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A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs)

Page 19

by Maggie Ryan

  When Barbara's marriage began to fall apart, Logan hadn't been surprised. He had never liked David and trusted him even less. Though he knew his sister would be devastated, most likely accepting all the blame that the marriage failed, he had been happy to see the jerk go. Craig discovered from Logan that Barbara had been carefree and fun-loving until their sister had gotten ill and passed away. Barbara had been extremely close to Rebecca, spending hours sitting at her bedside, reading dozens of books as the girl slowly faded away from a rare bone disease. Logan had told him that since that time Barbara kept tight control over everything she could, deciding that the more she could control, the less she'd be hurt. David hadn't particularly cared that she was so strong, as long as it meant less work for him—at home or in the office. Their firm had become a success due to her hard work and those of her other partners, not due to any effort of David's. Thinking about Barbara, Craig wondered how she could possibly stand going into her office each day and being forced to see not only David, but his young, airhead wife prancing in and out whenever she pleased.

  Though he would go to Logan's club occasionally, he didn't do a lot of play. He certainly didn't mind watching the variety of women that frequented the club. He had shared in many a conversation over glasses of wine with a lot of beautiful women. He enjoyed watching the demos and had even been known to teach a class to Dominant Daddies and Mommies who were into age-play on different levels. What he hadn't found was that one person who made him want to take his play to a deeper level. A level that would require he offer his heart and protection in return for the vast amount of trust required for a woman to release full control to a man who would be more than just a father-figure. He would be a daddy that not only loved his little girl; he would have no problem spanking her little bottom. He would also want his little girl to enjoy a wide variety of big-girl activities when her daddy allowed. While he believed he could trust his instincts, he found himself praying that Barbara could be his little Bunny.

  He was on Barbara's doorstep a few minutes before seven that evening. He shook his head, realizing that he was just a bit nervous and just how much this woman had gotten under his skin and into his heart. He rang the bell and prayed that when the door opened, he wouldn't see any hurt or embarrassment in her eyes. Barbara checked through the peephole to be sure it was Craig before unlocking and opening the door. She saw his eyes go wide and his smile light up his face.

  "Hi, Daddy," she said, and opened the door to allow him inside.

  Craig stepped through the door, still not believing what he was seeing. He had been preparing himself to react to whichever woman met him at the door. If it were Barbara the straight-laced attorney, he expected to have her be firm as she stood before him and gave a well-rehearsed closing statement. She would say that, while the entire experience might have been interesting, she had seen no evidence that would encourage her to investigate further. She would definitely have no intention of ever relinquishing that amount of control again. If Gracie answered the door, he'd been prepared to see her blush but tell him she appreciated that he had provided closure on the weekend but that she felt totally forgiven, and therefore, she thought that she might not need additional assistance. If that woman appeared, Craig felt that he could speak to and reassure her that he truly cared for her, was willing to take it much slower but that he knew she truly craved what her head was attempting to deny. With Gracie, he still stood a chance. What he had never expected was what stood before him. A beautiful little-girl-woman dressed in the blue-and-white short pajama set she had been wearing at the hotel, her long hair in two pigtails tied with blue ribbons, oversized bunny slippers, complete with floppy ears, on her feet. He felt his cock harden instantly and had to bite back a moan. This wasn't Barbara or Gracie. This precious woman was someone he didn't think he could ever live without—this was his own sweet, adorable, and incredibly sexy Bunny. Seeing her dressed as if she had known exactly what his fantasy looked liked, he had to wonder how long he would be able to keep to his 'no big-girl sex' rule.


  Barbara had left the office early, informing Jennifer that she would be taking some time off and she'd meet with the partners later to inform them as well. Jennifer had grinned and wished her the best of luck. Having an entire afternoon ahead of her, Barbara had gone shopping. She had thought to go to Victoria's Secret for some much needed lingerie and then decided that little girls did not wear push-up bras or sexy panties. She had gone to a local Starbucks, ordered a tall latte and pulled her Ipad from her purse to use the free Wi-Fi. She had been rather shocked to discover that what she was looking for hadn't been all that difficult to find. Finishing her coffee, she had driven to a specialty boutique. It had taken a few deep breaths before she told herself that if she was going to really do this, to really and fully explore what she had been fantasizing about for years, then she was going to have to suck it up and try not to let every aspect cause her to almost faint with embarrassment. The sales clerk had been fantastic. She seemed to know that all of this was new to Barbara. Having owned the shop for many years and running a very successful online business as well, Betty had first taken Barbara into her office, shut the door, and the two of them just talked. After a half-hour, in which Barbara found herself confessing that she hadn't done anything like this before the previous evening but had kept it a deep secret for years, Betty had smiled and assured her that she wasn't alone in her desire to explore the very special dynamics between a daddy and his little girl. She told her that she would be willing to help in any way, even if it was just to talk. Barbara had felt instantly comforted in knowing that Betty was a safe place to turn to if she needed reassurance.

  "Does your mommy or daddy know you are going shopping alone?" Betty asked gently.

  Barbara had blushed but shook her head. "No … um, I … I didn't even think …"

  "The proper answer would be 'No, Ma'am'," Betty said, her day becoming much more enjoyable.

  "Oh, um, no, Ma'am," Barbara began again. "I … I wanted to sort of surprise my … my daddy tonight. I know I hurt his feelings this morning when he called me. I … I was …"

  "It's okay, sweetheart. Daddies know that sometimes it is really hard to be little. I'm sure that once you apologize to your daddy for hurting his feelings and ask him to spank you so that you won't do it again, then he will forgive you and take you to have a nice dinner."

  Barbara had been enthralled, falling into the role far, far easier than she could ever have imagined. She found herself nodding her head. "Do I have to tell him?" Barbara asked. "What if … if he really does spank me?"

  Betty smiled and held out her hand. "Yes, honey, you do. I know it can be scary to have to confess you've been naughty, but I promise, your daddy will be proud and take care of you. You'll learn that daddies usually have to do quite a lot of spanking at first. They set down certain rules and expect their Little to follow them. Daddies spank to let their little girls know that when those rules are broken, Daddy will be there to help them remember. Your daddy spanked you last night didn't he?" At her nod and shy smile, Betty continued. "Did it make you feel better after your daddy reddened your bottom?" At a second nod, Betty smiled. "Then, you don't need to worry if you've earned a spanking—that's your daddy's job. Now, let's go find you some appropriate underthings, shall we? Tonight, you can show them to your daddy, and if he wants, he can bring you back here and I can help you both. How does that sound?"

  Barbara had no idea what Craig would say or even if he would be mad that she was thinking about clothes and such, but she found herself agreeing. Betty took her back into the shop, which was filled with racks of clothing in all sizes—all big sizes but all styled for women and men far younger than the customers' true age. As they walked toward the back of the store, where shelves and racks offered all sorts of underwear, pajamas and nightgowns, Barbara felt her heart beat faster. Betty selected a few sets of underwear and took Barbara's hand to lead her into one of the large dressing rooms.

  "These rooms are big enough for a daddy and his little girl to be comfortable trying on clothes," Betty explained as she hung the bras and panty sets on a hook. Barbara's eyes grew wide when she realized that on a hook, right out in plain sight beside the mirror, a wooden paddle hung from its leather loop. She swallowed hard, her eyes meeting Betty's in the mirror. "Don't fret, sweetie. The paddle is only for little ones that don't behave when they are changing. I'm sure we won't have any problem at all, will we?" Betty asked, with a smile. Barbara shook her head, wondering if it was too late to make a run for it. "It's okay, Barbara," Betty said, seeing the panic in the woman's eyes. "I only spank Littles when I have their parents' permission. Now, get undressed and let's see what new panty and bra will please your daddy." Before she knew it, Barbara was standing before the mirror in a bra and panties covered with Disney princesses. She almost giggled. Who knew that there was a bra made that adequately fit size 38 D-cup breasts and yet made the owner of those breasts feel like a little girl? The panties were also covered with the famous princesses, fully covering not only her rounded bottom cheeks, but were cut somewhere between granny panties and boy shorts.

  "Do you think your daddy will like these?" Betty asked, and Barbara realized the woman was reminding her that she should be concentrating on what Craig might like, not what she wanted.

  "I … I'm not sure," she answered quietly. "I … we haven't talked about underwear or … or anything, really." Betty nodded, but didn't want to see her customer shut down. It had been instantly apparent that the woman loved the princess lingerie.

  "Tell me, has your daddy seen you wear anything except your big-girl clothes?" she asked.

  Barbara thought for a moment and then nodded. "He … he saw me in my bunny jammies," she admitted. "Oh, and my pink flannel pajamas … that's what he told me to put on last night."

  Betty smiled and nodded. "That's good. I think your daddy wants his little girl to feel very young and look very sweet. Why don't we try on another set, and if you still want the princess panties, you can ask your daddy if they will be okay. What do you think?" Betty suggested as she reached out to unhook the bra. Barbara nodded and tried on another set that was plain white but edged with soft pink lace and a small bow that sat between her breasts. A matching pair of panties had lace around the leg holes and waist, with small bows, one centered in the front and another in the back, right above the crease of her bottom.

  The moment she had them on, Barbara nodded. Even if Craig didn't like these, she loved them and would wear them even if she weren't dressed as a Little. She paid for the lingerie and took Betty's card. Betty reminded her that the shop normally closed at 9:00 p.m., but if Barbara and her daddy called to ask her to stay later, she would be happy to do so. Barbara had nodded happily and was prepared to go when she realized she needed to go to the bathroom. It was a long way home and she didn't want to have to stop at some dirty gas station.

  "Um, do you have a bathroom I could use?" Barbara asked.

  "No, but I have a potty that I allow Littles to use," Betty said. "Is that what you meant?" Barbara blushed scarlet but nodded. "I'm sorry, honey, I didn't quite hear you. Why don't you try again and remember your manners."

  Barbara looked up from where her eyes had been glued to the counter and saw the woman smile. She understood that she had a great deal to learn about being a Little in a Big world.

  "Please, ma'am … may I … may I use the pot … potty?" Barbara managed and prayed she'd done it correctly because she really didn't know if she'd be able to ask again.

  "Yes, you may. Come, I'll show you where it is." Betty extended her hand and Barbara took it without thought. She was led through a curtain into another well-lit area and shown to a door that said 'Potty' in big letters. Betty opened the door wide. "I'll be right outside if you need help. Remember to wash your hands when you are finished going pee-pee, okay?" Barbara's face flooded again but she managed to mumble 'Yes, ma'am' before going through the door and closing it behind her.

  By the time she made it home, Barbara felt she'd fallen down the rabbit hole and just now climbed out again. She put her new lingerie in her drawer and took a shower. She shaved her legs carefully and remembered the surprised look on Betty's face when she had first pulled down her big-girl panties to reveal a thick, curly patch of pubic hair. Barbara knew that most of the adult men and women who chose to live in the Little world were required to keep themselves free of hair. She didn't know how she could ever bring that up in a conversation without dying of embarrassment.

  Betty had reassured her that her daddy would let her know his preferences. "Just like I told you that you don't need to worry about when you might have earned a spanking, having your pubic hair removed is another part of your daddy's job. One of the very best things about being a Little is that you can stop worrying about so many things. Your daddy wants to do the worrying for you. Just relax and enjoy, and of course, obey whatever rules your daddy sets down for you." Betty had said, enforcing the fact that Barbara's new role allowed her to let someone else make the decisions.

  Barbara dried her hair, put on fresh white panties and the pajamas that had caused Craig's smile. She went into her closet and found the bunny slippers she had been given as a gag gift by Ariel a few birthdays ago, knowing that her sister thought she'd returned them for more adult slippers. The truth was that Barbara loved walking around and seeing the ears of the bunnies flopping back and forth with each step. She put her hair into pigtails and tied ribbons to cover the rubber bands. Once she was dressed, she had gone into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and sat in her favorite chair, reading his note and more of the age-play book until she heard the doorbell ring. Barbara ran to the door, almost forgetting to look through the peephole to make sure it was actually Craig outside. Seeing his face, she broke into a smile, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

  "Hi, Daddy."


  "Hi, Bunny," Craig said, bending down and pulling her into his arms. She relaxed against him, her pounding heart calming just a bit. He kissed her cheek and then her lips softly, pressing harder as she opened her lips to him. When he pulled her even closer, she could feel his erection against her stomach and felt her panties moisten. Maybe they could skip dinner and just go to bed and do big-people things. The thought made her giggle.

  He released her to set her back just a bit so he could look down into her face. "Does kissing me make you giggle, little girl?" he asked, with a smile. Barbara blushed, knowing she couldn't admit her thoughts.

  "No … no, Daddy, I'm just happy to see you," she said. Craig smiled, bent and gave her another kiss and then allowed her to see him looking up and down her body.

  "I'm very happy to see you as well, but young lady, you knew Daddy was coming to take you to dinner. Why aren't you dressed?"

  Barbara knew this was the defining moment. "Because I was bad, Daddy," she said, her voice dropping into a more childish tone.

  Craig looked surprised but then realized she needed to play out some scene. "Well, I must say that surprises me, Bunny. My girl is usually such a good girl. Tell me, what did you do that was bad?"

  "I … I was rude and disrespectful to you on the phone this morning. You called to make sure I was safe and had a good night's sleep. I … I was rude and didn't thank you for taking such good care of me last night. I didn't thank you for not only giving me the spanking I needed to forgive myself but I didn't thank you for cuddling me, for … for pleasuring me and for tucking me in so tenderly. I'm really sorry and I won't do it again," she said, her eyes locked onto his.

  Craig wanted to hug and kiss her, tell her that she didn't need to apologize, that her words were touching his heart in a way he had never imagined. But, he wasn't Craig at this moment. He was Bunny's daddy, and she needed more. He did give her a soft smile but then shook his head slowly.

  "I believe we need to talk about this in your bedroom," he decreed. Barbara felt a moment of panic but knew that had been what she both hoped a
nd expected. "Go to your naughty corner and wait for me. Think about why what you did was naughty." She nodded and turned to run down the hall to her bedroom. Craig had to force himself not to laugh at the floppy bunny ears on her slippers waving back and forth as she ran to obey her daddy. He gave her a few minutes to position herself before he walked into her bedroom. She was standing in her corner, hands linked on her head, nose pressed against the wall. Just seeing her and knowing that she was about to be cuddled on his lap made him smile. Taking a seat in the chair, he called her to him and pulled her onto his lap, where she immediately curled into him.

  "Do you remember when I had to spank you last night?" he asked, as if she could have forgotten. She nodded against his neck. "You had to go to bed with a hot, aching hiney, didn't you, Bunny?" She nodded again, her nipples now stiff and tight against her pajama top. "That's right. Your daddy had to give you a hard spanking and make you cry. Tell me, Bunny, why did you get that spanking?" She knew she couldn't just nod or shake her head. He expected a full disclosure. She moved her head slightly away from his neck.

  "Because I was rude and disrespectful at the hotel," she answered. He nodded, one hand moving to cup her chin, turning her head in order to meet his eyes.

  "That's right. You were rude and disrespectful and got a spanking. And yet, you did the same thing this morning when Daddy called you, didn't you?" Her bottom clenching, she could only nod. "What did Daddy tell you happens to little girls that repeat the same naughtiness?" he asked, and her eyes grew wide. While she had thought she might get a spanking, she hadn't truly considered the fact that her confession upon his arrival would warrant anything more. Swallowing hard, she opened her mouth, but no words came out.

  Craig wanted to smile but forced himself to maintain the role of a strict-but-loving daddy. "I believe I told you that if you repeat a naughty behavior, you must have another spanking, only this time, it must be both longer and harder. Isn't that what Daddy told you?"


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