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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 46

by Lee Morgan

  Connor smiled and explained “If it will help you to understand, I can control the elements. What I’m using to hold you up is called Pressure. You might refer to it as the element Wind.”

  The president finally looked up and showed us a ghost of a smile. “That does help, actually.” He brought his fist to his mouth and cleared his throat. “Alright, since we are up here and alone, what do you want?”

  Sorono drifted forward and said “Like I said before. We are here to save your people. We can stay up here for no more than a half hour, if we are to have any chance to save as many lives as possible. If we make it through this then we may speak more at length. Right now, time is against us as the attack will occur at any time. My brother here has come up with a few solutions to get your people to safety and quickly.”

  “Brother?” then the President followed Sorono’s claw that pointed at Connor. “Wait… are you saying that you two are actually…”

  “We can talk about our lineage afterwards. Right now you need to listen.” His mouth clicked shut and then he raised a hand for the young man to continue. “As the attack could get underway at any moment, people will most incontrovertibly be caught and killed in the crossfire. You cannot bring in the military nor call for any air support. You won’t be able to tell the difference between us or our enemy. Even if you somehow manage to be able to do harm, you could be firing on friendly fighters. Only we can, and will, take them on. There is no other option for you in this fight. We will have our hands or claws busy in our battle so we will be hard pressed to defend people.

  “That being said, what we need you to do is evacuate people out of the city or to a defensible shelter. We are prepared to dispatch several of our warriors to protect those populated areas. The rest of us have our targets that we will defend until our last breath.”

  “Where would you have me send my people for shelter?” The President asked sincerely.

  Connor sighed and knew the man wasn’t going to like this. “The most secure and defensible location to send everyone is to the Smithsonian museum.” Like he imagined, the man’s eyes became white all around. “You can evacuate everyone down into the lower levels for their safety. I know there are many artifacts that are priceless, but that place is the largest and capable place of offering shelter for thousands.” Then he said realistically “Even if we lose this war, the shelters will be useless against our special powers. Whether above or below the ground, the enemy will destroy you, without our assistance. The only thing you can do is stay out of the gaze of our enemy, if you value your lives.”

  The President went silent for several minutes and then asked “What kind of numbers are they coming at us with?”

  Sorono then said “Their numbers are around eight hundred thousand, but this location isn’t their only target.” The President gasped, but didn’t fully comprehend the force a single Keeper had at his or her disposal. “We have dispatched the other two races of immortals to the other two locations. The enemy’s other objectives are to obliterate both New York City and Los Angelis.

  “What you must understand is that their main force will most certainly be heading here.”

  The President shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose before suddenly sitting straight up. “Where is your proof? For all I know you could be the monsters and they could be coming to stop you. You don’t even know they will attack at all do you. Show me some proof that we aren’t already enemies.”

  Sorono looked at Connor and nodded sadly. The President noticed the exchange between them and saw the pain in their eyes. He nodded back after his throat thickened.

  Flying closer to the President, Connor said “If you want proof, we will allow you to see our memories as if you were there yourself. What you will see is what awaits all of humanity if we stayed on the sidelines and didn’t interfere with those that are most certainly coming here. Close your eyes and you will understand everything.”

  His eyes were doubtful, but he eventually closed them.

  Connor looked to Sorono and allowed him to go first. He sighed and projected his memories into the President. As the President saw the images like a recording he gasped aloud.

  Sorono allowed his brother access to see what he was showing the Commander and Chief. He began showing the devastation Ranvan caused with the tsunami and showed him all of the lifeless corpses that he found in his search for survivors. The vision changed when Sorono had been ambushed and then when he awoke to see Ranvan after so long.

  Then Sorono stopped giving his memories and the President opened his eyes to say “Oh my…”

  “That isn’t the end of it.” Connor interjected. “Now you need to see what I have to offer.” The President conceded by closing his eyes again.

  He swore to never show this to anyone, but this was an exception. In the darker areas of his mind he brought forth the images his mind recorded with perfect detail and clarity. Connor showed the President just what the Keepers did to defenseless people back on that horrendous volcanic island. He let the President feel the sickening emotions that ran through him at the time, see what he did, smell the decay and even taste the air that surrounded the piles of cooked and rotting human bodies. He could see the teeth marks on the severed corpses, left by those who were finished with their human meal. The President had no choice to vividly understand what is coming for humanity and where even he would end up. Apparently the images were too much.

  The President soon had enough as he rolled to his side to throw up everything he had eaten. Connor adjusted the barrier just enough for him to stay safe, but allowed the vomit to fall down towards the ground. He remained on all fours and breathed deeply to clear his head.

  The brother’s waited patiently while the President steadied himself. While he did, several helicopters began approaching rapidly. Apparently things were underway and there wasn’t any coming back into the shadows and secrecy.

  The president finally moved back into his seating position and the barrier acted accordingly. His eyes were distraught to say the least, but he managed to say “I don’t know exactly how you showed me what you did, but I… I believe you. I don’t necessarily understand the complexities you face, but a good leader needs to know when to step back and let those who know what to do, to do it.” He looked down at the swarming ground and said “Since this is an emergency we’ve never faced before I’ll do what I can. Can we please go back down now?”

  “Indeed, we can. You understand that we are only here to help and I can tell that you are a man of his word. You will do the right thing.”

  As they slowly made their way back down they were able to count thirteen helicopters that had arrived and they had their cameras filming everything. On the ground, the White House was swarming.

  They made it to the ground and The President finally stood up and said “Thanks for the ride. I will be right back after I change. Do what you will until my return… Then I’ll address the public.”

  “Be Quick.” He acknowledged to both Connor and Sorono with a nod.

  As he began a brisk jog away, many Secret Service personnel fell in around him and escorted him safely inside the White House.

  Sorono then asked privately “What should we do in the meantime?”

  It didn’t take Connor long to say. “Perhaps we should send out some scouts to warn us if they see anything.” He nodded.

  Connor began walking across the lawn with Sorono by his side. The humans all quieted and followed their slow and casual movement. The reporters all had their cameras following Connor and it wasn’t difficult to imagine what they were saying even without his sensitive hearing. They were asking the most simple and unintelligent of questions like “What are these strange and giant creatures? Who is that man with them? Where did they come from? Are they genetic creations? What do they want from us? Are they aliens? Are we being invaded?” The reporters weren’t very creative or imaginative.

  All noises stopped as Connor shouted “Xaon! Clarein! Damian! Firon!”r />
  The Keepers were alerted to his voice and made way for those that were called. Firon and Clarein jumped over the fence to the left and they wore only claw weapons, but neither were changed into Dark Steel. Damian wore almost exactly the same weapons and armor as his father, but his helmet had sharp spikes on the top and his armored chest was smooth unlike his father’s contoured kind. Xaon moved through the crowd of Keepers and slowly and effortlessly jumped over the human crowd and landed in an open spot inside the White House lawn. He wore only leg and forearm protectors over his robe, but in his right hand rested on the hilt of his ten foot Dark Steel katana.

  The four Keepers approached him and the human’s were silent so that they could try and hear what he had to say. Connor looked up into each and every one of their eyes and said “We need some scouts. Please go as high as you can manage and search for any large moving auras heading in this direction. If you spot anything suspicious contact either me or Sorono. Do not engage them without alerting us first. Go!”

  They either nodded or grunted before blasting straight into the sky.

  Let’s just say the people who were came were continually dumbfounded.

  After the scouts began their tasks, Connor studied the humans. Many were shocked and confused at seeing the astounding creatures that completely surrounded them. Some looked up at the giants with absolute wonder in their twinkling eyes. What came as more of a surprise is that there were only spotted a small handful of humans who were visibly threatening towards the warriors. Those who posed a threat to one of them were quickly subdued by local police or the Secret Service.

  What is also astounding was that after he spoke to Damian and the others, a few reporters began directly asking questions to the Keepers that were close by. Some of the Keepers were focused on the task at hand while others were very personable. Those with exuberant and narcissistic personalities spoke with the reporters openly, but their thoughts couldn’t be heard by the cameras so the reporters spoke aloud for the public to understand. The playful Keepers kept their mouths or minds shut as to why they were here by saying repeatedly “Wait for our elder or your leader to answer your questions.”

  A podium, speaker system and many microphones were rapidly placed outside on the well kept lawn. While the announcement system was being set up, the reporters and cameramen installed their own systems for this world breaking event. Ten minutes after the scouts were set out, the President came out of his term home while being accompanied by his Secret Service and top generals.

  An eerie silence settled over the crowd as the President of the United States made his way in front of the podium and the only sounds everyone could hear came from the many circling helicopters.

  He tapped the main microphone and checked that it was on and working. Before he spoke Connor saw that he wore a custom made blue business suit and even took a quick shower. For a human, he must be very quick to change like that and shower in less than ten minutes. Then the President cleared his voice one last time before opening his mouth.

  “My fellow Americans, as many of you can see we have some unique visitors. These giant reptile-like creatures call themselves Keepers. They come here to bring tiding of grave importance. Connor? Sorono?” The President gestured them forward and they obliged. The Secret Service moved back as Sorono and Connor stood to either side of the most powerful human in the world. What was interesting is that he didn’t have any cue cards like he’d usually use. Who among the humans could have seen us coming? It made Connor smile slightly until he saw every camera turning to both himself and Sorono. It let him know that his face was broadcasted live, most likely over all America and soon to be worldwide. Another thought entered his mind; Sarah, are you watching this? Her emotions were a little slow, but suddenly she became very excited and relieved. The President continued his emergency speech by saying “These two…” he put his hands over the microphone and looked up at Sorono. “Is it alright if I call you men? It will help the people associate what you are.” Sorono nodded and the President went on. “These two men came here to warn me of a coming threat, that I’ve recently learned, we are powerless against. They came in the name of peace so that they can protect us. These warriors that stand all around the White House are here to protect humanity, but what is coming for us, is of their own brethren. They have laws that protect humanity and the sanctity of life, but these other Keepers are going against their laws.

  “The threat that is coming, is on a single mission. They want to bring humanity back to the time before the Stone Age and use us like cattle. Connor has explained that he is immortal, but from what I’ve seen from him is that he is far from invincible.” Then he turned to look at him. “By the way how old are you?”

  Without looking away from the cameras Connor said “I’m twenty one.”

  “Really? I got the feeling you were much older…”

  Sorono dropped to his knee and looked more closely at the President. “If you are seeking an older immortal than my brother, I’m older than your entire human race. I’m over sixty million years old.”

  Then the President stuttered in astonishment “Si…sixty…sixty million years old!” Sorono nodded and stood tall and proud once again. Then there were many whispers coming from the crowd and the situation was leading elsewhere.

  Connor placed a calming hand on the Presidents shoulder and spoke calmly. “You’re rambling. Please hurry up and say what you need to.” The touch calmed him, even if his advisors didn’t approve of laying a hand on their leader.

  “Please forgive me for going off tangent.” He spoke to the people who stood before them and all the cameras leading to the televised event. “I have seen the strangely delivered proof of our enemy’s plans for humanity. They care not for the sanctity of life nor humanity, but for their own ends. They wish to rule unopposed and they will, unless our new heroes cannot stop them. I have seen firsthand proof that we humans and our weapons are ineffective against them. It seems only Keepers are powerful enough to face this threat. What is even more shocking is the locations they are going to attack.

  “Sometime today, Washington D.C., New York City and Los Angelis California will be the first to be attacked. Knowing of this, both Sorono and Connor here assure me that they have made appropriate measures to defend us in this dark day of our nations celebration.” The President went silent for a moment to let the information sink in. Many faces began to go white at realizing the threat.

  Then his tone became calm and commanding. “Because of these events, I am suspending all air-traffic until these events have been determined. I am ordering everyone to leave their homes and find a place below ground for your own safety. If you wish to flee from the cities that were mentioned, you may. Everyone in D.C. may leave the city or head to the Smithsonian museums for protection. Under the museums are underground levels capable of sheltering as many people as needed.

  “During the coming fight I am ordering all military, state, local law enforcement and the American people to refrain from shooting their weapons at the Keepers because you could be firing on our new allies. Only defend yourselves if you are provoked. You will know who your enemy is because Sorono ordered the Keepers not to harm us humans. Please begin evacuation at this moment. Remain calm and head to where you think you will be safe.

  “Once the battle has finished I have FEMA and the military beginning preparations to help keep the order and streamline everyone to safety. We are still trying to get ready for the damage that is sure to come…”

  The only sounds on this floor came from the TV. Everyone, including Sarah, was intently focused on what ran on almost every single channel. It was an emergency broadcast which truly was of importance, to her in particular. Her heart raced and ached at seeing her mate standing beside the President. He looked so calm and handsome while also showing the air of his immense strength. The President looked frail and utterly insignificant beside her overdeveloped husband. The morning sun made his sandy blonde hair almost as blonde as Jenny’
s. Connor stared directly at every camera, she assumed, like he was looking to her. She yearned with every cell of her being to be right by his side and touch his skin once more.

  She only half listened to what the President had to say because most of her attention concentrated to her soul mate. The only thing that startled her was when Jillian and Poseidon burst into laughter when the President stuttered at revealing Sorono’s approximate age.

  Seeing how Connor stood made her realize that everyone will be able to recognize him after this. After today the world of immortals will no longer be a secret to anyone in the world. Nevertheless he looked amazing.

  Her attention was drawn to the calm speaking human who stood between the two most powerful creatures on the face of the earth. “In regards to New York and Los Angelis, please find your way to safety. Refrain from looting or any other illegal acts because we are not animals. Let’s show our protectors that we aren’t just a food source for their enemy. Let’s show them we are capable of being saved for a reason. In New York and other high-rises, I suspect it will be too dangerous to reside in tall buildings. Your best bet is to evacuate them because these creatures have the power to level buildings somehow. It would be foolish to remain in them because you will die or be trapped if your building is destroyed.

  “Please begin making your way to safety. If we live through this there will be more to discuss at a later time. As of right now Virginia, New York and California are under Martial Law until the threat is eliminated. This conference is ended so will all of you please head to the shelters for your own safety.”

  As the President turned around there was a rush of questions that came from the reporters. Suddenly all of their questions were quelled as Connor suddenly stepped in front of the podium. “Please relax and listen to me for a moment.” Hearing his voice again alleviated her worry. His voice was calm, sure and held the highest authority. His predatory and piercing eyes actually made the reporter, on the station that they were watching, gasp. “I realize that many of you would risk your lives to get the scoop of the century, but I will make you a compromise.” His words caught everyone’s attention. Even Sorono looked surprised at this. “You all want to be in the history books for being on scene with us, but the truth is you will be nothing more than a distraction. For this compromise I ask that you set up all of your cameras in a large circle and point them in any direction you see fit. If you wish to see what is going on around here, that will be my only concession. Since the White House will be most likely the highest target you will leave the cameras to capture what will be seen. If there are remote operators that can adjust the cameras from a safe location, all the better. But” Connor’s tone rang with clear authority and left no room for error. “if any reporters are still here within thirty minutes I will personally open a crater in the ground and keep you there until all is safe. Allow me to give an example.” Connor’s left hand reached over the podium and people went even more silent as a gaping hole opened in the ground. “I cannot worry about protecting you when we fight. If you test my patience, this is where you will end up.” Connor pointed down and the cameras focused as the hole closed once again. He looked up to say “That goes for you helicopter pilots and reporters as well.” Then he refocused on the cameras on the ground again. “You have thirty minutes, starting now.”


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