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Hot On Her Trail - Hell Yeah 2

Page 9

by Sable Hunter

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  “Touch me, sweetheart. Please?” With shaking hand, she soothed the line of hair that started at his sternum and traveled its happy trail south. At this angle she could see the top of his penis protruding from the waistband of his underwear. Sweet Jesus! Unable to resist, she cupped the large bulge with her hand. “You are so big! It’s never going to fit inside of me.” She took one finger and rubbed it across the reddish purple dome. It was wet. “You’re leaking,” she whispered.

  “Yeah,” he croaked. “That means I’m really excited. He’s dying to get inside you, baby.” When she licked the end of her finger, tasting him; he thought he would pass out. “Unzip me, Jess. Unleash the beast.”

  “Help me,” she demanded, as she tugged at his belt. He pushed her shaking hands aside and quickly unbuckled, unzipped, then pushed his pants down. When his dick sprang out to greet her like an overeager puppy, she giggled with delight. Taking both hands, she encircled his shaft and began rubbing him up and down, around and round, up and over. In seconds, she had him straining, pushing himself closer toward those rosebud lips that he couldn’t wait to feel wrapped around his cock.

  “I know this isn‘t the best time to tell you, but I don‘t know what the heck I’m doing,” Jessie confessed in a rush.

  Her wide-eyed amazement and innocent eagerness tore at his heart. “I’d say you’re doing just fine. But if you’ll take me in your mouth and suck a little bit, I’ll be your slave for life,” he begged.

  “Good idea,” she lowered her head and went to work. Jacob nearly lost his mind as her hot little mouth pulled him deep. She worked him with her tongue, licking the mushroom shaped head and swirling around the ridge like she was consuming the tastiest ice cream treat of the summer. “Ummmm,” she hummed her enjoyment. He couldn’t tell if she was incredibly innocent or so well-trained that she knew how to turn him inside out with her tentative, yet eager, little pink tongue.

  “That’s right. Suck it, baby doll.” Jacob didn’t know what other talents she might possess, but she did take directions well. He cupped her head and had to bite his lips to keep from plunging deep and fucking her face. “God, that’s good. You’re so sweet.”

  His taste was intoxicating. She couldn’t get enough. Pulling back, she took just the wide, fleshy head in her mouth, letting her tongue soothe and polish that smooth knob while she pumped the impressive girth of his stalk. Rapturously she laved, fluttered and circled her tongue – losing herself in the amazing sensation of having silk covered steel in her mouth. Wanting more, she let her hands roam his upper thighs, enjoying the feel of his hair covered skin. When his muscles tensed, she presumed he was about to come and that was something else she wanted to experience before she had to let him go. Looking up at him, she rejoiced to see his head was thrown back in absolute ecstasy. Good. He seemed to be enjoying her maiden voyage into the world of blowjobs. Deciding to make herself happy; she cupped his sac, amazed at the hard, tight balls that felt so good rolling between her fingers.

  “Jessie, my Lord, girl you’re gonna kill me,” his words spurred her on. Opening herself to him, Jessie angled her throat and took him as deep as she could. This seemed to be the catalyst for him, and he gripped her hair and began to pump. Jessie felt her own excitement begin to build. She had never suspected that giving oral sex to a man could be so good. She was tingling from head to toe. Her nipples felt like they were on fire and when he bellowed his release and shot streams of cum down her throat, Jessie swallowed it eagerly.

  Reluctant to let him go, Jessie massaged his fading erection, drawing out his pleasure and milking every aftershock she could pull from him. “God, Jess, that was incredible.” She nuzzled his sex as she left him, pressing a kiss to his abdomen as she sat back on the bed.

  Jacob was wrung out and hung up to dry. Easing himself onto the bed, he lay flat, one forearm thrown over his eyes, his heart pumping like he had run a marathon. When he got his breath, he opened one eye and found her about to pull her clothes back on. “Uh-uh, doll-face – you come back here.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her down on top of him. “Where did you think you were going?” He searched her face, trying to read her emotions. Was she angry? No. She was smiling. Sort of.

  “I thought we were through,” she said softly. “I had a really good time. Thanks for letting me love you.” Unused to affection, Jessie didn’t have expectations – she only had dreams.

  “We’re not near through.” Growling with consternation and lust, Jacob sealed her mouth shut with a full-blown devouring kiss. At first she resisted, but he didn’t give up. He coaxed and flirted – nipped and licked – putting all of his masculine know-how into play to prove to her that she was the most desirable woman in the world to him. Gradually, she began to respond, letting her tongue and lips answer his erotic demands. Just the thought of burying himself inside her had his cock roaring back to life, harder than it had been to start with.

  “Enough!” Jacob shouted. “I can’t take anymore.” Rolling over, he pushed her backwards, until she was prone. Jacob didn’t even wait until her head hit the pillow before he was all over her. Voraciously, he kissed and sucked at her breasts. At the same time, he massaged her vulva until he was satisfied that she was aroused enough to accept him. “I want to kiss and lick you till you scream, baby. But, that’s gonna have to wait. I’ve got to have you now. Okay, Jess?” He paused, waiting permission.

  In answer, Jessie opened her legs; making herself completely vulnerable to his demands. She lifted her knees and spread her legs wide enough that he could see every inch of her pink pussy. “I’ve never been with a man, Jacob. The doctor who inseminated me with your sperm said that my hymen is still intact.” she whispered; hoping against hope that she wouldn’t do anything to turn him off.

  She had no idea what her little confessions did to him. She probably meant them to downplay any expectations that he might have, instead they were inflaming him – inciting him. He would be her first, and by God, if he had his way – he’d be her last. “I’m going to stretch you just a little bit, sweetie.” Slowly, he inserted his forefinger into her swollen vagina. “God, you’re gonna squeeze me like a vise, baby.” Despite being untried, her little canal grabbed onto his finger, pulling it deeper inside of her. “That’s good, sugar. Now, for two.” Adding his middle finger, Jacob began an in and out rhythm. Curling them upward, he massaged the spot that he knew would rock her world.

  “Oh, yes,” Jessie moaned. Lifting her hips, she begged for more. “I had no idea it would be so good,” she keened. Reaching blindly upward, she petted his arm, his stomach, his thigh, anywhere that her hand could reach. She was starving for the feel of his skin against hers.

  “Now, three.” Jacob was almost blind with lust. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. Adding his ring finger, he pressed higher; alternating between stimulating her G-spot and stretching her hymen.

  “I think I’m ready for you, don’t you? Please?” Jessie whimpered.

  “Baby, my dick is a hell of a lot bigger than these three fingers. So you just lay there and let me play. Soon, you’ll be ready for me.” By God, it better be soon. He was literally sweating with the longing to sink deep inside of her. Watching her beautiful tits jiggle with each pump of her hips, Jacob decided that he was talented enough to try and handle two things at once. Opening his mouth wide, he enveloped one plump, swollen nipple. She groaned her bliss. So, he sucked and licked – laving and nibbling until her peachy nipples were changed to dark, rosy coral. All the time his hand was busy. Over and over, in and out, around and around – Jacob finger-fucked her until her body tightened and jerked. Jacob knew that she was quivering at the precipice. Dying to show her how special she was, he added praise to his repertoire as he loved on her breasts. “You are perfect, Jessie. My little Venus. So responsive. I can’t believe that you saved yourself just for me. You didn’t know that was what you were doing – but, it was. You’re mine, baby. All mine.” His tender words
teamed with the sensual assault, piled sensation upon sensation, until Jessie was straining upward; seeking everything that he could give.

  An explosion of sheer pleasure skyrocketed through her body. “Jacob!” she screamed as the world around her splintered into a myriad of colors and shapes that redefined her reality.

  While her hips were bucking, seeking; Jacob got ready to enter paradise. “Jessie, honey. I’ve always worn a comdom, before. Always Since you’re already pregnant – can I come inside you bare?” Holding out her arms, she welcomed him home. Shaking with a greater need than he could have ever dreamed possible, Jacob guided his cock to the very entrance of her tender, pink core. Lord, it was going to be one tight fit.

  “Hurry, Jacob. I feel so empty. I need you,” she begged. As the first inch of his massive cock nudged into her hungry channel, Jessie arched her back and bared her throat; offering up all that she was to whatever he chose to do to her. It was glorious! This was what she had been made for! “More, please. More,” she panted.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered, only too happy to oblige. Taking great care, he pushed a little further, making room for himself inside her wet heat. She began to lift her hips, silently beseeching him to fill the empty places in her heart as well as her body.

  Jacob pressed on in. She was so little. Lord he wanted to plunge in and make her his. But there wasn’t enough of anything in the world to make him want to hurt her. With barely contained restraint, Jacob pushed in, farther and farther, his thick cock opening her up. When he encountered the small barrier that was left, he knew that it was time. “Hold on, baby. This will only hurt for a second, and then I promise that it’ll feel more wonderful than you’ve ever dreamed.”

  “I trust you, Jacob.” She looked up at with the clearest, bluest eyes that looked deep into his soul. She trusted him. Shutting his eyes, he vowed that she would never regret the faith that she had in him. Stretching out over her, he supported himself on strong arms and surged into her soft depths. Ecstasy! Buried to the hilt, Jacob stilled, reveling in the clench of her vagina around his turgid rod. God Bless Texas! This was amazing! Being inside Jessie was the closest thing to perfection he had ever felt.

  “Kiss me, please. Kiss me, Jacob.” There was pain but, it was fleeting. Left in its place was a renewed desperation to merge herself with this incredible man who was making her believe in miracles. He moved within her, and the pleasure was indescribable. It felt like ocean waves pounding on some faraway beach, rolling over one another as they crashed in a powerful crescendo. Afraid that she was going to be completely swept away, Jessie wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. “I can’t believe how good this is! I feel so full!!”

  Her pussy began to flutter around him; spasms of delight that made him want to bellow his own pleasure. He had to hold back, recite the governor’s of Texas in chronological order – anything to keep from coming too fast. God, he was past excited, and he wanted her first time to be good. Something she would remember. Lord, he never wanted her to forget. He wouldn’t let her forget. The child in her womb may have always been his, but tonight he had made it his own. Tonight, he would spill his seed inside of her, staking a claim, branding her as McCoy property.

  “Hold me, Jacob. Hold me tight.” Jacob shifted sitting back on his knees, hauling her up until she straddled his lap That way, he could pull her tight against him and let her have a bit of control. “Thank you.”

  Always so polite. He wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t devote that much brain power to any other function but pleasure. “Move on me, sugar. Rock your little butt, it’ll make your clit feel really good.” She did as he directed and her moans of delight were music to his ears. He cupped her butt and helped her move. She held him tightly, kissing his neck as she bounced on his cock.

  “I love the way you feel inside of me,” she stammered as she began to jerk in his arms. He felt the muscles of her vagina begin to contract, and she pressed into him, grinding her clitoris against his pubic bone. “Oh, God! Jacob!” she screamed as her orgasm hit her like a freight train. This time, he didn’t try and hold back, but let the fisting of her vagina catapult him into ecstasy. She came for a long time and he molded her body to his, kissing her face, her neck, her shoulder, bonding with her in the most elemental way possible. It was fucking incredible!

  At her slight movement, he let her pull back. He wasn’t ready to let her go. But she wasn’t leaving him. Instead, she framed his face and let her eyes rove over his face. Solemnly, she let her lips settle on his and she kissed him softly. It was a tender kiss. “Thank you, Jacob. I’ll never forget this.”

  “Neither will I, baby.” Tightening his arms around her, he picked her up and carried her to his bathroom. “Sit here, pumpkin.” He set her on the vanity, next to a sink. Jessie was fascinated with his bathroom. It was like a spa. Everything was made of stone and the shower had to be big enough for a basketball team. There were benches and hand held sprayers. Water even came from the ceiling. When he saw her looking up at it, he chuckled. “It’s called a rain shower. Want to try it out?”

  “Please.” Jessie was surprised at herself. She had just experienced a wonderful climax, yet watching Jacob walk naked around his bathroom made her arousal flare up like a bonfire. She didn’t know they made men that looked like this. He was well over six feet and his body was sculpted with hard muscles that she longed to trace with hands and tongue. As he faced away from her, getting the temperature of the water to his liking, Jessie studied his broad back, tight butt and powerful legs. “Are we going to shower together?” She hoped so.

  “You had better believe it.” Reaching for her, he picked her up and the next thing she knew, she was standing under the gentle spray.

  “It does feel like rain!” she exclaimed with delight.

  “Do you like it, baby?” He wanted to find everything that made her smile, then he wanted to do those things again and again. She stood before him; so trusting, so happy and so sexy that she took his breath away. Reaching for his bath gel, he squeezed a dollop into the palm of his hands. Going to his knees he began to wash her. Starting at her feet, he picked each one up, soaping and caressing.

  Jessie was stunned. No one had ever treated her with such tender care. “Uh, Jacob. You don’t have to do this.” ‘Lord, please don’t let him stop,’ she prayed.

  “I want to,” Jacob spoke between kisses that he pressed to the top of her foot, the arch, her ankle. “You’re my baby.” With both hands, he massaged her calves, her knees and then began working his way upward.

  “Oh, my,” the anticipation of what he was about to do made her knees weak.

  Jacob realized that she was having a hard time standing. “Take two steps back, Jess. Sit on the bench and spread your legs for me.” Following his directions on shaky legs, she sat on the softly molded stone bench. “You’ve got the prettiest little pussy I’ve ever seen.”

  Jessie was mesmerized. This powerful man was on his knees at her feet. With a hand on each of her thighs, he spread her legs far enough that he could fit between them.

  Gently, he washed every fold and every crevice. With one of the hand held attachments, he rinsed, teasing her clit with the concentrated spray. Gasping at the sensation, she pushed her hips forward, wanting more. “Jacob, would you?” She couldn’t believe that she was asking a man to eat her out. But, she had read about it, and if that wasn’t what he had in mind, she thought she would cry.

  Deciding to tease, Jacob asked her – all wide-eyed and innocent. “Would I what, baby? What do you want?”

  Biting her lower lip, she tried to convey her desire with her eyes. But, he wouldn’t have it.

  “Talk to me, sugar. Tell me what you want. I’ll give you anything in my power.”

  This was lesson number one. He could and would provide for her needs. That was his job.

  Good Grief! He was going to make her say it. “Please,” she looked at him in supplication. “Would you kiss me – down there?”
br />   Her expression made his day. Laughing, he spread her legs even farther; wide enough for his wide shoulders to fit in between. “You don’t have to ask me twice, doll. Not when there’s nothing I’d rather do in the whole wide world.” God, she was adorable!

  “Lay your head back. This is going to blow your mind.” Letting his eyes rove over the banquet set before him, Jacob concentrated on his task. “I love that the lips of your pussy are thicker. It gives me something to chew on.” Holding her open with his hands, he showed her what he meant. Kissing a path from the crease of her thigh to the top of her mound, he rubbed his face from side to side, enjoying the spicy, sweet smell of her. Then, she jumped when he began to nibble on the lips of her labia. She felt her cream begin to flow.

  “There you go,” he praised her response. With long licks, he ran his tongue from bottom to top; lapping up her cream and teasing her clit. Over and over again, he made that incredible journey.

  Jessie was fascinated and more turned on than she ever thought possible. Involuntarily, her hips began to pump forward and when he took her clitoris in his mouth and began to suck, she almost lost consciousness.

  As he felt her excitement grow, Jacob palmed both breasts, pulling and tweaking at her nipples as she shuddered and shook against him. He lingered, pressing kisses to every exposed inch of her vagina. Then, he moved upward, laying his head against her abdomen, unable to forget that a child rested, safely, under her heart.

  Cradling his head, Jessie knew what he was thinking. Their baby. He was attracted to her, enough that they had made incredible love. But she must never forget that Jacob McCoy was already halfway in love with this child – not with her. If she were going to survive this, Jessie would have to tattoo that fact on her heart. She couldn’t afford to forget that this was temporary. The relationship that he would forge with their child would be lasting, but she would always remain on the periphery.


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