said against her mouth, and then started kissing the side of her face, and moved down to her neck. He ran his teeth over her pulse point, which was beating fast beneath her ear.

  “No, don’t stop.”

  He groaned against her neck, and she let her head fall back as he slid his hands onto her shoulders. He grabbed her breasts, massaging the mounds, and she swore she felt his cock jerk beneath her. She held onto his shoulders tighter. Tarren felt high from the feeling of his hands on her, of his mouth and tongue seducing her, and of his breathing matching her own.

  He bit the side of her throat, and a gasp of pleasure and pain left her. Her clit throbbed with every beat of her heart and her pussy was so wet she couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “I need you, Tarren,” he said on a grunt. This might be the very best, or the very worst, thing she had ever done, but she couldn’t stop this even if she wanted to.

  “I am so wet for you, Lucas.”

  He stopped sucking and licking at her neck, and then leaned back and stared at her face. “Are you sure, Tarren?” His voice was hoarse, scratchy kind of, but deep and turned her on so damn much.

  Tarren wasn’t about to tell him that she wanted this because she had loved him for years. She just nodded, licked her lips, and waited for him to make the next move. There were blankets strewn across the back of the truck, and although she wasn’t a virgin, she also didn’t care that her first time with Lucas would be right here and right now.

  She looked down, moved back an inch so she could see the impressive bulge between his legs, and felt her lips part slightly at the sight of it.

  He gripped her ass, gave it a hard squeeze, and she moaned out, wanting more. She needed more.

  An animalistic sound left him, and there was no doubt that Lucas was all bear right now.

  The sound that came from him was so raw, so low, that she felt the vibrations right down to her clit. Tarren grew even wetter, swollen and ready for him.

  He took her mouth in a brutal kiss that had their lips pressing together and their teeth clashing. And before she knew what was happening she was on her back with Lucas’s big body over hers.

  They were alone and had this arousal moving back and forth at an astounding rate. He wedged his knee between her thighs, pushed them open, and settled between them. Her skirt rode up, and she had never felt more thankful that she had worn such an easy access outfit than she did right now.

  He fully lowered his body to hers, pressed his erection against her pussy, and ground himself over and over again. Over and over, he thrust against her, pumped his hips like he was really fucking her. Tarren knew she could have gotten off like this alone if he kept it up.

  “I can’t stop now, Tarren,” he said against the base of her throat.

  “Then don’t.”

  He closed his eyes and for several seconds stayed that way. But when he opened them and looked at her, she saw his bear flash across his face.

  His chest rose and fell, as if he were trying to control himself. God, she had seen him shift into his bear before, had even seen him try to control himself when an altercation took place at school. But right now it was completely different. Lucas was primal, intense, and growling like a wild animal.

  “I need to be gentle, Tarren.” He looked down at her lips, and she felt his nails turn into claws and prick at her waist.

  “I don’t want gentle, Lucas.”


  She cut him off with a kiss. With one hand holding the back of his neck, she moved her other between their bodies and pushed her skirt all the way up to her waist. Her panties consisted of a thong, but those could be torn away, or pushed aside depending on how wild this little scenario got. He broke the kiss, moved back on his haunches, and went to work undoing his jeans. Her heart thundered against her ribs, and her throat felt so tight.

  He moved a hand under her ass once he had his jeans unbuttoned and the zipper pushed down. She lifted her bottom up, and then he took his other hand and tore her panties right from her body. A shocked, aroused gasp left her. He pushed his jeans down past his hips, grabbed his cock, and started stroking himself from root to tip as he stared at the area between her thighs.

  His dick was thick and long … huge. The tip was round and wider than his shaft, and his balls were big. Lucas still had his shirt on, but she wanted that gone, too. She grabbed the bottom, pushed it up his chest, and then Lucas was grabbing the back of it, pulling it up and over his head. He tossed it aside, took hold of her shirt, but before he could tear the material, she was rising up and into a sitting position to take it off. Her bra was the next to go, and then there she was, laid bare and naked for him and stared at this colossal male right in front of her.

  His chest was hard and defined, and showing her what exercise and sports could do to a body. He was also a bear shifter, and because of his animal genetics he was honed and crafted to male perfection.

  He grabbed his wallet and took a condom out. Watching him roll that latex on his dick should not have been as arousing as it was, and if she could have gotten wetter she would have. As it was she was soaked, and the product of her desire for him was smeared across her inner thighs. He moved back between her legs, braced his forearm beside her head, and looked into her face. For several seconds all he did was stare at her, both of them breathing heavily, and the arousal bouncing between them with so much force she couldn’t breathe.

  Lucas placed his hand on her pussy, rubbed his fingers along her slicked folds, and she moaned out and arched her neck. “Goddammit, you’re so fucking wet, Tarren.”

  She licked her lips and nodded.

  “You’re so ready for me.”

  “Lucas.” Tarren whispered his name.

  For several seconds all he did was move his fingers up and down her slit. And then he touched her clit and her back bowed on its own, a moan left her, and she almost came.

  “Fuck, Tarren, you’re ready to explode, aren’t you?” He lowered his head and started licking her pulse point at the base of her throat. Over and over she felt his roughened tongue tease and torment her, and she even felt the slight prick of his canines scrape along her flesh. They were elongated, and that meant his bear was right at the surface. It must be taking him a monstrous amount of strength to keep the beast back. That had her hotter, more aroused, and ready to be fucked by him.

  When she was about to scream for him to shove his cock inside of her he removed his hand from between her legs, brought his fingers to his mouth, and licked them clean while she watched him. She felt her eyes widen at the eroticism of the act, and her breathing stalled. Just fucking stopped.

  When he kissed her and speared his tongue between her lips, she tasted herself on him. It was a flavor that was slightly musky, a little bitter from his beer, and had this minty tinge
from the gum he had been chewing earlier.

  And then Lucas placed the tip of his dick at the entrance of her pussy. A gasp left her at the feel of him pushing that huge and thick length into her. He was stretching her to the point that the pain and pleasure mingled as one, and this intense sensation of being claimed encompassed her until she felt like she would suffocate.

  “You feel so fucking good, Tarren.” His eyes were closed, his breathing still haggard, and Lucas continued to shove all those thick inches into her. Sweat beaded along his forehead, and these low grunts were so arousing that she lifted her ass, trying to take more of him. Lucas placed a hand on her hip, hard enough that it was uncomfortable and that his nails dug into her flesh, but it still felt so damn good. Her inner muscles clenched on their own, and a moan left her.

  “You can’t do that, Tarren, or I’ll come before I am fully inside of you.”

  She reached up and grabbed a chunk of his hair, pulled him down to her mouth, and kissed him to make sure he knew that she wanted this more than anything else. He groaned against her lips, and in one hard, quick thrust, buried himself fully inside of her. Tarren felt his balls slap against her ass, heard the deep grunt he made, and then she sighed. Tarren wrapped her legs around his hips, and he slid in even further, which seemed impossible.

  His expression morphed into one of ecstasy, and she knew he was just as gone as she was. Maybe Tarren should have stopped this before it got this far, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted this so badly, and couldn’t stop herself from being selfish and taking it.

  “God, Tarren. It’s so fucking good.” He tilted his head back, his neck muscles straining for a second, and she swore she could have come from the sight alone.

  “Kiss me, Lucas.” She could feel the ridges of his six-pack, and when she lifted her hands and ran the pads over the hardness, her internal muscles clenched around his girth.

  He closed his eyes and groaned, and then started moving in and out of her fast and hard. His hands were right by her head, and she heard his nails scraping on the metal of the truck bed. With each thrust he seemed to go deeper into her, claiming her more fully. Tarren wasn’t fool enough to thinking this wasn’t just a one-time thing, because she knew that alcohol had probably played a part in bringing both of their inhibitions down tonight. He had never showed her any interest before, so instead of worrying about it she closed her eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of Lucas finally being with her.

  “Being inside of you feels so fucking good, Tarren,” he groaned out, lowered his head, and stared at her with his piercing eyes. His bear was right at the surface. She smelled the wild animal, felt the heat coming from its body, and heard the roughness in its voice.

  And then he covered her body with his and buried his face in the crook of her neck. The ecstasy started to take control, and she grew more vocal from her pleasure.

  “That’s it, scream it the fuck out,” he grunted against her neck. “No one can hear us, and even if they could who the hell cares.” He didn’t state it like a question.

  He kissed her in long, drugging sweeps of his tongue along hers. Lucas started pounding into her frantically now. The truck rocked slightly back and forth, his claws were digging further into the metal, and the scraping sound filled her head. This tightness started at the base of her spine, moved through her entire body, and finally exploded within her.

  Lucas groaned against her mouth, and maybe she should have been embarrassed that there was this wet, sucking sound as her pussy milked his cock. She didn’t care though, because it felt so good. God, it felt so good.

  “Christ, you feel so wet, so fucking tight...”

  Every time he thrust into her deep and hard, this explosion of pleasure kept filling her. She had gotten off, but it was like she was never going to come down from this high.

  Every time he pumped into her the root of his cock rubbed her clit, sending her higher toward yet another orgasm. Tarren closed her eyes, squeezed his biceps with her nails, and cried out.

  “I’m so close, Tarren, so fucking close.”

  She gasped out as his words and the friction had her coming once more. A mewl left her when he slammed into her especially hard. She tilted her head back, arched her neck, and moaned as her orgasm moved through her so powerfully she felt lightheaded. Lucas made this rough noise, and he grabbed one of her breasts, molded his fingers around the flesh, and grunted in pleasure.

  “Fuck. I’m going to come.” Lucas growled out, became more frantic in his thrusting, and then pumped into her twice before stilling. His big body was so tense above her, and his muscles constricted and relaxed repeatedly as he came.

  She swore she could feel his cock get bigger inside of her. When he sagged on top of her, and her pleasure waned, they didn’t speak. Their breathing was harsh, her body sweaty, and her pussy contracted around his cock.

  And then Lucas pulled out with a groan and lay beside her. For several moments they didn’t speak, and their breathing returned to normal. Tarren turned and faced him, not knowing what to say, or if she should say anything at all. When he faced her, too, they stared at each other, and then he surprised her by cupping her cheek and kissing her. It wasn’t all tongue and sloppiness, but thorough. He pulled away, sat up, and started adjusting himself. Once he was dressed and his cock wasn’t hanging out, she sat up and started getting dressed, too. No point lying there nude and watching his hard body contract and release with power as he put his clothes on.

  He got off the tailgate, fixed his clothing, and grabbed a beer. While she was putting her skirt and shirt on he stared at where the party was going full blast. She moved off the edge, but he was right there helping her down. They didn’t speak, and this weirdness filled the space between them.

  “Damn, now it’s all fucking weird.” he said and looked at her.

  “Yeah, but I don’t regret it,” Tarren said, meaning it. She smiled, and when he gave her a cocky half grin, placed his arm over her shoulder, and pulled her in close, she knew he was about to say something equally arrogant. “Yeah you don’t, because I rocked your fucking world.” Lucas turned his head and stared at her, the teasing glint in his eyes having her chuckle in response.

  “I think it was the other way around.” she replied, and nudged him in the stomach.

  “Yeah, you did,” he said, but then the silence stretched out again. “But seriously, I think it’s safe to say that I don’t want any awkwardness coming between us.” He let go of her shoulder and drank the rest of his beer. “I want to say I had too much to drink.”

  Damn, well that was like him slamming a rusty nail right in her gut. So, she had known things might get weird, well, would definitely get awkward afterwards, but this just sucked. He turned and faced her fully.

  “But that would be a lie, because I knew what I was doing, and who I was doing it with.” He set the empty can of beer on the end of the tailgate, and breathed out. “But yeah, this is weird as fuck now.”

  Self-respect had her trying to occupy herself, keep herself busy, and so she rubbed her hands on her skirt. “How about we just brush this one off as having a good time?” It felt wrong saying that, but for the sake of not having things be forever weird between them, she’d rather make it seem like she didn’t care.

  He didn’t respond right away, just stared at her, as if he were thinking really damn hard about what was going on right now. And then he did speak. “If that’s what you want, Tarren.”

  She swallowed, not wanting to say it was, because it was the complete opposite.

  He grabbed two beers, handed on to her, and then turned and leaned against the truck, staring at the lake again. Nothing else was said about what they had done, and it was like it had never happened, although Tarren felt like that rusty nail was still jabbed right in her stomach.

  Chapter Two

  The next night: The graduation party

  The garage was packed with not only the kids of The Grizzlies, but also their friends from school, and even more
were gradually trickling in. It looked like this party wasn’t dying down anytime soon. But the majority of the people that kept coming in this late were friends of Nico, Lucas, and Odin. Dakota and a few of the guys that could actually drink legally were off to the side looking at one of the bikes, and Tarren could see the pride in Dakota’s face as he told his friends the breakdown of each part.

  She went over to the keg, got a cup filled for herself and Alexis, and walked over to her friend. “Here.” Tarren shoved a beer at Alexis, and some of the amber liquid splashed over the rim.

  “I think I am good on the alcohol department.”

  “Are you drunk?” Tarren asked and then took a big sip from the red plastic cup she held.

  “No, but I got a good buzz going on.”

  Tarren shook her head and felt her hair move along her chin. Maybe she shouldn’t have gotten her hair cut in a bobbed way? She picked up a strand of the dark locks, eyed it for a minute, and sighed. Why was she suddenly questioning everything in her life, even something as simple as her haircut? “This is our graduation party. If you’re not drunk then you’re not having a good time.”

  Alexis rolled her eyes, but smiled at her. “I don’t want to get so wasted that when I crash for the night my parents can smell the booze on me and see the vomit in my hair.”

  Tarren didn’t respond right away, just drank several more swallows from her cup. She thought about if her dad found her passed out because she was totally wasted. Yes, he would be pissed, but strangely enough for as protective as he was he was also very forgiving of the things she had done. Like when she had been caught making out in the driveway of her parents’ house with Steven Harris. He wasn’t a shifter, but she knew he had a big dick by the rumors in school, and the evidence she had felt when he had pulled her onto his lap in the driver’s side seat. But when her dad had come bursting out of the front door in nothing but his grey sweatpants and his expression looking like he wanted to rip Steven’s limbs from their sockets, she had seen the fierce papa bear he was once again. He might have been pissed, but then she had been in the house and felt embarrassment that her dad had seen her in that compromising situation. But he hadn’t yelled, hadn’t grounded her, just pulled her in for a bear hug and told her that she needed to be careful of the fuckers out there.


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