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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 67

by Lora Ann



  I was in the closet when I heard her heels tapping against the marble floor in the hallway. Helga. Oh my, God. The woman was as stern and stoic as her name implied. I knew it had to be wrong to think that because I was sure there were plenty of nice women with the same name. Still…this one was pure evil. Well, that wasn’t really fair. I mean she worked with the devil himself. Just one of his many minions, or army of demons as I referred to them. How would I ever escape the clutches of such demented people? I had learned long ago how to go along with things. Come on! My own father had taught me the arts of Eros. Hello, what kind of sicko did that? Actually, he’d brought in trained courtesans to instruct me while he watched. I never did recall him getting a hard-on from that, either. So there was some saving grace. I think my dad always knew he’d sell me to the one who could give him what he desired most—money. Money was his god, and he worshipped it with every cell in his miserable body. The sex slave business was profitable. Though I had spent my whole life denying that was what he’d been involved with, there was no denial now. It was front and center in my life. If I didn’t find a way out, I’d be consumed. My mind was filled with the could’ves, would’ves and should’ves as Dr. Helga entered the bedroom.

  I stepped out of the closet with some jeans and a sweater in my hands. “’Sup, Helga?”

  She glared at me with disdain. “You need to learn the proper way to address your elders.”

  “Ah,” I scoffed, “I have respect for those who respect me.”

  She closed the gap between us and that was when I saw it. Holy shit. Was that a riding crop in her hand? Instinctively I took a step backwards, which pinned me against the wall. Mistake. She grasped a fistful of my hair and pulled so hard I thought I’d be bald by the time she let go. I cried out, “Stop!”

  “You will learn your manners if I have to beat them into you.”

  I woke up to a man’s hand stroking my face. I blinked several times in succession trying to open my eyes. Only one would cooperate. My hand came up to touch the other that refused to do as my brain commanded it. The gasp that escaped told the story: It was swollen shut. “What happened?” I croaked out. Wow, was that my voice? Then the flashes of memory overtook me. Helga had beaten me with that wretched crop. I’d screamed until I was losing my voice.

  “Shh, my dear,” he crooned. “You need time to recover.”

  “Mr. R?”

  “Yes, it is I,” he acknowledged.

  While I knew he was no friend, I couldn’t help but be slightly grateful for his kindness. Be careful, Lilly, I reminded myself. Never forget he’s the enemy. As if I could ever forget that. But Mr. Reynolds sealed his fate when he said, “Helga has been dealt with. Unfortunately, our time together has been postponed due to your injuries.” He shook his head. “I will be back later to check on you.”

  Hell, maybe I should thank the bitch for beating the shit outta me.

  I bobbed my head which caused a sharp pain. He hollered, “Zane. Bring the pain meds.”

  Even through the haze of agony I was in, I did not miss the gorgeous guy who stepped into the room. He didn’t look much older than me, so I doubted he was a doctor. Maybe he was in med school? But why was he working for such an evil man? Did he know what the senator was doing? Was he part of it? I winced from the lancing streak of pain that shot up the back of my head as those thoughts battled within. His hands were gentle as he eased me up off of the pillow and tenderly checked my head. “Her stitches are holding just fine, sir.”

  “Good. Please see to her while I go check on your mother.”

  Zane didn’t bat an eye at that. I had to wonder what kind of man could let another harm his own mother. Wouldn’t your protective instincts kick in? Before I could let myself get too upset, he cleared it up for me. “She’s my stepmother, sir. And she deserved whatever you saw fit for this.” He inclined his head towards me.

  Mr. R nodded, “Yes. I do believe it was handled appropriately.”

  Once he left, I glanced at Zane. “You know he’ll probably kill her, right?”

  “Seems fair to me,” he answered.

  “Wow,” I answered dumbfounded. “What the hell did she do to you?”

  He held out his arm so I could see it clearly. There were scars up and down it. I traced my fingers over the raised skin. “You’re a cutter?”

  He barked out a humorless laugh. “I didn’t cut myself. This was my punishment for every time I disobeyed.”

  “My God,” I covered my mouth. “How could your father let that happen?”

  “He’s dead.”

  “Oh.” Really, what more could I say to that?

  He assisted me with the glass of water as I swallowed down a horse pill. Then he helped ease me back against the pillow and tucked the blankets in around me. “I’m Lilly,” I introduced.

  He graced me with an adorable, crooked smile. “I’m Zane.”

  “I’m sure you can figure out my full name.”


  “Give the man a prize,” I smiled before a yawn stole it away.

  “Rest, Lilly. I’ll be back to check in on you later.”

  “Wait!” I clasped his hand hard. “I can’t stay here,” I uttered frantically. Yes, it was a gamble. I didn’t know this guy from Adam, and he could very well rat me out. But the way I saw it, I’d have to take my chances.

  “We’ll talk later when the drugs are out of your system, okay?”

  I mumbled as the medicine worked through my bloodstream. “Please. Help. Me.”

  I felt warm breath against my cheek as he whispered, “That’s why I’m here.”

  The drug induced dream swept over me: A knight rode through a battle to sweep up the Lady and carry her to safety. Of course, the knight was Zane. And I was the damsel he had rescued.

  Chapter Ten


  I couldn’t bring my head in accord with my heart. My logical side argued, you cannot trust him. You can’t depend on anyone, ever again. My heart countered, he’s your shelter in the storm. The one I could always count on. The rock I clung to. I inhaled deeply, luxuriating in the scent that was pure male. All Alex. I swear the sweetness of coconut was still on his skin. Since we had been lifeguards together, it was a scent that brought comfort and joy. The reminder of much happier times until Father once again devastated my life, like he had torn apart my mental and emotional well-being years prior. It took a lot of therapy to learn how to forgive. Here I was right back at square one hating the man who had made it his mission to destroy me. Why? Because I reminded him too much of my mother, the woman he loved and lost thanks to a horrid disease she developed while carrying me. I guess he thought the best way to pay the bastard named bone marrow cancer, otherwise known as myeloma, back was to punish the one who’d kept his beloved from seeking treatment. Although a rare cancer for a young, adult woman, she hadn’t wanted to abort me in order to do chemotherapy. And he could never forgive me for her choice. Once more, as if the thousand times before had meant nothing, I prayed for him. I seriously hoped he had made peace before drawing his last breath, though a part of me couldn’t deny that if he were tormented in hell, then it was well deserved.

  “You awake?” the melodic voice asked.

  Alex’s timbre told me something in him had switched gears. No longer did I hear disgust. “Yes,” I answered the only man who had ever made me feel like I was worthy.

  “How about we break you out of this place?”

  “Hmm…I like the sound of that.”

  He eased off the tiny bed we were on and disappeared past the curtain. I took the opportunity to sit up and drink a full glass of water that was sitting next to me. I tried in vain to figure out what James had been trying to prove with this little exhibition. As I swung my legs over the side of the bed, it clicked: to display his power. What he could do whenever he wanted and how I wouldn’t be able to stop him. Also, it served as my warning to back off my search for Lilly. Well…he c
ould go fuck himself. Now, I was more determined than ever to find her. She had pleaded for my help. And I’d be damned if I would let that girl down. For all intents and purposes, she was my daughter. No, he hadn’t scared me off. On the contrary, I would be more persistent in my quest to locate her. With determination igniting my adrenal glands, I stood and began to gather my stuff together. Alex yanked the curtain back with a doctor standing beside him. “What are you doing, So?” His brow was furrowed in concern.

  “Getting my daughter,” I declared.

  His head tilted to one side like he was trying to decipher a difficult math problem. Clearing his throat before he spoke, “Ari isn’t able to leave here.” His tone suggested he wasn’t entirely convinced I was either.

  The doctor began to ask me annoying questions that honestly I couldn’t remember. Somehow I had given the right answers, though my mind was elsewhere. I was concocting a plan on how to find Lilly without dragging Alex into it. Albeit I fully acknowledged, it would be much easier to include him and his brothers. Nevertheless, I couldn’t bring myself to ask for any more assistance. He had done enough. They had helped plenty. Besides, I needed to have it out with James. Bastard had chosen the wrong woman to threaten. Long gone was the frightened and timid person he once knew. I was tenacious on a good day. Catch me on a bad day, you had yourself a cocktail of get-the-hell-out-of-my-way and watch-what-I’m-capable-of. Alex continued to study me as the doctor handed me a signed form. As my heart beat like a drum in my ears, drowning out most other sounds, Alex stood before me. “What in the ever-loving fuck is going through your mind?” For emphasis, he had lightly tapped my forehead.

  I stood up in front of him, close enough that my breasts rubbed against his hard torso. Instantly, I was aroused and damn thankful I wasn’t a man. If I had been, an impressive erection would’ve given me away. The thought brought my eyes to Alex’s fly where sure enough a hard-on greeted me. Licking my bottom lip, I closed my eyes tightly and replied, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  On a growl Alex’s mouth was on mine, demanding I surrender to his entrance. Like hell I would. My palms came up between us as I placed them on his chest, fighting the undeniable awareness zinging through my fingertips. I shoved him back with all my might. He stumbled, yet recovered quickly. Through labored breath he inquired, “What do you want from me, Sofie?”

  My chin jutted out with resolve. “Not one damn thing,” I affirmed, pushing past him towards the exit.

  He was hot on my heels. “Don’t—”

  I halted and rounded on him. “Don’t what, Mr. Strand?” His eyes widened, though I couldn’t tell if it was from ire or excitement. Wait! Had my challenge turned him on? “I don’t need you,” I nearly screamed.

  He shot me a sly grin. “I beg to differ, Ms. Fields.”

  I took a step backwards; there was no denying what I saw in his hooded gaze. Desire. Oh shit! I turned abruptly to make a quick escape but wasn’t fast enough. Damn his love for Muay Thai. He had me pinned to the wall in the hallway with my arms held firmly in his grasp. He leaned down and began a tortuous trek from my ear to the corner of my mouth, nibbling along my lips. “This is going to happen, kjære. I know it. You know it.” He paused and tenderly kissed me. The kind of kiss that messes with a woman, staking the claim: You. Are. Mine. Dammit all to hell…it was beyond unfair. I comprehended, and he did too—I was his. Always had been. Instead of deepening our kiss, he eased back and laced his fingers with mine. “Before we do anything else. Before our lives grow more chaotic. Before either one of us talks the other out of this, we are going to make love,” he declared with a sexy set to his jaw that caused me to soak my panties. God…damn man had a way of irritating the hell out of me while setting me ablaze. Self-preservation flew right out the window as I confirmed, “Yes.”

  Should’ve known we would bump into someone on our way out of the hospital. With a gleam in her eyes, Aimee greeted, “Where’s the fire?” How could she possibly know?

  Alex winked. “That would be inappropriate for me to share with my sister.”

  I must’ve blushed ten shades of red.

  Aimee giggled as her eyes lit on me. “’Bout damn time he pulls his head out of his ass and realizes what he has.”

  My mouth gaped open. I expected Alex to retaliate with a sharp tongue. Instead he grinned, showing off his sexy-as-hell dimple on his left cheek. My already wet panties became an embarrassment. I waited for the sign of my arousal to reveal itself in a puddle on the floor. Or, at least, to give me away by saturating my dress pants. I replied, “He had good reason to doubt me.”

  Once more, Alex shocked me. “Aimee is right. I have a lot to apologize for.”

  Aimee chimed in, “Which from the looks of things, his atonement will leave you walking a little funny come tomorrow.”

  “Oh my God,” I blurted out and then covered my mouth.

  With a serious expression, Aimee acknowledged, “That was a bit crass. I apologize.”

  Alex actually laughed. “My brother has rubbed off on you. Though, that sounded more like E than Nik.”

  “I know, right?” Aimee responded, shaking her head. “Must’ve been all that time I spent with him while Nik was traveling.”

  Her comment sobered Alex. “I should’ve been around. No amount of apologies will ever make it up to you.”

  Aimee stepped forward and hugged Alex, hard. “Stop that.” She stepped back from him with a hand on her hip. “I swear…all of you Strand men have got to ease up on yourselves. You can’t protect me, Lacey, Ari, Keeley”—her finger pointed at me—“or Sofie from everything. Life happens. Bad guys lurk. This is simply fact, not something you can control.”

  I nodded in agreement. “She’s right.”

  “Not under my fucking watch,” a raspy growl came up behind us.

  I turned to see Nik standing there looking formidable with his size alone. Add to that the look in his eyes, and I leaned in close to Alex. Alex’s arm came around my shoulders as he answered, “Mine either.”

  Aimee’s face suddenly resembled a sky right before a storm unleashed its fury, dark and foreboding. “Even did all he could. I was the ignorant one.”

  “Not ignorant,” Nik scoffed, “too damn stubborn for your own good.”

  As he bent down to place a soft kiss on top of my head, in my hair Alex murmured, “If I were Nik, I’d spank her ass for that.”

  Holy crap. That should not turn me on!

  I continued to watch the battle between husband and wife unfolding.

  She held her ground, facing off with the mountain of a man who now stood in front of her. “You’re an asshole, you know that? It’s not like I had a death wish. I really thought Caleb had forgotten about his vendetta against me. Sue me for being optimistic,” she shouted, drawing attention.

  Nik’s hands came up and I shrank back, waiting for him to strike the tiny spitfire. Instead, he grabbed her tightly by the upper arms and hauled her up to his face. I saw the love and the fire in his eyes as he growled, “You. Are. My. Life. I won’t survive without you. Can’t you understand that? Don’t you see how much you mean to me?” Not another word was spoken as he captured her mouth with his, furiously.

  An unbidden, “Wow,” escaped me.

  Alex’s hand cupped my chin as he lifted my face towards his. “What?” His brow was furrowed as he tried to decipher my meaning.

  I reached up to smooth the harsh line and confessed, “To be loved like that.”

  His forehead met mine as he whispered, “Give me time, So.”

  Tears began to trickle down my cheeks. “We had that once.”

  His lips were at the side of my mouth. “I think…” Making a lazy circle around my lips with his tongue, he continued, “…we can have it again.” He paused before fully kissing me. When we pulled back, both of us were a little breathless. “I also believe, it’ll be even better the second time around.”

  I sighed, “God. I hope you’re right.” Before letting mysel
f think too much about it, I kissed him again. He pulled away first and panted, “Let’s go.”

  I looked back to where Nik and Aimee were standing, but they were gone. “Where’d they go?” Then I heard it, the distinct sound of a couple getting busy against a door. “Um…never mind.”

  Alex chuckled. “Their chemistry has always been off the charts.”

  My eyes lowered to his imposing bulge. “I’d say that’s a Strand trait. You all have this pull on a woman, your very own force, an ever-present magnetism.”

  “Get moving.” He swatted my butt hard. “I’ll show you dynamism.”

  I couldn’t stop myself when I said, “Oh, will you let your force be with me?”

  With that tease hanging in the air, he threw me over his shoulder and strode purposefully towards the exit. When I wiggled to try and free myself, his large hand came down across my ass with more power. I yelped until he began to rub slow, sensuous circles around the tender cheek. “Hurry, Alex,” I moaned.


  Once we reached his sleek silver Mercedes S600 Sedan, he placed me on my feet and pinned me against the passenger side door. He was wreaking havoc on all my senses with his tongue and hands. He paused to catch his breath. “If it wasn’t daylight and there weren’t people milling about, I’d take you on the hood of this car.”

  I exhaled sharply. “I’ve always had that fantasy.”

  A slow, devilish grin appeared as he asked, “Really?”

  Maybe I should’ve kept that to myself. But Alex had always had this effect on me—abandoned and completely wanton, a sexual being that only appeared under his masterful touch. He unlocked the door and held it open for me. “Get in, kjære. We have some lost time to make up for.”


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