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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 29

by Lee Morgan

  Together Sorono and Veronica landed. Veronica still wore her white robe with a gold trim. Sorono now attired his Elder’s robe, since he is the true Head of the immortals.

  Then came the last flier. This is one of the most stunning sights Connor’s ever witnessed. Down came, what he imagined, a true dragon to really look like.

  The creature had a long sinuous neck and tail with thick, armored scales. It had two straight spikes coming out of its skull, like the horns of a great gazelle, and sharp spines growing along its spine, starting from skull and traveling all the way to the end of the tail. Then there were its two enormous black wings that looked to be made of hardened leather. Its arms and legs had curved talons that looked more deadly than the average Keepers claws. The scales were black and glossy. Then there was the torso, covered in a large black robe flapping wildly. The massive head looked almost like a predatory dinosaur’s and the teeth on the upper jaw were faintly showing passed its leathery lips. Then came the eyes, they were pure silver and both had a prominent catlike slit.

  Connor was stunned, as were just about everyone else.

  Mark walked up to his side and spoke in awe. “I haven’t seen that form in close to nine hundred years.”

  Then the dragon landed on all fours, beside Sorono.

  Connor spoke just above a whisper as his eyes were focused on the enormous dragon. “Mark, do you know who that is?”

  His awed voice was still in use. “I sure do. That is Head Elder Raphael. My maker. He is the very one who brought me into this life.”

  Kara stood between Sarah and Mark, while holding Pearl. She turned to look at her mate and spoke just above a whisper, just like her brother. “Honey, are you serious. You’ve never told me that your maker can turn into that…”

  Sarah’s gaze returned and were stuck on the dragon looking Head Elder of the Changers. She continued gawking at him just like Connor, Darrel, Pearl, Jack and just about everyone else who had arrived were doing. This was a sight that very few had ever had the pleasure of seeing. Darrel struggled in Sarah’s arms so that he could see the Changer in a form that shouldn’t be possible.

  Then Mark said in a lighter tone “Raphael is the only one of our kind who can even achieve that form. Plus Sweetheart, he’s a Bone Changer like you.”

  Kara laughed and then stopped a few seconds later. “Wait. You’re serious?”

  Mark nodded.

  Then things became even more silent as Head Elder Raphael’s eyes began to glow. All listened on in fascination as his bones began cracking in the air and watched as his long neck and tail began collapsing towards the mass of his body. As his head came closer to his body, his oval and dinosaur looking face began pulling back, becoming rounder and more flesh-like. His dagger-like teeth started changing into humanoid. Then they watched as his black scales began turning into a lightly tanned skin. Then as his spiked horns disappeared, his jet black hair began growing out of the scalp. Then he leaned back to stand on his back legs. He changed his talons into fingers and also absorbed his enormous wings into his body.

  Raphael has shrunk down to a quarter of his previous size. It seemed inconceivable by how he could alter himself to such an extent.

  Then the silence ended when all heard Sorono speak. “I am glad to see that so many have arrived here so quickly. Please hold your questions for an hour at most. I will explain everything shortly.” Sarah’s gaze was finally removed from Raphael to Sorono because his quick movement drew attention. The large hazel eyes of Sorono studied the buildings and everyone who were working together. And then he spotted their group and thought “Connor, I see that you could indeed handle things until we arrived. Please come over here and tell us if there have been any further developments.” Sorono then corrected what he said. “The entire family may come as well.”

  Connor met Sarah’s eyes and he seemed to radiate supreme authority right about now. He was becoming all business, now that he could think clearly and not gawk at the youngest of the Head Elders. His predatory hazel eyes were almost soul shattering, but they were judging her to see if she could handle what is to come.

  When she squared her shoulders, he smiled proudly.

  He then began walking with a calmer authority. She quickly moved to walk on his left. Darrel moved into a comfortable spot in her arms so that he could see all the new faces that had come. Jack and Mark quickly began walking to Connor’s right and Kara moved to Sarah’s left while Pearl was as excited as her brother.

  They made their way closer to the ancient immortals and the enormous cases that they had brought in with them. As they moved closer she reiterated to her children to treat these people with the upmost respect.

  As they approached the eight guards made a loose perimeter around the Elders. Soon their family passed the ring and Sarah saw Head Elder Amphrite’s seaweed green eyes glisten when she saw who lay in her arms. Sarah smiled happily and hoped they had time to speak later because Sorono took a step forward and asked “How are events proceeding?”

  The group stopped when Connor did. Her mate had been working throughout the entire night and most of the day so he didn’t look very presentable. That wasn’t even a concern once he began speaking. “I had the three Keeper’s you sent here, send out a three chiming call to everyone, which you are all already aware. After they did their job, I enlisted the help of the local police to help keep the humans away from this area.”

  Sorono nodded. “That is a wise decision. It will also help ease the burden off the Immortal Guards who will begin patrolling the area for any unwelcome visitors…”

  “Speaking of them,” Connor interrupted with a slight smile. Sorono was brought up short because he began blinking in a confused manner. “I was wondering if I could ask for four volunteer Guards. Preferably two Balancers and two Changers because they look and can act human. I’ve given the town sheriff a metal badge like what the Immortal Guard’s have. I know it wasn’t strictly the best alternative, but he needs to also have some support if our kind becomes a little…overzealous, with other local humans. It might not be an actual seal, but it would allow us to recognize that he is a friend.”

  Sorono smiled. “That is a very good idea, and one I didn’t even consider. Indeed, I think your way is preferable. You may ask for the four volunteers…later. Right now we need to wait until they return with their assigned elder. Once there are enough Guard’s present to make easier shifts, then you may give our support to your trustworthy human companion.” Then Sorono looked over all of them and glanced at the surroundings. “I see that you have begun making quarters for my kind. By the looks of it, there is still much needed to be done.”

  When Sorono quieted for a minute, Connor asked “So what did you bring in those enormous containers?”

  Sorono met his gaze and stated “In five of the crates is enough food for six hundred immortals for two weeks. In the other five, are large cots that can hold enough to allow five thousand Keepers to rest comfortably.”

  Then Sorono began saying what he’s been doing since he returned home. “I’ve also contacted several of my suppliers and also bought several cargo planes. Within three days we’ll receive our first supply of necessities. In a week they’ll start dropping supplies that we will need to arm ourselves with. I’ve also ordered a surplus of food because there will be a lot of expended energy to come. I gave these exact coordinates to the shippers and pilots so they will drop everything in this area. If any supplies land elsewhere, due to any unforeseen wind shifts, we’ll send out some retrievers to bring the goods here. We will then receive a continuous supply until we begin moving out.”

  “Alright, speaking of that. I’ve told those who will go live in town, and in the surrounding human area, to rent rooms until July first. I guessed that would be the most opportune date for everyone to leave.”

  Sorono grinned. “We really do think alike. I also guessed that would be the best date to depart. The last shipment that will be delivered will be on June twenty ninth. I was pl
anning to have a feast on the thirtieth. I thought it would be best for everyone to leave on a full stomach and lifted spirits.”

  “Food brings us all together and we all love a good party.”

  Everyone close to them began grinning.

  Then Sorono asked “So where can we help out around here?”

  “Are you sure you’re up for it?” Connor grinned knowingly.

  Sorono grunted and looked mildly insulted. “Of course I can. I’m in top performance right now. I’ve mainly been eating since going home.”

  “Alright then,” Connor then spoke to everyone. “all who can give a hand, or claw, can follow me. I can put you all to work.”

  Sarah glanced over to see Shannon make her way over to her mother and Veronica looked delighted to see her daughter again. It wasn’t difficult to assume that she and her mother would be almost inseparable for a time to come.

  As Connor turned around and started walking away with everyone besides Kara and Sarah, they overheard Amphrite say “Poseidon, go on ahead and give them a hand. I need to speak with Sarah for a moment.” Connor glanced at his love and smiled. He entered her mind and said “Have a pleasant chat, Princess.”

  She smiled back and thought “Thanks, I’ll catch up later.”

  “Sarah?” An ancient and accented voice called. She turned and looked up into seaweed green eyes and a beautifully tanned complexion. Her hair had grown slightly longer since the last time they met. Besides Sarah, Amphrite is the eldest, strongest and one of the tallest female Balancers there are.

  She smiled up to her and gave a small bow. “Hello, Amphrite.”

  Her smile became brighter than the reflective gold pentagram that is sewn to her breast. “How have you been doing lately? Sorono didn’t tell us much besides what is going to happen shortly. He didn’t tell us that you’ve had your child.”

  “Children.” Sarah corrected.

  Amphrite smiled even wider as she looked between her arms and Kara’s. “Twins! Oh congratulations, Sarah. What are their names?”

  “My name is Pearl.” Her daughter thought from Kara’s gentle arms.

  The eldest Balancer became thunderstruck, instantly.

  “And I’m Pearl’s brother, Darrel.” Her son said with a baby’s giggle.

  Amphrite looked in complete shock between the children. Her lips parted and spoke at an almost inaudible whisper. “They can talk? And why does she have a boy’s name?”

  “Because I am a boy!” Darrel said in an annoyed mental tone. “Do you need to see proof that I’m not a girl? Go ahead and check if you think I’m lying.”

  “Darrel!” Sarah chastised. “Watch what you say. You never speak like that to a lady, especially the Head Elder. Show some respect and apologize.”

  “Yes Mommy.” He said annoyingly. Her son then gave a formal apology.

  Once he finished, Amphrite smiled. Then she looked at Sarah. “It seems like the five of us need to have a discussion. I’ve missed much more than I originally thought.” Amphrite pointed to a shaded spot that laid out of the way of the workers. “Let’s go over there to chat.”

  “I’m sorry,” Kara said and took a step closer. “but I have a lot of work to do and I don’t need Brother yelling at me and telling me how to do my construction properly.” Kara stretched out her arms. “Take care of my niece for now.”

  Amphrite was startled for a moment and then quickly regained herself. She bent forward and carefully cradled Sarah’s daughter. Once she was safe in the ancient’s arms, Kara turned around to get back to work with everyone. Amphrite continued looking down at the daughter in loving wonder. The two of them had instantly worked their magic to have this ancient female become entranced with them. Then the elder cooed “It is a pleasure to meet you Pearl.” Then she looked to the son. “And you too, Darrel. I’m Head Elder Amphrite.” Then both Pearl and Darrel smiled and thought “Hi!”

  Amphrite and Pearl followed Sarah and Darrel over to the shady spot. Once they sat down, Sarah began explaining how it was possible for her to conceive a boy. The woman was astounded by all the new information and she took it all in without hostility. Then she began speaking with each of the adorable children. After the rough start with Darrel’s pride feeling harmed, they all became quite close and comfortable with each other. Amphrite smiled almost continually as she got to know and understand them, and they did so with her too.

  Before they knew it, two hours had passed and the sun had just begun hiding behind the forest. Over forty cabins were completed by this time and there were three other cabins that were made specifically for the other Elders.

  Once the sunlight had only begun fading, everyone heard Sorono’s ancient and proud mental voice. “Everyone, will you please gather around.”

  During her talk with Amphrite, someone had lined up all of the large crates. Sorono stood atop of one of those crates so that everyone could see him clearly. Amphrite and Sarah stood up, just as both of their mates began making their way closer to them. Poseidon saw whom his mate held and he smiled. Connor found Sarah and moved around to stand behind them. She leaned back into his large, firm chest. The six of them then watched as everyone made their way closer so they could understand what is going on.

  Once the gathered crowd silenced, Sarah quickly counted three hundred and seventy one immortals, whom had shown up and remained. There were still some who had gone into the town and made arrangements.

  Sorono remained tall and proud as he stood atop the makeshift platform. He made himself look calm and at ease, but everyone could feel that this reunion wasn’t a time for fun and a leisurely gathering. Then his mental voice took on his full authority as Head Elder of the Keepers and all kind immortals.

  “I know that each one of you were wondering why there was an emergency summons. Well it is time that you heard it all straight from me. What you need to understand is that we have a situation that cannot be avoided. How many of you heard about the Tsunami that occurred in South America?” Many hands went up. Many of the facial features were both calm and confused because of the question. “What I’m about to tell you is all completely true. Close to four weeks ago, I was captured and tortured while trying to locate my other brother, besides Connor. He is the only other living Harmonizer and his name is Ranvan…”

  For the next hour Sorono explained everything to the shocked crowd, but didn’t let sensitive minds overhear certain details. Not only that, he planted mental images to prove a point.

  Everyone went from looking from Sorono on the platform to where Connor stood behind Sarah. She knew he stood calmly behind her, but it was embarrassing nonetheless when many people looked their way. She didn’t feel that anyone was hostile towards them, but apparently those that were the most dangerous looking had known someone who lived down in South America. She also saw that some were skeptical, but the more they listened, the more they realized the truth and gravity of the situation. The mental images proved the words. By the end of Sorono’s recounts all present believed what is happening. Then Sorono had explained the numbers he discovered. The mated Balancers were leaning on each other for support like they needed to hold onto something or else lose their link to sanity. The Changers were all either looking for a fight or uncaring. And the Keepers were silent and calculating.

  After a moment of silence Sorono asked in the fading light “Are there any among us who have concerns?”

  Several hands and claws went straight up. Sorono then pointed to the first to arrive, Bryce. He was one of the closest and his deep voice was unmistakable. He remained in his large form and stood as one of the uncaring kinds of Changers. He Began speaking loud enough so that all could hear him. “So this emergency gathering is for what purpose? Why should we get involved?”

  Suddenly Sarah saw a smaller person jump into the air and land beside Sorono on the platform. They all recognized the Head of the Changers. He stood proudly beside the giant. His dark form gave off a somewhat similar feel to Sorono, even though he wasn’t transforme
d. His accent was unmistakable and his tone of ancient authority reached all. His silver eyes scanned all who were present and they slowly found a target. “My child, Bryce. You may not have had my direct hand at your ascension, but you realize what is at stake.” Then his eyes began drifting around the silent crowd. “To all Changers that are here, I know for a fact that you were all once human, even if you no longer wish to admit it. Each and everyone here has a strength that any human couldn’t ever match. That being said, So What!?”

  Some in the crowd began mumbling and looking around at each other in confusion.

  Her brow drew together in hearing this. Sarah tilted her head back and looked to Connor for advice. She then projected her mind into her husband’s. “Connor, what is he doing? It doesn’t sound like he’s aiding us at all. It sounds more like he’s giving everyone an out.”

  Connor looked down at her and only smiled. His mind felt calm and serene. It was like he didn’t have an answer to the Elder’s plan or…

  “That sly old man…” Poseidon spoke softly to her left. His green eyes were locked on the other Head Elder while also showing a faint smile. He realized Sarah staring right at him and he pointed to the stage and said in a hush tone “Raphael is a master of reverse psychology. He can make you think it was your idea all along, to fight even if he was the one to put the thought in your head. He’s even tricked me a time or two. Just give it a minute and you’ll see what I mean.”

  Her eyes drifted to the platform again and both Sorono and Raphael were both expressionless. The crowd continued to mumble until Raphael raised a hand for silence and to regain control over the situation. “My question to you is; So What!? So what if the humans are attacked? So what if they are brought back to the time before technology? So what if these other repugnant Keepers take control over the planet and reign supreme? What will happen then?” Everyone in the crowd went completely silent from his obvious questions. All that could really be heard were the few crackles of fire that were lit to shed light in the clearing. Everyone could hear the unspoken answers he gave them. He was basically saying, after the humans were destroyed, the other immortals would all be next on their list. It will only be a matter of time before they fell too. “We’ve all witnessed evils of this world and some of us have done those same horrific acts. Our law states that we are only allowed to kill if it is in self defense or to keep our secret. These other Keepers are doing this to serve their own purposes. They want to rule over all instead of coexisting or hiding in secret for safety. Everyone wants to gain more in life, but not many realize the costs of the gain. Sometimes we need to be told that in life there is more than our own selfish ambitions of fame and glory. We share this world equally, even if our companions are much weaker than we are. We immortals live much longer than every other life form on this planet so it is our duty to guide those who cannot understand, not enslave.


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