Steele Hearts Redemption

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Steele Hearts Redemption Page 8

by M. P. Hingos

  The rest of the morning flew by quickly with Gabe retreating to his editing studio to pre-view already edited scenes for his movie and me commandeering his study to call Connor and Sterling for updates, check my emails and review everything I had on this case even though I already had everything committed to memory. Cane and Dell spent a couple of hours discretely reviewing the security measures in and around the house and not long after Cane informed me he was turning in to get some rest so he would be fresh and alert for night watch.

  Around two I finally found the courage to make a call I’ve put off since arriving in California. Hearing her voice over the phone I took a deep breath and tried to sound as normal as possible in order to keep up the ruse.

  “It’s about bloody time you called,” Tess shouted at me over the phone, without so much as a hello.

  “Tess, you do not need to be shouting in your position,” I replied soothingly.

  “I’m pregnant not dying Alexandria Riley, and I would not be shouting if you didn’t give me reason to worry.”

  “I’m sorry Tess, I got caught up in stuff here and every time I thought about calling you it was late on your end.”

  “Well it doesn’t matter what time it is, you think about calling me then you call, okay.”

  “Okay sis. So how are you feeling?”

  “Fat and hungry.”

  I laughed, knowing she wasn’t exaggerating, well on the hungry part that is.

  “I’m sure you look as beautiful as you always do sis.”

  “Stop trying to pacify me Ally. I’m fat. End of story. But it’s all worth it because of the little peanut growing inside me. Before I forget Mrs. M. tried calling you but seeing as you refused to answer your phone she said to tell you if I spoke to you before she did when you get back to New York she’s going to wring your neck for leaving and not telling her.”

  That was a threat I did not take lightly.

  “I’ll call her today Tess.”

  “Make sure you do. So did you run into anyone we know out there?”

  “Anyone we know like who Tess?”


  Hmmm….time to deflect.

  “I highly doubt Gabe and I run in the same circles out here sis. Besides I’ve been so busy I hadn’t even thought about seeing him while I was out here.”

  “Maybe you should Al. Call him and invite him out to dinner or something. He’ll be happy if you reach out to him while you’re out there,” Tessa snickered.

  “I’ll think about it Tess but as I said I’m really busy. Anything new in New York.”

  “Nope. Not really. Other than still trying to find Lucas a girlfriend, things are pretty much the same as you left it a couple days ago. Oh, Tyler’s here for a couple of days.”

  Poor Lucas, the subject of Tessa’s matchmaking capabilities over the last few months. Thankfully it eased up on the her focus of me.

  “Tess, leave the poor guy alone. He has his hands filled with trying to keep up with you he doesn’t need any distractions.”

  “He needs a woman in his life Ally, so do you.”

  “I’m straight, so why do I need a woman in my life Tess?”

  “Screw you Ally, you know what I mean. You need a MAN. Is that better?”

  “Thanks for clarifying.”

  “Whatever Ally, and I’ll have you know Lucas appreciates my matchmaking.”

  From the background, I heard Connor shouting,

  “No he doesn’t, but he’s too much of a pussy to tell you.”

  “He does to,” Tess retorted.

  “No he doesn’t,” Connor shouted back.

  “Does too,” Tessa screamed.

  Knowing I was about to lose her I quickly interjected,

  “Tess, I have to go now but would you please tell everyone I’m fine and would be back soon.”

  “Where are you running off to now? She asked.

  Eyeing the man who entered the study like a piece of decadent, mouth watering chocolate as he began to strip off his clothes I hurriedly replied,

  “Have to run Tess, got things to do, talk to you soon, love you,”

  and hung up the phone.


  “I think Ally and Gabe are about to have sex,” I informed Connor as he fondled my enormous boobs.

  “Ewww…why do you feel the need to tell me my brother is about to have sex and with your sister.”



  “Just because, because, because, because. Besides I’m extremely happy for them both.”

  “So am I baby if they are in fact about to have sex but what makes you so sure.”

  “Ally had the voice…”

  “The voice? What voice is that baby?”

  “That same voice I have when I think about jumping your sexy ass or when you give me that come hither look. That same look you’re giving me right now.”


  Concentrating with her a few rooms away was impossible. I didn’t need to review already edited reels. I have one of the best editors working on this movie with me but I needed the pretence of something to do to put some distance between us. If I didn’t, she’d spend the entire day naked and in my arms. I’ve got it bad. There was no denying that. I didn’t just physically want her, she also consumed my every waking thought. Knowing she was in the same house, a few rooms away wasn’t even enough for me. I wanted to be near her, around her, within touching distance of her but more so inside her.

  Passing the time of doing absolutely nothing else but thinking of her and taking a nap I finally gave up the ruse and went in search of her.

  I heard her on the phone as I entered the study and from the exasperated look on her face and the bits of conversation I heard I knew she was on the phone with my beautifully pregnant sister in law, Tess. But not even Tess was going to deprive me of what I’ve been craving for hours. I quickly tore my shirt of, shucked of my shorts and stood before her stark naked. She quickly ended the call and even before she placed, the phone down I had her on her feet. Her clothes came off faster than mine did. Just as hungry as I was she grabbed my neck and pulled down my head to hers. Our lips met and it was an explosion of intense energy. I picked her up only to lay her down on my desk. My body followed hers, covering her as her legs wrapped around me. I knew exactly what she wanted and as I entered her the whimper of pleasure that escaped her lips drove me over the edge. My only goal was pleasing her and with every thrust I made I knew I was closer to my goal. She stiffened underneath me and it was only then I allowed myself to lose complete control of myself for her as well as myself. Our climax was earth shattering and I collapsed on top of her drenched and out of breath. She brushed back my hair and wiped the glimmer of sweat from my brow and as I stared into her eyes I saw something in there that gave me hope of a future with her. She didn’t need to say the words because her eyes told me she felt everything I felt.

  I was undeniably in love with her and I knew what we have was more than just sex to her. A veil quickly covered her eyes as she tried to mask her feelings. A sad smile creases my lips. I knew what she felt but I also knew she wasn’t prepared to admit it just yet. I am a patient man though and was prepared to wait for as long as it took for her to admit what she felt. She smiled at me.

  “That felt different,” she said.

  I smiled, knowing why. It wasn’t something new, but it was different because she became lost in the moment and allowed her feelings to surface. She didn’t hold back. She gave me EVERYTHING.

  “It did. It was almost as if there was nothing separating us,” I replied coyly.

  “Nothing separating us?…..Fuck!”

  She struggled to push me off.

  “Gabe we didn’t use any protection.”

  That sobered me. I stood up and she struggled to sit up. I was never and I mean never careless about protection before. I should have been panicking at this point but with Ally it didn’t matter to me. What worried me was
the impact this would have on her.

  “Al, I’m sorry.” Was I really? Having a baby with Ally was something I thought about recently and it gave me a good feeling.

  “It wasn’t your fault Gabe, this is on both of us.”

  I stared at her not speaking for fear of saying the wrong thing. How did I make her understand she was the only person I ever thought about having kids with. She could misconstrue my silence so with the hope of not fucking things up I said what I was thinking.

  “Sweetheart whatever happens as a result of what just happened I am here. I don’t want to say the wrong things and scare you away Ally but you must have some idea how I feel about you. I’m not going to overwhelm you, but for now I just want you to know I’m here….that’s it. I am yours and I am here.”

  I knew it wasn’t the most romantic thing to say but I really hoped it conveyed just a little of what I wanted her to know.

  “Gabe, I’m sure we’re fine so lets not add this to the long list of complications we have in our lives right now okay.”

  I kissed her gently on the lips before saying, “Okay sweetheart, but if something special arises out of this promise me you’ll tell me as soon as you find out okay.”

  “I promise Gabe.”


  Chapter 12

  Something special?

  That was what he said, something special. A baby is always a miracle and definitely something special but Gabriel’s baby? Oh man I didn’t even want to think about it. My sister, my mother, my job and all the uncertainties hovering over me were to much to even consider having a baby at this time but after that mind-blowing session merely an hour ago with Gabriel the possibility of becoming pregnant with Gabriel’s baby was suddenly real. The changes that would occur in my life were unfathomable at this time but what I did know and was sure of was if it was remotely possible and I were to become pregnant after our afternoon’s escapade, just like Tessa’s, my baby would be truly loved by some of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met.

  Okay it was time to get a grip. As I said before there was just a remote possibility so there was no need to go off on a tangent and take what happened to a different level. I needed to get through the next couple of day without burdening Gabriel with any added stress and after this whole mess with his stalker was sorted only then I would deal with the consequences of our afternoon’s interlude.

  The knock on my bedroom door was the distraction I needed.

  “Come in, it’s open,” I shouted in response to the knock.

  The door swung open and Jonah entered.

  “Hi Ally.”

  “Hey Jonah, what’s going on?”

  “Just wanted you to know I’m heading out for the evening but I wouldn’t be out late. I know we’re kinda like on lock down here but my girlfriend really wants to see me.”

  “That’s fine but be careful okay and don’t forget don’t tell anyone about what’s going on here all right.”

  “No problem Ally. See you later.”

  I walked out with him and as he left I went in search of my sweet complication. I found him sitting in his favorite spot on the upper deck, looking out into the vast ocean. He smiled when he saw me and I crawled onto his lap, snuggling against his hard chest. Without a word from my lips I pulled his head down to mine and locked my lips with his. I needed his intensity and passion as much as I needed to give the same to him to show him we were fine despite what happened earlier this afternoon.

  “Hi…” he said breathless, after I completely devoured his lips.

  “Hi yourself Mr. Good-looking.”

  “You okay?”

  “Never better. You?”

  “I’m always good when you’re in my arms baby.”


  “Any plans for this evening my lady?”

  “Nope. I’m hoping your not going stir crazy this early in the game?” I asked, concerned he really wasn’t.

  “No, I’m fine with being tucked away in here with you for a couple days. What I was thinking was after dinner maybe you’d like to join me in a little movie marathon. I remember you saying sometime ago you never really had the free time to see a lot of movies so I got to thinking what better way to pass the time.”

  I was beginning to realize that even though we didn’t spend a lot of time alone prior to me coming here he did pay attention to things I said when I didn’t even realize he was listening.

  “I would love that. Are we going to watch some of your movies?”

  He laughed at that.

  “No, I’m not that vain, not as yet anyhow. We’re going to watch some classics, movies and stars that inspired me to become an actor.”

  Even though I would have preferred watching his work I became eager to see what inspired him to do what he does.

  With Dell retreating to his bedroom for some much needed sleep, Cane taking over watch, and Marianna safely secured in the guesthouse, Gabe and I settled down for an evening of the classics. It was fun and informative watching movies with Gabe. It was also proving to be quite a challenge keeping my hands to myself as we sat next to each other tucked under one blanket. It was easy to jump him but I wanted to respect his craft and share in an experience that would allow me to understand him better, something he was eager to share with me.

  After the first movie, he got up to replace it with a new one and I felt my control slipping just a little bit more. Not wanting to blatantly throw myself at him I devised a little plan. As he sat down and snuggled under the blanket I snuggled just a tad bit closer to him than I did before. Anymore closer and I’d be sitting on his lap. When I shifted to make myself comfortable I accidentally brushed his crotch with my hand. I adjusted my head on his shoulder so that every breath I exhaled tickled that sensitive spot I found on his neck and ever so subtly I absently drew circles with my fingertips on his chest. I knew my plan was working from his labored breathing and it was not long before I was on my back and he was hastily ripping his clothes off just as the lead male character in the movie was tearing the leading lady’s dress off.


  “Ally, I do trust you but it’s been three days. I can’t put my life on hold indefinitely because some wacko has a hard on for me,” Gabriel shouted for the fifth time, as if his shouting the first time didn’t convey his message clear enough.

  Being sequestered in the house was beginning to get to him. While Marianna and Jonah carried on with their lives with the outside world Gabriel was forced to stay confined to the house. Cane, Dell and I had the training and patience to deal with the confinement but poor Gabriel was beginning to act like a caged animal.

  “I heard you the first time Gabe. All I’m asking is one more day. If we have another quiet night tonight I promise we’ll go to plan B tomorrow.”

  “You have a plan B? What’s plan B and why is it this is the first time I’m hearing about plan B?” he rambled off.

  He definitely needed to chill on the coffee.


  “Okay fine. One more night Ally then it’s business as usual and if this asshole wants to get to me he can try to do so in public,” he stated indignantly.

  “That’s the spirit. Now how about I give you a reward for being such an understanding boy,” I retorted suggestively while dragging my shirt over my head.

  I saw the wicked gleam in his eyes and knew he would definitely be claiming his reward over and over and over again.


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