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Always Have: (Bad Boy Romance)

Page 11

by Claire Kingsley

  “This time,” he says, “I don’t have to look away. “Turn over.” He grabs my hips and flips me to my stomach. He unfastens my bra and I let the straps fall off my arms. Then he pushes his hands beneath my panties, sliding them down my legs.

  I turn to look at him over my shoulder. “This time?”

  “When you were sick, I had you naked in the shower. God, I wanted to touch you then. But holy fuck, look at that ass.” He kneads his hands into my flesh.

  “That really happened?” I ask. “I thought it was a fever dream.”

  “No, it was real,” he says. “Too fucking real. But this—Kylie, this is worth the wait.”

  He grabs my legs and pulls me down so I’m tipped over the edge of the bed, my feet on the floor. He presses up against me and leans down so his body touches the entire length of mine. His skin on mine is sublime. I shudder at the feel of his heat, his skin, his cock pushing against my ass. He slips a hand beneath my belly and lifts my upper body. I tip upward, his chest against my back, and hold myself up with my arms. His hand trails down. He kisses across my shoulder, to my neck. His hand reaches between my legs and I gasp. He finds my clit instantly, like he already knows exactly where to touch me. Pleasure jolts through me, taking the breath from my lungs.

  “Oh god, Braxton.”

  “Baby, I love hearing you say my name.”

  His finger flicks over my clit and my pussy heats up—fast. He massages gently, and my legs start to shake. It feels so good I can barely stand it. “How are you doing that?”

  He nips the side of my neck with his teeth and I shudder. “I’m just getting you warmed up.”

  I lean my head back against his shoulder. One hand holds me around my waist while the other does some kind of crazy fucking magic on my clit. I have no idea what he’s doing, but it feels unbelievable.

  My breath comes faster and I rock my hips with the rhythm of his fingers. His cock digs into me from behind.

  “Fuck, Braxton, you’re going to make me come.”

  “Should I?” he says into my ear, his voice low and guttural. “Right here? Like this?”

  I’m swirling, losing control. “Yes. Oh god, Braxton, make me come.”

  He groans and bites my shoulder. It pinches, but that only makes me hotter. I arch my back into him, pressing against his cock.

  His fingers stop. I’m right on the edge, so close to orgasm it would take nothing more than another brush against my clit to send me over.

  “Not yet,” he says. “I want you to come on my cock.”

  He leans over and grabs a box of condoms from his nightstand. I don’t really want to think about all the women he’s been with, let alone bring it up with him right now—but fuck, I want him in me bare.

  “Brax, have you been tested?” I ask. “Recently?”

  He stops. “Yes. I always cover it, but yeah, I know I’m clean.”

  I meet his eyes. “Me too. I get the shot, so if you want…”

  “Are you serious?” he says. His eyes move up and down my body and he quirks another smile.

  I’m throbbing so hard I can barely think, but I know I’m sure about this. I want all of him. I turn over and crawl backwards onto the bed. “I don’t want anything between us. Nothing.”

  He drops the condoms to the floor.

  I scoot a little so he has room. He gets on top of me and settles between my legs, his cock just outside my opening. I want him inside me so bad I’m ready to beg for it, but his face is so serious.

  He pauses, his nose brushing mine. “Are you ready for me?” he asks, his voice low.


  “This is where it begins, Ky,” he says. “This night.”

  “I know.”

  He slides in, slowly, carefully. His eyes roll back, closing, and he lets out a throaty moan.

  Holy shit. The size of his cock was not an optical illusion. I’m so wet, he glides right in, but he stretches me open.

  “More,” I say. I grab his ass, trying to push him in deeper.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I want it all.”

  He plunges in further and, just when I think he’s in to the hilt, there’s more. He buries himself inside me. I can feel the crown bottoming out, his girth filling me. He holds there, as if we’re locked in place, our bodies melding together.

  “Holy shit, Kylie, you feel so fucking good,” he says.

  I hold him against me, my arms around his back. He’s deep inside me, but I want him closer. Deeper. Harder. I want him to take me and own me and never, ever let me go.

  He pulls out and pushes in again, groaning into my neck.

  “Fuck, Kylie, I want to take my time with you, but I don’t think I can hold back.”

  “Don’t hold back, Braxton,” I say. “Fuck me hard. I want to still feel you in the morning.”

  Instantly, his weight on me eases, and he’s fucking me hard. So hard. The world is gone, it’s nothing, there’s only me and Braxton and his cock moving so hard and so fast. It’s everything. It’s bliss. Every thrust is pure ecstasy. He pauses when I’m right on the edge, holding me there, making me ache for release.

  “Oh fuck, Braxton.”

  “That’s it, baby.” He starts thrusting again. “Say my name.”


  “Tell me what you want.”

  “Make me come, Braxton,” I say, practically whimpering. “I want to come all over you.”

  “Oh, god, Ky, you’re the sexiest fucking woman on this planet. I don’t want this to end.”

  His cock pulses. I can feel how close he is to bursting.

  “Don’t stop that,” I say. He hits my clit, perfectly, every time. I don’t know how he does it. My muscles contract, my pussy clenching around him.

  “Fuck, yes,” he growls. “Fuck, fuck, yes.”

  He pounds hard, his body stiffening, his cock throbbing inside me, and suddenly I’m falling. Tumbling through the stars, out of control. I’m calling his name, riding the wave of his orgasm as he pours himself into me. My muscles tense and contract, over and over, until I forget to breathe.

  I come down off the high, my breath coming fast. Braxton’s body glistens in the dull light coming in through the window. He picks himself up, his cock still inside me. I keep my hands on his lower back, holding him in place. I want to stay connected.

  He kisses my forehead, my cheeks, my chin, my jaw. His lips find mine and linger there, kissing me slowly, softly. I put my arms around his neck and drown in his kiss. I don’t ever want to come up for air.

  Eventually, he slides out and rolls onto his side. I miss him already; the inches between us are too much. He grabs me around the waist and pulls me into him. I tuck myself into his body, lying on my side with his arm draped over me. His feet tangle with mine. He cups my breast with one hand and rests his face next to my head.

  We lie together, silent. We don’t need to speak. My thighs are wet with his come; his sweat mingles with mine. His scent is all over me. He leans in and kisses my ear, my neck, my shoulder.

  Nothing will ever be the same.

  I want to cry with happiness—and fear. This is Braxton. My Braxton. I feel like I might burst. He holds me tight, like he’s as afraid as I am that we’ll wake up in the morning and realize none of it was real.

  I want it to be real.

  I close my eyes against the sting of tears. He holds my fragile heart in the palm of his hand. His big, strong hand, that could crush it with no effort at all.

  “Braxton?” I whisper.

  He hugs me tighter, his muscles flexing around me. “Yes, baby?”

  “Please don’t break me.”

  “No,” he says, his low voice fierce. “I promise. Not ever.”

  I close my eyes, hoping desperately it’s a promise he can keep.

  I wake up with Kylie in my arms. My chest feels like it’s going to burst, and it’s all I can do to keep from crushing her against me.

  I’m still a little giddy, basking in l
ast night’s glow. I probably look like a big idiot, but I can’t stop smiling. She breathes evenly, her back moving against my chest. I want to let her sleep, but now that I’m awake I can’t stop kissing her. My cock swells against her ass, and I kiss her ear, her neck, her shoulder.

  Fuck, she’s so good.

  She’s not just good. She’s everything.

  Our first time was too fast, but holy shit, she felt incredible. Better than any woman I’ve ever been with, and there’s a long list of them. Every last one pales in comparison to Kylie. The taste of her skin on my tongue, the feel of her pussy wrapped around my cock. It was too much. I was coming in her long before I meant to, but she came hard all over me, so I didn’t feel too bad about it. I fucked her two more times before we both fell asleep, exhausted, and those times I lasted longer.

  Much longer.

  I fill my nose with her scent, swim in lilac breeze. This time it isn’t torture, it’s heaven. There’s nothing between us. Her bare skin is against mine. I’ve been inside her. I’ve filled every inch of her. Kissed her. Touched her. Held her.

  And I don’t have to stop.

  She shifts her hips a little and makes a noise in her throat as she wakes up. She turns to look at me over her shoulder.


  “Hi, baby girl,” I say. I kiss her nose. “Did you sleep well?”

  “How could I not?” she asks. “You wore me out last night.”

  “I’m going to wear you out every night.”

  She laughs. “Maybe let’s take this one day at a time, okay?”

  “Whatever you need, baby,” I say. I kiss her shoulder again. “I’ll make sure you want me every day.” We lie in silence for a few minutes and I get a little nervous. Is she okay? Do we need to talk about this? “Ky?” I ask.


  “Are you okay?”

  She rolls onto her back and I prop my head up so I can look at her face. The sheet drapes across her belly, her gorgeous tits right there for me to see. I take her lack of modesty as a good sign. But her forehead is tight, a little groove forming between her eyebrows.

  “I think so,” she says.

  “You’re not sure?” I ask.

  “I just…” She pauses, her eyes on the ceiling. “I didn’t expect this to happen. I’m not sure how it happened. I mean, it’s you. It’s us.”

  “Are you glad?” I ask. Please say yes.

  “Yes.” She smiles, and I breathe out a sigh of relief. “Yes, I’m glad. But … I didn’t know you wanted me like this.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Are you serious?”

  “I had no idea,” she says. “No, I guess that isn’t true. I wondered. Sometimes the way you looked at me, or the things you said, made me think you might. But I figured you were just messing around, you know? I didn’t think you meant it.”

  I touch her face, basking in the feel of her skin on my hand. “I meant it every single time.”

  “That’s not possible,” she says.

  “Why not?”

  “You’ve been flirting with me since we were teenagers.”

  “I’ve wanted you since we were teenagers,” I say.

  Her lips part. I can’t wait to see those lips on my cock. The thought of it makes my dick stir.

  “You have not,” she says.

  “I have, I swear.” I lean down to kiss her, soft and sweet. She even tastes good first thing in the morning. “It’s always been you, Kylie.”

  She stares at me again. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  I look away. It’s a good question. “I almost did, probably a thousand times. There was always something in the way. You were dating someone, or I was. And when we were both single, I don’t know … I didn’t want to screw it up. We had this boundary we couldn’t cross, and no matter how much I wanted to, I was afraid to risk it.”

  “What made you risk it last night?”

  “After I broke up with Aubrey, I decided I was going to be ready for you the next time. I didn’t care how long it took. If things ended with Derek, I would be there. I wasn’t going to let another chance slip by. Because if I did, the next guy might be the one who took you from me forever. I couldn’t let that happen.”

  She turns into me, and I wrap her in my arms. I kiss the top of her head. I can’t wait to be inside her again, but more than anything, I’m just amazed that she’s here, lying in bed with me.

  “Kylie?” I ask. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  She nods against my chest. “I’m more than okay.”

  I smile and hold her tight. She’s soft and warm and delicious.

  “So, what happens now?” she asks.

  I nudge her onto her back and lean down to kiss her neck. I move down to her breasts and run my tongue across her nipple. I didn’t get enough of these last night.

  “Right now,” I say, and lick her again. “We stay in bed. I’ll make you breakfast later if you’re hungry. But I want to savor you. I’ve been dreaming about this for years. I’m not finished yet.”

  She shivers as I graze my teeth on the hard nub of her nipple. “But, Brax,” she says.

  Her voice is too serious. I don’t like it. It sounds like worries. “Yeah?”

  “What are we going to tell Selene?”

  I knew she was going to bring that up. I suppose it was inevitable, but I was hoping to fuck her again before we had to deal with that particular problem.

  I shift back to my side and rest my head in my hand. I don’t want to stop touching her tits—they’re too fucking amazing to leave alone while they’re uncovered like this—so I trace them with my finger.

  “It’s going to be a little difficult,” I say. I might be understating that, but I don’t want to alarm Kylie, and the truth is I don’t know what Selene is going to think. “It will take her some time to get used to it.”

  “What if she’s mad?”

  I shrug. Mad doesn’t bother me. Selene gets mad at me all the time. “She’ll get over it.”

  “You say that like it doesn’t matter,” she says. “What if she’s hurt?”

  That word makes my throat constrict. I can’t hurt my sister.

  “The three of us have been friends for so long,” Kylie continues. “And that’s all we’ve ever been. If you and I are suddenly something else, Selene might not know how to process that. I’ve always felt like she didn’t want me to like you that way, you know? Ever since we were kids. Every time I said something about you—how you looked or whatever—she was quick to shoot it down.”

  She’s right, my sister is going to be tricky to handle. “Maybe we don’t tell her right away.”

  “You want to lie to her?”

  “Not exactly,” I say. “But we can ease into this and talk to her when we’re ready.”

  “So, we see where this goes first?” she asks.

  I know exactly where I want this to go, and I hoped Kylie would be more certain than she sounds. But for now, I’ll take what I can get. “Sure. We see where it goes. We’ll know when it’s time to tell her.”

  “Okay,” she says. “What about today, then?”

  “Today,” I say, running my fingers down the line from her breasts to her belly button. “Today you can have whatever you want. Hard. Soft. Fast. Slow.” I flick my fingers across her skin, like I’m ticking off her choices. “Mouth. Tongue. Cock. Forward, backward, sideways, upside-down. Anything. I still have so much to show you.”

  She laughs. “You’re insatiable.”

  “I am when it’s you,” I say. “I’ve been a dying man in the desert, walking on the edge of a river, but the water was always out of reach. I’ve only just managed to jump in. I’m still thirsty.”

  “That’s very Greek tragedy of you.” She caresses my chest and runs her hand down my abs. “But I suppose it’s appropriate when you look like a Greek god.”

  Her hand on my skin feels so good. “Mm, baby, keep doing that. It’s helping.”

  “Speaking of water, maybe I should showe

  I grin at her. “I like you dirty.”

  “How dirty do you like me?”

  I keep getting harder, passing the point where I can ignore it. I need her again. Now. “As dirty as I can get you,” I say. I flip the sheet off her and she shivers, bending her knees to tuck her legs up closer. “Cold?”

  “A little.”

  “I can help with that.”

  I nudge her legs open and slide my hand up the inside of her thigh. She’s so fucking perfect—every curve, every mark, every angle. I lick my lips, and brush my fingers across the soft skin between her legs. She shivers again.

  I grab a pillow and help her tuck it beneath her hips. She looks at me with her eyebrows drawn in.

  “Trust me,” I say.

  I move so I’m in front of her and nibble my way up her inner thigh. She’s breathing hard before I get anywhere near her pussy. The stubble on my jaw must be scratchy, but she seems to like it. I find a tiny freckle right at the crease of her leg and run my tongue across it.

  “I owe you an apology,” I say, and kiss her inner thigh again.

  “For what?” she asks. I love how high-pitched and breathy she sounds.

  “I was too preoccupied with my dick last night,” I say. I kiss just outside her opening and lick my lips. Oh fuck, she tastes good.

  “Your dick is magnificent,” she says. “You should be apologizing for keeping it from me all these years.”

  “Baby, your pussy is fucking unreal.” I slide my tongue between her wet folds. “I wish I could have had this a long time ago.”

  “Maybe we weren’t ready then,” she says.

  I look up and meet her eyes. “Are you ready now?”

  She tips her legs open for me. “Fuck, yes.”

  I dive in, eager to taste her, to feel her hot, wet skin against my tongue. Her hips are tipped up just right, and I swirl my tongue around her clit.

  She grabs the sheets, shuddering. “Oh god, Braxton.”

  I want to keep hearing her say my name. I want to be the only name she ever calls out for the rest of her life.

  I flick her clit with my tongue, testing her, seeing what she likes. I have so much to learn, so much to discover. I want to know it all. I give her more pressure and she rocks her hips up and down. I move with her, increasing my pace. My tongue slips back and forth across her clit, teasing her center.


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