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Playing for Keeps

Page 22

by Hill, Jamie

  "Ha!" Maddie snorted. "I wish. I really need to study. I don't have your photographic memory."

  Zoey jiggled her breasts in Maddie's face again, and hugged her from the side. "Party with us tonight, and I'll help you study this weekend. I promise."

  Against Maddie's better judgment, she found herself toking on the joint and shoving her books away from the edge of the table.

  Zoey grinned and passed the joint around. "Ty's going to take us to the bar he goes to. He says it's a bitchin' place to hang."

  "Okay." Maddie nodded, deciding she wouldn't mind going out to a bar.

  "But first," Ty took one last drag and extinguished the joint, "we have a little business to take care of here." He grabbed Zoey from behind, placing one hand on her breast while slipping the other down the front of her panties. He stood up and kissed her neck, then dragged her backwards to her bedroom. He paused in the doorway to look at Maddie. "Care to join us?"

  "Uh, no, thanks." Maddie's face grew warm.

  "Come on, Mad," Zoey encouraged her. "It'll be a blast."

  "I don't think so, but thanks." Maddie slipped by them and hurried into her room. She shut the door quickly behind her, and flopped onto her bed. She took a breath, and finally stopped to laugh about the ridiculous situation. Lying on her back, she tucked her hands under her head.

  Her parents could never imagine, in a million years, the situation Maddie found herself in at Harvard. She had always been the perfect daughter, polite, timid, a good student, and very respectful of her parent's wishes. They only dates she had in high school were to big events like the prom, and she'd done nothing more than a little polite kissing. Maddie's parents wanted her to get a good education, and chose Harvard for that reason. They'd decided Maddie should become a lawyer, and Harvard was the best law school money could buy.

  Maddie insisted she really wasn't lawyer material, but her parents wouldn't listen. Even if she chose not to become a practicing lawyer, a law degree would serve her well, they said. So there she was, living in a dorm at Harvard.

  She didn't know anyone else going to school there, so her roommate was randomly assigned. Maddie's first impression of Zoey was nothing special. Friendly but not especially pretty, Zoey had a care-free, bohemian look about her, with long, frizzy blond hair and little wire rimmed eye glasses. Maddie soon discovered Zoey was brilliant, with perfect SAT scores that had won her a full scholarship to the college of her choice. Harvard was the college of choice for most people getting a free ride, especially a poor kid whose only other options were schools with the word, 'Oklahoma' in their name.

  Zoey hadn't led the sheltered life Maddie had. Zoey knew things. Maddie was fascinated, and soaked up Zoey's wisdom like a kid with a new set of sponges. Zoey was amazed to discover Maddie was a virgin, and set about trying to correct that situation. Maddie insisted she wanted to hang on to her virtue, so Zoey informed her of ways a girl could still get the enjoyment of sex without actually popping the cherry.

  One night, after a few beers and a joint of something so heavenly Maddie knew she would just float away, Zoey took her to bed and showed her ways girls could have fun together. Maddie's first orgasm sent tremors through her like she never knew existed, and she decided, from that moment on, she was not a person destined to live without sex.

  She remained 'technically' a virgin, never allowing Zoey to penetrate her with her fingers or the vibrator she used so liberally on herself. And once Maddie was comfortable, Zoey introduced the male penis to her. Maddie had never seen one, not even in books, and was fascinated with the whole idea. Zoey's first boyfriend was Ben, a big, dumb jock who didn't mind for one moment being used as the test dummy for fellatio lessons. Maddie learned everything Zoey could teach her about blow jobs, but refused to have intercourse, insisting she wanted her first time to be with a man she picked.

  Ben was good for sex, but Zoey tired of him quickly, and moved on to Jack. He had a few more brains, but wasn't much in the looks department, so Maddie didn't involve herself in their physical relationship. Zoey had already taught her most of what she needed to know, anyway. Their joint sexual adventures tapered off as Zoey kept occupied with one man or another, and Maddie got involved in her schoolwork. She studied pretty hard, not obsessively, but enough. She found the classes difficult and her grades wound up mediocre at best.

  Zoey sailed through classes she attended irregularly, scoring 'A's' while Maddie struggled for 'C's'. Her roommate had much more time for socializing, and usually attempted to drag Maddie along with her. Maddie resisted when she could, but found, more and more often, that a few beers or a joint could erase the frustration she felt when she thought of her schoolwork. It was bliss not to have to think at all.

  She lay on her bed, letting the buzz from the joint float around in her mind. She heard movement in the front room, followed by a tap on her door. Zoey stuck her head in. "Still going to the bar with us?"

  "Sure," Maddie agreed, and sat up. "How was it?" She smiled at Zoey, who looked like she was about to burst.

  "Oh my God!" Zoey rolled her eyes, a huge grin on her face. "Older men are so much more skilled, Mad. I promise you, if you want to give Ty a tumble, you won't be disappointed."

  "Thanks." Maddie grinned at her. "But I think I'll know when it's right."

  "Whatever. I'm going to get ready." Zoey slipped out and shut the door.

  Maddie stood up and looked in her closet. She pulled out a pair of tight jeans and a pink V-neck sweater that somehow made her look like she had boobs. She thought about Ty for one more moment. The curly hair on his chest intrigued her immensely, and his thick fingers—she could only imagine how it would feel to have one—or two?—of those inside her. A gush of wetness tingled between her legs and Maddie blushed at how horny she felt. Maybe she did need to find a boyfriend. What's the point of waiting?

  She touched up her face and checked the state of the French braid in her hair. Fine, it doesn't need to be redone. Maddie headed out into the living room, just as someone knocked on the door.

  "You look cool." Ty nodded at her. He wore a white t-shirt and black leather jacket with his jeans, and was in the process of tying a red bandana around his head.

  "You too, man." She opened the door. Her friend Alec stood in the hallway, and he smiled at her.

  "Hi Maddie. Did you get my messages?"

  "Uh, no…" Maddie hesitated.

  Zoey called from behind her, "Hey Maddie! Alec called like three times."

  "Sorry. She's had company."

  "Can I come in?" he asked, and Maddie stepped aside to allow him in.

  "We were just going out," Zoey told him.

  Alec looked at Ty, and Maddie blushed at the difference in their appearances. Alec was a totally preppie college boy with short blond hair buzzed close above his ears. He wore an Izod alligator polo and khakis, with slip-on loafers and a Lacoste jacket. He looked so stereotypically put together that Maddie was almost embarrassed to introduce the two men. "Um, Alec, this is Ty. He's with Zoey," she felt the need to add.

  Alec looked Ty over skeptically, and Maddie thought the look on his face was priceless. Ty evidently thought so too, as he grinned and said, "Hey, college boy."

  Alec blushed and turned to Maddie quickly. "I wondered if you wanted to go out with me. The Sigma Chi's are having a party. I thought it might be fun."

  "Oh, that does sound fun," Maddie said politely. "But we're going out with Ty. He has a new place he wants to show us."

  "What kind of place?" Alec asked, skeptical again.

  "A bar." Zoey looked around Ty and smiled.

  Alec frowned at Maddie. "You're not old enough to get into a bar. What are you doing?"

  Ty smiled like a patient father with a young child. "It's more of a pool hall, really. She won't have a problem getting in."

  Alec looked from Ty to Maddie. "Why do you want to go to a pool hall?"

  Maddie put her hands on Alec's arm. "It sounds like fun. Why don't you come with us?"

"I don't think so."

  "Okay," Zoey said quickly. "We'll see you later, then, because we're leaving."

  "Maddie, come with me," Alec asked her one more time.

  Ty looked at Zoey and asked, "Who is this guy?"

  Zoey said, "He's Maddie's boooyfriend." She drug out the word.

  Maddie shot her a dirty look and told Ty, "Alec is a friend from back home." He might want it to be more than that, but it's not going to happen. She looked at Alec. "I'm going with them. Are you coming with us, or going to your party? I don't care."

  He looked at her irritably and finally said, "I think I should come with you."

  "Fine." Zoey reached for two jean jackets in the closet and handed one to Maddie. "You can drive Maddie. I'll go with Ty on his bike."

  Maddie's eyes lit up. She slipped into her jacket and followed Ty and Zoey outside, not waiting for Alec to pull the door shut and bring up the rear. Outside, she looked over Ty's Harley Davidson and murmured admiringly, "Holy shit!"

  He swung his leg over and cranked the engine to a noisy start. He grinned at Maddie and said, "I'll give you a ride sometime, if you want."

  "I do!" Maddie admitted, watching Zoey climb on the back and wrap her arms around Ty. She saw Alec approach from the corner of her eye and remembered to ask, "So where are we going?"

  "Lost Wages. It's on the corner of Eighteenth and Berkshire," Ty answered over the roar of the engine.

  "Okay, we'll see you there!" Maddie called back, and turned to Alec.

  "That's a really cruddy neighborhood. I don't think we should go," he said.

  "Come on. You're taking me, at least." She dragged him by the hand to his car, and they drove to the pool hall. Alec griped the whole way there, and Maddie was never so glad to arrive anywhere in her life.

  Ty and Zoey stood waiting for them out front.

  "Hey!" Maddie approached them and smiled.

  Alec lagged behind.

  "Come on." Ty led them in, spoke to the bouncer at the door, and the two of them laughed. The bouncer turned away and Ty motioned for them to come in. He led them to the bar and looked at them. "What are you drinking?"

  "Beer," Zoey announced, and Maddie nodded agreement.

  Ty looked at Alec. "Junior?"

  Alec gave him a spiteful look. "Beer."

  Maddie chuckled and looked away. Alec wouldn't get too snotty with Ty, or anyone there, for fear they'd kick his ass. She glanced around and thought it was an exciting place. There were several people sitting at the bar, and a bunch of little tables scattered around, some full, some not. A small dance floor sat empty, even though loud country music drifted from a jukebox. The back half of the room was filled with booths and pool tables, two or three of them in use.

  Ty paid for their beers and nodded at Zoey to follow him. She looked at Maddie, who looked at Alec, who made an angry face. Maddie told Zoey, "Go ahead. I'll be back later." She watched them make their way to the pool area, and Ty struck up a conversation at one of the tables.

  Maddie took a sip of her beer and noticed Alec held his bottle but didn't drink from it. "Why are you being such a wet blanket?"

  "This is no place you should be."

  "Oh for Pete's sake, it's fine. It looks like fun. Lighten up."

  "Your parents wouldn't approve."

  Maddie snorted laughter. "No shit, Sherlock. But they aren't here, now, are they?"


  She cut him off. "Stop it, Alec. I'm here to have fun. If you don't like it, you can always leave."

  He turned to the bar and peeled the label off his beer bottle. "The music even sucks," he complained.

  Maddie handed him a folded dollar bill. "Why don't you go play something else? You like Garth Brooks. He's probably on the jukebox."

  Alec shrugged, and took the dollar to the machine.

  Maddie smiled and looked back at the pool table where Ty was now playing. The man standing next to him laughed, and caught Maddie's attention. She moved down the bar a little to get a better view. Wavy, blond hair flowed down to his chin, with a bandana tied like a headband around his forehead. He was tall and muscular like Ty, and dressed much the same in a white tank top and black jeans, with a chain from the front of his jeans to his back hip. He had tattoos on each arm, but from a distance Maddie couldn't tell what they were.

  His smile couldn't be missed. The whole time she watched him, he'd been grinning and laughing with everyone around him. It was an infectious laugh. People seemed to gravitate toward him. Maddie knew she wanted to get a closer look, but just then Alec reappeared.

  He handed her the dollar bill. "I took care of it."

  "Thanks." She shoved the bill in her pocket, not really looking. The man Ty shot pool with, captivated her and she wanted to find a way to get back there.

  The gods smiled on Maddie when Alec said, "I need to use the john. I bet it's filthy."

  "I bet you're right." Maddie nodded agreement. She looked around and pointed to the right. "That way."

  "Be right back." Alec headed that direction.

  Maddie picked up her beer bottle and made her way to the pool table. Zoey was standing to the side, watching, and Maddie approached her. "Hey."

  "Hey." Zoey nodded.

  "Who's the guy Ty's shooting pool with?"

  Zoey looked at the table. "I don't know, but he's one tall drink of water, isn't he?"

  "Um, yeah." Maddie eyed him appreciatively.

  Zoey glanced at her and chuckled. When Ty came over to take a swig of his beer, Zoey whispered something to him.

  He nodded, and returned to his game. He took a shot, and then said something to his opponent.

  The man looked up at Maddie, and flashed his bright smile at her.

  Zoey shoved Maddie forward.

  Ty said, "Nick, this is Maddie. Maddie, Nick."

  Unexpectedly the center of attention, Maddie felt her face flush bright red.

  Nick grinned. "Hello, sweetness."

  She couldn't help but smile.

  Chapter Three

  The phone rang and woke them. Rob reached for it and smacked Maddie in the face.

  "Hey!" she mumbled.

  "Sorry." He sat up. They were still upside down in their bed. "I'm all discombobulated, here."

  "Just answer the phone before it wakes the whole house." Maddie chuckled.

  He climbed over her and grabbed the receiver. "Yeah?" he barked.

  Maddie chuckled again, and tried to focus on the clock. It looked like 7:00 a.m. She turned back to Rob and listened.

  "Oh, I'm sorry, Meg. Sophie had a game and it was a late night. Yeah, she's right here. Hang on." He handed the phone to Maddie and shrugged.

  "Mom?" Maddie sat up. "What's wrong?"

  "Madison, it's your father. Now, he's going to be all right. But he had a minor heart attack last night."

  "A heart attack?" Maddie repeated loudly. "Is he okay?"

  Rob put his hand on her back.

  "Yes, Maddie, I told you he's going to be fine," her mother continued. "He has to stay in the hospital for a couple of days, though. I thought you might want to know."

  "Of course I want to know. I can't believe this."

  Rob rubbed her back and whispered, "Is he okay?"

  Maddie nodded and said to her mother, "I think I should come there."

  "Good," Meg Stewart replied. "I do, too."

  "Okay," Maddie tried to get her thoughts together. "Let me wake up, and figure this out. I'll get reservations, and call you back with the details."

  "My cell phone doesn't work in the hospital. Let me give you the phone number to his room."

  "Hang on." Maddie said to Rob, "Pen and paper?"

  He nodded, and hurried to bring her a pen and a magazine.

  She motioned for him to write and said, "Okay, Mom."

  "555-1290," Meg said, and Maddie repeated it to Rob.

  "I've got it," Maddie replied. "I'll call you when I finalize my plans."

  "Thank you, Maddie."

  "Talk to you soon." She hung up and looked at her husband in disbelief. "Oh my God!"

  "But he's okay?"

  Maddie nodded. "It was a minor heart attack, I guess, but he has to stay in the hospital a few days." She looked at him. "I'm sorry, I just thought I should be there."

  "Of course you should, darlin'. This is actually a good time to go. I can watch the kids all weekend, and maybe Rosa can watch them for a few days, or I'll take time off work."

  Maddie shook her head. "I'm only going to stay a couple of days, I promise. Just long enough to make sure he's okay."

  Rob kissed the side of her head. "Stay as long as you need to. We'll be fine here."

  Maddie looked at him nervously. "I thought you'd be with me the first time I went home."

  He smiled. "Guess we shouldn't have put it off. But hey, I'll go with you now if you want. I'm sure my mother—"

  "No." Maddie shook her head. "I'm not leaving the kids with your mother for two or three days. You have to stay here."

  "Whatever you think, darlin'. Why don't you hop in the shower, and I'll see what flights to Hartford there are today."

  "God." She stood. "I haven't flown since I was a kid. And never by myself."

  Rob stood and faced her. "Maddie, I can go with you. I don't want you to worry about this."

  She hugged him. "I'll be okay. I'm just thinking my scary thoughts out loud."

  He held her tightly and rubbed her back. "You need to get in the shower, and I need to put some pants on." He pulled away and looked down. His body was reacting to being naked and pressed against her.

  Maddie smiled and rubbed his erection lightly. "I'm sorry. This is not how I wanted to wake up today."

  He grinned. "I think last night will tide us over for a few days, don't you?"

  "Oh, yeah." She reached down for the cowboy hat. She put it on her head and wiggled her ass as she headed into the bathroom.

  Rob laughed.

  Maddie came out of the shower and smiled when she saw Rob had made their bed and set a small suitcase on it. She pulled on a pair of jeans and a nice blouse, then threw some clothes into the bag. She added her toiletries, and zipped the whole thing closed. She left it on the bed and went into the kitchen, where Rob was fixing breakfast for the children.


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