A Love That Destroyed Time
Page 7
"You should." Muin smiled. "I already gave mine names. If it's a boy, it'll be named after Zaria. If it's a girl, I'm calling her Cooey," she laughed. "Having names already picked out makes it funner than calling it an 'it' all the time."
Ezra agreed. "Still, I don't know if the name Oogi is what I want to call it."
"Oogi?" Yed frowned.
"No, if it's a boy," Muin reminded her. "If it's a girl you could call her Niggy or Noggy or something. Oh, maybe Nignog?"
"Nignog?" Yed’s face squished together and he held out his tongue like he’d just tasted something rancid.
"Well yeah," Muin grinned. "Since you have no clue who the daddy is, it’s up to her. My vote goes for Oogipoc and Nignogella."
"Girl or boy, it's not gonna be named either of those," Yed disagreed as he crossed his arms. Those were dang nerd names.
Muin humphed. "That's Ezra's decision, not yours." She nodded at her sister. "He may be protecting you, but don't let him tell you what to do for the baby. That's not his jurisdiction. Okay?"
Ezra smiled. "Alright Muin, good night."
Yed watched as Muin headed out the door then just jumped off the staircase. "Ezra?" He frowned. "You're not really gonna call it Oogipoc or Nignogella are you?"
"I haven't really thought of names." Ezra confessed. "I'm just going with it right now." She felt her stomach. "I get too nauseated to think about it too much at this point." She looked over at Yed and smiled. "I know. They aren't the best names."
"That's an understatement," Yed said. "You should name it something a lot nicer than that. Something that's fitting."
"Well, I did have a girl’s name I was thinking about a little bit," Ezra admitted. She smiled. "I always liked the name Carressela. It's pretty and it..." She seemed to fade off a bit. "...it was my real mother's name."
Yed smiled gently. "Carressela?" He looked at Ezra's belly. It still wasn't growing that much. "Carressela what?"
"Carressela Saga Sauvage...Cattral," Ezra decided. "And the Cattral name continues anyhow." She smiled. "I'd rather she have that, Saga will stick too hard. Still, as a middle name I think it's fitting."
"I think you're right." Yed smiled. "That's very fitting. No ideas for boy though, huh?"
Ezra shrugged. "Not really."
"Well maybe you'll come up with something soon," Yed replied.
"I'm sure I will." She grinned at Yed. "If you've got any ideas let me know."
Yed laughed. "What, wouldn't I be passing my jurisdiction?"
Ezra just laughed with him. "You're allowed to for that." She started to head for bed. "I'll ask Xiam too, he might have a good name."
A name. Yed looked at his watch. It wasn't really late but if Ezra was ready for bed, he better keep his biological clock in sync with hers. I never even dreamed I'd have a kid. He started to lock the front door. I'm a Protector, this feels so weird. A Protector that's a dad? He started to head up the stairs. It's not supposed to be this way. Although, maybe it won't be too bad? He started to think. This kid will be smart. It'll definitely have some skill. He grinned and sauntered down the stairs. If it’s anything like me, he’ll be a real tiger. “Yeah, a tiger.”
"A what?"
Yed looked back in surprise. He had got so would up in his own feelings he hadn’t realized Ezra was coming down.
Ezra stood beside him side by side "Why are you talking about tigers?"
Think fast. "I was thinking of a boy name," Yed lied. "Tiger? What do you think?"
"Tiger?" Ezra chuckled. "That’s weird, I’ve never heard of anyone named Tiger before." She chuckled. "Goodnight, Yed."
Yed watched as Ezra went back up the stairs. That was a close one. I can't believe I said that out loud. Tiger? He thought about it and grinned. Actually heck, that is good. It’s unique, no one’s ever been named Tiger around here. He walked to his room as he continued to think. Tiger is too short though, maybe Tigeravich? I don’t know. Traditionally the father chose the first-born’s name. He opened his door and stepped into the black abyss of his room. He turned the light on and stepped over to his bed. I can’t raise it, I can’t see it, and it’s going to be hard just to get the chance to name it.
The path he should take was supposed to become clearer as time passed by, but it was only becoming foggier.
Chapter 9
Zariah glanced out of his brother-in-law’s window. He was supposed to meet and have lunch with Muin’s side of the family, but he wasn’t looking forward to it. Xiam and Ezra were great, but the Protector would be no picnic. It was strange how they all acted like having him there was an average thing, when it was far from that. To afford a Protector of such a high class for only a month, he would have to sell his car.
Speaking of cars. Zaria stared at the strange car that was parked beside Ezra’s house. He had noticed it some time ago, but hadn’t said a word. It was the latest year, the newest brand, and the cost was more than his house. It obviously belonged to the Protector. He stepped away from the window towards the table and smiled kindly at his wife as he sat down. Once lunch began, how would it turn out? Experience had given Zaria a narrow view of what they did.
Kick guys’ butts when they tangled with women. He knew that, he had his share of pain when he was younger.
"Hi!" Xiam grinned as he answered the door. "Come on in, we're having mnui."
Zaria bit into a small piece of mnui as he watched Xiam at the door. It wouldn’t be the easiest dinner, but he had to try and make the most of it. His wife Muin insisted vehemently that he and the Protector needed to get along. It wasn’t going to be easy, that fact was apparent, as the Protector and his sister-in-law came through the door.
Zaria watch as Ezra took her fingers and put them on the sides of the Protector’s mouth to make him look like he was smiling. As Ezra took her fingers away from him it was apparent he wasn’t.
Zaria watched Xiam stroll over to the new arrivals, most likely providing some damage control. At least he better be, if Zaria had anything on his body broken during the meal, Muin could forget them ever becoming buddies. He took another bite of his mnui as he watched the Protector pull out a chair for his sister-in-law, and then for himself.
Zaria smiled. It was as good a starting point as any. "You’re very gentlemanly Protector Yeducavich." He was trying to start things off on the right foot.
"Protector Yeducavich Smilliat,” was the gruff response.
Zaria continued to grin politely. It was very different talking to a Protector in such a manner, but Muin had been close to this guy when she was just a kid. How, he didn't know. How could someone be so close to a Protector? By their very nature they never bonded. They were to be respected, not to be friends. How was he going to do this? He saw the Protector’s hands squeezing the table hard in front of him. He looks like he’s ready to snap me in two right over the table.
Ezra nudged Yed. "Couldn't you loosen up a bit on your name? How about Protector Yed?"
Zaria watched the Protector sigh through his nose. Maybe dinner out with his brother-in-law wasn’t such a good idea. Living would be a nicer way to pass the time.
"Yed?" Ezra smiled at the Protector. "Please?"
Zaria watched the gentle moment that seemed to take place between Ezra and the Protector. If he hadn’t known who the guy was, he would have assumed the two had an extra close connection. The Protector stopped squeezing the table and seemed more relaxed from the words of his sister-in-law.
"Alright," The Protector had agreed, "He can call me Protector Yed. Happy?"
"Here is your mnui!" Xiam set out the food for the Protector and Ezra, then sat beside his wife Iri.
"Oh, Ezra?" Iri began. "I almost forgot to tell you, there was something else I remember about your mystery guy. He-"
"So Zaria,” Protector Yeducavich interrupted, “how exactly did you steal-uh-I mean meet Muin?"
Zaria felt his wife’s eyes on him. He glanced over and saw Muin, her eyes overjoyed at the opportun
ity. He looked back at the Protector. "I met her in an alley."
"Alley?" The Protector groaned at Muin. "What were you doing in an alley, of all places?"
Zaria just watched his wife smile and gesture toward Ezra.
"Same reason she was there," Muin said smiling.
Zaria noticed the Protector practically glared at Ezra. Why was he so much madder at Ezra than his wife?
"Ezraponia Cattral, what we're you doing in an alley?"
Ezra poked at her food. "We did not willingly go there."
The Protector’s expressions changed from a look of anger, puzzlement and finally to shock. "What do you mean?”
"There were some guys who followed us around. We kept telling them no and they didn't like no," Muin answered for her sister. "So one day while we we're out, they took a chance and knocked us out and dragged us away. Who knows what would have happened?" She hugged Zaria's shoulder. "Zaria had heard the commotion and he rushed right over to us! He'd taken a real beating to help keep them away. Then by the time we woke up, the law enforcers were there, trying to help him up." She nestled his arm. "He's been my one and only ever since."
The Protector stared at the last of the mnui on his plate. Okay, maybe Zaria had a thin chance of surviving after all?
Xiam smiled at the Protector, an extra boost from his brother-in-law couldn’t hurt. "More mnui?"
The Protector nodded and took another bite of mnui before he looked back at Zaria. “Good job. For not being a Protector, you did well. You just messed up on one thing."
Zaria looked confused. What could he have messed up on?
"You're not supposed to take the gratitude of the female and turn it into-Ow!"
"Turn it into ow?" Muin chuckled. "Trust me, Yed, he didn't turn my gratitude into ow."
Zaria gave a light smile as he continued to eat his food. He knew his sister-in-law did something so the moment wouldn’t be spoiled. "So, how goes your naming, sis?"
"Oh, good I guess," Ezra admitted. "If it's a girl I might name her Carressela. If it's a boy, I'm not quite sure. Yed threw out the name Tiger though."
The Protector half-smiled. “Actually, Tigeravich would be a great fit.”
"Tigeravich?" Xiam picked at the last of his mnui. "That's not very fitting. Ezra is more mellow, I'm sure the kid will be mellow too. It should end in elle, ia or maybe ovich, but not avich and it shouldn’t begin with a T. It’s too hard for the kid’s personality."
For some reason, the Protector looked offended. "How do you know what the kid will be like? It might take after the dad more."
That thought didn't sit very comfortably with anyone at the table.
"...How could you even bring that up right now?" Xiam wasn’t pleased at all, Zaria could tell.
Iri touched Xiam's shoulder gently. "He is right though, Xiam. It'll have some of the dad in him. You can't just pretend Ezra conceived it by itself."
Zaria tried not to smile as he saw Xiam’s eyes grow wide in an expression of ‘why not?’
"Well for what it's worth, I think Tigeravich is a great name," Zaria said to Ezra. "Besides, if he's raised around here, he's bound to have some spirit in him."
"Spirit?" his sister-in-law asked apparently confused.
"Well yeah, Protector Yed sure has spirit." Zaria couldn’t help it, he’d use the Protector’s short name as long as he could. Maybe it would bring them closer so Muin would stop bugging him. Oh, and Yeducavich wouldn’t want to kill him if they were close, big bonus.
Muin laughed at him. "You silly. Yed's probably going to be here for just a year. He'll see them when their babies but then he'll probably have to leave again. Right, Yed?"
"I don't really know. I haven't been given a specific time of departure." The Protector had spoken softer than usual.
"Yeah, but usually it's a year," Xiam agreed with Muin. "Still, it's nice to spend a whole year together again."
"Yed?" Ezra spoke to her Protector. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," The Protector’s reply was soft but gruff.
"Is something wrong with that one?" Xiam asked as he pointed to the Protector's food.
"No, I just don't feel that hungry anymore." The Protector still spoke softly as he stood up. "You did a great job on the meal, Xiam."
"Thanks!" Xiam beamed. "You'll have to stop by the restaurant sometime so you can try more."
Ezra got up as well. "That was delicious, Xiam, I just couldn't eat that much."
"That's alright, I understand," Xiam said, chuckling. "Muin didn't have that problem though."
Muin was eating her third plate. "I was one of the lucky few. No nausea, vomiting or loss of appetite for me."
Zaria swore he heard a light growl come from Ezra after his wife said that.
"Yes, you are," Ezra said curtly. "I'm ready to go, Yed, are you coming too?" She headed to the door ahead of her Protector.
“Bye, see you tonight.” Xiam waved as the Protector and Ezra left. “Well that went well.”
“Could have been worse,” Zaria said, chuckling, finally being able to loosen up. “I thought something might happen and I don’t have the money for the hospital right now. Speaking of money, is that Protector guarding on discount?”
“Oh no, he was appointed by the King,” Xiam said, “We don’t pay a cent and besides, even if the King didn’t appoint him, he’d never try and charge us. Yed’s family. I can’t believe Ezra got Yeducavich to allow you to call him Yed. It’s like she used magic, but I guess it’s a good sign. You two might even be friends in the future.”
“If you say so.” Zaria stood up with his wife, their plates now empty. He couldn’t believe that a Protector would not get paid for their services. Not only that, but the guy would physically have to suffer from Ezra’s cooking. She was a nice sister-in-law, but there was a reason they gathered at Xiam’s for a family dinner. “We’ll see you around Xiam.”
“Yeah. Stop by later because we need to go shopping for cute little clothes,” Muin squeaked.
Zaria looked back at his wife. She wasn’t even far enough to be showing yet, but he wouldn’t protest.
“You’re not even showing,” Xiam informed his sister.
“So? There’s no rule.” Muin humphed and grabbed Zaria’s arm as they left.
Yed held his microphone close up. Everyone had got together that night for a little peace, relaxation and laughter. His stuffy uniform he had left at home, instead going for a standard orange shirt with imprints of dahlie’s, long blue and purple daffodil-like flowers, all around. The night had actually been fun so far, and nobody hassled the girls, always a bonus.
He had even felt relaxed enough to sit up on their table and share a joke or two. "...So the alien comes up and asks, 'hey, are you a waryes,' and the guy just gives him an offensive look, 'No, I'm not a waryes. Why are you asking that?’. The alien says ,‘well we’re recruiting for war and you’ve got black hair and black tails like them. How am I supposed to tell the difference?’ As for the Warno he replies ,‘Sorry for my rudeness, I see your point. By looking at your giant red butt, I really assumed you were one gigantic ass.”
"See, he isn’t half bad," Muin said with a chuckle at Zaria as she clapped for Yed. “He’s decent at sit down comedy.”
Zaria politely clapped as well. "That's really bizarre. How can a Protector be funny?"
Xiam didn’t reply as he watched Yed hop down from the table. "Good job, Yed."
Yed smiled. "Yeah, if I worked on it more I could have been a good comedian."
"That wouldn't have paid the bills half as well though, huh?" Zaria tried to joke with him.
"I guess not." Yed grabbed his drink. "Where'd Ezra take off too?"
"Oh, she’s out flirting with someone," Muin teased him.
"She what?" Yed stood up in his chair angrily. How many times had he told her not to do that? She was prey to any warno right now.
"She's kidding." Xiam did not look pleased with his reaction. "Ezra just went to the bathroom. Unless you
’re going to do some stand up anger.”
"Oh." Yed sat back in his chair calming himself down again. He’d only done stand up anger once, good for venting but that’s about it. Muin was damn good at stand up anger.
Zaria smiled politely, apparently wanting to stay on Yed’s good side. Ppft! "You know, you still haven't gone down to Vallencio's, have you? What say we all go down there for a bit?"
"That's a great idea," Muin agreed.
That's a bad idea. Yed yawned. "I think maybe I should just go home, it was a long night."
"Calling it a night?" Muin whined, "You and Iri are both party poopers."
"What do you mean?" Yed asked carefully, trying not to sound suspicious. "I thought she was waitressing?"
"No, she didn't want to hang out tonight. She's still at home." Xiam looked over at Yed strangely. "Do you have a problem with my wife or something?"
"Yeah sure, the something." Yed chuckled at first but stopped, realizing Xiam didn't find that funny. "No Xiam, I don't have a problem with her."
"I can vouch for that," Muin said as he pointed at Zaria. "Yed has a harder time liking Zaria than Iri."
"Sorry I'm late." Ezra sat back down at the table. "So how'd it go Yed?”
"Minimal applause but no throwing food this time," Yed said on a high note. Sometimes his sit down comedy was bad enough he could get a free meal with it.
"We were going to go over to Vallencio's but Yed is being a party pooper," Muin crossed her arms. "He doesn't want to come."
Yed groaned. It was still risky going, but he couldn't ignore it forever, and as long as Iri wasn’t there he had to take advantage while he could. "Alright, alright. I'll go for a bit."
The drive down there hadn’t taken long, but Yed became tense as he walked into the front door of Xiam’s restaurant again. He recalled the few memories he had made when he first met Ezra there. He glanced at the counter seat she sat at, imagined how she had looked that night, and tried to keep his eyes as far away from everyone as he could.
This time, Vallencio’s had something else. An aroma, a powerful rich scent wafted through the air. Damn, his food always smells so great. Too bad Ezra can’t even boil water right. "Nice place, Xiam."