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Spurred (Steele Ranch Book 1)

Page 5

by Vanessa Vale

Cord put himself back together, tucking his cock back in his pants, zipping up and redoing his belt buckle. I stepped to the side and noticed Riley had fixed himself, too.

  I looked around. My bra must still be on the ground, my dress was laying halfway down the porch steps, and my purse was by the door. I went to it, dug out my key. With fumbling fingers, I put it in the lock.

  “Kady,” Riley said, coming up behind me.

  “Please,” I replied, still trying to get the key to work. All at once I was frustrated. Embarrassed. God, I was outside naked! “I need to get inside.”

  “Okay,” he replied, putting his hand over mine to help me get the lock to turn. When it did, he reached down, turned the knob. “Let’s go in and—”

  “No. Just me.” I stepped into the doorway, turned to face them. How did one say goodbye naked? I was being ridiculous, I knew, but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t know what to feel, and I was starting to lose it.

  “We can’t let you go in alone like this,” Cord said as he slowly came up the steps. His fingers had been deep inside me, brought me to orgasm, and now he wanted to soothe me.

  “Please, I’m fine.” I gave them a fake smile because it was all too much. They were too much. “I just need to be alone.”

  “Kady,” Riley began.

  “Thank you, for dinner and well, everything. I…this, um, us. It’s overwhelming and I need to think.”

  Both men were quiet as they studied me. Not in a sexual way as they had earlier, but with concern.

  “Fine,” Cord said.

  “What?” Riley turned to look at him.

  “We’ll leave you be. But you have to text Riley in an hour that you’re okay or we’ll be back tonight.” Cord’s serious gaze was on me.

  I nodded, relieved, yet I knew if I didn’t do as he said, they’d come back and kick the door down if they had to. “Fine.”

  “And we’ll be by at eight tomorrow,” he added.

  Riley was slowly shaking his head, but his mouth was pressed into a thin line, obviously not pleased.

  “For what?” I asked, slipping behind the door to shield myself as best I could.

  “Us.” Cord said with finality. “You need to be ready for us by then.”

  He turned, picked his hat up off the porch and put it on, went down the steps to the truck. With one last heated—and worried—look, Riley nodded and followed, his boots splashing through the puddles.

  I closed the door, leaned back against it, the wood cold against my bare skin. Turning my head, I saw myself in the mirror on the side wall. I couldn’t miss the hickey on my neck or the, oh, god, a bright pink mark just above my right nipple. A bite. My nipples were hard, red and tender. Between my legs, I was sore, achy. My clit tingled from all the pleasure, and I felt their cum slide down my thighs. Copious amounts of it.

  I looked really well-fucked. Well-pleasured. Felt that way, too. And yet I’d pushed them away as if it had been just a quick romp. That it meant nothing. But, in fact, it meant too much.

  When Cord had said I had to be ready for the two of them in the morning, I didn’t think it was to be prepared to go out with them again. No, he meant he was giving me the night to think, to come to terms with what just happened. That it was special. Wild. Hot. Dirty. Amazing.

  And they planned to do it again, and more.

  I had to be ready to accept them, us, by then.



  When we pulled up the next morning, she came out onto the porch. I wanted to think she was eager to see us. I was in my truck, Riley right behind me in the SUV that he’d gotten with estate money for her. It wasn’t as solid as his truck or mine, but it was darn close. It rode high, had big tires, plenty of airbags and would do well in the snow. Not that Kady had any plans of being here come winter, but the SUV was a smart choice. A safe one. No matter how long she was staying, we weren’t letting her drive around in a dinky piece of shit that could be flattened by a semi.

  We got out of the vehicles, came up the path to her.

  “What’s all that?” she asked.

  I held up the present, my fingers gripping the supple leather. We’d had Betty, the owner of the clothing store in town, open up early especially for us. Since we were buying ladies’ boots and there was no lady with us, I had no doubt talk about Kady would spread through town pretty damned fast. Especially since Betty was known to gossip. That was fine with me. The sooner word spread that Kady was claimed, the better.

  “Boots for you. Got them in town. Everyone wears boots out here, even pretty ladies in sexy dresses.”

  This morning, she was in another damned dress. This one was denim and had a little belt about her waist and buttons running all the way down the front. It looked kind of like a big shirt and it was damned sexy, although I’d rather see her in one of my shirts…and nothing else. On her feet were another pair of sandals. Flats. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, the red curls tamed, although I wasn’t sure for how long. Once I got my fingers in them, they’d be loose and over her shoulders once again.

  “How did you guess my size?”

  Riley held up her sexy-as-fuck sandal from the night before as answer. One of the pair she’d pressed into my lower back as I’d fucked her up against the wall. In his other hand was her folded dress, the one he’d tugged over her head and tossed onto the porch, her lacy bra neatly placed on top.

  Her cheeks turned a bright pink and she bit her lower lip. “I…um, wondered where those things went to.”

  After she’d gone inside the night before, Riley had noticed them and gone back to grab them before we drove off. No fucking way would anyone else on the ranch discover any part of what we’d done. Even though we’d taken her out in the open, it was private, something for just the three of us. Hell, I’d never be able to see the porch without thinking of how wet she’d been, how tight a fit it was to fill her up. The sounds she made as she came.

  My dick swelled at the sight of her, eager to see her again. Hell, my dick—and the rest of me—hadn’t wanted to leave her the night before. But we’d been pretty damned intense and I didn’t blame her for wanting a little time to process. I just had to hope we weren’t too much for her.

  Two men wanting her, fucking her on her porch. It had been the hottest fuck ever. Rough and wild, she’d come so quickly. So had I, and I wanted to do it again, prove to her I could last longer than a teenager. And seeing Riley fuck her, and those gorgeous breasts, bouncing with each pound of his hips against her perfect ass…Christ I was hard again. She’d wanted it. Every clench of her pussy, every whimper and scream told us she’d been right there with us. Hell, she’d initiated it, but that didn’t mean it was easy for her to wrap her mind around. I had no doubt the kind of sex we’d shared wasn’t something she had every day. Or ever.

  I was having a tough time grasping all this, too. I’d barely slept a wink, thinking of how tight her pussy had been. How wet. How wild she’d been for us. I’d known she’d be passionate, but she hadn’t held anything back. No. She’d been just as wild as us.

  Yet that didn’t mean Riley and I hadn’t been total fucking asses. It was the first time I’d gone bare. No condom. I’d always had enough brain cells in my head to remember to wrap up. But with Kady? Yeah, I’d taken her raw and it had been incredible. Riley had said the same, felt like shit about it, too. Yet, it had been the best fuck of my life. And it had been rough and quick up against the house. She hadn’t even been naked. I’d just ripped her panties off and drove deep. The little schoolteacher made me lose my mind. I wondered now if I’d hurt her, if I’d been too rough.

  Of course I’d been too rough.

  “Have a seat,” I said, moving to the steps, sitting down on the top one. She settled beside me and I picked up one of her feet, undid the tiny little clasp on the side on her sandal, then the other so she was barefooted.

  Reaching into the boots, I pulled out a pair of high socks Betty had sold us as well.

  Kady took them from me an
d slipped them on, then the boots.

  “Stand up, sweetness. Let’s see ‘em.”

  She walked down the steps and into the cut grass as she stared down at her feet. “I’ve never had cowgirl boots before.”

  She lifted her head, smiled with obvious pleasure. “Thank you.”

  “Those red ones looked just right for you,” Riley said.

  They did. They looked fucking great on her. Typical cowboy boot styling with the pointed toe and inch heel, but they were red and had black stitch detailing. And with the dress? Perfect.

  “Would you guys like some coffee?” she asked.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Riley said, offering her one of his wicked smiles and his hand.

  She blushed again as she took it and went into the house. I followed behind the two of them. After she fiddled with the coffee maker, got the grounds in the top and added the water, she spun about, faced us. “I’m… um, I’m sorry about last night. Not about what we did, but I shouldn’t have shut the door on you.”

  “We were too rough,” I said immediately. She shouldn’t be the one apologizing. “We took you bare.”

  “We should have used condoms. If you’re late, you’ll let us know right away,” Riley said right after, walking up to her, tipping her chin up.

  I’d also considered that possibility. That we’d been irresponsible, that we could have gotten her pregnant.

  “Oh, that.” She slid her fingers behind her ear, although her hair was pulled back. A nervous habit I was just learning. “I’m on the pill, so no worries there.”

  I sighed and Riley gave her a shaky grin. While the idea of making a baby with Kady was hot as fuck, it wasn’t for today. Or, at least, it wasn’t until she was ready. Yeah, it was crazy as fuck, considering a baby. But I wanted Kady, and I wanted to see her belly grow big with a child we put there. To know our cum filled her up enough to make one.

  “I’m clean. I can show you the paperwork if you want.” Riley glanced my way. “It’s not like us to do that. I’ve always used a condom. Every time, until you.”

  “Same with me. Every time, but with you, I completely lost my head. And I am, too. Clean, I mean. Just tested last month,” I assured her.

  She spun about, pulled mugs down from the cabinet as the scent of coffee filled the big kitchen, busying herself.

  One wall of the room was all glass, the view to the west showed snowcapped mountains and the near paddock. Horses were grazing as the sun worked its way into the sky, burning off the dew and the rain from the night before.

  “Okay. We may have done things a little backward, but I am, too. Clean. I gave blood last month.”

  Riley stepped up to her from behind, put his hands on the counter on either side of her hips, caging her in. “That’s good,” he said, leaning in and murmuring in her ear. “That’s real good, because that means we can go bare again.”

  She spun around, looked up at him, but Riley didn’t move, just kept her confined with his arms. “Have you done this before?”

  “Fucked bareback?” Riley asked.

  She closed her eyes for a second, as if the conversation was hard for her. “No. Yes. I mean, taken a woman. Together.”

  I came around the counter, leaned against the fridge so I was right beside her. “You’re the first for us. First to fuck bare. First to claim together. First to take outside like that. Rough. Hard. Hell, sweetness, I wanted you too much to even get you through the door.”

  She smiled then, clearly pleased she’d had that power over me.

  “We just need to know if we were too much.” I reached out, stroked a finger over her shoulder. “If we bruised you. Made you sore. You said yourself I’m big. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She shook her head, her green eyes meeting mine. “You didn’t hurt me. I-I liked it.”

  I sighed, smiled as someone knocked on the door. Kady turned her head toward the sound.

  “That’s probably some of the men from the ranch,” Riley told her. “They wanted to meet you and we told them to come when we were here. Didn’t want you worried about a group of strange men showing up on your doorstep.”

  Figures. When our woman told us we hadn’t been too rough and she’d liked the wild fucking we’d given her, the guys from the ranch had to show up. While she said she wasn’t sore, I had my doubts about that. Two big dicks she wasn’t used to pounding her perfect pussy meant she needed a little break. But that didn’t mean we couldn’t get beneath that pretty dress of hers for a little taste. I was sure she would be sweet. Like honey.

  Riley pushed off the counter and went to get the door. I waited for Kady to follow, then walked beside her, put my hand on her waist. I couldn’t resist the contact.

  Two of the men came in and Riley made the introductions. While they weren’t as big as me, they were large, especially standing side by side. Formidable, yes. But they wouldn’t hurt Kady. No fucking way. These guys took care of women. Watched out for them, protected them, even if they didn’t belong to them.

  “Kady, this is Jamison, the foreman and Sutton, the lead wrangler.”

  They removed their cowboy hats and shook her hand, offering small smiles and keen interest. They knew of the will, the five daughters inheriting it all and had been as curious as the rest of us about them. Since Kady was the first one to come to the ranch, and she was beautiful at that, she held their curiosity. Kady, in turn, eyed them with the same interest. Not sexual, but something like surprise. They weren’t east coast pansies in suits or worked out on a treadmill. They got their muscles by hard work and life experience from a rugged Montana life.

  Jamison was a decade older than me. Close to forty, he was serious, stalwart. A true cowboy through and through. Too fucking old for Kady. Sutton liked things a little kinky in the sack and if that was something Kady liked, Riley and I were the ones to give it to her. He wasn’t ever laying a little pinky on her.

  I glared at them behind Kady’s back, making sure they understood she was taken. While I didn’t think any of them were attractive, the ladies in town seemed to think so and were drawn to them like fucking magnets. I just had to hope Kady didn’t feel the same pull. I knew Jamison and Boone, the town doc, were looking for a woman to share, but hadn’t found her yet. And since Kady didn’t object to threesomes…

  “Ma’am, nice boots,” Jamison said with a courteous smile. “I live in the cabin by the creek if you ever need anything.” He angled his head toward Sutton. “He and the others are in the bunkhouse. The ranch phone numbers are on the side of the fridge if you ever need any of us.”

  Kady nodded. “Thank you. I’ll be sure to stop down and introduce myself to everyone else before too long.”

  “If you’re interested in riding, I can get you saddled up,” Sutton told her, tucking his thumbs in the front pockets of his jeans.

  Riding? The only thing Kady was going to ride was my dick. Just like she had the night before pressed up against the house, nice and hard and deep and wild. And those heels? Fuck, they’d been like spurs, making me wilder than ever.

  After Kady shared her thanks for the invitation, the men didn’t linger. It may have been the very obvious look I gave them behind Kady’s back that had them saying their goodbyes. They had shit to do as far away from Kady as possible.

  She returned to the kitchen as Riley closed the front door and gave me a meaningful look. She was ours. I’d have to go down to the bunkhouse and make sure they all knew that. She might wear the pretty dresses and have the lushest curves this side of the Rockies, but Riley and I were the only ones who got in her panties. Or tucked them into their shirt pocket like Riley’d done the night before.

  As Kady pulled the milk from the fridge, I placed the keys to the SUV on the counter. “These are for your ride.”

  She spun about, eyed the keys suspiciously as she held the quart jug in her hand. “Ride?”

  “Your car. You can’t be stuck here on the ranch all the time. While the town’s small, you’ll want to be able to go out. Th
e store, shopping, church. Hell, whatever you want.”

  “I don’t have money for a car,” she countered, setting the milk on the counter and going over to the window to peer out at the SUV.

  “Yes, you do.”

  “I don’t need that.” She turned to face us, pointed out the window. “Something smaller and cheaper.”

  “You’re not getting smaller,” I said with a growl. When she frowned, I sighed. “We want you safe, sweetness.”

  “And as for cheaper?” Riley shrugged. “Think of it this way. It’s a ranch vehicle. Since you’re the only one here, you can drive it.”

  She eyed us warily, even pursed her lips. She knew Riley was spinning the whole thing around, but she didn’t have any choice. She wasn’t going to win this round. “Fine.”

  Satisfied, I went over to the coffeemaker and poured coffee into the three mugs.

  “We’ve both got to be in court this afternoon. In Helena,” Riley said as I handed him a cup. His voice sounded as resigned as I felt. We couldn’t stay and be with her as we wanted—naked and in her bed. But we’d given her what she needed for today. Sturdy—and sexy—boots and the SUV.

  “The trial might go all day and if the judge calls a recess, into tomorrow,” Riley explained. “We’ll be back then. If you’ll allow it, we’d like to take you out.”

  I had no interest in staying in Helena overnight. The damned trial couldn’t have come at a worse time, but it had been in the works since before Aiden Steele died. And the judge wasn’t going to accept a delay because one of the lawyers and a key witness needed to fuck their woman.

  “All right,” she said, easy enough.

  Impatient, I went over to Kady and stroked my hand over her hair. Silky soft. I wanted to tug the elastic that held it back and tangle my fingers in the length. “Did we scare you off last night?”

  Her green eyes met mine and I saw them flare, saw her cheeks turn pink.

  “We were rough. Real rough. Fuck, sweetness, I don’t know how to be gentle. And with you I just can’t seem to control myself.”


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