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Spurred (Steele Ranch Book 1)

Page 6

by Vanessa Vale

  I angled my hips against her belly so she could feel how hard I was.

  “Like I said before, you weren’t too rough. Stop worrying.”

  I cupped her jaw, tilted her head to the side. “I marked your neck. Got any bruises? Your back’s got to hurt.”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. I… um, told you, I liked it. I liked all of it if you hadn’t noticed.”

  I grinned, relieved. “Yeah, we noticed.”

  “And we want to do it again,” Riley added, coming up behind her and settling at her back. “Although maybe in a bed.”

  “At least inside,” she countered, humor lacing her words.

  “We don’t need a bed.” I looked over my shoulder at the kitchen counter. “This island will do.”

  Riley groaned. “We can’t start this. If we do, we’ll never leave and we’ll be late getting to Helena.”

  My dick didn’t like Riley’s words. I stepped back nonetheless, reaching down and shifting myself in my pants. I wasn’t keen on a zipper mark in my dick.

  “I’m a big girl, I’ll be fine. And maybe we’re going a little too fast?” Kady asked.

  “Fast?” Riley countered.

  “This…whatever it is. It’s intense,” she admitted, waving her hand between the three of us. “I’ve never…it’s never, I mean, it shouldn’t be like this.”

  “Like what?” Riley asked.

  She closed her eyes for a second, then met my gaze head on. “Potent.”

  “Fuck, yes,” Riley said.

  Potent. That was one word for it. She was like a fucking drug.

  “We feel it, too, sweetness. We told you we wanted you. We aren’t changing our minds.”

  While I said the words, Riley nodded his head in agreement.


  Riley stroked his finger down her cheek. “Good girl.”

  “Tell me, sweetness. Are you wearing panties?” We had to leave, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t leave her thinking about us. To make her ache for us as much as we did for her. And for us to have a token to take along for the ride.

  A little V formed in her brow. “Yes.”

  I crooked my finger. “Give them here.”

  Riley moved to lean against the counter, crossed his arms to watch.

  She eyed us both, and before our eyes, we could see her mind switching gears, shifting to aroused by our words, what we wanted her to do, to the way we watched. It was a gorgeous thing, this subtle submission. She might be surprised with the pace this was moving, but she was all in.

  I pressed my palm against my cock, willing it down.

  Her hands moved up the outside of her thighs, lifting the hem of her dress as she went until she hooked her fingers in the elastic of her panties and slid them down her legs. Just a hint of her ass was offered before the dress moved back into place. Carefully, she worked them over her new boots and stepped out of them, holding the little scrap up with one finger.

  They were lavender, lace and miniscule.

  I reached out, took them from her. They were damp and still warm from the heat of her pussy. I groaned.

  “Are you wet for us?” Riley asked.

  Kady nodded.

  “Touch yourself and show us.”

  Reaching beneath her dress once again, she followed Riley’s command and stroked over her perfect flesh. Her eyes fell closed and her lips parted, and I knew she was touching herself.

  “Show us,” Riley repeated on a growl.

  She lifted her hand, showed both of us the two fingers that were glistening with her juices.

  Riley stepped up, gripped her hand and took those slick digits into his mouth, licked them.

  “Fuck, so sweet,” he growled once they were all clean. “Cord’s nickname is perfect for you.” He glanced at me and I knew he was seconds away from pushing her back on the damned island, parting her thighs, pushing up the dress and eating her out.

  “Your pussy, Kady, is ours,” Riley said.

  I thought she would argue, that we were being possessive bastards, but she only nodded. I clenched my jaw, knowing that pussy was indeed, ours. And when we took her again, nothing would be between it and our dicks. No condoms, only skin on skin. Raw fucking.

  “No touching our pussy,” I told her. “You want to come, you wait for us to get back tomorrow. We’ll take real good care of you then.”

  Her eyes held mine and I saw the eagerness, the neediness there. We were all turned on, ready to fuck, and we were all going to be cranky until tomorrow.

  “You have our cell numbers. If you need anything, including an orgasm, you call.”

  “Anytime,” Riley added.

  Kady nodded again.

  We walked out, left her standing there, all hot and wet, sweet and perfect. My cock was pissed at me, but there was nothing I could do. Now. Tomorrow? Kady wasn’t going to remember her name when we were done with her.



  I thought of Riley and Cord all day long. How could I not when they’d left me bare assed and needy? As soon as they left, I ran up the stairs to my room and opened my underwear drawer, ready to put on a new pair. But as I stared down at the pile of silk and satin, I grinned. At the rate I was going with those two, the drawer would be empty before the end of the month. Cord had given me a wink as he tucked the lavender pair I’d been wearing in his pants pocket as he walked out the door.

  I never went without panties. Never. In my dress, I couldn’t forget I was bare as the cool air touched my heated–and wet—pussy. Clenching my thighs together didn’t do anything to ease the ache. And the concept of no panties? It was pretty tame, but to me, Miss Schoolteacher, it was decadent. Naughty.

  Not as naughty as fucking both of them on the porch. And that was why I’d pushed the drawer closed and went into town in the new SUV just as they’d left me. With Barlow being so small, I’d easily figured out where they’d gotten my killer new boots, and I went on a little shopping spree for jeans—and just made sure not to flash anyone and stayed out of strong winds.

  I owned a pair of jeans, but based on the women I’d seen around town, my usual of wearing dresses was more for church than ranch. The guys didn’t seem to mind, especially since they had such easy access to exactly what they wanted. I didn’t expect to ever be considered a Montana cowgirl, but if I were to ever ride a horse, jeans were a must.

  Later that night as I took a bath in the big Jacuzzi tub in the master bath, I thought of Aiden Steele. My father. There weren’t many pictures of him about the house. Only a few in his office, but he’d been in a group. While I’d always been told I looked just like my mother, I immediately knew where I got my eyes from. Aiden. His were as green as mine and similarly wide. But that seemed to be all that he’d given me. Sure, I was now rich because of him, but I’d never talked to the man. Never known he even existed. I’d hoped there would be a letter or even a sticky note he’d left for me to find. But his office—and the rest of the house—had been cleaned of his personal effects. No papers of any importance were in his desk. Nothing in the wood filing cabinet in the corner.

  I had to wonder if I would have liked him. The guys said he was a difficult man and my mother had never mentioned him. Not once had I suspected my dad—Michael Parks—wasn’t my biological father. I had to wonder if my mother, if she’d lived, would have eventually told me about Aiden. Now, I’d never know. All of my parents, it seemed, were dead. While I was alone in the house now, I did have sisters. Lots of them and they belonged here as much as me. And Beth. But that wasn’t all.

  I had Cord and Riley. I climbed from the tub and dried myself off with one of the plush towels. It was insane to think that we were in a relationship. That this…thing between us was more than a fling. I’d never had a one-night stand before. And the long-term relationships I’d had hadn’t been this hot and heavy. It had taken me weeks to have sex with those men. It had been a gradual thing. Like a glacier. This, with Cord and Riley, was like a rushing river. It had swept me
up and was carrying me along. I couldn’t fight it. I didn’t want to.

  I slipped on my robe, hung the towel on the back of the door and made my way back to my room. The moon was bright enough I didn’t need lights.

  I slid off the long robe, put on my nightie and climbed beneath the cool sheets, the house dark, the night quiet. My window was open to the cool summer air and only the moon offered the room a soft glow. I was restless, my body needy. I kicked the sheets down over my legs.

  I needed Cord and Riley. Wanted their touch. Their dirty words. Their cocks.

  I whimpered and slid my hand down between my thighs, only the thin cotton of my nightie keeping me from coming in contact with my pussy directly. I rolled over onto my stomach, my palm pressed against my mound, my bottom cantered into the air. The fabric immediately became damp against my fingers and I pulled them away. Cord had said no touching, but I rolled my hips, hoping the bed would brush against my swollen clit. If I came because of the bedding, that wouldn’t count as touching.

  I groaned in frustration. I was hooked. Like Beth, I was addicted. But Riley and Cord weren’t dangerous. Life altering, definitely. But in a good way. I hadn’t felt so carefree, so excited in a long time. And horny. I had no idea I was such a sexual being, that I could be aroused from just the thought of Cord and Riley. I could just touch myself, make myself come, but there would be no fun in that. Quick, but empty, relief. I could call them, take them up on their offer for phone sex. I loved the weird need to obey them in this and only touch myself with their permission, even if it was via cell—and yet I wanted to come.

  I groaned, rolled back over and tried to fall asleep as I watched the curtains flutter in the soft breeze.

  Something startled me, making me sit upright in bed. I must have fallen asleep, for I was confused as to where I was. I looked around, remembered the cozy room I’d chosen in the Steele house. I was in Montana. Relaxing my shoulders, I lay back in the bed, only to pop up again.

  There was a noise. Not an outside noise like a car. We were so far off the road there were no cars driving by. It wasn’t an animal. It was a...


  A piece of furniture moved. So did my heart, right up into my throat. Someone was in the house. I slid from the bed and went to the door. It was partially open and I peeked out. All I could see was a dark hallway, but there was definitely someone walking around. Could it be Jamison or Sutton?

  No. They wouldn’t come into the house in the middle of the night unannounced. They wouldn’t even come now if they rang the doorbell. Not unless there was an emergency, and then, they’d call me.

  This person wasn’t trying to get my attention. I had to think they didn’t know where they were going. A chair scraped across the wood floor. He, they, whomever it was, was still downstairs.

  Oh, god. I’d never had something like this happen. What did I do? I had no weapon, no self-defense training. I couldn’t go out the front door, the stairs went straight down the middle of the house and wherever the person was, they’d see me. And I wasn’t that quiet—or small—to tiptoe right past them.

  Another thump.

  My heart was beating so loudly I felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. There was no house phone in my room, but I had my cell. God, my cell! I went as quietly as I could to the bedside table, pulled it from the charging cord. With fumbling fingers, I dialed 911.

  “911, what is your emergency?”

  “There’s someone in the house,” I whispered into the phone, covering my mouth with my hand.

  “Ma’am, I can barely hear you. Are you in trouble?”

  “Yes!” I hissed.

  “What is your location?”

  “Steele Ranch.”

  I had to hope the woman knew where that was because I had no idea of the address. Was there even a street number for a ranch with over sixty-thousand acres?

  “You said Steele Ranch?”


  “I’m sending officers to you now.”

  Another thump, this time louder.

  I disconnected. I was in the middle of nowhere. God, how long would it take for the police to get here? Where were they? Barlow?

  I could call the bunkhouse. There was a group of men just down the hill. Or Jamison. But I didn’t have the numbers. Jamison had said the list was on the side of the fridge.

  Not happening.

  Cord. Riley. I had their numbers. I could call them. Swiping as fast as I could, I got to Cord’s number first in the alphabet, pressed Send. Another thump had me jumping. Ring!

  Oh, god. They were in Helena!

  They couldn’t get to me in time. What was I going to do? I—

  “Hey, sweetness. You haven’t touched yourself yet, have you?”

  “Cord. Help,” I whispered.

  “What’s the matter?”

  Perhaps it was my tone, but he immediately knew I didn’t need help with an orgasm.

  “There’s someone in the house,” I repeated.

  I heard Cord talking to someone, his voice loud in my ear but I wasn’t paying any attention.

  “Where are you exactly?” he asked.

  “In my room.”

  I walked to the corner, hunched my shoulders in to be as quiet as possible.

  “We’re on our way.”

  “Helena’s too far!” I hissed.

  “We’re almost to Barlow. Just passed the road to the ranch. Riley’s turning around. Get in your closet. On the floor. Close the door. Whatever you do, don’t come out until you hear one of us. Okay?”

  I nodded, realized he couldn’t hear me, then replied, “Hurry.”

  Ending the call, I opened the closet door as slowly as possible, but when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I realized there was no time. Whoever it was was going to find me.

  The closet though, was small. Tiny and my suitcases were tucked on the floor. So much for the maid’s room being cozy. I wouldn’t fit and I couldn’t pull the bags out or it would be obvious where I was.

  I glanced around, heard a creak in the floorboards. The person was headed to the master bedroom. He was looking for me!

  There was no place to hide, and so I did the only thing I could think of. The only place I might be safe. I went out the window.



  When Cord’s cell rang and he held it up for me to see Kady’s name on the screen, I grinned and my cock got instantly hard. We were almost back to town after a long day in Helena. I’d had to testify, but Cord’s testimony hadn’t been necessary and we were both excused. We decided against spending the night there, wanting to be back so we could see Kady first thing. Just as Cord had asked her, I’d assumed she wanted a late-night romp of phone sex, or maybe asking us to come over for the real deal, glad we’d driven back when we did.

  We hadn’t expected her to tell us there was someone in the fucking house. When Cord told me what was happening, his voice losing all the teasing banter to be replaced with military precision, I slammed on the brakes and we were thrust into our seatbelts, the tires skidding on the pavement. I did a one-eighty and gunned it until the turnoff for the ranch. I took the road at ninety—thankful it was straight and flat—but had to hope no deer decided to jump in our path.

  Cord fiddled with his phone, put it to his ear again.

  “Jamison, Kady said there’s someone in the main house,” Cord said into the phone. “A robber. Burglar. Hell, Santa Claus. Get up there because she’s alone. We just turned off the county road. Good. Just don’t shoot us when we come in.”

  As I death-gripped the steering wheel and tried to remain calm enough to drive, I listened to Cord as he finished the call with Jamison, then Sutton at the bunkhouse, hoping one of them would get to Kady before us.

  At the rate we were going, we’d be there in five minutes. So much could happen in that timeframe. Too much.

  “Who the fuck is in the house?” I asked when he dropped his cell in his lap.

  “And why?” he c
ountered, looking out the windshield at the darkness. “Are they after Kady? What the fuck does someone want with a schoolteacher?”

  “Maybe someone heard the house has been vacant and finally decided to rob it,” I tossed out.

  “It’s been months and the ranch isn’t exactly abandoned. Fifteen men fucking live there. Why now?”

  I had no answer and neither did he. We were supposed to protect Kady, and yet we pretty much held our dicks in our hands as some bastard went after her.

  “Shut off your lights before you go over the rise. Go real slow over the cattle guard and stop short of the house.”

  I did as Cord said—his military training was serving us well because I’d planned to drive right up to the damned porch—and as soon as I turned off the engine, we were running toward the house. It was dark, only the exterior light by the front door was on.

  “I’ll go around back,” I murmured, and we split up.

  Right then, a shot rang out, echoing across the empty prairie. I stopped, spun on my heel. “Fuck the back door,” I muttered and followed Cord up the porch steps and into the house at a sprint.

  Jamison was at the base of the stairs and turned when we barged in.

  “Clear!” The yell came from upstairs.

  Jamison nodded and we took the steps two at a time.

  “In here.” It was Sutton and we followed his voice to the master bedroom. He flicked on the light and there he was, rifle in hand, standing over a body. Thank fuck, a man, not Kady.

  I was breathing hard as we looked down at the fucker. White, mid-thirties. Bald, black t-shirt and jeans. Tattoo on his right arm. Blood was coming from a wound in his chest. Sutton had shot him right in the heart and there was no question he was dead.

  “Bullseye,” Sutton said, his voice low. Deadly. I didn’t know his background, but he was rock steady as if he’d done this before. He had a military or law enforcement background, that was for damn sure.

  “Where’s Kady?” I asked, looking around.

  “Not in here,” Jamison replied, going further into the room, then sticking his head in the attached master bath.


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