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Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2)

Page 6

by Sydney Addae

Jarcee pocketed the room key and opened the door while watching Adam.

  “Don’t seem fair if they don’t know about it,” Adam said leaving the room.

  “I’ve never met a breeder who didn’t know what she was doing,” Barticus said. “Considering the fallout of an ignorant breeder trailing hormones, I pray to the Goddess I never do.”

  “Amen,” Jarcee agreed as he closed the door.


  Three men sat hunched over a table looking at a piece of paper. One read the contents aloud for the others.

  “The governing council have looked at your company’s petition for an archaeological dig near our Austrian and Slovenia borders to search for the missing Gospel of Mary. The recompense to our community is more than adequate and would help many who live in that area. However, your belief that a complete copy of this Gospel exists lacks significant proof and amounts to a hunch or intuition. The Boreal Order owns most of that land and have made their position clear. They refuse to allow a dig or anything on their land. Without concrete proof that the lost Gospel of Mary exists, and that it exists in that corner of land, we cannot approve your request.”

  They read and re-read the letter.

  “This isn’t a surprise.”

  “No. We expected them to say no but did you get the last part? With proof, they might consider approving the dig. No doubt that Order pays high fees to be left alone. Greedy bastards.”

  “Perhaps. Although there may be more to it. We aren’t the only ones who want that book.”

  “No. But we’re probably the only ones who want it to go public. They’re perfectly happy displaying the mangled manuscript which gives just enough information for speculation but no proof of how far off their religion is. They are criminals of the worst order. The blood of innocents stains their hearts and mission.”

  “We will avenge our brothers and bring them to their knees.”

  “Those 10 missing pages prove she was the bride of Christ, possibly the mother of His child. The blood of slain Cathars, our brethren, cry from beyond that the truth be made known before it’s too late.”

  “The only way to cripple the Church from spreading lies is to produce the complete book hidden by our brethren centuries past.”

  “Right. The scrolls of Bonhomme Benjamin who was a part of the group of Cathar leaders who took the book from the South of France to Northern Italy supports that claim. Everything the texts say and doesn’t say points to the corner of Italy near the Austrian and Slovenian border.”

  “That’s a large area.”

  “Yes, but there is only one Order. Boreal means northern. The Cathars came from the South of France. Chances are they’ve got the book or know where it’s hidden.”

  “They are not Cathars and therefore do not understand our mission. If they are true Disciples of Mary Magdalen, they’ll die before giving us any information.”

  “We go in several directions. Direct attack and stealth. One way or the other we get that book. Agreed?”


  “Now that they’ve said no, do we go hunting?”

  “Yes. Send the mercenaries to start making trouble for the Order. We’ll see how long they say no.”


  “Once more Bella, try to hold the note a little longer,” Astrid said across the room, round glasses perched on her nose. Piercing green eyes locked onto Bella as if she’d pull whatever she needed from her student into existence.

  “Noooo,” Bella wailed. “I’m tired, we’ve been singing this one part over and over for an hour.”

  “Because you haven’t gotten it right yet,” Astrid snapped as she pushed several strands of graying hair behind her ears. “Stop being stubborn and sing the damn note so we can both take a break.”

  Bella stood, opened her mouth and let it fly. She held the high note much longer than necessary until Astrid frowned and placed her hand on her forehead.

  “Stop. You’ve made your point,” Astrid said.

  Bella snapped her mouth shut and collapsed on the chair. “I told you I could do it. I didn’t want to go that high because it would hurt you.”

  “My apologies. It does hurt.” Astrid turned and headed toward the small kitchen in the back of the studio.

  Bella put her feet up on the sofa and stared at the ceiling. She’d been in Rome for five weeks, one more to go before she could return home to the Order.

  It wasn’t until she read the volumes of journals her mother left for her that Bella had an idea who her mom had been. A defiled woman, left for dead after an atrocious act. Losing her family, her babies, the distrust and betrayals she’d suffered over the years. After shedding tears at the pain and disillusionment, her mom endured, Bella marveled at the strength it took to continue forward. To love, to serve the Order with her whole being and to sacrifice so much. Bella wasn’t sure she could have done it.

  When the Priestess gave her the envelope from her mom, Bella had been so excited to see her mom’s handwriting she had read the three pages without understanding. The Priestess made her read them again, slowly. With each page Bella read, her heart broke. Her mom hated the idea of her never singing, yet she understood the danger it posed to the Order. By the second page, Bella had been sobbing as her mom asked her to carry out her last wish, for Bella to travel to Rome and study music with Astrid Laurel, a retired singer who was a master at mentoring others. The woman had a serious list of prominent singers she’d tutored, several Bella adored. The deal her mom brokered was a minimum six weeks stay, which was the least Astrid would agree for training purposes. And she had to train in at least two types of music. Bella opted for vocal and keyboard lessons since she had no problem playing by ear.

  Leaving her family and friends had been the most difficult thing she had ever done, but she would honor her mother’s final request. Her father, yes, she still thought of him that way, rode the train with her to Rome and delivered her into Astrid’s capable hands. Tears filled his eyes as he walked away which, in a weird way, made her feel better about leaving.

  The past five weeks made one thing crystal clear, Bella liked sappy romance movies, Italian accents, the color gold and she was not interested in commercial music. She had zero desire to perform for an audience or to dress in wispy costumes to sell a song.

  Ingrid had taken her to several musicals and a couple of their practices. After seeing the underbelly of the music industry, Bella knew it wasn’t for her. She simply wanted to sing and create music for her enjoyment. The cost of doing it for others was too high.

  If the Priestess allowed her to sing in the basements of the Sanctuary from time to time, or in closed areas, that would be sufficient. Decision made, Bella wanted to go home.

  Astrid returned to the studio. “Tomorrow we have an appointment with Roarke.” She held up her hands. “I know you have no interest in public performances. You’ve made that very clear. But I’d be remiss in my duties if I turned down his invitation to speak with you about the song you wrote in honor of your mother. It’s an excellent piece. Every good musician counts on quality songwriting. Writing music may be your gift and contribution to the world.”

  Bella had a book full of songs she’d written over the years. If she didn’t have to perform in front of people, she didn’t mind sharing her music. “Who’s Roarke again?”

  Astrid rolled her eyes as she took the seat in front of Bella. “He owns a music company in Rome. Big league. I’ve known him for years and sent a few of my students to him which worked out well. I sent him the tape of your song. He likes it and will probably want a contract for the rights.” She held up her hands. “Don’t worry, your mom’s attorney will look over anything before you sign it. Believe me, she left nothing to chance. She planned this for a long time.”

  Hearing how her mom did all of this so Bella could pursue music tugged at her heart strings rendering her mute. Each day her mom’s absence hurt a little less, even though the void was still there. All she could do was thank God for
the time they had together.

  “Yes, yes, she did.” Bella inhaled, tamped down on her cravings to go home and decided to live today within the promise she made to fulfill her mom’s last wish. Tomorrow she would listen with an open mind and if Roarke offered a pathway for her to continue her music without compromising the Order, she would take it.


  Later that night Bella couldn’t sleep. Astrid lived in the middle of Rome on the top two floors of a high rise, which minimized noise from the city, but the room was stuffy, the mattress hard.

  Thoughts of her mom, the sacrifices she, the Priestess and her father had made for her to take advantage of her mom’s last gift made her home-sick. Rolling out of bed, she sat at the small desk and turned on her laptop. Smiling, she clicked the email icon to read the message from Mona.

  After asking about Bella’s health, telling her how much she missed her and Jeremy being ornerier than ever, Mona shared the surprise news of Nanette and Chad.

  “They’re expecting and guess what?”

  Stunned, Bella emitted a strangled sound as she continued reading.

  “They’re having twins. The Priestess is so excited. We all are. It’s been a long time since a child’s been born into our Order. Nanette’s so happy. Chad, well he doesn’t say much, but he’s been smiling a little as he goes about work. They moved into Nanette’s parent’s home and her mom moved into Chad’s smaller place. It’s all so exciting.”

  Bella swallowed the lump in her throat, wishing she was there to celebrate. She continued reading.

  “You recall the tall customer who asked for me at the store? It was before… the last time you worked at the store. He spent over a $1,000 and hung around to talk, but customers came in, so he left.”

  Bella remembered the man clearly, as well as her concerns for her friend. Straightening in her chair she leaned forward and continued reading.

  “His name is Jaiden, he’s from London, well his family lives there now. He’s a student at University studying Business which is why he’s at the store so much. At least that was why he started coming to the store. Lately, he’s been asking me to have ice cream or a soft drink with him. He hasn’t pushed, just a casual request, which I say ‘no” to immediately. But honestly, I’m flattered such a fine-looking man shows interest in me. There are more women than men in the Order and only three are near our age. I know you’ve never really given any of them much thought but I have. Lol. I thought Jeremy was a possibility, but he’s been mean lately, even threatened to tell your father about Jaiden hanging around so much. Please don’t think too horribly of me when I say I’ve been thinking of accepting Jaiden’s offer for a soft drink. What do you think? Should I do it? I miss you so much and hope to hear from you soon. Forever Friends, Mona.”

  Bella sat back in her chair and stared at the words on the screen until they blurred. So much had happened since Mona wrote last week.

  If her father hadn’t dealt with Jaiden and Mona that meant he hadn’t been screening the cameras from the store. Which meant he was busy doing other things. Bella tried not to be bitter, but the man had threatened to kick her out if she caused problems and he wasn’t doing his job with security. He should have stopped Jaiden and Mona weeks ago and hadn’t.

  Gathering her thoughts, Bella wondered what she could say to Mona to stop the oncoming train wreck. Bella doubted Jaiden spent thousands of dollars to study their business model when so many other small stores lined the street. If Mona had been thinking clearly, she’d see what the guy said made no sense. Plus, he looked too worldly to be a student. There’d been a coldness to his request for Mona that day that bothered Bella. He seemed like a man on a mission whose name was Mona. But that didn’t make sense either. Unaccustomed to male-female relationships, Bella had no idea how to advise her friend.

  How to say stop without saying stop, or no without saying no? Although Mona asked for Bella’s advice, it was probably more of an announcement of intent at this point. Nonetheless, Bella needed to try.

  “Mona, I miss you and everyone at home. Could you hold off going out with Jaiden until I’m there? That way we can come up with a plan that would keep you from being expelled. If you really like him and he likes you, don’t rush. Pace yourself. Give Jeremy a break, he can get into trouble for not reporting Jaiden being in the store but hasn’t. I think he likes you more than you think.” She wasn’t positive on that point, but Jeremy had insisted she remain in the store with Mona and Jaiden.

  Depleted of ideas, Bella closed by sending love and prayers. Closing her laptop, she shook her head. Never would she have thought Mona would break the rules, or leave the Order for a man. Not that Mona was alone in wanting someone of her own. Even the Priestess hinted at wanting a relationship with Bella’s dad and he hadn’t seemed opposed.

  A soothing melody about love lost crossed her mind. Lying on her back, looking up at the ceiling, she started humming. Why can’t life be as simple as notes? Or a melody? she wondered.

  “Would I give up everything for a man?” Honestly, what did she have to give up?

  The question hung in the air. She couldn’t imagine leaving home or being put out of the Boreal Order over a man. Her music had been touch and go for a while, but a guy? She snorted over the absurdity of the idea. “No way,” she whispered and then yawned.

  “Chad and Nanette.” She hadn’t realized they’d been seeing each other. Because they were such a small sect with a specific mission, the Order didn’t have rules regarding unmarried sex or relationships which is why other religious groups looked down on them. Those who started the Order looked through the lens of “how best to fulfill our destiny” instead of mainstream faith. Whatever it took for the Order to thrive and survive to maintain their secrets that became their laws.

  Some, like her parents, married and were monogamous, or could be monogamous. Others had children from several partners and never married. Since children were gifts, all were loved, accepted and raised within the community. The manner in which they arrived was rarely discussed. Her mom told her that was one of the reasons the Order remained strong over centuries.

  Once Bella turned 16, every single male in the Order approached her to see if they would suit. It had been funny and sad. She still saw the guys as classmates or younger brothers and couldn’t forget all she knew about them as kids.

  Jeremy had been a whiner, staying close to his mom until he turned 12. She could still hear him complaining she’d hit him too hard with the ball during play. Oliver, Grant, Robbie…she had similar memories of them and couldn’t flip those images in her mind for a romantic fling or relationship. Mona blamed her for being in the clouds with her music all the time, but Bella knew that wasn’t it. Maybe it was that indefinable difference her mom mentioned once when they talked about men, but none of the males she ever met interested her.

  Maybe she hadn’t met the right man. The very idea made her heart race.

  What would the right man be for her? Someone with honor who was polite to his elders and strangers. She tapped her upper lip with her finger. He should like music, maybe have some talent. It’d be great to spend hours with someone listening to different melodies or playing instruments or writing songs. She got high just dreaming about it.

  A good provider, protector should have been number one. She never wanted to live in fear or have her children attacked because of their beliefs. Christian for sure. Thinking of the Order and a few of their non-Christian beliefs, she would give him space on that one if he believed in a higher power. Good communicator, but didn’t talk all the time, that would drive her crazy.

  The more she thought about the right man for her, the more her spirit lifted. “Forgiveness is divine, but I don’t want a criminal, reformed or otherwise.”

  An insidious thought regarding those who forbid and clipped her freedoms in the past rose unbidden. “He has to accept me just the way I am. Physically, mentally, emotionally and my gift of music.” Never again would she stop pursuing her music
which was such an integral part of her. “He could have a nice, soft touch, and smell good.”

  The more she thought of it, the more she was convinced she hadn’t met the right guy and thought she’d like to have a man of her own. Immersed in her dream world, she never realized the small movements in her body preparing it for her heart’s desire.


  For the meeting with Roarke, Astrid insisted Bella dress in something that made her look her age instead of someone in grade school. Gone were her jeans, tee shirt, sneakers and ponytail. Astrid pressed Bella’s unruly tresses until her hair lay straight on her shoulders and cut a bang across her forehead. She wore a golden sleeveless shift that complimented her complexion and medium hoop clip on earrings. A pair of gold and black printed pumps added a few inches to her 5’5” frame.

  “Hmm, I hadn’t taken your figure into account when I chose that dress.” Astrid stared at her for a few seconds. “Roarke is married so there shouldn’t be a problem.” She tapped her lip and tilted her head to the side.

  Bella turned aside and looked in the mirror. “I wear long t-shirts because I have a big butt.” She frowned. “Not enough breasts to match my butt.” She looked at Astrid who stood behind her.

  “You’re you. Nothing wrong with your figure. It’s just I didn’t realize how curvy you were. The dress magnifies it, that’s all. I wanted you to look professional…” she sighed and looked at her watch. “We need to go.”

  Unable to believe this polished woman in the mirror was her, Bella took another look, smiled and walked away feeling more confident of her new plan to sign the music contract and go home.

  Bella and Astrid walked to the corner and hailed a cab. Two cars spun in the middle of the run and crashed into each other as Bella and Astrid slid into the back seat. Bella craned her neck to see the accident out the back window and was surprised to see the men stepping out their cars unharmed. They stared at the cab and for a second or two she thought they were going to chase the cab. Heat flooded her face at the idea. There was no reason for them to chase a moving car.


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