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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 30

by Lee Morgan

  “Now that you all understand that, let me speak pointedly at my kind.” Many Changers shifted their weight uncomfortably at being singled out. “I can see that many of you are split evenly on either preparing for a glorious fight or running away in fear with your tails tucked between your legs. Ask yourself a very personal question. When you were human, however long ago it was, were you ever once protected by someone stronger than you were? It could have been a parent, a spouse, friend or someone you’ve never met. Now imagine if they weren’t there to protect you. Can you all imagine where you would be?”

  “Yeah worm food.” Mark said silently while finally finding his way to Sarah and the rest. He, Kara and Jack were all quietly making their way over. Since they were so far away from everyone else, only a handful of people heard him.

  He and the others stood close by and went silent as Raphael continued. “Now let me ask you, my brethren. Could you honestly just sit idly by and allow these creatures take the lives of those we have the power to protect? Imagine how grateful you were to your protectors… now imagine how fulfilled you would feel protecting the innocent.”

  Raphael’s words had the effect Sarah hoped. Poseidon was right and he winked when she came to an understanding. This ancient man had helped everyone to show them that they needed to step forth and become a force of good.

  “The other Head Elders and I have spoken about what we should do. The four of us have decided to offer each of you a personal choice.” His tactics were definitely strange because he wanted people to think for themselves rather than giving them an explicit order. “If you wish to fight for the freedoms of humanity and even your very own future, you are given a single choice. You will all be given a twenty four hour grace period to give us a definite answer. You may join us in the fight or you may leave and wallow in your own miserable pity.” Then the captivating Elder ended with “Just so all of you know, every single elder is going to fight with everyone else, but if we die and you choose to flee from the upcoming war you’ll be forever exempt from taking my seat. We won’t be sitting on our thrones like politicians because we have a stake in this world too.”

  When everyone went silent at this realization, Sorono placed a grateful claw on Raphael’s shoulder. “Thank you, my friend. Your words are indeed wise and I will most certainly reflect upon them.” Sorono’s leathery lips pulled into proud smile.

  Raphael then smiled and leapt off the two story crate.

  Sarah felt Connor’s emotions shift. Her eyes drifted up and saw that he was slightly concentrating, but he simply peered forward. She realized he was using his telepathy. She then wondered what he was saying so her mind easily slipped into his. “…rry, but Sarah and the kids need to go home. I’ll meet you back here in the morning.”

  “Now before it becomes too late I have a special surprise for each and every one.” Sorono said instantly and unabashed. Suddenly she felt Connor’s chest and abdominal muscles tighten. That meant only one thing… Sorono then turned his entire head in their direction. Even from this distance she could see the probing hazel eyes that were deceptively calm. Then he asked “Sarah, will you and Connor please bring forth our newest legacy?”

  Oh great. Her face flared in embarrassment. Then it became even brighter once the entire crowd turned towards them. That isn’t fair.

  “You’re telling me.” Connor thought and she had forgotten that she was still in his mind. They sighed in defeat, simultaneously. They knew that they couldn’t get out of the spotlight without going through this.

  Sarah pulled her back from his chest just before Connor spoke evenly. “Amphrite, may I have my daughter?” Sarah watched as the two tall figures walked closer to each other. Amphrite sensed their embarrassment and handed over the daughter to her father. Connor met his mate’s eyes and said “I knew he was going to do this sooner or later. I’d hoped it would be over twenty years from now, but whatever.”

  Then Pearl said “It will be all ok, Daddy. Let’s go already.”

  They then began walking together, toward the silent crowd.

  The eerily silent crowd parted as they approached the lined crates. When she finally looked up, both Veronica and Shannon had somehow made their way up to standing beside Sorono.

  Then she watched as Connor lazily jumped atop the crate that rose twenty feet tall. Sarah crouched down, cradled her son securely to her breast and leapt. She used the correct amount of force to land atop the solid metal platform. When she checked the safety of her son, his hazel and green eyes were alight with wonder. This was the highest he’s ever jumped in someone’s arms. Connor and Sarah agreed that they were too young and fragile to do anything…strenuous.

  She slowly turned around to feel entirely self-conscious. Everyone in the entire crowd stared at her. Darrel moved so he could see everyone for himself. Connor moved to stand directly on her right while also being embarrassed.

  The heavily burdensome silence finally ended as Sorono stepped forward. “Before we begin asking more questions, I thought it proper to introduce our newest family members.” Sorono stood directly to her left and Sarah watched as he moved his left hand in a greeting manner. “Many of you remember over a year ago about the interruption during the meeting.” Some people in the crowd snickered where as others glared. “We’ll I’d like to introduce my mate, the Honored Mother, Veronica.” Connor and Sarah watched as Veronica gave a polite bow.

  Then they watched as he dropped his left claw lower. “And this here is my stepdaughter, Shannon.”

  Shannon put her training to the test and proudly took a step forward. “Greetings. It is truly an honor to meet everyone.”

  Many keepers began clapping and even some other people began applauding positively.

  Then Sorono raised his right hand over Sarah’s head and her husband’s. “I realize everyone remembers my brother Connor and his mate Sarah from the last meeting. Since then we’ve had a glorious development to our histories.” Sorono moved his hand from over her head and moved it forward. He wanted them to greet the crowd without an introduction.

  Her eyes pleaded for Connor to go first and he knew what she wanted. He placed his left hand over her shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze. He then turned his now piercing eyes to the crowd and took a step forward. His tone was raised so that everyone could hear. “Greetings everyone. I’m very sorry to meet under such a dire situation, but despite that I have someone very special that you should meet. My I introduce my firstborn child, Pearl.”

  “Hello everyone!” She thought as well as she could.

  Everyone within her one hundred foot mental radius either gasped or looked around to see who spoke. Everyone beyond her mental range looked confused as to what just occurred with those closer to the crates. Connor then regained everyone’s attention by stating “For those of you who didn’t hear, she said hello. She is almost three months old and doesn’t have the power nor the strength to project her thoughts further than one hundred feet.”

  Connor stepped back and his loving gaze gave Sarah the strength needed to take a forward step. She adjusted her son in her arms so that everyone could see his adorable features. “Everyone, I would like to introduce my son, Darrel.”

  Darrel lifted his arm and deliberately waved. “Hi Everybody!”

  The crowd went silent until Raphael asked Sorono “Did she just say she had a son?”

  “Indeed she did.” Sorono announced to all. “I will give you the reason why later. Right now Sarah and Connor need to go home. They have been working for close to two days without rest.” Sorono turned to look directly at Sarah. “You may go now. I’ll see to everything. Get some much needed rest.”

  She said “Thank you.”

  Since there wasn’t any one behind the crates she turned around and Connor was right by her side. As she dropped off the platform her energy already funneled down her legs. Soon they silently landed on the ground without effort. Already waiting for them were Mark, Kara and Jack. They didn’t say a word as they began
slowly walking away from everyone.

  “Alright, so are there any questions that you have regarding what we must do?” Sorono said to the crowd.

  “Yes, if we have to fight with surprise on our side,” a feminine voice spoke. Sarah didn’t bother to turn around. “then why did you make three Keepers send out the emergency summons? Wouldn’t that raise the suspicions of this brother of yours, let alone all who are joined with him?”

  “Indeed it is a risk. Surely he will suspect that we might be preparing for a fight against him, but he didn’t realize that I read everything in his mind before he shut me out. Not only that, but he still thinks I’m still caged up back on that detestable island. He might believe that the three summons are to tell others of my disappearance. Even if he thinks we are preparing our forces, he will not know when we will attack. He is also methodical, he won’t change his strategy because he thinks we are ignorant of his plans. This is a bet that I’ll be placing my life upon so I’m doing everything within my power to see that everyone comes back safely. We will have to keep our guard up nonetheless. I’ve also placed certain security measures to keep everyone safe and…”

  Sarah sealed off her mind because a headache was coming on. She had had enough talking for one day and wanted to get some sleep. Connor seemed to feel the same way because he seemed to be oblivious to what Sorono spoke on.

  Then she looked to see that everyone else had been worn out mentally.

  Kara and Mark accompanied her as Connor and Jack separated from the group. Her husband transferred Pearl to her Uncle Mark before disappearing into the darkness.

  Once Sarah was home, Kara and Mark helped her put the kids to sleep after they had their bottles. Then the two went home to bathe and get a good night’s sleep.

  Connor arrived about two hours later with a fresh supply of food. Before they went to sleep a quarter of what he bought home was eaten. He ate more because he did the most work. Her husband and she showered together and then went to sleep.

  They both found out and agreed that they needed a larger and longer study to see if the workout made for a better sleep.

  Connor’s eyes opened just as the Darkness turned into morning. Despite all the work that he did for the past two days, his muscles didn’t even hold an ounce of fatigue or pain. He still required some sleep to keep his mind sharp, but other than that his body felt as strong as it should be.

  Around ten in the morning Sarah and Connor arrived near the site. Sarah stopped when he did because his instinct were giving him a heads up. He quickly handed over Darrel in his car-seat and dove into the woods. He scared the life out of an Immortal Guard who had recently arrived. He was posted to keep outsiders at bay. He then returned to Sarah and explained about what had happened.

  By ten thirty they arrived in the rocky clearing. During the time away for the night the crowd has all but doubled in size and everything seemed to have changed. Not only that, but many species had worked together and finished making the Keepers lodges. Now many of them were fixing them up to not only look better but to be more structurally sound. Now the cabins surrounded the entire outskirt of the now wider clearing. In the head of the clearing stood the three Elders cabins and in front of each door stood two Guards.

  During the night before, Connor had felt several different and large energy spikes and now realized what had been done.

  Now the clearing was no longer rocky. The entire ground had been pulverized and packed together so tightly that the soil had turned into solid rock. In the center of the clearing now stood a raised stone platform in the shape of a giant square. It was raised about two and a half to three feet from the rest of the level ground and it retained a natural gray color. The platform, he quickly surmised, is a battle area. It held forty large squares for everyone to spar on, but no one was fighting right about now.

  In front of the three Elders cabins were several rows of stone benches and tables. Then on the other side of the large stone platform were five large stone furnaces and he assumed that was where weapons would be forged.

  “It will never be the same…” Sarah said quietly and sighed. He couldn’t say anything to raise her hope so he kept his trap shut. “Connor, where should we head first?” Sarah wondered in a lighter tone. She looked absolutely stunning and his racing heart complemented the assessment.

  He looked around and finally smiled. He pointed. “Princess, what do you see over there?”

  Sarah’s attentive green eyes brightened when she heard the cheerfulness in his tone. She looked in the right direction and it took a few seconds to find her goal. She grinned while locking on her target. “It is my sister and Ben! Oh and there are Mother and Father, sitting across from them!”

  She led the way to her elder sister. Amber and Ben were sitting over on one of the stone benches. Jack’s silver hair spun when he saw their approach. His quick movement made everyone else look to where he did. Both Ben and Amber smiled once they saw the approach. Amber quickly stood and walked closer.

  Then Connor’s sister-in-law squealed once she saw who they brought over. “Oh sister, how adorable! They look like little angels.”

  Sarah disagreed by stating with a smile “More like hellions!”

  “Mommy, be nice. I’ve been good so far today.” Pearl said.

  Darrel giggled. “I was born a little monster.”

  Both of the Balancers were stopped in their tracks. Amber’s reddish brown hair came to a stop after her body did. Her metal chains, that she wraps around her arms, stopped clicking as well.

  Then both Jillian and Jack started laughing hysterically. Soon Connor was caught up in it and then everyone else began to chuckle a little bit.

  For the next hour Amber and Ben acquainted themselves with their new nephew and niece. During that period of time Sarah asked where her sister and husband were staying. Jillian answered her by informing them that they would stay in Sarah’s old room. Also during this time Kara and Mark arrived to tell them that Jenny was able to return to night shift and also that their grandparents really want to know what is happening without coming to see for themselves. Apparently Kara’s warning was taken seriously and they wouldn’t even attempt to burden them with their curiosity.

  Not long after Connor, and everyone else, heard “Where are my newest descendants that I’ve heard so much about?”

  They all turned around to see Elder Adela and Alexander, along with two personal Immortal Guards. Then for the next thirty minutes everyone continued crowding around the spectacle of children. While everyone cooed around them, Connor pulled Elder Alexander to the side and asked “How many Elders have arrived in total?” and he replied “As of right now there are nineteen who have arrived. Once we heard the emergency summons, we boarded our private jet and flew straight over here from France. Most of us that had arrived have flown in. Right now all ten Elder Keepers have arrived, besides Adela and myself, there are the Head Elders and another pair of elder Balancers. Finally there is Head Elder Raphael and two more of his elder companions.”

  In the quiet of his mind Connor knew that there were a total of thirty eight Immortal Guards that had come so far.

  Just before midday Veronica and Shannon stepped out of the Elder Keeper Cabin and made her way over to the rest of her friends. She happily told them that not a single person has fled and everyone will fight for the cause.

  At noon the atmosphere changed.

  The cabin for the Elder Keepers opened and every Elder filed out, one at a time, being led by Sorono. Every one of them wore their elder’s robe. The way he moved alerted Connor’s senses that he is on a mission. He had something on his mind that weighed heavily. Connor stood up from the bench as did everyone around them. Even the entire open space had silenced. The only sounds that were heard came from the Elder Keepers as they made straight for the arena floor.

  Each and every Elder made an easy step up onto the stage while moving in a fluid line, practiced over many centuries. Once Sorono stopped in the center, the other
Elders moved to different squares and just stood there patiently. Connor faintly heard Elder Adela say “What are they up to now?” He also glanced at Veronica for some clues and she looked as perplexed as everyone else.

  The silence had become annoying until he felt the sensation of Sorono’s mind reaching in every direction. He stood tall and proud in front of everyone. He would then begin moving around to see all who were present while making sure his long tail maintained balance. “First, let me start by giving my sincere gratitude for everyone who is willing to fight in the name of justice and peace. It fills my heart to know that you believe in what we are doing.” Sorono finally met Connor’s stare head on and stopped. Only then did he put the pieces together. He knew exactly what his elder sibling wanted. Connor smiled and then he did. “Now I know you are wondering what kinds of preparations we have to make. You…”

  While he continued speaking, Connor kissed Sarah atop her head, to gain her attention. She looked at him confused and then she entered his mind. Her eyes widened and he thought back “Do not worry. Everyone needs to understand this. I’ll be back before you know it.”


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