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Words Heard In Silence / Xena Uber

Page 53

by T. Novan

"Oh, you are smitten. Tell me, if she asked you for the moon, would you pull it down for her?"

  "If it were in my power to do so, yes." His answer was stated simply and with total conviction.

  "And I am sure she would do the same for you."

  "I would not ask her to." All I want from her is whatever love she chooses to give me. No more, no less.

  "From what you tell me, you would not need to ask. I think she would face the fires of Hell for you."

  "I think she may be already. You see, there are these women in town she calls the ‘‘biddy brigade’. They are not exactly pleased with her for choosing to marry a Yankee. Excuse me. A damned Yankee."

  "She is not marrying a Yankee, she is marrying a wonderful person who adores her, and years after this conflict is over, that is all that will matter."

  "Actually, ma'am, she is not marrying a Yankee at all. I am from Charleston, remember?"

  "Indeed you are, sir. Indeed you are." She watched as Charlie tucked the ring boxes in his pocket. "Now may I suggest that we have that tea?"

  "I need to make a brief stop at the wine shop, which is on the way, and then tea, I promise."


  They strolled up E Street toward 15th and the small vintner's shop that was located on the way to the Willard. A quick stop, where Charlie ordered several casks of brandy, some small casks of rum for his men and several cases of champagne and other wines for the wedding.

  They entered the Willard arm in arm and Charlie commandeered the most sought after table in the lovely garden room for the two of them to partake of a formal tea.

  "You know, you are taking a terrible risk?"

  "How so, my dear?"

  "A lot of these men know you. To be seen with me, on basically the eve of your wedding. What if Rebecca finds out?"

  "I told her I would be seeing you on this trip. She felt it was a good thing for me to inform you of our plans personally and asked me if I would invite you to the wedding."

  "You are going straight to hell for telling such lies, Charles Redmond."

  "Why would I lie about such a thing, Lizzie?" Charlie was genuinely confused. He had been honest with Rebecca, who knew that Lizzie was a good friend. Why would Lizzie think otherwise?

  "Propriety, my dear friend, does not allow for such things. You and I both know that."

  "Propriety is not a particularly vital part of my relationship with Rebecca." Charlie's tone was wry.

  Lizzie sat back in her chair and smiled at her friend. "So it would seem. You two are going to turn Culpeper on its head, I think."

  The wry smile got a bit drier. "I think we already have."

  "And you are enjoying every moment of it," she teased, giving his hand a squeeze. "Are you not? Tell me what have you done?"

  Charlie launched into an animated discussion of the efforts to begin an orderly transition from wartime to peacetime relations with the citizens of Culpeper County. Of course, Mrs. Williams and her harridan ways were key elements of his narrative. He spoke of many things, none of them relevant to the military actions of his regiment. Finally, he told her of the refugees and the problems they faced. Little Emily played a prominent role in his story.

  "So not only a wife, but a surrogate daughter as well?"

  "Poor child lost her father. Evidently, I look somewhat like him, so she has attached herself to me. Her mother is just grateful she no longer cries for her Papa." He paused for a moment. "Her mother is not doing well. Elizabeth Walker believes she will not survive her current pregnancy, so I may indeed end up with a daughter."

  "Hmm. I will wager when you return home you will find she has been crying for you. I am sure everyone will be relieved." She sipped her tea and gave Charlie a look he instantly knew was trouble. "So would you like some instruction for the item I intend to send home with you?"

  "Ah, I suspect that I would need to know just what you were sending home with me, ma'am, before I could answer that question."

  "Well, now, I think you and Rebecca will find a use for the item." She grinned. "In the privacy of your bedroom."

  "Ah, Lizzie, could we have this discussion somewhere less... public?"

  Now she was really laughing. "Oh Charlie, you are a sweet man. I love the way your ears turn red."

  Charlie took a deep, calming breath. "Yes, well, I am told the color compliments my eyes rather nicely."

  "Yes, it does." She reached out and stroked gently just around his eyes. "I shall miss them."

  Abruptly, Charlie wiped his mouth with his napkin. "Are you ready to leave, my dear?"

  "Of course."

  Each time Charlie was confronted with Lizzie's real affection and the wistful regret that surfaced, he felt a bittersweet combination of regret and guilt coupled with fondness. No, she was not the love of his life. But she had been one of the few true friends he ever had. And she was the only lover he ever had, one who had gently and very tenderly taught him to be comfortable with his body and with the act of love.

  He escorted her to the taxi stand, and gently handed her into the hackney, climbing in after her. For a long time, he was silent as they rode back toward her home. Yet he held her hand in the crook of his arm, with his own larger hand over it.

  "Charlie, what is wrong?"

  "I have just been thinking on all of the things you have meant to me in my life, all of the gifts you have given me. I want you to know, you will never lose my friendship. True friends are far too rare and precious to ever walk away from."

  "I know that, dear friend. You have given to me just as much as I have given you. Charlie, I was with you because I wanted to be with you. Think about it. Did I ever take any money from you?"

  "No, you never did. And I have always known it was because you and I were friends. No, we were more than that. We were lovers. I do not know if you have had other lovers, but I do know I will always cherish the memories of our times together and the gifts you gave me, the things you taught me." He raised her hand to his lips and caressed the backs of her fingers very gently.

  "There were no others in my life I cared for as I care for you, Charlie. I am so happy you have found your happiness with Rebecca."

  The cab stopped before Lizzie's house. Charlie helped her out and flipped the driver a coin, then escorted her into the house. By silent mutual consent, they went to the small parlor that was her private place. Just as silently, Charlie took her in his arms and just held her tenderly for a long time.

  "I love you, Charlie. Be happy," she smiled and pulled back to look at him. "And now," she crossed the room to fetch a box which she handed him. "This should help," she winked as she placed the box in his hands.

  Charlie carefully opened the box. There, lying on a bed of dark red satin was a blunt ended cylinder covered in the finest leather. It was approximately eight inches long and a little less than two inches in diameter. Fine leather straps were attached to the base and coiled in the box along side the object. Charlie tested the object with his finger. It was firm and slightly flexible. It was the object Charlie had offered to find for Rebecca when she had told him that all she needed was him.

  Charlie's ears turned a fascinating shade of red.

  "There they go again," she teased. "Think you can figure out how to use it? Or would you like a demonstration?"

  "Ah, it is, ah, umm... Oh, Lord. How do you describe one of these things?"

  "Interesting?" She did enjoy teasing him.

  "It is a... handsome version. I know a number of my men who would love to be as well endowed."

  She laughed as she closed the door to the parlor and then returned to his side, taking the object from the box. "Well, Charlie you know anything worth doing is worth doing well. Now, I think you should try to figure out the straps."

  Charlie laid out the straps. The phallus itself had a triangular leather base with an adjustable strap that led to another triangle of leather. Two longer adjustable straps sprouted from the plain triangle and clearly attached to the buckles on either
side of the upper edge of the phallus base. Charlie examined the arrangement, and then dryly commented, "I have tacked up enough horses to be able to figure this out." He indicated the lowest strap, which was wider and softer than the other two. "This looks like it has a particularly interesting side effect."

  "Oh I assure you, it is designed for mutual pleasure."

  "I would expect nothing less than the best and most effective of... toys from you, dear."

  "Then you shall not be disappointed. Use it in good health, Charlie."

  He laughed, a full, open laugh. "My dear, I am sure it is not just my health that will benefit. Although, if Rebecca likes it too much, it may be detrimental to my health."

  "Yes, but think of the smile you will have when you go."

  "And what a way to go. I hope to be using it for many years to come, my friend."

  "I think your heart can take it," she grinned and handed him the box. "I am sure of it."

  "You know, my dear, every soldier dreams of dying in the arms of a beautiful woman. It is such an improvement on how most soldiers go." He grinned and accepted the box from her. "I am sure both of us will appreciate this gift to the full measure of its value."

  "It seems your nickname is holding very true, Lucky Charlie." She gave him one last hug. "Be safe on your way home."

  "I will, my dear. And expect to see the two of us at the beginning of February."

  "I will look forward to it."


  Rebecca was mending a pair of Charlie's trousers, which he had ripped while helping a few of his men repair a fence that had been damaged by a high wind. She watched from the window, knowing full well Charlie was not due back for a few days, but wishing him home just the same.

  Their time together was so limited; she hated the fact that he had to make this trip. And he had looked so befuddled when she had given him the list prepared by the ladies of the things they would need for the wedding.

  She sipped her tea, carefully checking the stitching in her repair. The door to the parlor opened. Elizabeth stepped in looking tired and frazzled. Wordlessly she took the pot in hand, poured a cup and took a seat next to the fire.

  "Difficult day, Doctor?"

  "Very. Nothing seemed to go right. I believe I would have been more useful if I had remained in bed today. I do swear some days I am not sure if Charlie commands men or ten-year-old boys. I have treated so many sprains and scrapes caused by their acting like children I am ready to have Richard take them to the woodshed with a strap."

  Rebecca chuckled as she nipped through the thread with her teeth, then held the trousers for Elizabeth to see. "Charlie is no better. I have sewn up a dozen tears in his trousers and tunics. There are times when he is nothing more than a large boy himself."

  "I thought Jocko took care of his wardrobe."

  "Yes, well, I have taken to dealing with the domestic issues of caring for Charlie. I do believe Jocko is glad to be rid of the more tiresome chores. It gives him some additional time to spend with the Widow White."

  "Oh, so we have another local romance on our hands? Did Jocko take a page from his master’s book?"

  Rebecca laughed as she folded the trousers and set aside. "I believe so. Seems to be a lot of it going around at the moment." She looked directly at her friend and raised her eyebrows. "Correct?"

  "Are you suggesting Richard and I……" Elizabeth had the grace to blush as she looked away with a wistful smile on her face.

  "Elizabeth." She poured another cup of tea. "Would I suggest such a thing?"

  "You would, you crazed woman. I was afraid you and Charlie were going to declare a new profession for yourselves on Christmas Eve, with that sprig of mistletoe Charlie was so proud of."

  "Oh, Charlie is the matchmaker in the family. Did it work?"

  Elizabeth’s blush deepened. "I suppose that would depend on your definition of ‘‘work,’ my dear. If you are asking whether Richard and I are exploring a more meaningful relationship, the answer is yes. If you are asking whether I have altered my level of personal experience in terms of the more physical aspects of an intimate relationship, the answer is no. I suppose I will have to continue to depend on my textbooks and listening to you for a while yet." Elizabeth gave her a very wicked grin.

  Rebecca laughed, nearly losing her tea. "And you call me crazed." She paused, wiping the edge of her mouth with a napkin. "My dear, Charlie and Richard would just die if they knew the things we talked about when they are not around."

  Elizabeth’s tone was somewhat resigned. "Richard would probably love it. He is such a salacious old wretch."

  "Good for Richard. Charlie on the other hand is very shy about these subjects, which is understandable, given the situation. If he had any idea I talked to even you about these things he would find the nearest rock to crawl under."

  "Fortunately for you, he does not seem to suffer from the same hesitation or shyness with you." Elizabeth thought for a moment. "You know, I suspect it is not that he is shy about intimacy, but rather he is in the habit of privacy to keep his secret safe. Once he knows it is, I believe he is quite open and forthcoming. I do know he and Whitman talk about things regularly. A sort of odd masculine friendship, there."

  "That is an understatement. I am glad there is someone he is comfortable talking with."

  "Rebecca, Charlie has few friends, but those he does have he is very open with. I am proud to count myself one of them, actually. Oh, and he did tell me about your little…… problem that first night he went drinking with Whitman."

  "Seems you are the Mother Confessor for the Redmond family." Rebecca smiled into her teacup. "How was I supposed to know everything was all right?"

  "My dear, how was Charlie supposed to know you were not asleep?" Elizabeth grinned, and then added, "Well, with you two, I certainly have added to my own education. Some of the drawings in my medical books make far more sense after having talked with the two of you." Elizabeth could no longer stifle the giggles that had been threatening for a while.

  "Thank you so very much, Doctor. It is nice to know we are a part of your continuing education." Rebecca poured Elizabeth more tea.

  "My pleasure, I assure you. And I am very appreciative of the trust you have both given me."

  "Of course, you are one of Charlie's dearest friends." She looked out the window as a blue uniform rode by. She simply could not help herself. "I will be very glad when he comes home."

  "I am sure you will, dear. I rather suspect he will be very glad to get home. And Rebecca, I hope you know I am also your friend."

  "I do know, dear Elizabeth." Rebecca sighed quietly then gave Elizabeth a very serious look. "He is going to see his friend, Mrs. Armstrong while he is there."

  "Oh, did he say so? I would imagine he would want to tell her of his impending marriage to you personally. They were reputed to be rather... close... and Charlie is nothing if not a gentleman.

  "Yes, he mentioned it before he left. And yes, they are very close."

  "Rebecca, dear, I hope you are not worried about him seeing her. I know Charlie. He is devoted to you."

  "Oh, I am sure of that, but well, they do have a relationship. He is very fond of her. We are not married yet so I really could not protest if he does pay her a social call."

  "Rebecca, you are not suggesting...?"

  "Well, I hope not, but I suppose anything is possible. I have heard the men talk of Mrs. Armstrong. I know she is an attractive woman and she is probably more, shall we say, adept at giving Charlie what he needs."

  "Rebecca Gaines. You put that idea right out of your head. Charlie is committed to you. I would imagine the only thing that will go on between them is an honest conversation in which Charlie tells her he is no longer available." Elizabeth had a bemused look on her face. "Besides, he is so charming when he wants to be, he will probably enroll her in assisting him with the shopping; one cannot accuse General Redmond of being particularly skilled in selecting ribbon, lace, fabric, and threads."

p; "He did look like a startled rabbit when I gave him the list." Rebecca smiled at her friend. "Please believe me, Elizabeth, when I tell you that even if Charlie does spend time with Mrs. Armstrong, I love him and I will not hold it against him. Charlie for all purposes is a man and that is what men do."

  "No, my dear, you are wrong there. In this matter, in the matters of the heart, of love and commitment, Charlie is still, and always will be, a woman. And for our Charlie, there is now only one person who has access to his body –– the one who holds his heart and soul."

  "Thank you."

  "You are still worried, are you not, my dear?"

  "I am afraid I have many ghosts in my own past that make me uncomfortable at times."

  "Well, dear, if I were you, I would simply ask Charlie when he comes back. I am sure he will tell you the truth."

  Rebecca chuckled. "There are some things I would rather not know."

  Elizabeth looked at her friend and then started laughing. "You really do not want to give the boy an inch of slack, do you? You will worry he may sleep with her and it will always nag at you. But you will not ask him, and I suspect, in your heart, even if he swore on a stack of Bibles that he had not dallied with her, you would always have doubts."

  "And in the words of my mother, who was by the way, a very wise woman, when it comes to the ways of gentlemen, which you do not understand, ignorance is bliss."

  "Perhaps, my dear, but for you to always doubt Charlie –– even a little, will put a burden on your relationship that is probably not a good thing."

  "Elizabeth, I do not doubt Charlie; I know he loves me. I know he wants to come here and make a life together. I certainly will not let his relationship with Mrs. Armstrong come between us. Regardless of what that relationship may be."

  Elizabeth raised her eyebrows. She clearly knew Charlie and his sense of honor, better than Rebecca did. "Rebecca, I think this is important. Given who Charlie is, there is no possibility Charlie will allow anything other than friendship to continue with Lizzie Armstrong. She will, no doubt, have the same status of close personal friend I am honored with. Unfortunately, trying to convince you of this truth about our mutual friend is beyond me today." With a frustrated laugh, Elizabeth went on. "Drat. Why should I expect to be able to alleviate your concerns? I have been unsuccessful at everything else toda."


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