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Playing for Keeps

Page 21

by Hill, Jamie

  "Dinner has already been mentioned. I'll plan to see you at the game."

  "Dionne called, she's coming, too."

  "Sophie'll like that," he said diplomatically. "Is she excited to play?"

  "I guess. I just had to give everybody baths. She took them out back and they played in the mud."

  "And I missed it?" he hollered, and laughed. "Damn!"

  "Don't worry. I'm sure the mud will still be there tomorrow. As will the muddy dog and toys, which I'm saving just for you."

  "You are too sweet," he teased her, and then said seriously, "Mad, if the kids are too much for you, maybe I should come home. We can move this crap tomorrow."

  She glanced into the living room, where the three children were asleep in front of the TV. "Nah, they're sleeping. We'll be fine. I'd rather have you home with us tomorrow."

  "I'd rather be there with you, you know that. But Smoke has helped me a lot. I feel like I owe him."

  "I know. Besides, I'm keeping a tab of what you owe me. You can start working on it this weekend."

  He chuckled and said in his husky drawl, "Looking forward to that, beautiful."

  Maddie smirked. "I love you. I'll see you later."

  "I love you, too, baby. Later."

  Maddie replaced the receiver and curled up on the bed for a minute, since the kids were asleep. The laundry could wait. A nap sounded so much better.

  She fed the children dinner and got everyone ready to go to Sophie's ball game. Ball glove, water bottle, diaper bag, bottle for Stacie. Maddie shoved everything in their Expedition SUV and buckled everyone up. She backed down the driveway and headed to town. Their house sat on several acres on the edge of Meridan, Oklahoma, a small suburb of Oklahoma City. It was fifteen minutes from their house to Meridan, and another thirty to forty minutes when they went into the city.

  Maddie got Sophie to the game early, so she could warm up with her team, 'The Mustangs.

  "Thanks, Maddie," Sophie took her glove and water bottle and ran out to the field.

  "Go get 'em, kiddo." Maddie found a spot halfway up the bleachers and settled herself and the children in. She greeted several other parents, and they made small talk while the kids practiced. Sam played with a tractor on the bleacher below, while Stacie sat on her lap. "See, Sophie?" Maddie pointed to the field, and showed Stacie where her sister was.

  Like a wave, everyone turned when the silver BMW zoomed in, kicking up dust in the parking lot. Dionne got out of her car and walked toward the bleachers. "Hoo boy," Maddie said under her breath. Dionne still intimidated her somewhat when they were together, a tall, dark haired beauty with a bigger chest than Maddie would ever dream of having. Tonight she wore a silver silk pantsuit that made her look like she was going to an awards show, rather than a seven-year-old's baseball game.

  "Hello." Maddie gave her a little wave, and Dionne stepped over people like they were invisible to sit next to her.

  "Hi Maddie. Hi Carrot Top." Dionne looked at the baby, and took a seat. "We start yet?"

  "Nope, they're still warming up. Hit much traffic?"

  "Of course. It's an insufferable drive." Dionne tossed her hair over her shoulder and put her feet up on the bleacher in front of her.

  Maddie chuckled, and pulled a scribbled copy of the ball schedule out of her diaper bag. "Here you go."

  "Oh, thanks." Dionne looked over the paper.

  Sam drove his tractor over the toe of Dionne's shoe and she looked at him coolly. "These are three hundred dollar Manolo Blahnik shoes, squirt. How much is that tractor worth?"

  "Sam, stop," Maddie said quickly.

  Dionne waved her hand and smiled. Maddie couldn't tell if she was serious or not, but she put her own foot up to run interference just in case.

  Sam dropped his tractor to the ground and looked up at his mother.

  "Go ahead." Maddie nodded, and he squeezed through the bleachers and dropped to the ground. Maddie knew he'd probably done it on purpose, for a chance to get down in the dirt.

  Stacie bounced up and down, and Maddie looked up to see Rob walking in from the parking lot. "There's Daddy!" Maddie told the baby, who had obviously spotted him first.

  Maddie's stomach fluttered, as it always did, when she saw her husband. She still thought he was the most handsome man around, with shaggy blond-streaked hair falling in his face and a constant three-day beard. His eyes were deep blue, and when they found Maddie's, they lit up the same way hers did.

  "Hello." He took the bleachers two at a time and kissed her.

  "Hi." She smiled up at him.

  He grinned and nuzzled the side of her face. "I missed you today."

  Maddie squirmed and laughed, and when Rob pulled back he reached for Stacie. "Hello, pumpkin." He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "Hey, Dee." He patted Dionne's knee as he stepped back off the bleachers and stood next to them.

  "Hey, Coop." Dionne looked at him. "Cute little Carrot Top." She nodded toward the baby.

  "Yes, she is." Rob swung the child back and forth in his arms and she giggled. "Where's your brother?"

  Maddie pointed downward. "In the dirt."

  Rob looked under her feet and laughed. "Hey, buddy! Come out of there and see me."

  Sam crawled out from under the bleachers.

  Rob picked him up with his free arm and squeezed. "How you doing?"

  "Hi Daddy." Sam squirmed as Rob tickled him.

  He set the boy down. "Better go get that tractor before you lose it. We'll go over here and watch. The game's getting ready to start." Rob winked at Maddie and walked the kids over to the third base line where he could stand without blocking anyone's view.

  Maddie smiled. Rob hated to sit still. He'd rather walk a base line than sit on the bleachers. And he knew she was ready for a break from the kids. I love that man.

  Sophie's team was at bat first, and the coach pitched to each of the little girls in turn. When Sophie got up to the plate, her father yelled at her, "Keep your eye on the ball, Soph!"

  She tossed him a little wave and a smile, then knocked one out over the pitcher's head. She made it to third before the ball came back to the infield.

  "Way to go, Cooper!" Rob yelled, and they cheered for her wildly. She grinned from the base, and then turned back to the game.

  Stacie got cranky halfway through the game, so Maddie held her and gave her a bottle. The baby fell asleep when the bottle was gone. Maddie wrapped her in a blanket and rocked her gently.

  Officially, no one kept score. Unofficially, the Mustangs won seven to three, with two hits from Sophie Cooper. "Good job!" Her mother hugged her when it was over.

  "Excellent." Her father high-fived her.

  Sophie grinned and drank from the juice box the players got after the game.

  "Want juice." Sam yawned, and Sophie gave him a drink before she finished it. Rob picked up the boy and carried him to where Maddie still sat with Stacie.

  "I need to get these guys home," she said to Rob.

  He nodded and looked at Sophie, who was saying goodbye to her mother.

  Dionne told the girl, "I'll come next Friday and take you back for the weekend, okay?"

  "Sure, Mom." Sophie gave her a hug.

  "I love you, girlie girl," her mother said.

  "I love you too." Sophie grinned, and waved as her mother walked away.

  Dionne called over her shoulder, "See you next Friday, Coop, Maddie."

  "Yep." Rob replied.

  "Bye," Maddie called, and turned back to her family.

  "Can we get ice cream?" Sophie asked.

  "It's pretty late, Soph." Rob glanced at the sleeping boy in his arms, and the sleeping girl in Maddie's.

  "Dad…" Sophie tugged at his hand. "We always get ice cream after my games."

  He looked at Maddie.

  "Why don't you two go ahead, and I'll take the kids home? They need to get to bed."

  "You sure?"

  "Yeah." She smiled at him.

  He leaned in and kissed her chee
k. "Want me to bring you anything?"

  "Yes, I do," she whispered in his ear, "but nothing they sell at the ice cream store."

  "Ummm, we'll hurry." He grinned and kissed her cheek one last time. "Let's go Soph." They headed for the parking lot, where Rob buckled Sam into his car seat as Maddie took care of Stacie.

  "See you guys at home," Maddie said, and they drove off separately.

  Maddie got the two littlest Coopers changed into dry diapers and jammies, and tucked into bed. They settled in easily. She was grateful they were good sleepers and should both be down for the night.

  She wandered through their house, as she so often did at night, and admired her husband's handiwork. He'd built the original house with help only from his friend and co-worker, Fred. Rob's construction crew added the addition a year and a half ago and gave them more bedrooms, a family room in the back, an office and the bathroom Sophie claimed as her own. Maddie loved every inch of the place. She stopped in the living room and smelled the bouquet of roses Rob had brought her a few days ago, for no reason. They still looked beautiful and smelled so fragrant. Maddie smiled when she thought of Rob, and wandered into their bedroom.

  She stripped out of her clothes and stepped into the shower. Her skin tingled as she ran the soap all over, anticipating the evening ahead. She'd been with men before she got married, but no one exactly like Rob. The way he looked at her with his soulful blue eyes… the way he touched her gently, like she was a wonderful present that he took his time to unwrap… it all made her extremely hot for him. Despite how busy their days got, an evening rarely passed without Rob and Maddie coming together under the covers to reconnect with each other. The very thought of it sent a tingle of warmth between Maddie's legs, and she hurried to finish her shower. She dried off with her towel, and hung it on the rod. She brushed her teeth, spritzed some cologne over her chest, and rubbed lotion on her arms and legs before she opened the bathroom door. She stepped into the bedroom and was startled to see Rob lying there on his side, a rose between his teeth, wearing nothing but a strategically placed cowboy hat.

  "Oh my God!" Maddie laughed. "You scared me."

  He took the rose from mouth and said, "Not exactly the reaction I was going for." He put the rose back between his teeth.

  Maddie smiled and approached the bed. "You know what I meant. I didn't hear you get home. Soph in bed already?"

  He nodded.

  "House locked up?"

  He nodded again.

  Grinning, she nodded toward his midsection. "I like your hat." She made a move to peek under it but he held it in place.

  "Okay." Maddie shrugged, and went to her dresser to get more lotion. She placed one foot on the bed and slowly rubbed lotion over her leg, starting at the foot and working her way up her thigh. She did the same with her other leg, and noticed Rob watching her with a glazed look in his eyes. She put more lotion in her hands, and rubbed it over her stomach, and then turned around and smoothed her hands over her bare butt. When she turned back around and began circling her breasts with her hands, Rob flopped onto his back and clutched his heart.

  Maddie chuckled and plucked the rose from his mouth. "You're welcome to take over any time."

  He growled and reached for her, bringing her down on to the bed under him.

  Maddie reached for the cowboy hat. "Can I have this, now?"

  "You can have whatever you want, my darlin'." He knelt above her.

  Maddie looked into his eyes as she put the hat on his head, and reached for him. "I've got what I want." She licked her lips, still staring at him.

  He smiled.

  Sometime later, both of them panting, he collapsed on top of her in a jumbled heap of limbs. After a few minutes he pulled up gently, and they looked at each other.

  "I think it was the hat," Maddie murmured.

  Rob laughed so hard he had to roll off.

  Maddie stuck out her lower lip in a pout at the loss of his warmth. He pulled her into his arms and they sat up facing each other, with her legs over his so they could be closer. He took his cowboy hat off and set it gently on her head. "Your turn to wear it." He ran his hands over her shoulders. He kissed the tiny heart tattoo on the front of her right shoulder, and then mused, "Where am I?" He looked over the same shoulder for the tattoo they had put there, together, a year ago.

  Maddie wiggled her shoulder forward, showing him the good-sized heart with his name across it. There was a rose through the heart, with three little drops of blood. They both loved the design so much they got matching tattoos on the back of their shoulders. Rob's had Maddie's name across it, and was surrounded by the names Sophie, Sam and Stacie.

  Rob growled with pleasure at the sight, and kissed all over her shoulders and neck. Before long, they were making love again, with an intensity that never seemed to waiver.

  "You're so beautiful." He reached for her afterward, spooning his body around hers as they stretched out, upside down on the bed.

  Maddie melted into him, having long since lost track of reality. Waves of pleasure surrounded her, and she flowed in and out of consciousness with them. It was almost like the drug induced feelings of her college days, but so much better— a natural high.

  "Have I told you lately that I'm the luckiest man on the face of the earth?" Rob whispered in her ear as he held her close.

  "I think I'm the lucky one," she replied softly.

  "That's why we're so good together, sweetness."

  A funny feeling came over Maddie, and she looked at him. "What did you call me?"


  "Just now. Did you call me 'sweetness'?"

  He shrugged. "I guess. Why?"

  She snuggled, her shoulders pressed against his chest. "I don't think you've ever called me that before."

  "I don't know. I'm only half awake. You wore me out."

  "Me, too." She looked at their position. "We're upside down in the bed. Think we need to move?"

  "I'm not sure I can move." He snagged two pillows and brought the edge of the comforter up, and covered them with it. "How's that?"

  "Perfect." She laid her head back against him.

  Rob took the cowboy hat and dropped it to the floor. "Until next time," he murmured.

  Maddie smirked. "Oh yeah!"

  Slidng his arms around her waist, he settled them under her breasts. He kissed her neck and shoulder gently. "Sleep tight, gorgeous."

  "Ummm." She pressed back against him, and fell asleep in utter and complete happiness.

  Chapter Two

  Ten years earlier – Harvard University – Cambridge, Massachusetts

  Madison Stewart walked through the door of her apartment in Buckley Hall on the Cambridge campus of Harvard. Buckley was one of the bigger halls; each apartment had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and kitchen. Compared to the other dorms, it was a palace, which was good, because it cost a king's ransom to live there.

  Maddie knew it, but didn't think much about it. Money wasn't important to her. She was used to having the best, thanks to her parents and their lucrative insurance company back in Hartford, Connecticut.

  She dropped her books on the kitchen table. "Anybody home?" There was no answer, so she opened the refrigerator and pulled out a can of soda. She popped it open and took a drink, then closed the fridge door and jumped when she saw a man in boxer shorts, standing in the doorway.

  "Hey, baby." He grinned at her.

  "Jesus, you scared me!" Maddie clutched her heart.

  "Sorry, doll. Got any beer in there?"

  Maddie looked him up and down before she reached in the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer. He looked to be about thirty, with dark unkempt hair, a mustache, and a two-day growth of beard. He was muscular, and in good shape from what Maddie could see. Given his state of dress, she could see quite a lot. A snake tattoo wound its way down his left arm, and another creature she couldn't identify graced the right arm. Dark, fuzzy hair covered his chest, and for a second, Maddie wondered how it would feel t
o run her hands through it. She shook her head and handed him the beer. "I assume Zoey's back there somewhere?"

  He grinned at her again. "She's in the can. I'm Ty."

  "Maddie." She sat down in front of her books at the table.

  Ty went to the front room and pulled something from the pocket of his jeans, which were lying in a pile in the corner. He returned to the kitchen and sat at the table across from her, spreading his things out in front of him.

  Maddie watched with interest as he laid a cigarette rolling paper on the table, and poured a measure of marijuana into it. His big fingers rolled it nimbly and precisely, which amused Maddie, and she continued to watch him complete the roll, lick the paper to seal it, then smile at her.

  He took a draw on his beer and stuck the joint in his mouth. Nimbly lighting it with a Bic, he took a deep drag. He offered the joint to her.

  She shook her head and waved it off.

  He shrugged, and took another hit.

  Maddie's roommate, Zoey Sinclair, sauntered into the kitchen wearing nothing but her panties. "Hey, girl." Zoey squeezed Maddie's shoulders. She leaned down, her big breasts pressing against Maddie's back. "I see you met Ty."

  "Sure did." Maddie chuckled at Zoey's lack of inhibition. Maddie would no more parade around like that than throw herself in front of a moving truck. But Zoey was a free spirit, and didn't let much of anything bother her. Maddie watched Zoey move over to Ty, jiggling her breasts in front of him.

  He pinched a nipple and then gave Zoey what she was really after, a hit of his joint.

  She inhaled deeply, and offered it to Maddie.

  "No, thanks." Maddie waved it away. "I've got to study for this Psych final."

  "But it's Friday night," Zoey insisted. "No one studies on a Friday night."

  Maddie chuckled. "I really have to pass this final. If I flunk out my first semester at Harvard, my parents will have a shit fit."

  "Nah." Zoey waved her hand in the air. "Your old man will send someone over to retake the test for you. I've seen how he manipulates things."


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