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Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits

Page 21

by Karlsson, Norma Jeanne

  “He’s right, Kid,” Kavy chimes in. “The car is a big clue that we all missed. It’s a good catch on your part, Kid. You too Karl.”

  Karl and I smile at each other and then at Kavy in thanks.

  “If Butch was my client, I’d be all over this. Between this and the investigator tampering with evidence, Butch should be free and clear of this,” Sully argues. “I don’t see how he could have done this, Kid. I don’t think Butch killed Kathy or hurt Mia.”

  There are mumblings and murmurs of agreement throughout the room. I let out a huge sigh. My heart breaks for Butch. He came home a minute after the person that murdered his wife and beat his daughter into a coma escaped, only to be convicted of the crime. Tragic doesn’t begin to describe.

  I think we may have just cleared Butch, at least in our own opinions. The ADA has to make his decision as to whether or not to continue with the trial, but I’m convinced Butch didn’t do this. Mia might get her daddy back.

  “Karl get this over to Reed. Shoot a call over to his assistant and give her the bullet points. Let her know we’ll help out if we can,” I tell Karl. “I’ll call the ADA and see if I can convince him of anything. I doubt it, but I’ll try for Mia’s sake.” We all nod in agreement.

  I turn to my boys with a face cracking smile.

  “Now, where’s my donut?”

  Everyone is coming in town today for Thanksgiving: Callaghans, Kavanaghs, and O’Sullivans. A little background to these three families is that they have all known each other for decades. The patriarchs of the families grew up on the same street and have been friends their entire lives. My boys have continued the tradition. We have shuttles bringing everyone in from the airport. Pretty much everyone had been here for Kavy’s birthday, but this time all the parents will be here too. I’ll have Robert and Mary Callaghan plus Stephen and Maggie O’Sullivan. I’m bursting in anticipation.

  “Kiddo, you look like you’re gonna explode,” Kel snickers as he pulls me in for a hug and kiss, after helping me set up a bed in the office. With Taylor occupying a bedroom we have to shuffle a bit: Callaghans in the guest room, O’Sullivans in the office, and Pop in game room in the basement, young ones out in the pool house. We’ll be full to the brim.

  “I feel like I’m gonna explode!” I squeal.

  “I love seeing you this happy,” he purrs in my ear.

  “I’m always this happy.” I smile up at him. “I just usually have a filter.”

  I hear the vans pull up and sprint to the door, my boys hot on my heels. I see my moms (I call both Maggie and Mary, Ma) first. I run outside in my slippers in the snow and crush myself into them. They both start crying (they’re criers).

  “It’s been too long,” they say in unison and we all laugh.

  “Let me get a good look at you,” Maggie says as she holds me at an arm’s length. She is beautiful. Her dark hair is cut in a stylish bob, her chocolate eyes shine behind her black rimmed glasses, not a wrinkle to speak of on her face, and her petite frame shows no signs she’s a mother of three grown men. “Ah, more gorgeous than last time wouldn’t you say Mary?”

  Mary’s shiny blonde hair is swept up from her young looking fair face, her blue eyes still glistening with tears. A few inches shorter than me, I have no doubt she could give me a run for my money on the track. “Stunning,” Mary says as she pushes my hair behind my ear. My mother never showed me as much love in the eight years she had me as these two have in the last minute. I’m beyond blessed to have these women love me like they do. I reach forward and kiss them each on the cheek before I’m swept away.

  Doc (Cally’s dad) envelopes me in his arms and kisses my head. “How’s my beautiful girl?” he murmurs in my hair, kissing me over and over like he’ll never get enough. His hair is more grey than not, but it looks good on him. His face is distinguished with laugh lines and wrinkles around his eyes. All the Callaghan men have the same stunning bright blue eyes and Doc’s haven’t dulled a bit.

  “Good, Doc,” I whisper. I hold onto him nuzzling into his chest as he greets his sons, while keeping an arm tightly around me. I reach up and kiss Doc on the cheek when I hear Pappy (Sully Sr.) making his way to me

  Pappy has barely a speck of grey hair, his body is impeccable and his face looks twenty years younger than he is. Sully and Pappy look more like brothers than father and son. His chocolate eyes sparkle as he captures me in his arms. He picks me up and spins me around like I’m a little girl making us both laugh. My slippers fly off.

  “Where are your boots, Kid?” Pappy admonishes. Maggie grabs my slippers and I slide back into them, avoiding getting snowy feet.

  “If you weren’t twirling her around like a six-year-old, her slippers wouldn’t have flown off,” Maggie chastises her husband. “And you should have your boots on young lady. It’s bitterly cold out here. Let’s get in the house before you get sick.” Maybe I’m a six-year-old after all. Before I get to move into the house Pop gets me. He kisses my cheek and rubs it with his thumb.

  “You look thin, Kid,” he whispers. I nod circling my arm around his waist as we walk back in the house. I kick off my snowy slippers and put on my fuzzy slipper boots before running into the great room to greet my boys. I get hugs and kisses from all of them. The house is loud and full of life with all of us here. Everyone is milling about and putting their bags away. Kel and Taylor are mixing in with everyone like they’re just as much a part of this family as I am. It’s comforting in a way and nerve wracking in another. Kel has to meet the O’Sullivans and Callaghans now. At least I had a test run with Pop a few weeks ago, but I’m still fucking anxious. Here goes nothing.

  “Kel,” I yell. His head snaps to me, and I hold my hand out to signal I want him to come join me. He excuses himself from Ryan and Aidan and walks over to me head held high, a winning grin plastered on his face. When he reaches me he intertwines our fingers and kisses my cheek. He’s as calm as a cucumber and I’m shitting a brick.

  “Kel, this is Commander Stephen O’Sullivan and his wife Maggie.” I turn in a semi-circle as I go. “And this is Doctor Robert Callaghan and his wife Mary. Everyone this is my boyfriend, Dylan Kellerman.” They all shake hands and make pleasantries. My moms are immediately taken with him…I mean how could you not be? YUM! Doc and Pappy aren’t quite there yet.

  “So Mr. Kellerman what are your intentions with our daughter?” Pappy asks. Really?! Kel looks at me and beams a genuine smile as I snicker.

  “I’ll tell you the same thing that I told Mr. Kavanagh, sir. I have every intention with her. Whatever she’ll allow me…I’ll give her, every day, until she tells me otherwise,” he glows as he says it.

  “Oh Stephen really, give the young man some slack.” Maggie pushes Pappy in the shoulder. She grabs Kel’s face and looks him in the eye. “That is the best answer I’ve ever heard to that question, Dylan. You take good care of my girl, ya hear? Otherwise I’ll let these boys come after you.” And there’s the dig. Poor Kel is always getting threatened on my behalf.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he responds sweetly.

  After that awkwardness we all mill around talking to each other, catching up, telling stories, just enjoying what this time is all about. Family!

  “Ma,” I yell from the kitchen. Somehow Maggie and Mary always know which Ma I’m yelling for. Mother’s intuition I guess.

  “Yes, sweetheart?” Mary replies making her way to me from the couch.

  “I’m gonna put these pies in now. You wanna start on the dough for the rolls with me?”

  “Sure, let’s get these boys outta the kitchen first,” she says giving Collin, Hugh, and Sully pointed looks. They smile at her and move out of the way. Maggie comes around the corner as her sons are leaving the kitchen kissing each of them as they pass.

  “Starting dough?” Maggie asks as she saddles up beside me, kissing me as she just did her sons.

  “Yup,” I reply popping my p. After our dough is mixed and the three of us are kneading our conversation picks up.

  “Dylan may be the best looking man I have ever laid eyes on in person,” Maggie declares.

  “Ma, your boys are just as beautiful.”

  “True, but they’re my children. Dylan’s not,” she replies suggestively. Mary and I both giggle.

  “Your brothers seem to like him,” Mary suggests, fishing for information no doubt.

  “They all get along really well, Ma. Kel fits with us. Not just me, but all of us.”

  “That’s no easy task,” Maggie interjects.

  “It’s not,” I agree. She has no idea how true her words are.

  “Taylor seems to fit as well,” Marry notes.

  “He does. It’s taken some getting used to, but Taylor is really good at his job and has made this whole situation easier.”

  “Not bad to look at all day long either,” Maggie purrs.

  “Jesus, Ma,” I breathe. She’s like a horny teenager.

  “I may be old and married, but I’m not dead, Kid,” she scolds.

  “I know Ma. They’re both stunning. I agree. I live in the land of gorgeous god-like men. Maybe I take it for granted.”

  “My daughter doesn’t take anything in life for granted,” Mary states pointedly. “You see people for what they are. It’s a gift! Don’t you sell yourself short.” She kisses my cheek as she takes my dough ball away from me.

  “We’re lucky to have a daughter like you. We’re delighted to see you so happy, sweetheart. Now go get washed up,” Maggie instructs before joining Mary to finish covering the dough.

  Taylor approaches me as I exit the kitchen and asks to speak to me in private. He’s been in his room for the last few hours and the look on his face tells me something is wrong. A private conversation is not that easy with a million people in the house. We go to the formal sitting room; it’s at the front of the house away from the hubbub.

  “What’s up?” I ask, sighing my way to the couch. I’m worn out.

  “We have an issue, Shannon.” He’s serious and looking right in my eyes.

  “Okay. What it is?” I’m concerned that he’s concerned.

  “You received a death threat at the office today.” Fuck! I’ve received threats before but just stupid lawyer stuff, nothing actually threatening on a level to worry about. “The police have been notified and are working on trying to get some forensics. You know how this is though…they’re not likely to find anything.”

  I put my elbows on my knees and hang my head in my hands. Taylor puts his hand on my back rubbing up and down to console me.

  “Fuck!” I scoff. “What does this mean Taylor?”

  “I have to be with you all the time now, Shannon. I’m sorry. I know you thought you were in the clear. I was starting to too, but this was a professional, not some hack. We have to tighten the reigns.”

  “I guess the family doesn’t know?” It’s not really a question. If they knew they’d be freaking the fuck out. Not me. I don’t panic. I feel a wave of calm sweep over me that would make Uncle Mick proud.

  “I wanted to tell you first. I can fill them in, if you’d like,” he says soothingly into my ear. I nod, my head still hung in my hands as Taylor keeps rubbing my back. We sit like this for a long while, until I hear a throat clear and look up to see Kel glaring at Taylor.

  “Sit down, Kel,” I command, trying to break the standoff. Taylor still has his hand on my back, not moving just resting there. Kel is staring at that hand like he’s going to rip it off and beat Taylor to death with it. I stand up and walk between them, breaking their stare down. I put my hand on Kel’s chest.

  “Kel, I need you to sit down,” I implore. He looks at me with confused angry eyes. “Taylor needs to tell you something.” His eyes bug out, but I pull him by his arm to the couch across from where Taylor is sitting. “Go ahead, Taylor.”

  “Shannon received a death threat today. The police are working on it but until we know what we’re up against, I’m back on twenty-four seven,” Taylor explains in a business-like tone. Kel relaxes and tenses at the same time.

  “Fuck!” he sounds just like me. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my hair.

  “Shannon, I’d like you to carry a gun at all times now. Even in the house. We don’t know what to expect, so we need to plan for the worst,” Taylor says in a soft tone.

  “Okay. We really need to tell everybody. Now!” I insist.

  I get up and move back to my family. They may be in danger because of me. I tell everyone to come into the living room that we have an announcement. Kel is standing behind me with his arms tight around my waist and his chin resting on the crown of my head. Maggie and Mary are glowing and the guys are all smiling too. They think this is a happy announcement. This is gonna suck!

  Taylor clears his throat and everyone snaps their heads confusedly at him.

  “Shannon received a death threat today.” Gasps, groans, and lots of curses filter through the room. Collin, Hugh, Pappy, and Finn are all on Taylor the second it escapes his lips. Maggie and Mary both grip me to them, crying of course. Pop and Doc both kiss me and hug me, telling me it will be okay…fatherly things. My boys look sick. The group pulls me aside hugging and kissing me, cussing and threatening like they do. Kel stays glued to my side as I talk to everyone. He’s always touching some part of me: my hand, my cheek, the small of my back, my arm, something…always something. I’m not scared. I don’t panic. I’m numb and calm. Uncle Mick would be proud.

  I refuse to let a piece of paper from a coward ruin my family holiday. After an hour of hashing and rehashing I demand we stop and play Pictionary. We’re all some version of crappy at it, but we have fun. My team wins, of course. The evening winds down and we all retire to our bedrooms. Goodnight hugs take half an hour.

  Once we’re in my room, Kel is on me. He crushes me to his body and bruises my lips with his. He’s frenzied in his attack on me. I allow it because I know he needs it, he’s marking me, protecting me the only way he can. We fall into bed together and he strips us bare in what I’m sure is a World Record speed. Once he has us naked he slows down kissing, licking, suckling his way all the way from my forehead to my ankles. When he finally is inside me he moves slowly and with intent. He never leaves my gaze, watching me come undone and me watching him. We’re soaking in every feature of each other, as though it’s the last time we will lay eyes on one another.

  When we are both sated, we lie on our sides facing each other, tangled together in a mess of arms and legs.

  “Are you scared?” he questions softly into my forehead, kissing it sweetly.

  “No,” I say emphatically.

  “I’m scared, Kid.”

  “I get calm in these situations. Uncle Mick taught me that emotions get girls in trouble…he trained me not to panic. So when scary things happen, I don’t react.” It’s weird to say that out loud to someone. It makes me sound like a heartless robot, maybe I am a little, but it’s only to a point…self-preservation.

  “I wish someone had taught me that. I’m not panicking, but I’m worried about you. I’m terrified of losing you.” He crushes me tighter with his arms.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I pity the motherfucker that tries to take me from you,” I spout confidently. He snickers at me.

  “Always such a badass.”

  “That’s right.”

  We hold each other in silence and I start to drift off to sleep. I feel safe in his arms…home. I could be anywhere in the world in these arms and yet be home. I love it here.

  “Shannon.” My eyes pop open at the sound of my name. I had just drifted asleep when I hear his voice. I look up into Kel’s eyes, searching for the emotion I heard in his voice. “I love you,” he says softly. That was it, the emotion I heard in his voice was love. He loves me. I’ve never been loved by a man before, and I swear my heart just doubled in size and is about to pound out of my chest.

  “I love you too,” I whisper. I’ve never said those words to a man before, and I never want to say them to another one. Wow! Six weeks w
ith Kel and I’m a changed woman. I love him so much I didn’t know it was possible to love this much. Our faces are glowing and we gaze into each other’s eyes. He rolls me onto my back and we kiss softly, lovingly. His tongue glides across mine smoothly licking and tasting me. He enters me and I wrap my arms and legs around him. I can’t feel close enough to him right now. As we move together the energy is different, it’s not frenzied and animalistic like we usually are. This is a connection, strong and personal. He rests his forehead against mine lovingly gazing into my green pools reflecting his teal ones.

  “Say it again,” he whispers.

  “I love you, Dylan Kellerman,” I say softly and cup his cheek.

  “I love you, Kiddo, so fucking much.” He kisses my palm and intensifies his rhythm. We move together like one, building to the same peak and fall over it together. We stay intertwined together for the rest of the night.

  Thanksgiving is here. Taylor left this morning to meet with the detectives investigating my death threat. With three cops in the house (Pappy, Collin, and Hugh) Taylor felt safe leaving me. I shooed him out of the house and told him to go to his aunt’s and enjoy Thanksgiving with his family. He reluctantly agreed and wrapped me in a long tight hug before leaving. My family would keep me safe, but I felt a little empty as I watched him pull out of the driveway. I couldn’t focus on that though; there was a meal to prepare.

  Maggie, Mary, and I spend all day cooking. It’s the best feeling in the world preparing a meal with those you love. Kel gets shooed out of the kitchen every twenty minutes by Maggie or Mary.

  “That boy needs to learn some patience,” Maggie says after the tenth time. She’s as much entertained as she is annoyed.

  “The man’s in love,” Mary coos, “he can’t get enough of her.” I beam like the sun. He loves me! A few minutes later arms snake around my waist and a grin creeps across my face.


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