The Great Turning
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God of, 261–263
golden rule of, 37
385 individual efforts/contributions, 356–357
initiatives, 319–320, 321, 356
leadership of, 316
living culture of, 265–266
mainstreaming culture of, 318
movement toward, 203
narratives/stories, 33–34, 303–305, 305–307, 308–310, 355–356
new era for, 20
principles of, 17, 37–38
psychology of, 52–53
relationships of, 36–38
responding to the call, 358–359
success indicators, 297–298
turning from Empire to, 294–298
use of term, 20, 32
values of, 55
way of, 290–291
Earth Summit, 85–86
Eckhart, Meister, 262
ecological issues, of ancient civilizations, 113
economic democracy, 151, 342, 345
economic domination, 18
economic globalization, 12–13, 239
economic growth, 5–6, 238–239, 299
economic issues, 344
challenges to Empire, 218–223
economic borders, 13
inequality, 68–69, 135, 181–182, 304
injustice, 244
institutions, 72
justice, 145, 154, 208, 215, 304, 319
economic sphere, 342
economic transformation model, 15
economic turning, 21, 81–83, 318–320
global imperial, 342
living, 342–345
market, 345
modern, 61–62
ecosystems, 275–278, 292–293
education, 229, 332, 350–352
Egypt (ancient), 114–116, 142
Einstein, Albert, 315
Eisler, Riane, 19, 32, 36, 93–94, 94–95, 97–99
elderhood, 288–289, 291, 322
elections, 190, 342, 348
Electoral College, 186, 348
electoral system, U.S., 345, 346–347
elite privilege, 186
elitism, neoliberal, 240
elitist prosperity, 239–240
Elizabeth I, Queen, 129, 161
emigration, forced, 167
emotional intelligence, 283–284
emperors, 119–120, 148
advantage of, 53–55
allowing flourishing of, 352–353
alternatives to, 294–298, 301
assaults by, 317
cultural and economic challenges to, 218–223
culture of, 54
as democracy, 141
economic principles of, 345
leaders of, 316
mentality of, 20
native American’s first encounter with, 165–166
pathology of, 35–36, 37
prosperity story of, 250
psychology of, 48–52
relationships of, 34
religion in service of, 352
resisting institutions and agendas of, 317
rights extended by, 34–35
as social pathology, 108
source of power of, 82
transition to, 102–104
turning to Earth Community from, 294–298
the way of, 289–290
use of term, 20
win-lose dynamic of, 266
ancient Egypt, 114–116
competing, 196
feudal fiefdoms, 122–123
Indian Empire, 116
Mesopotamia, 110–114
modern, 126–127, 127–133
pre-Empire civilizations, 166
Roman Empire, 116–123, 117–119, 123–124
Soviet Empire, 134, 196
386 empires (continued)
U.S. Empire, 181–200, 218–219, 230–231, 235–236
empowerment, mutual, 274–275
Endangered Species Act, 228
enfranchisement/disenfranchisement, 145, 149
England, The Enlightenment, 153–154
English colonies, 161, 170
Enlightenment, 153–154, 155, 160, 205
Enron Corporation, 232
entropy, law of, 271
environment, healthy, 332–333
Environmental Protection Agency, 228
environmental stress, 58–60
environmental systems, 20–21
equality, 201–202
equitability of society, 304
Erikson, Erik, 42
erosion of middle class, 206–208
escapism, 287
ethical issues, 36, 115, 132–133, 149
Europe, colonial territories, 134
European Renaissance, 123
European Social Forum, 87
Evangelicals, 325
evil, war against, 244
as competitive struggle, 280
of institutional forms, 353
Integral World view, 47
of living species, 247, 253
in religious beliefs, 111
repeating patterns, 292
sustainable limits of Earth, 58–60
teaching of, 339
evolutionary accomplishment, 310
evolutionary perspective of choice, 270
evolutionary potential, 358
evolutionary progress, 14, 58–59
evolutionism/evolutionists, 256–257
evolution wars, 256–257
existential vacuum, 286
experiences, early childhood, 286
explorers, 127, 166
exports, U.S., 70
extended family communities, 350
fair-share taxation, 344
falsified culture, 77
Falwell, Jerry, 222
family issues
basic institution of family, 349–350
creating strong families, 340
Empire’s assault on families, 317, 349
exploiting breakdown of family, 226–227
extended families, 350
family values, 221–222, 337
Far Right war against families, 285, 329, 335–337
focusing on, 331–332
healthy families, 295, 305, 306
parents/parenting, 284–285, 285–286, 288, 290, 336
rebuilding, 322
strength/stability, 298
viability of family, 335–337
for women, 226
Family Policy Councils, 223
Family Research Council, 223
farmers/farming, 206
Far Right, 222, 339
Fascists, 213
fear, 34, 54
Federalist Congress, 189
Federalist Party, 187–189
Federalists, 186–187
feminine leadership, 323–324
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 204
feminine principles, 105
feminist activism, 204
feudalism, 122–123
finance capitalism, 140
financial markets, 139, 140, 211–212
First Bank of the United States, 188–189
First Colonial Congress, 176–177
Focus on the Family, 221, 223
food consumption, 59
Forbes magazine, 299
Ford, Henry, 213
Foreign Affairs, 230
foreign policy, U.S., 194–198, 229–232
foreign resources, 307
forest ecosystems, 275–278
Fortune, 61
Fortune 500
companies, 221
Fox, Matthew, 258, 261, 262–263
France, 153, 190
Francis of Assisi, 262
387 Frank, Justin A., 285, 286
Frankl, Viktor, 38–39, 281, 286
fraud, financial, 241
freedoms, 34–35, 38–39, 125, 145, 205
free market capitalism, 225
e trade, 130–131, 185–186, 321
free will, 270
French Company of the East Indies, 131
French Revolution, 133
Friedan, Betty, 204
Friedman, Milton, 240–241
Friel, John, 47–48, 271
Friel, Linda, 47–48, 271
Fromm, Erich, 281, 286
fundamentalism, 255, 259–260
future, changing the, 354–356
Gandhi, Mohandes K., 134, 315–316, 317
Garrison, William Lloyd, 202
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), 136, 195, 228
gender perspectives. See also men; women
balanced relationships, 37
cultural and institutional, 104–107
feminine leadership, 323–324
gender of Cultural Creatives, 80
his-story, 106–107
rejecting the feminine, 100–101
scale perspective and, 107–108
worship of gods and goddesses, 111
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 136, 195, 228
General Laws and Liberties of New Hampshire, 162
generative power, 97
genocide, 165–166, 204–205, 214
German death camps, 38–39
Gilder, George, 240–241
Gilligan, Carol, 42, 324
global civil society, 85–88, 152–153, 231, 316, 318
“Global Civil Society: The Path Ahead” (Korten, Shiva, and Perlas), 19
global economic output, 59, 70–72
global imperial economy, 342–345
globalization, corporate-led economic, 12–13
global transformation, 86
global turnings, 322–326
global warming, 60, 229
Glorious Appearing: The End Days (LaHaye and Jenkins), 260
God. See also religious issues
of Earth Community, 261–263
images of, 257–263
modern understanding of, 258
monarchical model of, 259
names for, 262
qualities attributed to, 33–34
Goddess civilizations, 96–102, 97–99, 114
gods, ancient Egyptian, 114
Goldwater, Barry, 221
Good Citizens, 45, 46
good society, 147–148, 151
Gould, Jay, 209
governance, 103, 120–121, 162
Americans’ confidence in, 333–334
decision to establish U.S., 183–184
influence of corporations on, 333
interventions by, 150
need for, 342
purpose of, 153
Grand Area strategy, 194–195
Great Britain, 129, 130, 135, 174–178
Great Depression, 212
Great Railroad Strike, 208
Great Unraveling, 21, 53, 311, 335, 353, 358
Great Work, 72–73
Greece (ancient), 142–146, 353. See also Athens
greenhouse gases, 61, 62
Green Revolution, 62
Greenspan, Stanley, 42
Grimkéé, Angelina, 204
group identity, 103
Guam, 193
Gulf War (1991), 64
Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 102, 103, 104
Gyr, Herman, 18
Hacienda Santa Teresa, 27–37, 77
Halliburton, 198
Hamilton, Alexander, 184–185, 187–188, 345
Hammel, Laury, 15–16
Hancock, John, 129
happiness, 298–300
Harding, Warren, 211
Hardisty, Jean, 225
388 Hardwired to Connect: The New Scientific Case for Authoritative Communities (Commission on Children at Risk), 282–283
Harman, Willis, 264
hatred, promoting, 225
Hawaii, 193
Hawkins, Sir John, 129
causes of death in twentieth century, 64
of Earth, 298
of environment, 332–333
food insufficiency, 334–335
patient capital, 344
psychological, 285, 335
struggle for, 340
health care, 213, 226
healthful function of community, 294
healthy families, 305, 306
healthy societies, indicators of, 306
hegemony, 109, 192, 194–198, 264. See also leadership
Heritage Foundation, 221, 223
Hidden Forest, The: Biography of an Ecosystem (Luoma), 275–278
hierarchies of dominance, 35–36, 41
hieroglyphics, 114
Hildegard of Bingen, 262
his-story, 106–107
history, male chauvinist view of, 94–95
Hitler, Adolf, 287–288
HIV, 59
Ho, Mae-Wan, 14–15, 271–272, 291
Hobbes, Thomas, 256
homogeneous society, 151, 160
Homo sapiens, 95–96
Hoover, Herbert, 211
Hoover Institute, 220, 221
Horton, Miles, 88
hubris, 113
Hudson Bay Company, 131
Hudson Institute, 221
human body, 278–280
human brain, 282–283, 283–284
human consciousness. See consciousness human desires, 310
human life cycle, 288–289
human maturity, 271
human nature, 20, 34, 39
earliest, 95–96
Goddess civilizations, 96–102
pre-Empire, 94
relationship to the planet and to each other, 73
human-scale enterprises, 343
human survival, 265
Humber, Peter, 71
Hurricane Katrina, 234–235, 321
Hussein, Saddam, 196
Hyksos invasion, 115
ideal society, 271
IFG (International Forum on Globalization), 12
IMF (International Monetary Fund), 136–137, 195, 227, 239
immaturity, psychological, 54
immigration, 322–323
immortality, 270–271
imperial biblical meaning story, 246–247, 249
imperial civilizations/societies, maintenance of dominator structure by, 341
American colonies, 173
contemporary, 291
pre-imperial societies, 109–110
Roman Empire, 116–123
Imperial Consciousness, 43–44, 48, 49–54, 56, 209, 234, 261, 289, 329–330, 339
imperial global order, 31
imperial hegemony, myth of, 109
imperial meaning story, 257
imperial model of modern era, 126–127
imperial privilege, 72
imperial rule, 116, 135, 242, 250
imperial rulers, 57–58, 288
imperial secular story, 247–248, 249
imperial security, 242–246
imperial systems, power in, 36
imported food dependence, 59
Inclusive World view, 47
income, 67, 299
indentured servants, 168, 189–190
India, 87, 130
Indian Empire, 116
Indonesia, 131
389 Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 211
inequality, 68–69, 181
information, 75–76, 344
initiatives, Earth Community, 356
insect species, 277
Institute for American Values, 282
Institute for Local Self-Reliance, 319
institutional sociopaths, 132–133
intellectual life, 297–298
intelligent design, 257
interconnectedness of life, 78–79, 273–280
interfaith councils, 352
international cooperation, 332–333
International Criminal Court, 333
International Forum on Globalizat
ion (IFG), 12
international institutions, 81–82
International Labor Organization, 81
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 136–137, 195, 227, 239
International Peace Conference, 81
international rule of law, 129
intolerance, promoting, 225
invasions, 50–51, 115, 193, 197, 231, 307. See also revolutions/wars
Iraq war (2003), 197, 232–235
Iistowanohpataakiiwa, Timothy, 291
itinerancy, 173–174
IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), 211
James I, King, 161
Jamestown, Virginia, 168–169
Japan, 61, 213
Jefferson, Thomas, 147, 150, 183, 184–185, 187, 189–190, 345
Jenkins, Jerry, 260
Jesus, 225, 247–248, 258–259, 261, 265, 325
John Templeton Foundation, 221
Jung, Carl, 201, 235
justice, 46, 48, 215, 244
Kagan, Robert, 230
Katrina, Hurricane, 234–235, 321
Keep America Beautiful, 221
Kegan, Robert, 42, 44, 49, 296
Kennan, George, 195
Kerry, John, 182
Kettering Foundation, 346
Keynes, John Maynard, 129
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 203, 315–316, 317
Charles I, 161
James I, 161
right of, 133
walking away from the king metaphor, 174–178, 318
kinship, 103–104, 350
kleptocracy, 104
Knights of Labor, 209, 210
Kohlberg, Lawrence, 42
Korten, David C., 14, 15
activism, 12–13
early life, 6–8
professional life, 8–11
When Corporations Rule the World, 5–6, 12
Korten, Frances, 8, 9, 10–11, 12, 14
Kothari, Smitu, 11
Kristol, Bill, 230
Ku Klux Klan, 212
Kunstler, Howard, 62–63
Kyoto Protocol, 229, 333
labor unions
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 210
formation of, 207
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 211
International Labor Organization, 81
Knights of Labor, 209, 210
Mechanics’ Union of Trade Associations, 207
membership drives, 213
National Trades Union, 207
striking during war, 213
LaHaye, Tim, 260
Land Mine Treaty, 228, 333
laws. See also legal issues/legislation
law of entropy, 271
life, 271–273
religious, 162
of thermodynamics, 273–274
Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts, 162
leaders, New Right, 336
Aristotle on choice of, 154–155
dilemma of (ancient Athenian), 148–153
390 leadership (continued)
feminine, 95, 99, 107, 323–324
from below, 13, 73, 87–88, 179, 315–326
social movement, 9, 55, 82, 195, 315–316, 353