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A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs)

Page 18

by Maggie Ryan

  As he filled her, she moaned loudly, her hips bucking up to meet his. Whereas he had fucked her over the barrel the day before, he was making slow, tortuous love to her this morning. They didn't make it out of bed for another two hours, staggering into the shower to wash and then into the kitchen to find something to fuel their spent bodies.

  Elizabeth gathered together the deed and other papers pertaining to Haven and put them in her satchel. She would drop by her office, check e-mail and snail mail, talk to Nancy and then have the rest of her day free. She and Logan were going to the club this evening. Though they didn't go as often as she thought they would, seeing as he owned Tastsinn, she did enjoy spending some time with her Dominant in an environment where others enjoyed the same lifestyle. She knew they'd play a while and then they were going to discuss some renovations to the second floor of his building. The club was so popular that there was a long waiting list for membership. Opening the second floor would serve more members. His loft covered the third floor and they would keep it until they decided what to do. He hadn't minded living above the club when he had a vacant floor between his home and his club, but he had expressed doubts about living just one floor above the noise that went on until the early hours of the morning. It was something they would have to discuss in greater detail later.

  Barbara was at her desk, her office door open, though she wasn't really doing much. She had finished a big case the week before and had yet to decide which case to tackle next. As she idly flipped through some files on her desk, she heard an all-too-familiar, all-too-unwelcome voice.

  "Ohhh, honey-bear, you didn't have to," Erica said as she and David came out of his office to find a delivery man holding a huge bouquet of flowers at the receptionist's desk. As Barbara looked up, she saw that David's new bride was staring at her as if to say 'see how much he loves me—not you?'

  Barbara waited to feel a rush of jealousy and realized what she felt was sympathy. The poor little twit had no idea of what kind of man she had married. If he were already sending her unexpected flowers, she better start wondering if his eyes were already beginning to stray. She smiled and dropped her eyes back to her desk.

  "Excuse me," she heard, and looked up again. Jennifer, their receptionist, was at her door, holding the flowers. "These came for you." Surprised, Barbara just nodded and watched as the young woman brought the flowers in and set them down on the corner of Barbara's desk. Looking back at the door, Jennifer leaned a little closer. "You should have seen the look on her face," she whispered and smiled.

  Barbara found her own lips twitching as she reached for the card attached to a ribbon around the vase. Opening it, she slid out a card and blushed. It was a florist card but had small rabbits frolicking around the edges. In the center was a hand-written note. 'Gracie - I hope these brighten your day as you've brightened mine. Thank you, Craig'. Jennifer saw her smile and was very pleased. She admired Barbara greatly and was delighted that someone seemed to want to make quite the impression; she only prayed it wasn't some client trying to persuade her to represent them.

  "Thank you, Jen," Barbara said, and looked more closely at the flowers. The vase held a riot of color, the blossoms of many different varieties coming together to form a beautiful arrangement. Seeing something nestled in the center of the flowers, she stood and reached down, gently parting the flowers. Her smile was radiant as she saw the item wrapped in clear cellophane. She pulled the stick loose and saw another, smaller card attached to another pink ribbon. Opening the envelope, she felt her earlier doubts evaporate with the words on the card. 'A treat for my precious Bunny from her Daddy'. Her face flushed beautifully, causing Jennifer to smile as she left the office. Nope, definitely not from a client. Barbara laid the foil-wrapped chocolate bunny in her purse, bent to smell the flowers, and lifted her smiling face when she heard Elizabeth call out a greeting.

  The two women went to eat lunch in a small deli close to the office. Elizabeth's worry had lessened considerably when she walked into Barbara's office and saw her joy over the flowers. As they placed their orders and chose a table, she waited for Barbara to start the conversation.

  "I feel I need to apologize," Barbara said, taking a sip of her tea. "I promise, I never even considered that I might be waking you up. Tell Logan I'm sorry as well." Elizabeth giggled and confessed that Logan had not wasted a single moment of the early rising. The comment made Barbara relax. "I guess it was a call for help," she said as the waitress approached with their sandwiches. She seemed reluctant to continue until Elizabeth reached across the table and took her hand.

  "This is me, Barbara," she said. "You can tell me or ask me anything, remember? I promise to keep it confidential, if that's what you want. Not only are you a fellow HOPEFUL, but honey, we are going to be sisters. I've already spoken to Logan and he understands that just because he is your brother, he doesn't either have the right or the need to know what is going on in your life unless you decide to share it with him."

  Barbara's face relaxed and she smiled. "Thanks. I guess I am only now realizing what it means to have a girlfriend … I mean, a real true friend that I can confide in." She went on to explain what happened after she and Craig had left them at the storage unit. It took her a long time with several pauses, but she managed to confess most everything. Elizabeth never interrupted; she sat quietly, her eyes never leaving the other woman's, listening and absorbing both what was said and what wasn't. When Barbara finished with how she had been tucked into bed, Elizabeth had smiled and once more reached across the table to pat Barbara's hand.

  "The most important thing, in fact, the only important thing as I see it, is how did it make you feel last night when Craig was taking such good care of you?"

  Barbara blushed but confessed, "It was amazing. I mean I had all sorts of emotions ranging from shock and embarrassment to wanting to beg him to stay with me forever. He … he never acted like any of it should be embarrassing or that I should … should be ashamed of what we were doing. He made me feel so safe … so protected. I've never felt that way before. God, I was married for almost seven years, and yet … yet, never once did David make me feel as good as Craig did last night."

  Elizabeth smiled and sat back again, taking a drink of her lemonade. "Then, honey, I don't see that you have a problem."

  Barbara looked around the room as if making sure no one was eavesdropping on the conversation.

  "But … well, it's weird, right? I mean, God, it has to be wrong. I'll be thirty years old in a few months, and … and yet when he called me Bunny and told me he loved that I called him Daddy, I felt more comfortable than I can ever remember. I mean, the man was pulling my panties down to continue spanking me, and I felt both embarrassed and intensely contented at the same time. You can't tell me that isn't abnormal."

  Elizabeth didn't scoff or simply laugh off Barbara's concern. "I think you're forgetting an important part of our club's name. The most defining word is for what the 'U' stands for—unique. Being a member and knowing my closest friends are as well—honey, it makes me know that, despite what society might think, we are each unique and so are the men we love. We allow ourselves to step out of any confining box and discover what works for us. What works for Logan and me doesn't mean it will work for Nancy and Jason. What works for you and Craig might not be what is perfect for Ariel and Garrett. The great thing is that it doesn't have to, because each couple finds what is uniquely perfect for them." She paused and saw Barbara smile as she thought about the word and the sense of freedom of choice that it offered.

  Elizabeth met her eyes. "Tell me, do you think I'm abnormal or that Logan is perverted?" she asked quietly.

  Barbara instantly shook her head. "God, no. I mean, anyone that looks at you two or anyone that has known Logan before he met you can tell that you are the best thing that ever happened to him. You two radiate and glow around each other. It is like two atoms have bounced around their separate planes for years before finally colliding together and forming a bond, a connect
ion that can't be broken."

  Elizabeth thought the analogy was perfect. "What a great compliment; thank you. But Barbara there are people who would look at us and think we should be committed, and I don't mean 'to each other'. I'm talking full out funny-farm with straitjackets included. Honey, I don't care what century it is, don't care that women are supposed to be equal and free to make their own choices. I'm telling you there will always be people who look down on or sneer at us, or even publicly decree that anything more than straight vanilla sex, missionary position, for procreation purposes only, is a sin. Honey, if kinky sex is wrong, perverted, or abnormal, even when it is safe and consensual, well, just think where they think I am headed when they discover that I love to be spanked until my ass is so red and hot that you could fry an egg on it. I'm not talking about punishment either, though I admit Logan knows enough to make sure I actually feel punished and not just turned on when I've done something to be disciplined for. I'm talking about just the thought of getting a spanking makes my pussy wet and my nipples hard."

  She was a bit shocked at her blatant and complete honesty but then giggled, leaning forward a bit. "I'd say that between getting aroused from spanking versus being cuddled by a daddy, well, I'd be the weirdo." Barbara giggled and then burst out laughing, her stress disappearing. Elizabeth was laughing as well, the other patrons grinning; the enjoyment of whatever they were discussing was contagious.

  "Gee, I'm feeling a bit heated," Barbara confessed, waving her hand in front of her face when she managed to stop laughing. "God, thank you for sharing that. I … I kind of wanted to ask, but didn't have the guts."

  Elizabeth nodded. "I know it can be really scary. I mean, you can read books, do endless searches on the Internet, even join a few chat groups, and still not feel you get a true picture. I was lucky in that Nancy and I have been friends since college and sort of explored the lifestyle together. Believe me, we talked about everything for hours and decided that the only way we'd ever feel fully involved and complete in our own lives was to say to hell with what some people might think. As long as we weren't hurting anyone, as long as whatever we tried was consensual, we were adults and would allow ourselves the freedom to explore whatever we wanted. I'm telling you to give yourself that freedom and permission as well. You've tried the standard 'faithful and supportive wife in a boring, unsatisfying marriage'. Girl, it is time for you to find what makes you tick, what makes your own panties wet. When you do, oh, Barbara, you are in for a wild ride."

  They left to return to Barbara's office to discuss business concerns that Elizabeth had. The flowers had scented the office, and they both smiled. Elizabeth handed over the papers that Benjamin and Helen had given them. "What Logan and I want is to hire you to go through these and the papers we already had and make sure that everything is in order. It is our intention to build Haven, which you already know, and possibly expand facilities on this end of the lake. We'd like to keep the other end for family. We want to give both you and Ariel a portion of the land by the lake where those old cabins were. We'd love it if you would like a cabin to be built and know that you and future generations will always have a beautiful, peaceful place to spend weekends, or whenever you need to get away from the bustle of the city."

  Barbara was stunned and shook her head. "Mom and Dad gave that land to you and Logan, Elizabeth. I can't take part of their gift from you, and I'm sure Ariel will feel the same way. It's a beautiful gesture, but if they wanted you to share it, I'm sure they would have said so the other night. If you two are worried that Ariel and I are—or will become—jealous or envious, please don't be. We both know what you are trying to build. I admit I wasn't fully on board until I spent time with all of you. I think it will be wonderful to have a spot to vacation where couples don't have to worry about other guests considering them weirdoes." She paused and the women grinned at each other. "I think you should use that land and build cabins for guests."

  Elizabeth shook her head. "We figured you might react that way, and so we wanted to let you know that we've already spoken to Mom and Dad. They told us that it was our land to do with what we wanted, and then they told us they thought it was an incredible idea. Of course, I have to warn you: Mom did say that it would keep all her grandkids in one area, so you'd best be prepared. Even if you don't want any children, I'm afraid you might have a bunch of nieces and nephews at your door."

  Barbara sat back and then smiled. "Wow, I never expected anything like this. Have you spoken to Ariel yet?"

  "No, we wanted you to go through everything, figure out how we can parcel that end of the lake into five equal sections before we talk to either Ariel or Nancy. We'd like to give one parcel to Jason and Nancy because they are family to both of us. The fourth parcel will be for Benjamin and Helen, the fifth for Logan and me. Even if Haven has empty rooms, we think it would be more fun for the family to stay down at that end. We can always go up to Haven to attend parties or even take a trip to the Woodshed. Do you think you would like to do this?" Elizabeth asked, praying that she would.

  "Yes, I would," Barbara agreed. She then shocked both herself and Elizabeth by sitting back and continuing. "I need to tell you: I'm thinking about leaving my firm. I'm not happy here and haven't been for a great while. I'm not even sure I'll continue practicing actively, though I will always be available to help family and friends. I've decided I'm too young to feel so old. Even if this thing doesn't work out with Craig, I want to take some time to explore other options. Perhaps I can help out with Haven—I mean, if you want me."

  Elizabeth jumped up and went around the desk to hug Barbara. "Oh my God, that's fantastic. Want you? Hell, I was hoping you'd ask. I mean, there is so much you could do. What … what do you want to do?" she asked as she returned to her chair.

  "I'm not sure yet. I haven't told any of my partners. I might just take a leave of absence for a while to find out what interests me. I won't take on any new cases, so I will have lots of free time. I don't have to worry about money as long as I'm careful. God, who knows—this will either turn out to be fantastic or a disaster, but well, it will be an adventure!"

  Elizabeth offered to take her out to dinner to celebrate before going to the club with Logan but Barbara smiled and declined. "Craig is picking me up at seven. I think he is preparing himself for me to tell him I was under some kind of influence that clouded my judgment. Hopefully, he'll be happy to hear that I don't regret what we started. I do want to explore ageplay. I need to go slowly, but I'm hoping he'll want to teach me."

  "I have no doubts that he will. You are a wonderful woman," Elizabeth said, standing to give her a hug and kiss. She giggled and bent closer to whisper, "And Bunny, you are one precious little girl." She left Barbara blushing but happy as she hurried to her office to speak to Nancy. During lunch the two women had decided they needed a meeting of the HOPEFULs and Elizabeth was to set it up.

  Chapter 13

  While Barbara had some of her concerns addressed by Elizabeth, Craig was in his office unable to stop thinking about the previous weekend. It had been one that could quite possibly change his life in so many ways. He had definitely heard warning bells ringing in his head after he had talked to Barbara that morning. Despite their discussion the night before, he could practically feel her resistance to what she'd claimed she wanted to explore. She had tried to hide the tremor in her voice and he knew she was embarrassed. He wondered if she'd found the note he'd left her. He hoped that the flowers and the little bunny had at least brought a smile to her face and a bit of reassurance to her heart. When they met for dinner this evening, he would discover if he had any chance with the woman he wanted to become his little girl and his lover.

  He had been friends with Logan, Garrett, and Jason for years. All the men had encouraged him as he opened first his catering business and then his restaurant. He had watched them find the women they loved and had been sincerely happy for them. He had some long conversations with Logan about both of his sisters. Even though Garrett had been a
childhood friend, it had taken Logan a while to accept that he was not only dating his baby sister, he was taking her deeper into the lifestyle.

  It had been Ariel herself who had finally sat down with her brother and told him that Garrett would never do anything to hurt her or force her into anything she didn't agree to explore. She had found it ironic that her brother owned such a club but seemed shocked when his sister showed up one evening. When she told him that she and Garrett would respect his feelings and move their membership to another club, he realized that not only was she an adult, she had just as much right to enjoy the lifestyle she craved as he did. He promised to stop being such a jerk if she remembered that she was his baby sister. It had taken a lot of trust and a lot of persuasion for Logan to become comfortable seeing her in some of the more demanding scenes at the club. When Garrett had partnered with Ariel to demonstrate a session with the violet wand, Logan had finally admitted that the two fit perfectly together. While it still occasionally made him uneasy, he realized that it was his own hang-up and not his sister's. Ariel made certain that if she played at the club, she only did more explicit scenes with Garrett in one of the private rooms. She had worn a matching bra and panty set when she was strapped to a St. Andrews cross for the wand demo. Granted, the lingerie's color almost completely matched her skin tone and the bra allowed the top of her breasts to spill over, the panty a thong, but both allowed her to keep her modesty even as she screamed out in ecstasy. In fact, he had seen quite a lot of women wearing the barely-there lingerie far more frequently after her popular demo.


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