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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 42

by Lee Morgan

  Then there came the food.

  Somehow Connor grandparents cooked enough to feed each and every single one of them. David slaughtered thirty four of his cows just to feed the whole family. He secretly spent the past few day’s smoking large chunks of meat, on the bone. Connor counted that ten of the cows were strictly for Sorono and his family. The three Keepers ate their smoked meals and enjoyed the hickory flavor cooked into the meat. Then there was the rest of the food. It was an assortment of food that everyone would enjoy. It felt like an enormous Thanksgiving dinner, capable of feeding over one hundred people, but the eighteen sure did enjoy every last bite.

  During and after the meal the conversations bounced around everywhere. Everyone enjoyed themselves and their evening companions. There were casual, joking and even some gossiping conversations. The main talkers and instigators of the group usually came from Rhoda, Kara, Jillian and surprisingly Connor’s son. Darrel would easily grow up to be a troublemaker, but of the good variety.

  Before everyone retired for the night and left for home, David gained all attention upon himself. He spoke loud enough for everyone to clearly hear them. “I know you all are going to fight for our sakes.” His tone implied true honoring. “Even I, a simple old human, can feel how serious things are getting. If you win, and I’m betting everything that you will, things will probably get worse before they get better. It will be a shock to the world of ignorant humans that immortals do live. Some will be openly hostile and my hope is that no one will get hurt for their anger. But if you ever doubt that there are sincere people in the world, please come by here and let me knock some sense back into you.” He raised his fist and pointed it a across the table, while smiling. Then his voice softened, but Connor could hear how he was forcing his thick throat to say “Just please come home to where I can do it anyway. I don’t want to say goodbye for the last time.”

  “Then how about we all just say, we will see you later, rather than saying goodbye.” Sorono said with his own smile. Even his piercing catlike hazel eyes softened upon Connor’s humble grandfather. “David, you are a kindhearted soul. I think of you as one of my rare human friends. You are honest and trustworthy. I know the ways of man because I’ve literally watched your species evolve over the millennia’s. This will be a difficult road we take, but it is one worth risking. Wouldn’t you say?”

  David and the rest of them went silent. After a short break, the reality is that nothing in life is certain, but it is always worth fighting for.

  Each person gave thanks to the May’s for their hospitality and caring. Connor gave a solid hug and a kiss on the cheek to his grandma and David accepted a hug and a punch to his shoulder. He returned the gesture.

  Then there was the, ‘I’ll see you later,’ farewells. They knew it even if it wasn’t said aloud. They didn’t cry, but their wrinkled expressions couldn’t hide their worry. They loved and trusted them. That was enough.

  Sarah, Kara and even Mark gave their unspoken farewell.

  After a few hours after falling to bed from exhaustion, something roused Connor from sleep. He realized that is was already early morning, sitting up. What woke him was Sarah as she sat on the edge of the bed.

  Then came the flood of her emotions.

  “Princess, what’s the matter?” After his question he yawned deeply. It was then that he realized she was already fully clothed and armed to the teeth. She quickly pulled from her thoughts as she twisted her head in a flash. Her eyes were puffy and red. She was weeping silently.

  He flipped the sheet off his body and moved to her side and took her in his arms to clutch her to his chest. “Sarah, what’s wrong?”

  She shook her head on his chest and clutched herself even tighter to him.

  It took several minutes for her to calm herself down. Her arms loosened and she drew away slightly, just enough to look up at him. Sarah’s voice was strained and very weak, but she finally managed to talk. “Connor, it’s just a mother’s worry. After I said goodbye to your grandparents last night, it made me come to a conclusion that I’ve been dreading over for months.” She brushed a stream of fresh tears off her cheeks with the back of her left hand. She sniffed and took her eyes away from his. “I’ve decided to give the kids to Jenny before we leave to reunite with our people. I’m sorry for being so distraught, but I can’t help it. They are our babies and I haven’t even had the guts to tell them what is going to happen to them. What if they resent me for ditching them on Jenny? What kind of a mother am I, going off to fight without a second thought while I can’t even tell them that we might never come back? I’m a horrible mother…”

  He brought her into his chest again and just let her cry. When she quit sobbing, but continued pouring salty streams from her eyes, he began speaking as securely as his tight voice could allow. “Sarah, you are anything, but a bad mother. They know that or else they would complain much more than usual. If you really were bad, neither Pearl nor Darrel would rather be held by you than me. Yes, they love me too, but they are so much more comfortable in your soft embrace than mine. We bring them practically every day to the field and allow them to see what most children couldn’t comprehend. Despite being only a few months old, their mental capacity has already exceeded that of many full grown adults. They are our children and that means they are smart and can handle much more than we’ve given them credit for. They can handle it, I know they can.” Sarah finally leaned back again and her green eyes were still tearing. “I also agree that today is the day. Now let’s go sit them down properly and tell them what is going on.”

  Connor looked down at his chest and said “Allow me to take a shower while you go wake them up. We’ll do this like always…together.”

  She sniffled a bit more before finally giving a positive nod.

  While he headed for the bathroom, Sarah went up to the bedroom mirror to try and make herself more presentable.

  After the shower ended and Connor suited up in armor and slid on a black sleeved shirt and black pants, he saw himself in the mirror. The silver armlet shone on his left arm, after rolling up the sleeve for a moment. Then he looked at the steel wedding band on the same arm. He had the symbol for Sarah on that arm and the worldly proof as her husband on his ring finger.

  Neither Darrel nor Pearl had anything symbolic from them.

  He rolled the sleeve down and marched his way into the workshop. He grabbed some small scraps of steel from a mason jar and brought his power forth. Using Metal, he made two special rings. Each ring would be able to fit on their fingers in time, but they wouldn’t become adults for several more decades. On a flat display of each ring held half of an X and the other half of the symbol was half of a pentagram that linked to its counterpart.

  Now they will always have something to remember us by.

  Before leaving the workshop Connor grabbed two durable leather strings and threaded the rings.

  By the time he made it into the living room, both Darrel and Pearl were wide awake and staring at Sarah while they were in their car-seats.

  Pearl saw Connor first and her hazel and green eyes were pleading. “Daddy, Mommy looks like she’s been crying. Is she in pain or something?”

  “A little of both, I assume.” Sarah said in defense of herself. She looked at him and had finally begun to relax. She continued struggling and his bond sympathized. He made his way over to sit beside Sarah while hiding the gifts in his left hand.

  Sarah was barely holding herself together as it was, so it was up to him to do most of the talking. “Darrel, Pearl.” Their tiny and knowledgeable eyes found his. “Mommy and I need to tell you something very important.” Sarah slowly snaked her left arm through his right. She needed the most support. “You are going to spend some time with your G’ama for awhile. The deadline is fast approaching and we need to know that you are safe.”

  “Daddy,” Darrel spoke calmly, but even his adorable facial features looked slightly pained. “If we are going to G’ama’s house, does that mean if something
should happen to you and Mommy that she would take care of us?”

  He said “Yes.” and Sarah’s arm clutched even tighter. “If something terrible happens, take care of G’ama and your sister. You will be the man of the house so be sure to grow big and strong like me.” Inside Darrel’s mind he thought it would be impossible to grow that big and it made Connor smile. “Now, you must listen to your G’ama because she will guide you properly. And if she gets to be too needy and overprotective, just remember that she is doing it all out of love.”

  “Daddy! I don’t want either you or Mommy to go. It’s too soon for you to leave me!” Pearl chimed.

  “I know you don’t, sweetie.” He said softly and her eyes began spilling over like her mother. “We have the power to save lives and we will use it. There is only one path we can take, and we will. We are also going to fight for you guys too.” He then spoke strongly and it stopped his daughter’s tears. “I’ve made something for the two of you. In case we don’t come back, I know you never want to forget those who loved you before all others.”

  Connor reached forward and placed the stringed rings in each of their tiny hands. They held them with reverence while their eyes studied what they held. Once Sarah saw the engravings she held back another stream of tears. “Those marking on your rings are the symbols of your mother and me. Wherever we are, just look into that ring and we’ll be with you always. If you are afraid, it will help to protect you. We will always be your loving parents and you will always be our most priceless treasures.”

  After a few heart crushing beats, the twin’s began trying to put the leather strips around their head. Their dexterity wasn’t developed enough, but their parents assisted them in putting on the rings as necklaces. Sarah helped her daughter and he helped his son. Once they were on, the twin’s went mentally silent as they caressed their rings.

  He stood up and kissed the foreheads of his two children. Before they could see who kissed them he was already at the door, lacing up his boots. The last thing he wanted them to see was their father crying. Then Sarah said mentally “It is alright for a grown man to cry. But I get why you don’t want them to see. You don’t want to make this harder than it already is for them.”

  Sarah patted his shoulder and silently sat beside him to put on her shoes.

  He walked back and said “Kids, it’s time to get going.”

  They didn’t fuss as Connor picked them off the coffee table. By the time he made it to the front door Sarah already slid on her Fangs. She took Pearl’s carrier while handing Tool over. He slid the weapon to his right hip and opened the door.

  Outside they already had guests. Behind the tree line sat Veronica and Shannon. They made their way over to their friends. Veronica stood as did her daughter. The look in her large golden eyes were the same as Sarah’s, pained and defeated. He asked compassionately “So you have also decided it is time too?”

  She nodded once, sadly. “Yes, Sorono wished to be here as well, but he has many things that still need tending. I’ve come to see things personally.” Her golden eyes glanced down at her daughter, who was looking at everyone somberly. “Shannon has just been explained of the plans her father and I have made for her. She understands our positions and will do her very best.”

  Shannon grunted as proudly as she could under these circumstances.

  Their group made it through the forest and to the tree line of Jack’s property. Veronica stepped into the light and Connor asked “What are you doing? What if someone drives down the road and they see you?”

  “It matters not anymore.” She said while taking another step. The feel of her mind told him it was a private conversation. “Our existence will be revealed in four days time. I see no reason for me to hide any longer. I’m doing this because it is something an Honored Mother has never done before. I’m leaving my untrained child in the hands of a friend. A human friend at that. I hope everything turns out for the very best.”

  She did have a point and she didn’t do this out of the law, but out of a mother’s wish. Veronica was handing her progeny over without knowing if she could return to claim her child ever again.

  The three adults and children made their way across the street and onto his mom’s property. Veronica waited in front of the entryway, but she dropped to one knee so she could look in. Sarah and Connor walked up on the platform and knocked on the blue door.

  Several seconds later Jenny opened the front door and saw all of them waiting. Her facial features were calm as she said “I kind of guessed today would be the day.” Then her chocolate brown eyes looked to the lower right. “Shannon, go ahead inside. I’ve already got your room made. You’ll be sleeping next door to me.” Then Jenny looked at Connor again. “Darrel and Pearl are going to stay in my room.”

  He nodded and said “Thanks Mom.”

  Jenny’s blond hair swayed as she looked between the children and the adults. “Connor, please take the kids inside. The adults need to have a short conversation.”

  He could see and literally feel Sarah’s heart breaking, but she managed to barricade her tears. She kissed the top of Pearl’s soft forehead. “I will always love you, Pearl. Never forget that.” Pearl replied with “I won’t, Mommy. I love you too.” Then Sarah leaned over and did the same with their son and he said the same thing as his sister.

  Sarah handed Pearl over and Connor entered the house while being followed by Shannon. Once inside the living room he placed the twins on the sofa and Shannon sat beside them like a protective big sister.

  Before finally exiting the room they heard Connor’s final words. “The three of you are so very special and don’t forget that. Keep each other safe because you are family. Even if you don’t share the same blood, you will always be family. I love each and every one of you so please be good. When this is all over we will be back for you. Don’t forget that.”

  The three intellectual newborns went silent, but would do their best to support one another. They would be a strong family.

  Once outside, Connor shut the door behind himself. Jenny, Sarah and Veronica stood in a loose triangle. They stopped speaking as Sarah looked over her shoulder to know where he approached.

  He walked over to stand between Sarah and his mom. The four of them were silent until Jenny finally said to Veronica “So tomorrow you all leave to get ready for the big event on the forth... When we win, when will you come back? I need to know a time reference.”

  “I wish there was an answer. It could be as little as five days or up to a month. Once we finish our assignments I’m going to meet up with Sorono and then we will come back here. That it our plan.”

  “Mine too.” Sarah stated without emotion.

  Jenny looked each of them in the eye and eventually sighed. “Alright, I will do the best I can.” Then she smiled playfully. “How hard can it actually be? I’ve raised a Harmonizer for crying out loud. These three will be a piece of cake.”

  “Jenny,” Sarah said while walking up and throwing her arms around his mom. “take care of yourself.”

  “You too, Sarah.” Jenny said and returned her own squeeze.

  Once they released each other, Jenny received a hug from Veronica as well.

  Finally Jenny came up and embraced her son. She pulled away and her eyes began to water. “Connor, you be safe. And kick some ass.” She smiled while her barricades finally spilled over.

  He pointed over his shoulder, towards the quiet house. “You do the same if they give you a hard time.”

  “Please, after raising you and your sister, they will be a piece of cake to handle.” Then she wiped her eyes. “Go on and get going, all of you, before this gets any harder than it already is.”

  Sarah stepped to his side in an instant and wove her finger with his. He then said “We will see you later, Mom.”

  Jenny waved goodbye as the three of them made their way into the trees, in a mental fog. None had a thing to say that could help them feel any better. The only solace came from the fact that the c
hildren would be safe from the battle.

  By the time noon arrived, everyone had returned to the camp. The thing was, almost everything had changed. All of the cabins that the Keepers resided in were all demolished and the wood used to cook all of the tons of food that had been airdropped yesterday. The main stage that was used for sparring and training had been leveled and replaced with a larger table area for all to sit and eat. The only section of stage that remained were being used to make music. Elder Alexander and other amazing musicians were filling the air with a beat that your heart could thrum with. The music felt electric and seemed to make everyone feel alive with energy. It was a kind of music for those who would win the coming war instead of a slow and melancholy melody.

  Today was going to be a party.

  Sarah still feared for her babies, but this wasn’t a time to bring others down.

  It wasn’t chaos per say, but everyone did exactly what they wanted. Most ate until they couldn’t anymore. Some danced or played around. Even the Elders did as they wished on their last day of being together.

  Mainly what Connor and Sarah did was eat continually from noon until four. They took a break to have an aerial dance. Kara and Mark also did an aerial dance of their own. They circled one another and even did some amazing acrobatics. Their wings beat like a fan dancer. It was a beautiful, sensual and dramatic sight.

  By the time Sarah had her forty third helping, and Connor his sixtieth, they were finally full and couldn’t eat another bite. Their energies were now at their maximum level. They ate with all of their close friends and family. They joked and conversed over just about everything that came to mind. Luckily not a single person ruined the mood and asked about the kids. The subject was taboo because the day of uniting and joy would have become a disaster.


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