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Hot On Her Trail - Hell Yeah 2

Page 8

by Sable Hunter

  “I’m proud of you,” Aron’s voice was deep. He was dead serious. “This is what you’ve been doing for the last month isn’t it?” The whole family had thought he was just avoiding Joseph and shirking his responsibilities.

  “I wish you all the success in the world, man.” Joseph raised his bottle and winked at his brother. "This suits you, brother. You're going to do great – a life of wine, women and song. What could be better?"

  “Dancing with my baby. I'll see you two goons at home. Nice to see you Kane.” With that, Aron left, and in a few moments he had a smiling Libby in his arms and they were dancing to Tequila Sunrise’s version of Breathe.

  Isaac sat with them for a few more minutes, then excused himself when a cowboy got a little rowdy on the dance floor. “Catch you guys, later. And I’ll tell Doris – all your drinks are on the house.” They thanked him and watched him walk away with a new confidence. Joseph thought it looked good on him.

  “So, how have you been Joseph?” Kane had missed hanging out with the daredevil McCoy brother. They had been in the same rock-climbing club and had even been white water rafting together a couple of times.

  “Not worth a shit.” Joseph didn’t feel the need to hide from Kane; they had shared too much during the last few years.

  “What’s your prognosis?” Kane had a reason for asking.

  “Depends on who you ask,” Joseph wasn’t holding out much hope. “Right now, I’m useless from the waist down. Kane, I wouldn’t say this around my family – but, I don’t know if I can face a future like this.”

  Kane leaned closer to Joseph. He wouldn’t say something like that to just anybody, but Joseph was desperate. “I’m from New Orleans, man. I’ve seen things that can’t be explained by science or common sense.”

  “What do you mean?” Joseph was a skeptic. He only believed in what he could see with his eyes and touch with his hands.

  “I had a buddy that was injured over in Iraq. He was basically in the same shape that you’re in. The doctors told him that he’d never walk; have to use a colon bag for the rest of his life, plus he had no hope of ever getting another woody again as long as he lived.”

  “Sounds familiar,” Joseph sighed. “Even though my family has this idea that a miracle is possible, I don’t hold out much hope.”

  “I’ve seen a miracle, Joseph. I can give you the name of a woman that can give you back your manhood.”

  Joseph searched Kane’s face for any sign of a joke. Kane was a friend, and he didn’t think that he was cruel enough to make light of something so important. “What do you mean?”

  “There’s this woman back in New Orleans. Her name is Acadia Renaud. She’s a licensed physical therapist; but the lady is much more than that. She’s got a hoodoo background. I’ve heard her called a traiteur, and I’ve heard her referred to as an empath.”

  Joseph couldn’t believe his ears. Here was this man of the law – a reasonable man – a man with an education, and he was spouting off the most ridiculous drivel that he had ever heard come out of a grown man’s mouth. “What the hell is a traituer or an empath?” He didn’t know why he was humoring Kane Saucier. Perhaps, he was just a nice guy. Or desperate.

  Sensing Joseph’s disbelief, Kane almost got up and walked away. But, he believed in what he was about to tell McCoy; plus, he had a genuine desire to help the fool. “A traiteur is a Cajun healer, a faith healer basically. Since Cady is part Creole and part Cajun she combines laying on of hands with herbs and whatever hoodoo people do. I’m not claiming to understand it, but I did see the result of her talent with my own eyes.”

  “What about that other word you used?” Joseph couldn’t help himself, he was intrigued.

  “An empath is a healer who can absorb another person’s pain or disease into their own body. It’s supposed to be very painful for the empath, but the end result is that the patient is healed and the empath’s body deals with the disorder in a shorter amount of time with less damage to their own body. So, it’s a talent that they have to be careful with and use sparingly or they devastate their own health.”

  “So, what are you telling me in plain English?” Joseph dared to let himself hope.

  “I’m telling you that Cady Renaud might be able to help you.”

  “What do you mean she could give me back my manhood?” Joseph was pushing Kane for details.

  “All I know is that Jack Reardon was paralyzed and unable to get it up. After Cady worked on him for a couple of months, he could walk with crutches and he was making love with his wife again.”

  “How did she do that?” Joseph’s imagination was running wild, but hope was also coursing through his veins like a drug.

  “Lord, I don’t know. It was a lot of hands on therapy; massage, rubdowns with homemade salves. Lord, if I said anymore – I’d just be making it up. What difference does it make? If it works, it works.” He could tell Joseph that Jack had said Cady had slept by his bed and had involved his wife in some pretty kinky treatments, but he didn’t really know enough to say.

  “What does she look like, this miracle worker?”

  “What difference does that make?” Kane was a little insulted for Cady. It seemed to him that Joseph would be more concerned about results than what his therapist looked like.

  “I don’t want a beautiful woman to see me this way. If I’m going to let somebody watch my urine flow through a tube into a bag, I want her to be so ugly that I don’t care one way or the other.” Joseph knew that sounded cold, but pity from a sexy woman would just about do him in.

  Kane considered Joseph for a minute. Poor bastard. He let Cady Renaud’s image run through his mind and then answered as honestly as he could. “I guess she would fit your bill. She’s no raving beauty, but I don’t suppose you’d have to put a bag over her head.” Kane felt uncomfortable talking about Acadia Renaud in such a disrespectful manner. She was from a powerful, powerful family. And by powerful he meant people that could call lightning bolts from the sky.

  “Can you get me in touch with her?” Joseph didn’t know if he was crazy or not. But, if there was a possibility that he could be healed, he had to pursue it.

  “Zane has her number. He handles some of her legal affairs.” He picked up his cell and dialed his brother. In a few moments, Kane handed Joseph a card with a number on the back that might be the miracle he had been looking for.

  Jessie didn't know what to say. He was right. She was alone, broke, afraid and pregnant.

  “Look at me, precious.” Jacob coaxed. “What's wrong? You don't look as happy as you did a few minutes ago. Did I say something wrong?” Jacob's world would never be the same. In less than twenty four hours, it had become a place of wonder and hope. And it all centered around this beautiful, sweet woman that made every fibre of his being vibrate with need.

  Slowly, Jessie slid her arms around his waist. She leaned her body into his. When her nipples grazed the hard plane of his chest, she let out a sigh of longing. Okay. Fine. She might look like a fool, but she had no desire to start out her relationship with the father of her baby with a lie. “I'm sorry, Jacob. It's silly. Earlier today, when we kissed and you kissed my …”

  Heavens! He couldn't resist her. She fit him like a glove. As a gift to himself, he let his hands slide down her back and down over her hips, cupping that gorgeous butt and pulling her so that he could grind his aching dick into her sweet spot. “You mean when I sucked on your pretty nipples?”

  “Yeah, that was wonderful. But Jacob, I thought that you were interested in me – for me. I didn't know that you already knew about the baby.” Jerking out of his embrace, Jessie walked away from him, hugging herself tightly. One minute she was standing there wishing that she had kept her big mouth shut, the next she was swept up in strong arms.

  Marching across the sitting room into his bedroom, Jacob McCoy was on a mission.

  “Jacob! What are we doing?” This was his bedroom. His bed. He laid her in the middle of the bed, then he stopped long enou
gh to pull off his boots.

  “Don't you move, sweetheart. We are about to have a serious discussion. If you think the one about our baby was serious, wait till you hear the one about our love life.”

  Jessie watched the strong line of his back as he yanked off his socks. Strength rippled through the thin material of his shirt. Shoulders at least a yard wide made her hands itch to measure their breadth and test their suppleness. Shoot! She had it bad! “You don't have to do this, Jacob. The baby and I, we're not a package deal. You can have all the access to the baby that you want. You don't have to take me on as well.” He didn't answer her, instead he unsnapped his red western shirt and tossed it on the end of the bed, stood up and faced her.

  Jessie forgot to breathe.

  Her mouth went completely dry.

  She had seen pictures of men without their shirts on; in movie magazines and gossip rags, but none of them even came close to what stood before her. Jacob McCoy was ripped! Hills and valleys of delicious defined muscles invited her fingers to explore. And there was an intriguing line of hair that emerged from his belt and traveled up his stomach to fan out across pecs that drew her lips like a magnet. Jessie came to her knees and graced one strong pectoral muscle with a tiny kiss.

  This small caress made Jacob roar with need. “Baby, I wanted you from the first moment I laid eyes on you. I can't tell you what the sight of your delectable body did to me. Don't you remember seeing me jerk off? What do you think was on my mind – the weather? Hell, No! I was thinking about you! You are the cutest, sweetest, sexiest woman that I've ever been privileged to see!”

  Whoosh! Jessie found herself flat on her back and completely covered over by one hell of a man. He wasn’t sitting on her, but he had straddled her hips and pinned her arms over her head before she knew what had happened. Weaving their fingers together, he took complete control. “Look at me, precious.” Jessie obeyed, tearing her eyes away from his fabulous chest. Seeing his sexy grin, Jessie blushed. She had been caught! “I love for you to look at me, but right now we need to get a few things straight. Okay?”

  Words. He was saying words. “Okay.” Licking her lips, she imagined what it would be like to give his nipples the same treatment he had given hers. What she was thinking must have shown in her face, because Jacob relented.

  “Oh, hell.” Leaning down, he captured her willing mouth, searing her with a hot, wet kiss that made her toes curl and her pussy weep. Reluctantly, he ended the kiss. “Knowing that you may be pregnant with my baby is a wild turn-on, I won't deny that. But, it's a lot more complicated than that. I’m attracted to you, Jessie – to everything about you.

  “But, you don’t know me,” she protested. “Not really.” She studied the face so close to her own. His brows were as dark as his hair, as was his five o’clock shadow. There was one dark freckle high on his right cheek – a beauty mark, her grandmother would have called it. He was beautiful – that was no lie.

  “Let me tell you what I know about you,” Jacob’s breath was sweet and minty, and she knew his taste was heady and spicey – uniquely, Jacob. “First, you saved my brother’s life. Second, you wouldn't abort your baby, even when keeping it could be a hardship for you."

  She tried to interrupt him, but he kissed her quiet. "Third, you are honest, hardworking, and you've got one damn fine rack. In other words, I am interested in you. You. You are a beautiful, sweet, exciting woman that I am extremely attracted to. And I want to know you a whole lot better.” Lowering his body a scarce half inch, he let his cock rub her sensitive lady parts. Jessie squirmed a little with excitement. “Now, I know people usually date for a while, but my dick is way too impatient for that slow of a schedule. So, we’re about to learn everything we need to know about one another. All the essentials. I have a crash course for you on what makes us compatible.”

  “I had someone google you,” she confessed. “I know about your work with the cancer society. I like that.”

  “You did? What would I find if I googled you?” He asked as he peppered her face with kisses.

  “Nothing, probably.” She couldn't think of a thing that set her apart.

  “Do you like cats or dogs?”

  Was he serious? “Both.”

  “Good answer, you won a kiss.” He proceeded to kiss her at the corner of her mouth. “I like both, too. Most men don't like cats, but I'm crazy about them. I'll have to introduce you to Timmy. He's boss of the porch.”

  “I've met him,” she sighed as she looked at his lips, wanting more kisses. “Remember, I've been holed up in your barn for several days.”

  “If I had known you were out there, you would have been holed up in this bed. With me.” He nipped her on her ear lobe, which caused her to giggle. It was the sweetest sound he had ever heard. “Next question: are you a vegetarian?”

  “No,” she answered carefully. “I don't eat a lot of meat, but it's because it's so expensive. I eat a lot of peanut butter and jelly,” she offered hopefully.

  He vowed she'd never be hungry again. “And ketchup and bread, I guess.”

  Another giggle. Lord, she was a doll! “Hey! Ketchup sandwiches are really good.”

  “What's your favorite kind of movie?” Okay, this was important. There was only one right answer to this one. He mentally crossed his fingers.

  “I like scary movies, not slasher films. I like suspenseful movies that make you think.” She was getting into this.

  Growling his pleasure, he rewarded her with a kiss to the other side of her mouth.

  “Perfect answer. Do you like to snuggle with a guy while you watch them?”

  He felt her stiffen under him. “I guess I would if I had the chance.” Didn’t he realize that she wasn’t the type? That thought brought her insecurities back with a bang. She couldn’t help but fear that the only reason she appealed to Jacob was because of the child that she carried.

  “Uh-uh, don't backstep on me, now.” He teased her out of her mood with a slow, nipple-peaking lick to the side of her neck. “Two more questions and I'm going to make love to you; that is…. if you'll let me. Are you going to let me, sugar?”

  “What are the questions?” At her evasive non-answer, Jacob laughed.

  “Hmmm. So, I'm not as irresistible as I thought I was.”

  He didn't know how wrong he was. If she was hesitant, it certainly wasn't because of his appeal.

  He sobered up for this question. “Do you believe in fate, baby?”

  “I believe everything happens for a reason.” She could barely answer. All she could

  think about was making love with him.

  “Good answer. Now last question. Are you ready for it?” At her affirmative nod, he placed his lips reverently to hers, then asked. “Do you want to make love to me, Jessie?”

  That was the easiest question, so far. “Yes, very much.” She let out a breathy sigh. “But, are you sure that you want to make love to me?” There was hope and wonder in her eyes.

  Once more, he lowered his hips that magical number of inches, letting his groin settle onto her sensitive pelvis. “Do you know how long I’ve been this hard?”

  “You feel huge,” she whispered.

  “And it’s all for you, baby.” Not waiting for an answer, he was already unbuckling his belt. Easing off of her, he held out his hand. “I want you, Jessie Montgomery. I want you more than words can say.” She placed her hand in his and he pulled her up. “Let’s get this old shirt and dress off of you.” He picked up a curl of her hair and laid it across her shoulder. “You’ve got an adorable face. I could look at it every day for the rest of my life.” Kissing her cheek, he slipped off the shirt, then put his arms around her and slid the zipper down. “Now, lift up your arms, doll. I can’t wait to kiss every inch of your luscious body.”

  She held her hands up over her head, which thrust her breasts up. Jacob groaned and licked his lips in anticipation of feasting on those perfect mounds again. He skimmed the dress up and over her head. “Dear God,” he breathed.
“It wasn’t a dream. Just look at you, baby.” In awe, he skimmed his hands down her sides and hooked both thumbs in the little white panties. As he slowly peeled them down, he noticed that she was shaking, ever so slightly. “Oh, treasure. Don’t be afraid. I’m going to love you so sweetly, so gently. It’ll be the best lovin’ you’ve ever had.”

  “I’m not afraid.” she assured him, shyly. “I’m just excited.” She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. He was just so big – everywhere. His arms were huge. “Can I touch you?”

  “Sure you can,” he waited patiently while she ran her hands up his chest, over his pecs, around his shoulders and down his arms. “Damn! I love your hands on my body, baby.” He couldn’t keep his eyes off her pretty little pussy mound. She wasn’t bare, but trimmed so closely that there was just a shadow of soft down.

  As she caressed his body, her level of excitement rose even higher. Emboldened by his response to her petting, she shifted closer and began tonguing his nipples. It stood to reason, that if it felt good to her, it would feel good to him. When he hissed his response, she took one brown disc in her mouth and sucked. “God, you're good at this, aren't you?”

  His statement brought her up short. Did he expect a woman of experience? Would he be disappointed in her innocence? Most likely. Men like Jacob would be used to adventurous sex and Jessie’s experience was sadly lacking. Backing off, she decided that this might not be such a good idea, after all. “Jacob, maybe we shouldn't do this.”

  Jacob was stone hard and ready to ride. Unable to process what she was saying, he gently pulled her up against him. “Why, baby? Don't you want me?” Sliding his torso from side to side, he let the rough hair on his chest abrade her sensitive breasts. “Your nipples say that you want me. They’re as hard as little jewels.” Moving his hand down her body in a slow caress, he slid his fingers over her mound and between her legs. Wet. Warm. “Your little pussy wants me. Feel how wet you are, baby.” Swirling his fingers through her folds, he rubbed her slit from the delicate opening to her swollen clitoris. “There’s enough sweet cream down here to make a meal.” Jessie gasped at the pleasurable sensation and held on to his shoulders in a tight grip, burying her face in his neck. “Oh, you like that, don't you?”


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