The Great Turning
Page 49
strategies for, 316–318
leaders of twentieth century, 315–316
League of Nations, 81
learning, challenges of early human, 93
Left Behind series (LaHaye and Jenkins), 260
legal issues/legislation
Alien Act, 189
American Indian Religious Freedom Act, 205
charters, 191
Civil Rights Act, 203
Clean Air Act, 228
Climate Protection Agreement, 320–321
Endangered Species Act, 228
labor laws, 209
Revenue Act, 175
Sedition Act, 189
share ownership by corporations, 192
Stamp Act, 175, 176
Supreme Court, 186, 207, 209, 211
Tea Act, 175
Liberator, The, 202
liberty, U.S. declaration of, 159
as capacity to choose, 270–271
forest ecosystems, 275–278
human body, 278–280
as mutual empowerment, 274–275
as struggle, 271–273
life cycle, human, 288–289, 289–290
life satisfaction scores, 299–300
life stages, 288–289
lifestyle improvements, 297, 332
Liliuokalani, Queen, 193
limbic brain, 283–284, 285
Limits to Growth (Club of Rome), 218
living a lie, 355–356
living cultures, 349–352
living economies, 14–15, 319–320, 342–345
living indicators, 343–344
Living Planet Index (World Wildlife Fund), 59, 61
living politics, 345–349
living systems, 274
loans, 137–138, 138–139, 198
local living economies, 14–15, 343
local preference, 343
Locke, John, 153, 155
Long Emergency, The (Kunstler), 62–63
Louisiana Purchase, 190
love, tension between fear and, 34
low-income countries, 136–137, 227
Lukensmeyer, Carolyn, 346
Luoma, Jon R., 275–278
Luther, Martin, 116
Macy, Joanna, 18
Madison, James, 187
Mafia, 211
Magical Consciousness, 43, 49, 52, 56, 328
magical consequences, 49
Maguire, Daniel, 51
majoritarian political base, 317–318
Mander, Jerry, 15
manufacturing production, 208
Marcos, Ferdinand, 196
Margulis, Lynn, 270, 272–273, 291
market capitalization, 68
market economies, 15, 345
market fundamentalism, 219, 239
markets, responsive, 304, 344
Marshall, John, 189
masculine principles, 105
Maslow, Abraham, 42
Mason, George, 185
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 172
Massachusetts Supreme Court, 176
material mechanism, 14, 255, 256, 265, 280
mature citizenship, politics of, 339
mature society, creating, 48–49
May, Rollo, 43
meaning, finding, 311–312
meaning stories, 246–247, 249, 257, 308–310
Mechanics’ Union of Trade Associations, 207
mechanism, science of, 264
media, 82–83, 348
independent, 346–347
Memorandum E-B34, 194
men. See also gender perspectives
domination of women by, 150–151
historical roles of, 94–95
loss of provider role, 226
priorities of, 324
391 spiritual identity of, 104–105
subordination of women by, 105–106
mental health, 285, 335
Mesopotamia, 110–114
anthropomorphic, 258
choices of, 104–105, 105–106
forest ecosystems, 275–278
human body, 28–280, 278–280
non-anthropomorphic, 258
religious, 257–258, 262
walking away from the king, 318
Mexican-American War, 191
Mexico, 190–191
Middle Ages, 122–123, 131, 140
middle class, 206–212, 213–214, 215, 227
ancient campaigns, 112–113
compensation to soldiers, 187–188
invasions, U.S., 193
recipients of U.S. aid, 197
responses to terrorism, 66
security of, 306–307
support of friendly regimes, 197
U.S. interventions in other countries, 192
U.S. personnel in Gulf War (1991), 64
use of power of, 196
militia, citizen’s, 183
millionaires, 209
Mills, Mark, 71
mines, active worldwide, 64
missionaries, 191, 193–194
mob rule, 184
modern empires, 126–127, 127–133
Mohler, Albert, 256–257
monarch butterfly metaphor, 74–75, 84
monarchical model of God, 259, 262–263
monarchies. See also kings
ancient Athens, 143
current view of, 214
end of, 133–134
replacement of, with elected leaders, 199
rights of kings, 133
bias of money system, 140
idolatrous worship of, 250
making money from, 139–140
psychological attitude toward, 138
ultimate money con, 138–139
as wealth, 68–69
money system, 141
monopolies, 240
Monroe, James, 187, 192
Monroe Doctrine, 192
moral autism, 51–52
moral bankruptcy, 340
moral behavior/values, 132–133, 153–154, 225, 240, 324, 329, 339
Moral Majority, 221
moral maturity, 51
Morgan, Sir Henry, 129
Mott, Lucretia, 204
Murolo, Priscilla, 209
mutuality, 276–277
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 228
Nagin, Ray, 321
Napoleonic Wars, 133
narcissism, 25, 43, 48, 114
communicating Earth Community– based, 355–356
competing, 33–34
contemporary story of Creation, 267–269
creation stories, 246
discovering and sharing, 310–311
Earth Community meaning story, 308–310
Earth Community prosperity story, 303–305
Earth Community security story, 305–307
imperial biblical meaning story, 246–247, 249
imperial meaning story, 257
imperial prosperity story, 238–242
imperial secular meaning story, 247–248
imperial secular story, 249
imperial security story, 242–246
as key to New Right’s success, 249–250
lack of contemporary, 253
prosperity story, 250
shifts in national, 356
National Association of Evangelicals, 325
392 National Association of Manufacturers, 213
national economies, access to, 137
national policy, use of war as instrument of, 81–82
National Research Council, 335
National Trades Union, 207
nation-states, 140
Native Americans, 165–166, 191, 204–205
natural succession process, 15
nature, Empire’s assault on, 317
nature as teacher, 291–294
neoliberal economics, 164–165, 241
elitism, 240
neoliberal policies, 336–337
New Deal, 212–214
New Jerusalem, 162–163
New Orleans, 321
New Right, 219, 285
agenda/goals of, 228–229
economic agenda, 241
family stress propaganda, 335–336
focus of, 328–329
imperial secular story favored by, 247–248
leaders versus followers of, 225
prosperity story of, 239–240
relations between the owning and working classes, 226
self-presentation of, 339–340
standing against, 340
war against children, families, and community, 285, 335–338
worldviews of leaders of, 237–238
New Rules Project, 319
Newtonian science, 263–264, 300, 308
New World, 160
New York State Supreme Court, 207
New Zealand, 356
NGOs (nongovernmenta organizations), 15–16
NIA (Philippine National Irrigation Administration), 10
Nicaragua, 193
Nickels, Greg, 321
Nixon, Richard, 228
nongovernmental organizations(NGOs), 15–16
noosphere, 271
Norquist, Grover, 222
North West Company, 131
nuclear bombs, 65–66
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 333
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 228
occupations, U.S., 197
oil dependence, 62–63, 234
oil reserves, 60–62
oligarchy, 148
Olin Foundation, 220–221
One River, Many Wells (Fox), 258
operant conditioning, 270
Opium War, 130
orders of consciousness, 42–56, 147, 286, 347
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), 228
Ottawa Treaty, 333
owners, separation of, from management, 131
owning class, 139–140, 186, 208–209, 215
Pacific Legal Foundation, 220
Paine, Tom, 189
pain of an unlived life, 286–288
Palmer, Parker, 84
Panama, 193
Parable of the Tribes, The (Schmookler), 35–36
parents/parenting, 284–285, 285–286, 288, 290, 336. See also family issues
Parks, Rosa, 202–203
Parks, Sharon, 43
biological, 268, 274, 280, 291
contemporary context for, 295–297
culture, 53, 258
model, 19, 29–40, 222
narrative, 41
politics of, 81
power, 36–37, 100
societies, 291–294
pathology of Empire, 35–36, 37
patient capital, 344
Pax Americana, 230–235
Pax Romana, 119–121
Peace Alliance, 321
peak oil, 61, 244
Pearl Harbor attack, 213
393 Penn, William, 171
Pennsylvania, restrictions of corporate ownership of shares, 192
People-Centered Development Forum, 11
People’s Earth Declaration, 85–86
People’s Party, 207
perfect storm, economic, 70–72
Perkins, John, 198
Perlas, Nicanor, 18, 19
Perle, Richard, 231
Permanent Court of Arbitration, 81
permeable boundaries, principle of, 293–294
petroleum reserves, 60–62
PFN (Positive Futures Network), 14, 17–18
pharaohs, deification of, 114
Philippine National Irrigation Administration (NIA), 10
Philippines, 193
philosophy of scientific revolution, 256
physical infrastructures, 298
physical world, 254–255
Piaget, Jean, 43
Pinchot, Gifford, 16
Pinchot, Libba, 16
Pinochet, Augusto, 196
piracy, 128–129
place, principle of, 292
planetary stress, 58–60
Plato, 146, 147, 148, 151, 154
pluralism, 171–173
plutocracy, 161, 164–165, 180, 219
agenda of, 223
Alexander Hamilton and, 184–185
American, 182
as bipartisan cause, 227–228
constitutional, 185–187, 341–342
corporate, 219
United States as, 185
plutocrats versus populists, 209
PNAC (Project for a New American Century), 230–231, 233
Policy Planning Study (U.S. State Department), 195
political consensus, 331–334
political democracy, 134–135, 140–141, 143–144, 345
political domination, 18
political institutions, role of, 305–306
political manipulators, 50
political principles, of Earth Community, 38
political process, 346–349
political sphere, 342
political theory, Rousseau’s, 153–154
political turning, 21, 81–83, 320–322
of culture, 248–249
living, 345–349
stealth, 223–227
poorest people worldwide, 299
population, 59, 97
populists versus plutocrats, 209
Portugal, 127
Positive Futures Network (PFN), 14, 17–18
Post-Corporate World: Life after Capitalism (Korten), 15
potential of humanity, failure of, 36
poverty, 304
Powell, Lewis, 220
abuses of, 241
asymmetrical relationship of, 207
centralized, 10–11
coercive, 104
of corporations, 333
dominator, 34
of economic and political domination, 18
generative, 97
localization and distribution of, 303–305
maturity of those in, 151
men’s compared to women’s, 105–106
source of Empire’s, 82
Power Seekers, 328, 329–330, 339
practical politics, 31
pre-agricultural societies, 97
pre-Empire civilizations, 166
pre-Empire humans, 94
pre-imperial societies, 109–110
presidents, U.S., 184
principles for organizing partnership
societies, 291–294
priorities, 72, 244–245, 327
privateers, 128–129, 141
private property, 150
problem solving, 315
producing classes, 210
product placement, 338–339
394 profiting from public credit, 188–189
progressive issues, roots of, 302–303
progressive movements, 330
progressives, 329–330, 339
Project for a New American Century (PNAC), 230–231, 233
property, 139–140, 150, 189, 208–209
prosperity, 249, 250, 303–305
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The (Weber), 164
Protestant Reformation, 123
psychological health, 285, 335
behavioral, 269–270
of Earth Community, 52–53
of Empire, 48–52
publicly traded limited-liability
corporations, 131–133
public opinion, 191–192
public outrage, 186–187
Puerto Rico, 193
Puritans, 162–163, 171–172
Quakers, 163, 164, 171, 202
quality of life, 80, 305
race-based slavery, 169
racketeering, 211
Raleigh, Walter, 161
r /> Rapture, 223, 260–261, 287
Ray, Paul, 47, 79, 80, 323–324
Reagan, Ronald, 227, 230, 240
real assets, 139–140, 150, 189, 208–209
reality, explanations of, 280
rebellions, 173–174, 175–176, 203
Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century, 231
rebuilding economies, bottom-up efforts, 13–14
Reed, Ralph, 222
reflective consciousness, 281–282, 309, 310, 358
of Earth Community, 36–38
of Empire, 34
family, 349–350
human communities/natural communities, 32–33
human desire for, 310
importance of, 299
life depends on, 274, 292, 299, 309
loving, 285
models for organizing, 39–40
trust, 305–306
religious issues
biblical meaning story, 246–247
Christ, 247–248, 258–259, 261, 265, 325
Christian Bible, 257
Christianity, 121–122
Christian Reconstructionism, 223
Christian Right, 223–224
Christian theology, 254
Christian values, 339
competing religious influences (colonial), 163–164
conflict between science and religion, 253–257, 264
of English colonies, 170
fundamentalists, 189
images of God, 257–263
imperial biblical meaning story, 246–247, 249
importance of religion to Americans, 325
Jesus, 225, 247–248, 258–259
mandated state religion, 162
pluralism, 171–173
prevailing Western religious story, 308
the Rapture, 287
religion in service of Empire, 352
religion of the strict father, 254
religious freedom, 205
religious versus scientific doctrine, 255
Roman Church, 259
waiting for the Rapture, 260–261
Religious Roundtable, 222
renewal, 278–279
Republic, The (Socrates), 148
Republican Party, 223
republics, 117–119, 127, 185
reservations, Indian, 205
resistance, against corporate
globalization, 318–319
resistance movements, 65, 176, 193, 205, 317
resources, monopolization of, 34
responsibility for harms caused, 344
retirement benefits, 213
revolution, scientific, 256, 266
395 abolishment of use of, 81
American Revolution, 133, 160, 178–179, 180, 206
Civil War, 191
evolution wars, 256–257
fire power, 65–66
French Revolution, 133
Green Revolution, 62
Gulf War (1991), 64
Iraq war (2003), 197, 232–235
Mexican-American War, 191
Napoleonic Wars, 133