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Forever in Ink

Page 8

by Jude Ouvrard

  “Are you sure? I won’t be able to go back to how things were if you change your mind.” It would break me.

  He covered my knee with his hand. “Tiff, we’ll take it slow. I haven’t dated in forever, and I don’t want to fuck this up.”

  “We won’t.” Why does my voice sound so hopeful? I must take it easy as well. One step at a time.

  Our eyes locked, and no more words were spoken. There was no need. We didn’t move either, trying to let our new thing settle for a minute or two. Get used to it, if possible. Using a single finger, he contoured the side of my cheek. Oh, god.

  “I hadn’t planned on fessing up to you about this so fast, but you are stunning tonight, and I want to kiss you.”

  Blood rushed to my cheeks giving me a warm sensation. Why do I blush so bloody much? I had to focus on better control. Fuck it.

  “Kiss me, Kyle,” I murmured in such a needy way, I didn’t recognize myself.

  Within a tick, his lips crashed on mine and his arms were lifting me up on his lap. I had kissed him before, but never like this. Gone was the coldness of his heart, his lust and need transferred into his lips to drive me wild with desire. His hands caressed my arms and back drawing circles all over me. Something had switched in him; I never would’ve guessed how gentle and soft he could be.

  The alarm from the oven started beeping but I didn’t let it stop me. I wanted to keep kissing him until our mouths went dry.

  “Dinner’s ready, beautiful,” Kyle interrupted our moment.

  He pulled away with a happy grin on his face, and I watched him, frowning. He’d left me wanting more. “How could you?” I asked.

  Kyle shrugged. “Aren’t you hungry? I’ve been thinking about kissing you like that for weeks, but the night is still young, we have all the time we want.”

  “I could leave now,” I teased him.

  “We both know you won’t.”

  He knows me better than I realized. I chuckled, but in my mind was still having a hard time believing all the barriers had fallen down.

  As if he knew I didn’t want to be apart from him, he pulled me up from the couch and wrapped his arms around my waist while nuzzling his nose into my neck. I loved it.

  “Come, beautiful, I have to feed you.”

  I let him guide me. My body drunk from his touch, I would have done just about anything he wanted at this point, which was so unlike me. Kyle, the one who couldn’t make up his mind about us being friends, now wanted more. The thought made me consider running away, because based on my history, we were meant to fail. It had taken us weeks to balance our thing – our friendship. We could never be the same now.

  With one kiss, everything had changed. Again.

  “I hope you’re hungry, beautiful.” Hefting me with those strong, inked arms of his, he set me on the counter of the kitchen island. From my perch, I watched him work on the final touches of our dinner. The smells, the music, and him in this new light… there was no resisting Kyle anymore.

  As Levi had mentioned to Nix, who pointed it out to me, Kyle never used to smile or laugh as much as he did now. Could I be the reason for his sudden happiness? I had no idea, but the possibility scared me a bit. While I’d adored kissing him, and was craving the next opportunity, our future had me in knots.

  Just let yourself go, for once.

  Lost in my thoughts, a kiss on my forehead brought me back to reality. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes… I’m– I,” I stuttered. “I didn’t expect a night like this. It’s surprising.”

  He stepped closer, wedging between my legs. “I think I can make you happy, Tiffany. If you’ll let me.”

  Kyle had no idea how big the task was that he was asking of me. “I’m complicated. And a pain in the ass most of the time.”

  “You think I don’t know that, already?” He chuckled. “Haven’t we both suffered enough?”

  “All I can promise is that I’ll try, Kyle.” I leaned toward him and pressed my lips against his. As my hands reached for his neck, the rush returned. No matter what, I could never deny the chemistry we shared. Still getting used to the idea of us but enjoying the benefits, I loved this moment.

  “Okay, dinner now. Your stomach just growled again. We’ve got all night to get familiar.” He waggled his brows, turning the word ‘familiar’ into something suggestive while I processed what he’d said. All night.

  He wanted to keep me for the night. I was in shock. This was real.

  Holding a plate of appetizers in one hand, he took a crisp with the other and dipped it in the guacamole, then slowly brought it to my mouth. Eyes wide open, and fixed on Kyle, I let him feed me, as he’d requested. The rumbling of my heart kept getting stronger and stronger.

  “Mm-hmm. Not bad,” I admitted with a teasing shrug. It tasted amazing.

  “Not bad indeed,” he scoffed. “It reminds me of Los Cabos. Things started becoming clearer for me when we shared that room, and when we went to the local restaurant together. For the first time, I tried to imagine my life with someone other than Cassidy,” Kyle said calmly.

  Any time he’d talked about Cassidy in the past, his words were laced with sadness. Not this time, though. Shaking my head to stop the analyzing of his emotions, I focused back on the words he had spoken. “With me? You want a life with me, Kyle?”

  He ate a crisp, nodded at me, and then fed me some more guacamole. That simple!

  “We’ve been good friends, Tiff. But I’m positive you feel the chemistry when we’re together, too. I seriously don’t think we can do wrong by giving us a try.”

  Kyle had a point.

  “Of course.” I tried controlling the smile on my face but it was a lost cause. Grabbing his t-shirt with both hands, I yanked him close so fast he almost dropped the plate. “Kiss me,” I ordered, and he responded with a grunt.

  We kissed hard and fast, making the seconds count, and then he stopped to feed me more. Marinated green olives this time.

  Please don’t be heavy with garlic dressing, I plead in silence. Kissing and garlic never made a strong team.

  “If your plans are to make me gain weight, you’re off to a good start.”

  Laughing, he backed away as he popped another bite of guacamole into his mouth to retrieve the main meal from the oven. It looked like the cheese enchiladas we’d eaten together in Los Cabos.

  “I’m sensing that Los Cabos is the theme of the night,” I said, recalling the great memories we’d made.

  “You remember?” he asked, surprised.

  What? Like I would have forgotten. “Of course, I do. I’m not that old yet,” I joked.

  We ate in silence and I kept my distance. I found myself staring at him quite a few times while my mind registered we were switching from ‘friends’ to ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’. Butterflies swirled throughout my body, reacting to this new reality. It was an amazing feeling to know that someone cared this way about me.

  “It’s delicious, but I can’t eat anymore. The night has been so overwhelming, I’m afraid my appetite’s been cut short.”

  He waved a hand at me. “No worries. I can’t say I’m still hungry either.” I chuckled at Kyle as he pushed away his plate and rubbed his belly, or shall I say abs. Hello, six pack. He stretched his arms, elongating his back. “Sorry, long day at the shop, I’m exhausted.”

  “Want to watch a movie or something? You know, take it easy for the rest of the night. I’m just happy I have a night off.”

  “I don’t know how you pull it off. I wouldn’t be able to work like you do. Working late every night isn’t all you do. You have to smile all the time and at least act like you’re having fun, even when you don’t feel like it. I’ve seen how hard you girls work, night after night.”

  I’d asked myself many times why I wasn’t looking for a better job, but in the end, the club was entertaining, so I stayed.

  “It isn’t that bad. We almost always have fun, but yeah, some nights are worse than others. It can’t be great all the time. T
he drunk idiots know how to ruin a night.”

  Kyle laughed at that, and I watched him. Although I hadn’t known him long, I knew how rare his smile was. Even rarer was for him to be carefree, like tonight. It touched me; I felt lucky, and special.

  “Come with me?” Offering me his hand, I took it, and our fingers entwined. His hand was bigger and enveloped mine easily. It made me feel protected in a way.

  Reaching the couch, he sat first, in the corner, and then settled me between his legs with my back pressed to his chest. Once I was comfortable, he put his arms around mine and held me prisoner. I loved the feeling yet it seemed surreal. Using my fingers, I drew small swirls on his legs over his jeans. We didn’t talk, we were enjoying each other.

  “Do you want to watch a movie, or I can change the music, if you’d like?”

  “Whatever you want is fine with me, Kyle.”

  “I have a couple of movies like The Crow or some paranormal movies. We can also watch something on Netflix, if you want?”

  Kyle was acting nervous. He wanted me to have a good time, I could tell.

  “The Crow, the one with Brandon Lee?”

  “Yeah. It’s the best, in my opinion. Do you want to watch it?” he asked, his voice vibrating with excitement.

  “Sure.” I loved the movie anyway, even if it was an old one, so why deny him.

  It turned out Kyle had already set up and had it ready to watch.


  It didn’t register at first, but as the movie played, I started noticing similarities between the plotline and what had happened to Cassidy. Did Kyle have a plan to seek revenge one day? Who knew? It wasn’t a subject I wished to discuss right then.

  Cuddling closer to him and sliding my hand underneath his t-shirt seeking the warmth of his skin, I concentrated on his heartbeat rather than the movie. Kyle recited several lines of the movie, but I don’t think he realized it.

  Gradually, our bodies melted into each other’s and before long Kyle’s curious hands wandered beneath my clothes to caress my curves. He kissed the top of my head every few minutes. I wanted him to kiss me like earlier tonight, though; when we’d been absorbed by it.

  Wanting to take control, I turned around and faced him. Our eyes locked, and at first there was sadness, but after closing them for a moment, Kyle reopened his eyes to reveal a different emotion.


  Confident that we were in this together, I made it my goal right then and there to get whatever haunted Kyle off his mind.

  Pulling his top over his head, I grazed my fingers along his colored skin trying to understand the meanings. His pierced nipple touched the palm of my hand, and Kyle began panting. The tension between us already working over time, it was impossible to miss his reaction. All over my skin felt alive, like the electricity of a hot and humid summer day. Shivers covered my body in waves. Adjusting my position, I straddled his legs, making it hard for him to move. This move, which worked most of the time, helped me claim control. Control had always been my thing. Leaning down to cover his lips with mine, I stopped a quarter of an inch away, to let the sexual tension build, to increase his need.

  “Tiff,” he murmured, and I chortled in return.

  Releasing him from the waiting, I began skimming the tip of my tongue over his lips with the intent to kiss him in the end. Except, I never made it there.

  Pushed onto my back, on the opposite side of the couch, I was no longer in control while Kyle got rid of my top and bra. So much for winning the battle. Kyle’s body crushed mine, and the barbell in his nipple rubbed against my breast, tickling me. Lost in a tangle of arms and legs, we kissed until we could no longer hold our breath.

  “K–Kyle,” I panted out, and stopped. He’d left me speechless for the moment.

  Both of us rasping, he laid his head on my shoulder and tightened his arms around me. We stayed like that for a minute, catching up on oxygen, but then started right back into it, without wasting time on clothes. Well, the remaining clothes we still had on. Those were removed and thrown on the floor without a care.

  Writhing together toward the peak of the action, we were working up a sweat and having the best sex we’d ever had together. The arm of the couch dug into my back with every thrust, while his fingers knotted in my hair, holding me.

  Lost in the intense frenzy, I bit across his shoulders, leaving small marks on the skin. My whole body was at Kyle’s mercy for him to please, and by damn if he didn’t know me better than I knew myself. One hand held my back, pressing me so close to him I couldn’t tell if there was any place for air between us. The other hand, he used to play with my breasts and my hair, keeping me on the edge. My control had been lost long ago, and I didn’t care. My single concern was how long we would be able to deal with the overload of pleasuring sensations.

  Slowing down his pace, Kyle caught my attention. I opened my eyes and tried focusing on him. His forehead was covered with droplets of sweat. Why is he is so damn adorable?

  “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

  I nodded. “I think you did, but if you hadn’t, believe me, you’ve shown me.” I’d never felt more desired by a man.

  “I did, huh?” he said with a mesmerizing smile which melted the guard around my heart.

  Kyle got back to his rhythm, pushing me and playing with me until I fell over the edge a hot mess of lust and need. Holding his waist with my legs, I couldn’t control how strong my grip was that kept him in place while the shock washed over my body. Jolts of pleasure spread out from my sex as my fingers dug into his biceps, leaving more marks. I’d never experienced such an intense orgasm before. I felt vulnerable but sated, to the point of wanting to fall asleep.

  “Kyle... Jesus Christ.”

  He didn’t hear me or even react to my words because he was now going through the same motions I had seconds before. Once I loosened my grip on him, his body collapsed on mine. Impossible to ignore how fantastical our lovemaking had been, I could hardly believe it—and it scared me.

  How can something that good last forever? Every good thing in my life turned into a nightmare sooner or later. While I had no idea what to do or think, my body was exhausted, so I let myself relax. I needed to regain some energy.

  Waking up in the middle of the night confused, I wondered where the hell I was. It took me a few seconds before realizing I was tucked in Kyle’s bed, nestled beside him. The sound of his breathing was close to my ear and his arm covered me, holding me around the waist.

  I went into a panic.

  Tomorrow, everything could be gone. Good things never lasted forever for me. If I ran now, before this got too perfect, it wouldn’t hurt as bad, not like it would later, when I lost it all. I hated doing this, but it was for the best. At least, I believed so.

  Rolling out of bed, my clothes were nowhere to be seen. For several bittersweet minutes, I watched Kyle sleep, taking in the images of his peaceful face and naked body before leaving like a thief in the night.

  Tiptoeing to the living room, I prayed he wouldn’t wake up. My clothes were there, where he had taken them off, and I pulled them on, a tear rolling down my cheek.

  Is this really a good idea? I challenged myself. Yes, Tiff. Just go already.

  Considering the night might have grown cold, I grabbed his hoodie and put it on, and then made my way outside hoping I wouldn’t regret my decision in the morning.

  The city was asleep; there were no free cars or taxis around. I could have contacted an Uber driver, but to be honest, I didn’t feel like talking to anyone. I wanted to be alone, so it left me no other choice but to walk home. Walking, walking, walking… it seemed all I did was walk around the neighborhood these days. Maybe it was time to consider getting a car. Being outside at this time, alone, I didn’t feel safe. Knowing running would get me home faster, I dug my feet into the pavement while agitated thoughts filled my head.

  I could still be in Kyle’s bed if it weren’t for my trust issues, or issues with men in general. I lau
ghed at myself. How stupid was I? I had been friends with Kyle for months; I should have known better.

  An accelerating engine echoed off a building behind me, along with loud music. Distracted, I kept on running, ignoring everything and just wanting to get home where I could cry in peace. Tires screeching way too close behind me forced me to turn around.

  It was way too dark.

  Everything had turned black, and I was no longer running. My body had gone from exhausted, to numb.


  I moved closer to her side of the bed, only to find it empty. From the looks of things, she hadn’t just left the bed. The sheets showed no sign of her figure pressing into them, held none of her body warmth. Tiffany had been gone for a while.

  “Shit,” I muttered. Getting out of bed with little hope of finding her in the kitchen or living room, I still called her name, and got no answer.

  Talk about being bummed. I’d thought we were on the same page last night. Had we gone too fast? Or maybe I hadn’t made myself clear enough regarding being serious about the two of us. With Tiff’s trust issues, I should’ve made sure she understood how much I wanted our thing to be more. I considered calling her, but if she left in the middle of the night, then she probably wanted space, which I was ready to give her for a few more hours. No more than that.

  Like every other morning of my monotonous life, I ate breakfast, showered, got dressed, and then made my way to the shop. Expecting Levi or Val to be there before me, it was surprising—and somewhat annoying—to find the shop lights off and the doors locked. Married life had changed Levi. He’d become more pussy-whipped than Justin Bieber was to Selena Gomez. Did I really just mention Justin Bieber? Whatever. I was so over it.

  Turning on the music and lights, I reviewed our schedule for the day. There was an appointment in the late afternoon, which I still needed to work on the final touches of the design for, but not much else. While waiting for Val or Levi to arrive, I started working on the design, and got lost in it. It was looking great, if not perfect.


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