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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 45

by Lee Morgan

  He didn’t mean it in this way, but Connor burst out in a fit of laughter and it startled everyone in the group. Once he regained composure Connor saw that several of the servicemen whispering into microphones inside their jackets. They were calling in reinforcements. With his laughing under control his tone rang with the authority of a Harmonizer. “Mr. President, you seem to severely overestimate your standing with me. I asked you to come with me willingly, but I didn’t say you could just leave my presence. One way or another you will hear me out.”

  Things had gone down the path of his four thousand and eleventh mental simulation, and now it was time to go through with the rest of the plan.

  After taking a step forward Connor saw one of the servicemen squeeze his trigger and a recent memory of his appeared.

  Three weeks ago when the plans were still forming, he needed to see to something that had to be put to the test. Connor knew that he could bend steel barehanded, but there was still another theory that needed to be put to the test. He stopped by his grandfather’s to see if he could help out. David listened to the request, but didn’t laugh it off like his wife did. Rhoda thought it to be a joke until she realized it wasn’t humorous. David said if it could help, he’d do it. Rhoda wasn’t thrilled in the least.

  In response to the request, they tried to see if Connor’s skin was bulletproof. David fired birdshot, deer-slugs and he even shot his hunting rifle. The results were all the same and the theory proved true.

  The bullet seemed to slowly leave the barrel of the serviceman’s weapon in a spinning trajectory, followed by a muzzle flash and the shell being ejected from the chamber.

  Connor simply raised his right arm. With only an open palm, the slow moving bullet finally connected with his hand. He felt the sensation of the impact as if it were no more than a tennis ball being tossed by a child, but no pain registered as the bullet flattened itself against his palm.

  Before the bullet completely flattened, another gun fired, and another, and another. Soon each man fired upon him till the clips became empty. Connor used his left hand as well to stop each and every projectile. While they fired he continued stepping forward, as if on a humanly casual stroll. His arms were constantly blurring to stop and catch every single piece of metal.

  By the time their clips were empty he stood ten feet away from them all. He held up both fists and dropped every flattened bullet on the ground, in a dramatic sprinkle. When the final bullet hit the ground he said “I told you your guns were useless against me.”

  Suddenly one of the men still had a bullet left in the chamber and pointed it straight in the middle of his forehead. The man sneered “Stop This!” Just before he pulled the trigger Connor placed a small Pressure shield over each of his ears and made it to where the sound of the shot wouldn’t cripple him from his acute hearing. He made himself go deaf for a moment.

  The bullet that was fired hit dead on, on his forehead. Just like with his hands, his energy reinforced skin and bones offered prefect protection from human weapons. “Still think you gentlemen can take me on?” He smiled as the bullet bounced off his thick skull. Before the man could do anything else, Connor instantly grabbed his gun and ripped it from his hands.

  Before each mans eyes, he singlehandedly bent and crushed the gun as if it were warm butter.

  He then heard many footsteps coming in from behind and all of them ran with a single minded purpose. They were coming to rescue their leader. Without looking backwards, he created a Pressure shield around the mouth of the White House. Many ran straight into it because they couldn’t see the barrier. Some tried shooting their way through and found out that they could go no farther.

  “Whaa…? What’s going on!?” The President asked as he looked past the intruder.

  “Mr. President, have you decided to come willingly or forcibly?”

  He looked at him with both shock and clarity. The president pointed behind, to the gunshots and useless shouting. “You…You did that?” Connor nodded and he looked at his men before answering. “I choose option three. MEN RUN!!!”

  They reacted to his words and turned around to run away with him.

  Connor smiled and thought; After all this, you still don’t understand.

  As the second to final piece to the plan started, he lifted his left arm towards the slow moving men. In his mind he pictured a large ring of fire that would surround them like a fence. His energy and instinct flowed down the outstretched arm. The warm sensation was the first sign that the element Fire had been initiated.

  Before the men had ran even four feet away, the heat in the atmosphere focused to a point and ignited into an inferno of an orange and yellow. It became a Fire Fence. The fire fed off his energy to stay lit and remain just as intense. Once the entourage realized they were surrounded they stopped to look for an exit.

  His calm tone gained their attention. “Mr. President, I understand this is sudden and completely overwhelming for you, but you really must come with me. I know that this demonstration lacks tact, but being politically correct isn’t my style. Nothing gets done, politically, as quickly as it used to be and you need to understand that politics are a waste of time when you realize what is coming after you.” To show that he wasn’t here for their blood Connor ceased the flow of his energy and the fire ring disappeared from around them.

  The President and his men stood in utter astonishment. It took only a few short seconds for the clearheaded leader to ask “Who is coming after me?”

  “Our time is short as the attack can happen at any time. Will you come with me, Mr. President?” Apparently he could hear the honest urgency in his voice.

  As the President took a cautious step in Connor’s direction, his protectors surrounded him once again. “At ease, Gentlemen.” The Secret Servicemen all looked at him like he didn’t really say what he just did. Then he said “The thirteen of you should have figured it out by now. This young man, whoever or whatever he is, hasn’t harmed a hair on any of us, when we all understand that he could have done so easily. If he wanted me dead, I would be. Look over by the front door. He has somehow barred everyone from coming to aid us. He can stop bullets, disappear and reappear instantly and can even do that trick with the fire.” Then he seriously and calmly said “Stand down, boys. That’s an order.”

  With great reluctance they allowed the President to walk closer. The look in his eyes was still mistrusting, but he had made up his mind. He still didn’t believe the honest warning. He stopped far enough away to speak casually, but only just. His body-language said he was listening and open, but his tone hinted on calm and clear. “As a show of good faith on your part, please let my men go.”

  “Certainly.” Without moving or turning around he ceased the energy flow that barred the frustrated men inside the Pressure shield.

  Connor focused his eyes on the target as he looked away to see that his men were all now free. Men were shouting as they realized their freedom. His instinct warned of a mediocre danger, coming up from behind. In response he crossed his arms and locked all of his joints to become a statue.

  Suddenly ten, or so, full grown men tried tackling Connor all at once, but they seemed to have wished to do so against a steel wall instead. They tried in vain to force him into submission. They all finally quit when the President yelled “STAND DOWN!”

  Connor finally looked away from the frustrated President and saw that the entire front yard of the White House had come alive, like an enraged beehive. Many of the hundred or so men in Service uniforms had their guns trained upon him, but none fired. The men who tried tackling him were backing away and many were injured by their own making. By now he counted over two hundred people with more on the way, without moving from his location. People were still shouting and trying to get the president away from him.

  “I told you men to stand down.” The President said again, but much calmer than many others. It finally had the desired effect because the yard quieted. “Sorry for that, son. They were just doing the
ir jobs.”

  “There is no need for an apology. By the way, my name is Connor. It is truly an honor to meet you, but remember our unspoken agreement.”

  “Connor,” he said calmly so that he said the young man’s name right. “I haven’t forgotten your request. But you must know that even if I go willingly, you will still be charged with kidnapping the President of the United Stated.”

  “Human politics don’t apply to me.” his eyes widened at hearing what he heard. “Yes, I might be human in many aspects, but I am so much more than a mere human. If it will help you to understand our differences, let me give it simply. I am an immortal called a Harmonizer. All of the elements of the world and possibly the universe are at my mercy to control. Your laws only apply to those of humans. We immortals have our own laws and an evil and bloodthirsty faction of our people are on their way to break our highest law.” The President and everyone on the front lawn became quiet and attentively listened to him speak. “Our highest law is the freedom to life. This faction’s goal is to destroy human civilization and in time you will be nothing more than mere cattle for them.

  “Today is independence day and they will show the world just how weak the strongest nation in the world really is. You’ve seen nowhere near a half of a percent of my true strength. How can you even hope to survive without the help I’m committed to using to save humanity? You have the right to live just as every other living creature, but what is approaching will be your untimely end.”

  “If what you say is true, then what should we do?” he actually sneered, not believing the importance.

  “Would you like to see what the face of the enemy looks like?” Connor sneered angrily back. “We are here to protect you defenseless children. It looks like you need to see for yourself just what kind of enemy is coming to eat you.”

  He brought energy forth and funneled it down his legs to slowly and dramatically fly above their heads. Some stumbled back from fright and the jet-streams coming from below his feet. Mostly others stood in utter shock at seeing a flying man.

  Without another word it was time to give the signal. Connor raised his right hand over his head and released the energy. Soon a fireball conjured overhead and he dumped more energy into it and made it grow. Before long the fireball grew even larger than the White House itself. It was as bright as the sun and he needed to fly higher because the intense heat is too hot for human’s to handle. Off to the side of the many streets, cars stopped on the side and right in the middle of the road and people were getting out of them to see what exactly was happening. Some came outside and by the time the flame completely dominated the sky, just about all of D.C. awoke and looked.

  He yelled as he threw the enormous flame high into the air. Once the flame reached a safe altitude he made it detonate. The fireball exploded like a gigantic fireworks display. Even the explosive sound it made could be heard all around.

  Now that the signal was sent he dropped back down, directly where he originally took off. The President had stumbled back due to such a landing and everyone was looking between him and the sky.

  “What’s happening!!!???” a male voice shouted in the silence.

  In answer Connor explained “Your Only Hope For Survival!”

  His instinct said to look up only moments before he felt energy drawing closer to his location. The President and everyone else followed his example and looked skyward.

  The entire yard silenced as they could all see what was happening to the new world that had finally shown itself after more than a thousand years of secrecy.

  At the signal, good Keepers were all flying to this location. Soon the over eighty thousand Keepers all flew high above the city and came together like a massive flock of bird. Each and every one of them flew closer to the White House. Soon the ancient Keepers were all hovering about ten stories in the air.

  Then they started dropping from the sky, one at a time, but quickly. The immortals landed heavily around the area surrounding the perimeter of the White House. Each and every one of them held their weapons in preparation for the coming fight, but their casual stances weren’t threatening.

  For the next few minutes the Keepers revealed themselves to the world by doing nothing but standing and looking at their surroundings. They didn’t hide any longer, nor were they upset about being in the open. In fact many of them looked relieved to no longer remain in secret. Before the President and his people knew it, the entire street and perimeter area had been completely surrounded by warrior reptiles that all stood ten feet tall or higher.

  Lastly Connor looked up to see only a single Keeper still floating overhead, looking down. He nodded and Sorono began making his descent.

  While he came down, Connor gained everyone’s attention. Not a single one of them were prepared for what they saw before their very eyes. Guns were shaking and being pointed in every direction. The situation needed to be taken a hold of or else people were going to faint or even have several heart attacks. “Mr. President.” He and a few others were drawn to the sound of his calm voice while many were stuck in their own little worlds. The President could no longer keep a calm expression at realizing the amazing situation laid bare. “As you can clearly see, the world you think you knew all about is much more unique than the narrow minds of humanity believed. These creatures around us are our sentient predecessors. They are called Keepers.” Then there was a strong wind that pushed people back and out of the way, but the President found himself too scared to consider moving.

  Connor then raised an arm as his brother slowly landed beside him. “I would like to introduce you to the eldest of the immortals and the leader of the Keepers, Sorono.” Then he saw the President’s eyes slowly, and hesitantly, look to the right and up and up, until he found Sorono’s face.

  Sorono stood by Connor’s side, in full battle gear. It was a first, seeing him wearing everything all at once. On his large head rested a smooth helmet that covered everything except his large hazel eyes, his nostrils and the bottom of his jaw. Over his robes hung four massive plates that covered his entire torso to move freely and was contoured perfectly to fit over his overdeveloped muscles. On each of his legs were small spiked plates that moved in perfect sync with his gait. Finally on each of his hands and feet were metal gauntlets and shoes that were a perfect fit to him alone. His metal claws were even sharper than his natural ones, but his natural claws were no match against Dark Steel.

  Everyone became startled when Sorono used his telepathy to speak mainly to the Keepers. “We are not here to harm the humans. If they attack you, disarm them only and send them away. I will not tolerate any slaughtering. Am I understood?”

  As one, every Keeper grunted in acknowledgement.

  With their intentions made clear Sorono knelt down on one knee. He raised his hands and removed his helmet and sat it on the ground to his side, to look at his brother. The feel of his mind allowed him to know that he was speaking to everyone within the White House and the other Keepers. “We all came at your signal, Brother. How is it going on your end?”

  Both of them looking calmly at the President and he still appeared in disbelief. “It seemed like he needed to understand his position. Even though I asked him to come with me several times, he didn’t believe my words…until right now. Plus he is having a hard time in accepting reality.” Then Connor spoke in complete control “Mr. President, I truly hope you realize the gravity of the situation facing you right now. Please give us your answer or I’ll get someone to do your job for you.”

  It took a few moments for the leader of America to finally find his voice, even if it was weak. “I…I get the picture. If I go with you, will my people remain unharmed?”

  “You have my word, Hatchling.” Sorono said for all to hear. “We did not come here to harm anyone, nor will we. The ones that are craving your blood and flesh is of a different matter. You must come with us, alone, so we may speak in private. While you are with us, have the news and local media gather here and upon our arriv
al, you must give the orders you see fit, just as I must.”

  The President swallowed dryly and thickly as he looked into the penetrating eyes of the ancient Elder. He nodded and regained his calm voice, but Connor knew it was forced for the sake of those around him. “Very well, I shall go with you.” Then he looked to his men and ordered “Call for a press conference immediately and get every news station in D.C. to come here at once. Also be sure that no one is to provoke or threaten these…what did you call yourselves?” Connor told him again. “Don’t threaten these Keepers. Whatever they are they are diplomatically immune at the moment.” Sorono and Connor smiled at each other for what the President just did. “If anyone tries to harm these Keepers in any way have them arrested and taken away. As long as they remain peaceful, we shall too.”

  He made a few more orders and variances before meeting their daunting eyes. “I’m ready to go. What do I need to do?”

  Connor smiled and said “Sit down and try not to move around much.”

  Everyone watched with interest as the leader of the free world sat down slowly in the green grass. Connor raised an arm towards him and funneled energy to create a pressure shield beneath him. The man’s eyes widened as he saw how he had floated up above the ground. He repeated “Remember, don’t struggle or you might fall. Don’t worry I’m more than strong enough to catch you. It is just for the benefit of your mental health.” He nodded and did his best to not move.

  Sorono nodded positively at Connor just before putting on his helmet. He stood up and together they began flying slowly. Only Sorono, the President and Connor would be privy to this conversation as the three of them continued to ascend. There wasn’t a need to go far so they only flew up into the air about ten stories.

  Once they were stabilized the President looked down and said shakily “I have to admit this is rather disconcerting for me. I feel something solid below me, but I cannot see anything.”


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