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Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2)

Page 5

by Sydney Addae

  “When your mother joined the Boreal Order, they were called Disciples I think. Anyway, she joined a long time ago.” She paused. “Before I was here. Before I was born.”

  Bella frowned. She’d always thought the Priestess was older than her mother. She certainly looked older.

  The Priestess raised her hand. “Let me get it all out and if you have questions when I’m done, I’ll answer. At least I’ll try to answer them.”

  Bella nodded.

  “That day Greta had you fetch me, she wanted to make sure your future was set aright. There were things she needed to share. I’ll get to that in a moment.” She cleared her throat. “Your mother had an unfortunate accident several decades past that impacted her life. She’s loved and lost many, including a set of still born twins.”

  Bella gasped. She’d never known about that. “Is that why Daddy’s so distant? Did he blame Mama?”

  “No.” The Priestess paused. “She lost the twins before she met Peter. Now please, hold your questions until I’m done or we’ll never finish before the evening service.”

  “Sorry.” Bella exhaled to calm her racing heart and leaned forward.

  “She told me they were girls, two beautiful princesses who died a week after their birth.” She paused and stared at Bella. “Your mother had been brutally raped and it changed something inside her. She had no idea what happened except she stopped growing old, in fact, she looked almost the same on the day she left us as she did when this unfortunate event happened.”

  Bella jerked as if slapped. Her eyes widened and she couldn’t speak.

  “It was as if she were frozen at the age of 24 when the attack happened. Over the years she would transfer to the American Order for several years and then return here where her heart to serve Mary Magdalene is strongest. It was on one of those trips she was… she became pregnant.” She paused. “With you. She returned here and married Peter, they’d been corresponding over the years.” She exhaled and met Bella’s gaze. “Your mom told him all this just before she passed over. Peter discovered he’s not your biological father right before Greta died. Believe me, we were both shocked. Not that it matters, he’s still your father.” She cleared her throat, picked at her skirt and then clasped her hands together. “Over the past few weeks, Peter and I… we’ve become close.” She shook her head. “But Greta was my mentor and friend. We never crossed the line.”

  “What?” Had the world gone completely crazy? Her mom, raped? Her body changed? Her dad wasn’t her dad?

  “Wait until I’m done.”

  “There’s more?” Bella asked.

  “Quite a bit more,” the Priestess said in a soft but firm tone. “Greta does not know the name of the man who…your biological…father. In her mind, who he was is not as important as what he was but she could not explain to me what that meant. Only that he was very different. She believes that makes you special and at some point, that difference will impact your life.”

  “What?” Bella shook her head. None of this made sense. “Mama doesn’t know who my biological father was only that he was different? Different how?”

  Priestess shrugged. “Just different. He never knew about you so there’s no need to think he’s looking for you, she was clear about that. She wanted you to know there’s a possibility that there’s so much more to you than what you think and that you need to cut the ribbon strings and move on to the next phase of your life.”

  “Cut … the strings… move on…” those words ran in circles in her mind, Bella became light-headed. Her vision narrowed into a dark tunnel. Dizzy, she thought she’d pass out. Numb, she barely felt the Priestess shaking her shoulder.

  “Get me a cool towel, hurry, her face is cold. She looks like she’s about to pass out any moment,” she yelled while wrapping her arm around Bella’s shoulder. “Stay with me Bella. Stay with me.”

  Seconds later something cool hit Bella’s forehead easing the fire of dread overwhelming her. They were throwing her out. She’d just lost her mother and the only father she knew, now they wanted her to move away. Her body shook in rebellion.

  “Calm down. It’s okay little one. Calm down. We love you. I know this is a lot to take in but Greta made me promise to tell you everything, to give you everything so you’d have choices.” The Priestess started humming a familiar tune, easing Bella’s heart somewhat.

  “Mama used to hum that to me,” she whispered.

  “I know. She hummed it to me when I was a little girl too,” the Priestess said.

  Too overwhelmed by all she’d learned, Bella didn’t question her mom’s unusual relationship with the Priestess. As her body normalized, she asked the question closest to her heart. “Are you putting me out?”

  “What? No. We’d never do that to you or to Greta. You have a place here as long as you want. But…” She held onto Bella’s shoulders and met her gaze. “You have to know everything I’ve been told to tell you and give you so you can make choices. It’s all up to you. Your mother left you the most precious gift of all, the gift to choose the direction of your life.”


  Adam, Tomas and Jarcee headed toward the large office building situated on the outskirts of Rome where Tomas would fulfill a part of his contract as the League’s MVP. Last week the contract had been approved by Davian and Matt, Tomas’ parents, with the condition Tomas didn’t travel alone. Jarcee agreed to bring Adam and Tomas to Rome for the first shoot, but asked Davian to send another security detail for the other four promotional shoots.

  “I hate Alpha Barticus had to get involved,” Adam said as the car turned the corner and stopped to allow pedestrians to cross.

  Tomas snorted. “Alpha Klink refused to look into who threw the eggs on the house, or broke the living room window with that brick. No telling how much longer Diego and his rag-tag pack would’ve continued vandalizing Alpha Barticus’ house.”

  “Alpha Klink must’ve forgotten Alpha Barticus gave us the use of his house,” Jarcee said.

  Adam smiled. “Bet he pissed on himself with Alpha Barticus reminded him to violate his property was the same as violating him. Amazing how fast everything stopped once he made that call to Alpha Klink.”

  “Like cold water on a burning blaze,” Jarcee agreed. “Klink’s too indulgent with his den. That oversight will cost him dearly one day. He should’ve stopped his pup when I contacted him the first time. He knows La Patron would never allow that shit to continue. He should be glad Alpha Barticus stepped in before your parents did.” He glanced at Adam.

  Adam nodded with confidence. His parents would have stepped in if Alpha Barticus hadn’t, his mama had been crystal clear on that point. “Dad would’ve kicked my ass if I vandalized somebody’s place because they embarrassed me.”

  “Your mom raised you to never do shit like that,” Jarcee corrected. “If you completely lost your mind and vandalized someone’s property, she would make you personally replace the window, clean and paint the entire outside of the house by yourself.”

  Tomas nodded. “Better believe it. When I was younger, she made me, Thorne and a coupla’ other guys clean all three levels of the gym. I’ve never forgotten that. Never crossed her either. Your mom don’t play when it comes to manners and behaving right.” He looked at Adam.

  Thinking of his mom, Adam smiled. “She’s big on respecting people, all people. We couldn’t be mean or rude to other kids at school.” He pointed his finger at Tomas sitting across from him. “You have a choice how to respond to what others say and do. Make that choice count,” he mimicked his mama’s voice.

  Jarcee pushed against Adam’s shoulder, causing him to lurch to the side. “Mistress was right. The only actions you control are your own. If someone hates you, it’s on them, not you.”

  “Be the best person I can be,” Adam said repeating words his mom drummed in them as kids. “I know.”

  Tomas smiled. “Man, your mom’s the best. I miss her cookin’. Those pastries melted in your mouth. Umm, so good. I
would love one right now. Now I really miss her and… well I miss everybody. Can’t wait ‘til this is over and we go home.” He looked out the window.

  Silence met Tomas’ remark. His friend had been melancholy ever since Renee congratulated him on winning the MVP. The call had been brief but it sucked the life out of Tomas. Adam knew his friend wanted Renee in the worst way but it wasn’t meant to be.

  Adam glanced out the window as the car drove down a long winding road. They saw fewer people and more greenery. When the car stopped in front of a multi-story building with the well-known sports equipment logo on the front, Adam was relieved they’d reached their destination.

  Entering the foyer, they were greeted by a lone security guard and three short, wiry built men. Something in the way the smaller men held themselves made Adam think in a fight, they’d be the greatest threat.

  “This is wonderful, such good bone structure, just the right build. I am Kimu, the Project Manager. These are my assistants.” Kimu’s blazing red hair stood up on his head as his light blue eyes roamed over Tomas with critical precision. Stepping closer to Tomas, he reached out but didn’t touch. “Perfecto! Come with me. The others are waiting.” Pivoting, Kimu and his assistants headed toward a bank of elevators.

  Tomas glanced at Adam and then they followed the three men slowly. “What do you think?”

  “They like you,” Adam said trying not to laugh as they entered the elevator.

  “A lot,” Jarcee added.

  “Sheeit,” Tomas said as they stopped and the door opened.

  Several people stood in the hall area smiling. A long banner hung across the ceiling, congratulating Tomas. A table loaded with food and a large two-tier cake beckoned Adam and Jarcee. They abandoned Tomas to the opened arms of his new employers and headed toward the food.

  “Dad! Dad!” Tomas yelled.

  Adam turned and watched as Davian and Matt, Tomas’ parents, wrapped their arms around him. Pleasantly surprised, Adam lifted his beef sub in Davian’s direction when the man looked at him.

  “Your mom sent you a few things,” Davian said to Adam who heard him through all the noise in the room.

  “Food?” Adam asked hopefully. Listening to Tomas talk about his mom’s pastries earlier kicked off a need for her home cooking.

  Davian stepped back from Tomas. “Don’t know. Your dad gave it to us when we left this morning.”

  Adam nodded. After all these years, his dad’s wolf still refused to allow Davian, his mom’s ex-husband, to be around his mom. “Do you have it with you?” Adam asked.

  “It’s at the hotel. I’ll get it to you today after this.”

  Adam nodded and watched the reunion.

  “Did you know about this?” Tomas asked. His gaze flew from Jarcee to Adam and back to Adam.

  “No, I didn’t,” Adam said, happy for his friend.

  Jarcee just smiled and clapped his hand on Adam’s shoulder. “Now that they’re here, we’re heading out to meet Alpha Barticus in town. He’s playing host since this is our first trip to Rome.”

  Excitement flared in Adam’s chest. As much as he wanted to support Tomas, the prospect of hanging around here all day watching Tomas take pictures held no appeal. “Awesome.” Prepared to leave, he picked up a bottle of water and took a couple steps.

  “Hold on, I need to talk to Davian and Matt.” Jarcee strode across the room, ignoring stares and fingers pointing at him. A few moments later Jarcee waved him toward the exit. “Alpha Barticus will meet us at the hotel.”


  Adam and Jarcee walked through the hotel lobby of the Queen’s Palace owned by Alpha Barticus. Located on the outskirts of Rome, it was a hidden treasure, with sweeping vistas that catered to full-bloods and more recently half-breeds only. It boasted a five-star restaurant, two pools, sparring room, and heavy, oversized furniture. Humans were not allowed on the grounds and the few who snuck inside left with disoriented with no memory of their visit.

  “Welcome,” Barticus said walking toward them.

  Staff members took note of the newcomers garnering the owners’ attention immediately and rushed to take the luggage from the driver.

  Embracing Adam and then Jarcee, Barticus stepped back. “I apologize for what happened at the house. I assure you the parties involved have stopped and the repairs will be made before you return.” Pausing, his Nordic blue eyes, blond hair, angular jaw and large build, resembled Jarcee. The two men could have stepped out the page of a Viking story book.

  “You will receive better hospitality on your return. If not, I will know.”

  Adam didn’t ask for specifics. “Is Sarita coming?”

  Barticus shrugged. “If you’re still here when she returns from her Aunt Pia’s home. She spent a few weeks with Niall, her Sire’s brother, who contacted his sister Pia. Sarita asked to go visit and promised to return in time to defend her work for her PhD.” He shrugged. “That girl’s on a mission to learn as much as she can about her family. I don’t think Hawke ever met his sister, but has spoken to her at great length since Sarita has been there. Niall invited Damian, Gem and their den to come visit. They’re considering extending their trip when they come to us in the fall.” Barticus smiled. “Your mom taught us all the importance of family and it’s catching on like wildfire.”

  Although Adam smiled, he wondered how his brother David felt about Sarita traveling all these places with just a security team. If David and Sarita were mates, and Adam believed they were, David wouldn’t believe anyone could protect his mate the way he would. Once settled, he would check in with his brother to make sure he was okay.

  The porter handed Barticus a set of keys. He looked at them, and nodded. “Good, you’ve got a suite on the same floor as Tomas and his parents. Their suite is across the hall from yours. Let’s go up, so you can refresh yourselves before we get started.”

  The moment they exited the elevator an unusual scent hit them. Adam spun in a circle trying to locate the smell which was a cross between rotted garbage and wilted lavender. As bad as it smelled, it pulled on his wolf.

  Jarcee’s hand clapped on Adam’s shoulder, holding him in place as a sober faced Barticus strode down the hall and kicked open the last door. Jarcee opened their suite door and pushed a struggling Adam inside but not before he saw Alpha Barticus exit the room holding an older woman by the neck and walking her to the fire exit.

  “What was that?” Adam asked and then snorted to get the foul stench from his nostrils. “Human?”

  “Alpha Barticus will be back soon and explain,” Jarcee said. “Do you want to change?”

  “Huh? What?” Adam shook his head to dislodge the cloying odor.

  “Change clothes before we go with Alpha Barticus? Do you want to do that?” Jarcee asked.

  “Yeah. I feel dirty for some reason.” Adam looked at Jarcee. “Was that woman smelling like that?”

  Jarcee didn’t answer, which didn’t surprise Adam since he’d already said Alpha Barticus would explain. Adam walked into the first bedroom. “This is your room.” He turned and went to the next bedroom where his luggage sat on the floor. Undressing, he showered and changed into a clean shirt, jeans and sneakers.

  Barticus sat on the long sofa with his hands across his stomach looking at the ceiling. Jarcee’s door was closed. Adam sat across from Barticus and waited. Several minutes later Barticus looked at him.

  “That was a corrupt breeder. She casts her lures to entrap our kind, there’s been reports of them working in the area. The full-bloods snuck her into their room, she’s been there for three days and they’ve all lost their life savings to her and whoever she’s working with.”

  “Huh? How?”

  Barticus released a long sigh. “She asked for their bank information, passwords and they gave her everything. She transferred large sums to her Swiss account.” He shrugged. “It’s a problem we’re working to eradicate. For this to happen in my hotel… unbelievable. No humans allowed, that’s the rule.”

Stunned, Adam didn’t know what to say. His mom was a breeder, but she never smelled like that. But then again, she was his mom and he wouldn’t respond to her, at least he prayed to the Goddess he wouldn’t. “The pull to find her was strong,” he said softly. “As bad as she smelled I wanted to find her. Did you smell her? Did Jarcee?” He looked at Barticus.

  “Yes, we smelled her. But I’m mated and not susceptible to her lures. Once I realized what was happening, I had to save whomever she’d bespelled. They fought to keep her with them so the fight to remove her was difficult since I did not want to kill the full-bloods.”

  Since he made no mention of not killing the human, Adam wondered what happened to her.

  “She will never lure another to her wickedness. I retrieved the bank information from her before breaking her neck and tossing her body in the incinerator,” Barticus’ spoke in a calm tone as if what he’d just done was no big deal.

  Jarcee stepped into the living area, looked at Barticus and then Adam. “Ready?”

  Barticus stood and looked at Adam. “Any more questions?”

  “Not yet, I’m still processing there are breeders different from my mom. I didn’t know.”

  “La Patroness is mated; your Sire is the only one who will ever respond to her. This one with the putrid smell used her scent as a weapon, and sullied its original purpose. Her heart and soul corrupted her body.”

  “They don’t all smell like that?” Adam asked.

  Barticus sighed. “No. If a breeder is untouched, her scent is pure heaven and will make you fall to your knees. Not just you, but any unmated wolf within miles. They will do anything to take her, the call is that strong. Unfortunately, in their zeal to slake their hunger she could be harmed, possibly destroyed.”

  “Seriously?” Adam hadn’t heard any of this before.

  “Seriously,” Barticus said. “Ask your father or Tyrone or Tyrese. They helped me understand what I was dealing with the first time a corrupt breeder appeared in my territory.”


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