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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 43

by Lee Morgan

  By eight at night came, Sorono stood up and walked upon the remaining part of the stage. “May I have everyone’s attention?” The music died away and the crowd’s noise subsided. Soon Connor took Sarah’s hand and they stood up on the stone table to get a better look. Sorono stood proudly in his sleeved Elders robe that held a large gold hourglass, sewn on his chest. He finally continued once all eyes were trained upon him. “As all of you know, we leave for battle tomorrow. You have all been patient and for that I’m grateful. Right now as a reward I will tell you what our plans are. I can tell it is finally safe and all of you are who you say you are.

  “We will all depart at first light. Changer’s are going to head to California and are being led by Head Elder Raphael and the other Changer Elders. They will be accompanied by only one Keeper, my mate Veronica. She has her own mission so do not be worried about getting in her way or her in yours. Balancers are all heading to New York and are also being led by the Head Elders, Amphrite and Poseidon. They will also be accompanied by Sarah, mate to my brother Connor.” He then put his clawed thumb to his chest. “The Keepers along with Connor are heading for Virginia to protect Washington D.C.

  “You will each…” Sorono then spent the next three hours explaining the detailed battle strategy. During his speech, Veronica explained to Kara and Mark that they would guard her. Kara became excited about teaming up with her girlfriend and Mark said he didn’t matter, being on protection detail, as long as he fought close to Kara. Even Sarah’s parents learned that their squad with Amber and Ben would be teaming up with Amphrite, Poseidon and herself. Their main objective was to lure in the Keepers and have them trap themselves for other Balancer battalions to pick them off in the city’s confined environment.

  Once Sorono finished telling the plans he said “For now, we must clean up this place and get everything ready for our early departure. Please begin gearing up and do whatever you must before the sun arrives.”

  They were all prepared, but they did help others who could use assistance.

  Launch and Land

  Throughout the entire night a continuous buzz filled in the air. People were packing large bags and there were even those who made use of the large crates that were airdropped to be loaded with weapons and food. The large crates would be of a new use in the coming days.

  Jack had left the clearing earlier and returned with his metal club Haunt and Jillian’s dagger. Mark did the same, but returned with the blackened bone sword that Kara personally made.

  Many started sliding on their custom made armor. Both Sarah and Connor were already suited up. Changers mostly relied on their bodies for protection, but now they began armoring onto their transformed states, while keeping their flexibility to alter their physical composition at any given moment.

  Jack suited up with an undershirt, long-sleeved chainmail, and an over-shirt. He also had made a large chest-plate, but kept it in his bag until the time came. It would keep him inconspicuous. Jillian had her own custom made breastplate.

  Once one person finished their task they did one of three things, usually. They sat down and relaxed. Walked around and helped others who were struggling. Or they moved around and said goodbye to the friends or family that they made during this time together.

  Many Balancers came up to Connor and told him how grateful they were for all the training they received and how well they would use the knowledge. It was a shame because this might be the very last time he’d get to see their faces ever again. He still hoped to see everyone pull through.

  Finally the darkness of the night began vanishing into the first rays of day. A hush settled over the entire crowd as all looked to the east. It was like each and every one had taken a long and deep breath.

  “It is time.” Sorono announced ominously to everyone telepathically, but mainly to his mate. Sorono and Veronica stood close to their tightly knit group and they just stared at each other. They each carried their own packs that held their weapons that they used during previous matches.

  Everyone began putting on their packs while also the sound of several thousand Changers began their transformations. Kara declined because she would ride on Mark’s back to hold their supplies. Within several seconds Mark had become a Fwen.

  “Brother,” His eyes shifted to his bright-eyed sister. “it is finally time huh?” Connor nodded slowly and she tried giving him a positive smile, but he knew her well enough to know that she was worried. He nodded again to her unspoken question. She sighed. “Well good luck on your end. Be safe and kick some homicidal reptile ass.”

  She hugged him tightly and soon moved over to say her goodbye’s to Sarah, Jack and finally Jillian. As Kara moved over to stand by Mark’s side Jillian said “Be sure to pick off as many as you can.”

  Kara finally grinned in her usual way. She bumped her hip against Mark’s furry shoulder. “I can’t let him get more than me.”

  Connor could feel someone approaching from behind. Sorono felt it too as they both turned around. The ground faintly shook as Head Elder Raphael came toward them in his dragon form. His skin had gained glossy black scales all over his body. His fingers had reshaped into hooked claws. His large wings were tucked against his side and his long tail drug behind himself. Even the rigged spikes along his body looked like a lethal weapon. Finally his silver eyes were raised high enough to look at Sorono. A hidden saddlebag had been slung over his neck and butted up against his enormous shoulders.

  Raphael’s voice took on a deeper hiss as his mouth opened to speak. “Sorono, it hasss been an honor. My children and I will be getting off firssst because our flight is longer and we cannot travel as ssswiftly as you can. Be sssafe Ancient One. Once our missssion is accomplissshed we will meet up with you in D.C. asss planned.”

  “Safe journey to you too, Raphael.” Sorono said and then bowed. The other Head Elder returned the gesture by lowering his sinuous neck.

  Raphael turned around, threw his head back and roared. Many were unprepared and jumped at the suddenness. He then yelled “All Changersss Take To The SSSky! Those Who Cannot, Run SSSwiftly And Track Me Down In Losss Angelisss! Move Out!”

  “Buddy,” Connor turned around to see Mark standing on his hind legs. “I’ll see you soon.” He then balled up his right fist and held it out.

  “I’ll be there.” And then they punched each other’s fist.

  “Bye Brother!” Kara said as she mounted Mark’s back.

  An enormous air current exploded from behind and he turned to see Raphael lifting off the ground. His enormous wingspan only had to flap twice to pass over the treetops. A smaller, but no less powerful, air blast came from Mark as he and Kara took to the air too.

  In the sky flew an entire fighting force that relied on their imagination and the aspects of the creatures that inhabit this world. Soon Raphael flew into the lead position and everyone followed behind. They were all flying higher and higher until many of the Changers flew beyond natural vision.

  Sorono and Veronica quickly embracing each other one last time. Before they finally released each other, they kissed. It wasn’t a farewell kiss, but one that said ‘I’ll come get you A.S.A.P. when this is all over!’

  As she flew off with each and every aerial Changer, Sorono sighed. Before she left sight they saw her flying alongside Mark.

  The crowd had quieted dramatically while the Changers left, but now the area had regained some of their exuberance.

  “Now it is our turn to take off. All Balancers are to sit no more than two to an individual Keeper. All Keepers that aren’t carrying any passengers must carry a filled crate.”

  As the warriors began doing as ordered, Sorono looked down at Connor’s group. “Jack, Jillian, Amber and Ben. I will carry the four of you until we arrive at our destination.” Then he looked at Connor and his large hazel eyes asked ‘What are you going to do?’

  Sarah answered first. “We will each bring along a crate.”

  Without another word, Sarah and Connor made their way
over to the section of crates that were loaded. They didn’t speak the first time as every Keeper dropped to all fours and began carrying two Balancers at a time. Before long, every Balancer had a ride and those Keepers that didn’t have riders came over to the side and waited by the crates.

  Connor couldn’t see where exactly Sorono moved, but his voice was heard by all. “Today is the second step towards our main objective. Today we make our way to the midway point and go our separate ways. Everyone follow me.” Soon Sorono began flying and showed himself.

  Then it was almost as one as the Keepers all began lifting off the ground.

  Knowing that the weight would warp the structure of the metal container if it was carried by hand, he did the next best thing to holding it. Connor mentally pictured a net that covered the two story crate and it began rising when his energy flowed down his outstretched left arm. Sarah did the same thing. Then he poured energy down his legs and began rising. Connor finally turned around and flew East with the others. The cargo was right on his heels, just like it should.

  Seconds later, Sarah flew by his side and her container followed as well.

  Before Connor’s eyes soared a rare sight that hasn’t been seen in who knows how long, if ever. Tens of thousands of Keepers flew together on the final days before the war. It seemed surreal, but seeing it with his own eyes was proof enough. They only had three days left until the battle of the millennia began.

  Fifteen minutes later the sun peeked over the horizon. Its ray’s seemed to dance off of every Keeper’s black scales. It was an amazing sight nonetheless.

  Once they reached the upper atmosphere, they flew in a large V formation and stayed on a specific course and measured pace.

  An hour into the flight, Sorono thought to but a few. “Connor, come up to fly by my side for a few minutes.” he mentally replied “Alright.” Sarah followed his lead as they flew around the other Keepers while making sure the crates didn’t get in anyone’s way.

  Once he flew not twenty feet away from Sorono, he could still see how terrified of heights both Jillian and Jack were. Connor didn’t laugh because both of their terrified eyes were glued to him.

  Sarah touched her mate’s mind so she could listen in on the private conversation. Sorono then asked “We haven’t spoken on this reciently, but did you finally figure out your plan? The one you said still needed work from our first meeting in the cabin?”

  “Oh yeah.” Sorono’s eyes widened as equally as Connor’s grin grew. “I’ve done much research on the internet, and on myself. You see, this will hold the least amount of risk for human’s to get involved, but I will be the one to do much of the risk.” The bond with Sarah told him she didn’t like the sound of that. It was impossible to look at her because his train of thought would get derailed. “I’m going to borrow someone for a little while. Would you like to see my plan?” Sorono nodded.

  If it could be possible, Sorono’s jaw would be dragging along the ground from this very altitude. Even at a chance glance at Sarah, she too was dumbfounded. His plan was flawless if not completely insane. If they were to win this fight, some insane risks needed to be taken.

  “Connor, are you absolutely sure about this? Have you thought of every eventuality and possible outcome?” Sorono finally asked after the long silence.

  He nodded, but Sarah thought to the two of them “He wouldn’t have come up with such an idiotic plan to if he hadn’t. It is foolish, but Conner will pull through. He always does.”

  “Since he didn’t fail me awhile back, I’ll consider this solution. You will need to tell me more specifics later, Connor.” He nodded to him.

  Connor then finally looked over and saw that Sarah was supporting his decision, even though there were many risks to pulling a stunt like this. She knew this is going to be a fight that would result in causalities. This solution could possibly save many more lives. This was all or nothing.

  By noon they arrived at the destination. They had to create a large thundercloud to aid their descent because the group would be too big to land in the forest that bordered a city. It took about thirty minutes to make a decent size raincloud, but once it began to pour they all flew to the ground in secret.

  By the time all of the Keepers landed many of the carried Balancers leapt off their carriers. Jack and Jillian were one of the few who were finally glad to be on solid ground. The Keepers who also carried a crate checked which ones held the food or the weapons. Those few that carried the weapons were opened completely.

  While Connor continued showing Sorono his plan she walked over to a crate to help those that she’d fight with. Sarah grabbed two large gym-bags that were filled with swords, spears, spikes or whatever else the forgers had in mind. Judging from the tension on the straps of the bag, there were several hundred pounds of metal sealed inside the bags. She wouldn’t need it, but someone else surly would.

  She didn’t know what to say as Connor stood beside her. His arm laid across her shoulder calmly, but his emotional climate felt as uncertain as hers.

  Thirty minutes after landing, the Balancer Elders approached the Keeper Elders along with her and Connor. Head Elder Poseidon locked his green eyes on Sorono and said “It has been an honor knowing you over the centuries. I didn’t realize you were the Head Elder until Connor flushed you out, but I could always come and talk to you like a friend rather than my superior. Thank you.”

  Then he and the other Balancers bowed in deep respect.

  “Have a safe journey and a victorious fight.” Sorono said and bowed back with respect. The other elders followed his example.

  “Sarah,” her gaze shifted to Head Elder Amphrite. She looked calm, but she said something she didn’t truly want to. “it is time for us to go.” She knew what it was like to be separated from her mate and knew it would be even harder for Sarah because this fight would separate them when they needed to be together most. Logically it was only right for Sarah to fight with her ancestors, but emotionally being separated from Connor is like cutting off her own arm with a dull and rusty butter knife.

  Sarah looked up into Connor’s deep and penetrating eyes and saw only love. His eyes showed how deeply he wanted her, but his emotions were pained because it was time for separation. He opened his arms and she embraced him. His warmth and unmistakable smell assaulted her senses, but this wasn’t time to get distracted.

  When they drew away she stood on the very tips of her toes. He knew what she wanted because Connor wanted the same thing. Their lips met, but they didn’t put on a show. It was simply a quick kiss, under the stressful circumstances.

  When her eyes reopened she spoke barely above a whisper. “Connor, I hope your plan is a success. Don’t do any more than you have to and when I’m done, I’m coming back to you.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” His smile and honesty resurrected the dead butterflies in her stomach and sent them fluttering again.

  She grabbed the two bags and made her way over to Amphrite and Poseidon since they had two primary jobs; lead the army and also be Sarah’s protection. Everyone carried their two gym bags along with their backpacks. The crowd went silent and began to move as the Elders and Sarah began making their way north. Her last look at Connor showed his jaw muscles flexing and his entire frame locked, to stop himself from following. He didn’t want to watch her leave just as much as she didn’t want to leave his side.

  Since not much time remained they began running through the forest, every Balancer ran through the entire uninhabited woods. Sarah ran behind the Elders, but it was a pace that could be kept in her sleep, but be suicidal for humans.

  They no longer had the luxury of secrecy as they needed to reach the destination and set up defenses beforehand. That meant they ran through the forest, crossed highway’s and even ran through cities. Their foot-speed couldn’t be matched by the humans and their minds were able to process the visual information so fast that they didn’t collide into anything or anyone. No one could catch or even recognize t
hem so the massive group didn’t bother with secrecy as long as they just kept running. Even the slowest Balancers were still able to keep up without getting tired. They didn’t even stop to rest once until night fell.

  By the morning of July third, the day before the attack, every Balancer had made it to New York City. The streetlights were all beginning to turn off and those who worked or partied during the night were heading home while those who were working during the day were getting up and heading to do whatever they did. The streets were crowded and car horns could be heard blaring in every possible direction. Young children were coming out of their homes to play before it got too hot in the day.

  The buildings ranged from suburbs to massive skyscrapers that you needed to crane your neck all the way back, just to see the top. Some streets were clean and the smell was bearable, but in other places, let’s just say it needed to be cleaned and in a hurry.

  Before even entering the city, the orders were clear. Each four man squad needed to find a priority target location and set up their defenses. Each and every Balancer squad separated once they entered the city. The main targets that their enemies will be after will most certainly be the skyscrapers. If they destroy one then that one could crush thousands inside and if it fell in the right direction. The main goal is to protect those structures by getting inside them and defending them. They already came up with several plans to keep as many people away as possible.

  The only people that Sarah recognized at the moment were Amphrite, Poseidon, Jack, Jillian, Amber and Ben. Their group was the largest because they were seven, rather than four. Their main station will be in the fifteenth tallest building in the world and the most recognizable one in New York City, The Empire State Building. Everyone knows that that building holds much meaning for the human’s and if Keepers have had ten years to plan this attack then this single building is a definite priority to be targeted. Plus they already have a way in. Apparently Poseidon was a silent backer of the project back in the nineteen thirties. As such, he has his own private room on the one hundred and second floor. Not many are privy to go that high. Today they all were.


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